Esempio n. 1
 def _check_use_local_daemon(self, request):
     use_local = get_bender_or_static3_setting('BENDER_LOCAL_MODE', None)
     if use_local != None:
         return use_local
     if get_setting('ENV') in ('local',):
         return True
     return False
Esempio n. 2
    def get_bender_asset_url(self, full_asset_path):
        Builds a URL to the particulr CSS, JS, IMG, or other file that is
        part of project_name.  The URL includes the proper domain and build information.

        project_name = _extract_project_name_from_path(full_asset_path)
        if not project_name:
            raise Exception('Your path must be of the form: "<project_name>/static/js/whatever.js"')

        # Break the full path down to just the asset path (everything under static/)
        asset_path = full_asset_path.replace("%s/static/" % project_name, '')

        # Make sure the path doesn't refer to a precompiled extension (since that won't actually exist on s3)
        extension = _find_extension(full_asset_path, also_search_folder_name=False)

        if extension in PRECOMPILED_EXTENSIONS:
            message = "You cannot use the '%s' extension in this static path: %s.\n You must use 'js' or 'css' (It will work locally, but it won't work on QA/prod)." % (extension, full_asset_path)

            if get_setting('ENV') == 'prod':
                raise Exception(message)

        # Dispatch to the correct fetcher
        if self.use_local_daemon:
            return self.local_daemon_fetcher.get_asset_url(project_name, asset_path)
            return self.s3_fetcher.get_asset_url(project_name, asset_path)
Esempio n. 3
    def make_url_to_pointer(self, pointer, project_name):
        # if the version is just an integer, that represents a major version, and so we create
        # the major version pointer
        if str(pointer).isdigit():
            pointer = 'latest-version-%s' % str(pointer)

        url = 'http://%s/%s/%s' % (self._get_non_cdn_domain(), project_name, pointer)
        if get_setting('ENV') not in ('prod',):
            url += '-qa'
        return url
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, host_project_name='', is_debug=False, forced_build_version_by_project=None):
        @host_project_name - the project name of the application that we are runing from
        self.host_project_name = host_project_name
        self.is_debug = is_debug
        self.project_directory = get_setting('PROJ_DIR')

        # We store the build versions locally in this object so we don't have to
        # hit memcached dozens of times per request every time we call get_asset_url.
        self.per_request_project_build_version_cache = {}
Esempio n. 5
    def _check_is_debug_mode(self, http_get_params):
        Debug mode will include the expanded, unbundled, non-minifised assets
        returns a Boolean
        hs_debug = http_get_params.get('hsDebug')
        if hs_debug:
            return hs_debug != 'false'

        local_mode = get_bender_or_static3_setting('BENDER_LOCAL_MODE', None)
        if local_mode != None:
            return local_mode

        debug_mode = get_bender_or_static3_setting('BENDER_DEBUG_MODE', None)
        if debug_mode != None:
            return debug_mode

        return  get_setting('ENV') in ('local',)
Esempio n. 6
def load_cache():
    If the RAW_CACHE_NAME is defined in settings, load the cache of that name.

    Otherwise, load the cache that has the exact same settings as the default cache,
    except with no 'KEY_PREFIX' set
    # If no django installed, we use the local memory cache
    if not get_cache:
        return simple_memory_cache
    cache_name = get_setting_default('RAW_CACHE_NAME', None)
    if cache_name:
        return get_cache(cache_name)
    conf = get_setting('CACHES').get('default')
    backend = conf['BACKEND']
    raw_conf_dict = {}
    for key in ('LOCATION', 'TIMEOUT'):
        val = conf.get(key)
        if val != None:
            raw_conf_dict[key] = val
    raw_conf_dict['KEY_FUNCTION'] = lambda key, key_prefix, version: key
    the_cache = get_cache(backend, **raw_conf_dict)
    return the_cache
Esempio n. 7
def _is_only_on_qa():
    return get_setting('ENV') == 'qa'