def _callback_obstacles(self, msg: ObstacleInImageArray): field = self.get_plane(msg.header.stamp, 0.0) if field is None: return obstacles = ObstacleRelativeArray() obstacles.header = msg.header obstacles.header.frame_id = self._publish_frame for o in msg.obstacles: obstacle = ObstacleRelative() obstacle.playerNumber = o.playerNumber obstacle.pose.confidence = o.confidence obstacle.type = o.type point = Point() point.x = o.top_left.x + o.width / 2 point.y = o.top_left.y + o.height # Check if obstacle is not going out of the image at the bottom if not self._object_at_bottom_of_image( point.y, self._obstacle_footpoint_out_of_image_threshold): position = self._transform_point(point, field, msg.header.stamp) if position is not None: obstacle.pose.pose.pose.position = position obstacles.obstacles.append(obstacle) else: rospy.logwarn_throttle( 5.0, rospy.get_name() + ": Got an obstacle I could not transform") self._obstacle_relative_pub.publish(obstacles)
def get_relative_msg(self): # check if obstacle is also visible for the robot and only then return if self.cam_info: try: obstacle_point_stamped = PointStamped() obstacle_point_stamped.header.stamp = obstacle_point_stamped.header.frame_id = "map" obstacle_point_stamped.point = self.pose.position obstacle_in_camera_optical_frame = tf_buffer.transform( obstacle_point_stamped, self.cam_info["frame_id"], timeout=rospy.Duration(0.5)) if obstacle_in_camera_optical_frame.point.z >= 0: p = [ obstacle_in_camera_optical_frame.point.x, obstacle_in_camera_optical_frame.point.y, obstacle_in_camera_optical_frame.point.z ] k = np.reshape(self.cam_info["K"], (3, 3)) p_pixel = np.matmul(k, p) p_pixel = p_pixel * (1 / p_pixel[2]) # make sure that the transformed pixel is inside the resolution and positive. if 0 < p_pixel[0] <= self.cam_info["width"] and 0 < p_pixel[ 1] <= self.cam_info["height"]: obstacle_relative = ObstacleRelative() ball_in_footprint_frame = tf_buffer.transform( obstacle_in_camera_optical_frame, "base_footprint", timeout=rospy.Duration(0.5)) obstacle_relative.pose.pose.pose.position = ball_in_footprint_frame.point obstacle_relative.pose.confidence = self.confidence obstacle_relative.playerNumber = self.player_number obstacle_relative.type = self.type return obstacle_relative except tf2_ros.LookupException as ex: rospy.logwarn_throttle(10.0, rospy.get_name() + ": " + str(ex)) return None except tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException as ex: rospy.logwarn_throttle(10.0, rospy.get_name() + ": " + str(ex)) return None return None
def _callback_obstacles(self, msg): if self.camera_info is None: self.warn_camera_info() return field = self.get_plane(msg.header.stamp, 0.0, "base_footprint") if field is None: return obstacles = ObstaclesRelative() obstacles.header = msg.header obstacles.header.frame_id = self.publish_frame for o in msg.obstacles: obstacle = ObstacleRelative() obstacle.playerNumber = o.playerNumber obstacle.confidence = o.confidence obstacle.color = o.color point = Point() point.x = o.top_left.x + o.height point.y = o.top_left.y + o.width / 2 obstacle.position = self.transform(point, field, msg.header.stamp) obstacles.obstacles.append(obstacle) self.obstacle_relative_pub.publish(obstacles)
def obstacle_rel_msg(self, x, y, w, h, t, c): msg = ObstacleRelative() msg.position.x = x msg.position.y = y msg.width = w msg.height = h msg.color = t msg.confidence = c return msg
def get_absolute_message(self): msg = ObstacleRelative() msg.pose.pose.pose.position = self.pose.position msg.height = OBSTACLE_HEIGT msg.width = OBSTACLE_DIAMETER msg.type = self.type msg.pose.confidence = self.confidence msg.playerNumber = self.player_number return msg
def publisher_main(): #initiieren des publishers rospy.init_node('publisher') print('started publisher node') pub = rospy.Publisher('ball_relative', BallRelative, queue_size=10) pubRobo = rospy.Publisher('amcl_pose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, queue_size=10) pubTeam = rospy.Publisher('obstacles_relative', ObstaclesRelative, queue_size=10) pubStrategy = rospy.Publisher('strategy', Strategy, queue_size=10) pubGame = rospy.Publisher('gamestate', GameState, queue_size=10) pubState = rospy.Publisher('robot_state', RobotControlState, queue_size=10) pubTarget = rospy.Publisher('move_base_simple/goal', Pose2D, queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(10) timeCounter = 30 roboActionCounter = 30 firsthalf = True durationHalfGame = 60 # Coordinates from pathMaker ======================================================================================== # robo1 with pathmaker robo1 = getCoordinates("robo4.yaml") robo1Length = len(robo1) robo1Counter = 1 # teammates with pathmaker teammate1 = getCoordinates('TeamClubMate1.yaml') team1Length = len(teammate1) #anzahl eintraege team1Counter = 1 teammate2 = getCoordinates('TeamClubMate2.yaml') team2Length = len(teammate2) team2Counter = 1 # opponents with pathmaker opponent1 = getCoordinates('SuperScaryOpponent.yaml') op1Length = len(opponent1) op1Counter = 1 # opponents with pathmaker undef = getCoordinates('undef.yaml') undefLength = len(opponent1) undefCounter = 1 # ball with pathmaker ball = getCoordinates('HeartBall.yaml') ballLength = len(ball) ballCounter = 1 #teammate1[0 % length ].get('x') # fuer 0 ein counter, dann entsteht loop #teammate1[1].get('x') # an der ersten Stelle x-wert while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Ball with pathmaker msgBall = BallRelative() msgBall.header.stamp = msgBall.header.frame_id = "base_link" msgBall.ball_relative.y = ball[ballCounter % ballLength].get('x') msgBall.ball_relative.x = ball[ballCounter % ballLength].get('y') msgBall.confidence = 1.0 pub.publish(msgBall) ballCounter += 1 # Robo1 with pathmaker msgRobo = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() msgRobo.header.stamp = msgRobo.pose.pose.position.x = robo1[int(robo1Counter) % robo1Length].get('x') msgRobo.pose.pose.position.y = robo1[int(robo1Counter) % robo1Length].get('y') # Angle of robot in quaternions angle = robo1[int(robo1Counter) % robo1Length].get('ang') quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, float(angle)) msgRobo.pose.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] msgRobo.pose.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] msgRobo.pose.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] msgRobo.pose.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] pubRobo.publish(msgRobo) # Role of Robo1, gets information from pathMaker msgStrategy = Strategy() msgRoleString = robo1[int(robo1Counter) % robo1Length].get('action') msgStrategy.role = actionDecoder.get( msgRoleString ) #actiondecoder gleicht den string ab mit dictonary und gibt int zurueck # Action of Robo1, changes after short time (roboActionCounter) if roboActionCounter == 0: msgStrategy.action = 3 # TRYING_TO_SCORE else: msgStrategy.action = 2 # GOING_TO_BALL pubStrategy.publish(msgStrategy) roboActionCounter -= 1 roboActionCounter = max(roboActionCounter, 0) robo1Counter += 1 # Teammates with pathmaker, contains list of teammates msgTeam = ObstaclesRelative() msgTeam1 = ObstacleRelative() msgTeam1.color = 2 # magenta msgTeam1.position.x = teammate1[int(team1Counter) % team1Length].get('x') msgTeam1.position.y = teammate1[int(team1Counter) % team1Length].get('y') msgTeam2 = ObstacleRelative() msgTeam2.color = 2 # magenta msgTeam2.position.x = teammate2[int(team2Counter) % team2Length].get('x') msgTeam2.position.y = teammate2[int(team2Counter) % team2Length].get('y') # Opponents with pathmaker, contains list of opponents msgOp = ObstaclesRelative() msgUndef = ObstacleRelative() msgUndef.color = 1 # undef msgUndef.position.x = undef[int(undefCounter) % undefLength].get('x') msgUndef.position.y = undef[int(undefCounter) % undefLength].get('y') msgOp1 = ObstacleRelative() msgOp1.color = 3 # cyan msgOp1.position.x = opponent1[int(op1Counter) % op1Length].get('x') msgOp1.position.y = opponent1[int(op1Counter) % op1Length].get('y') # Publish all obstacles msgTeam.obstacles = [msgTeam1, msgTeam2, msgOp1, msgUndef] pubTeam.publish(msgTeam) team1Counter += 1 team2Counter += 1 op1Counter += 1 undefCounter += 1 # GameState msgs =========================================================================================== # Penalty: Seconds till unpenalized and boolean msgGame = GameState() msgBall.header.stamp = msgGame.secondsTillUnpenalized = timeCounter # Penalty boolean msgGame.penalized = timeCounter > 0 # Sets halftime and rest secs msgGame.firstHalf = firsthalf msgGame.secondsRemaining = durationHalfGame # Sets Score msgGame.ownScore = 7 msgGame.rivalScore = 1 # team colors msgGame.teamColor = 1 # magenta pubGame.publish(msgGame) timeCounter -= 1 timeCounter = max(timeCounter, 0) durationHalfGame -= 1 if durationHalfGame == 0: durationHalfGame = 60 firsthalf = False # Sets hardware state msgState = RobotControlState() msgState.state = 10 pubState.publish(msgState) # Target msgTarget = Pose2D() if firsthalf: msgTarget.x = 3.5 msgTarget.y = 2.0 else: msgTarget.x = 2.0 msgTarget.y = 1.0 pubTarget.publish(msgTarget) rate.sleep()
import rospy from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseWithCovariance from humanoid_league_msgs.msg import ObstacleRelativeArray, ObstacleRelative, PoseWithCertaintyArray, PoseWithCertainty if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node("TeamCommTest") ball_pub = rospy.Publisher("balls_relative", PoseWithCertaintyArray, queue_size=1) position_pub = rospy.Publisher("pose_with_certainty", PoseWithCertainty, queue_size=1) obstacle_pub = rospy.Publisher("obstacles_relative", ObstacleRelativeArray, queue_size=1) position_msg = PoseWithCertainty() position_msg.pose.pose.position.x = 2 position_msg.confidence = 0.7 obstacle_msg = ObstacleRelativeArray() obstacle = ObstacleRelative() obstacle.pose.pose.pose.position.x = 4 obstacle.type = 2 obstacle_msg.obstacles.append(obstacle) obstacle2 = ObstacleRelative() obstacle2.pose.pose.pose.position.x = 2 obstacle2.type = 2 obstacle_msg.obstacles.append(obstacle2) ball_msg = PoseWithCertaintyArray() ball = PoseWithCertainty() ball.confidence = 1.0 ball_position = PoseWithCovariance() ball_position.pose.position.x = 3 ball.pose = ball_position ball_msg.poses.append(ball)
def handle_message(self, msg): def covariance_proto_to_ros(fmat3, ros_covariance): # ROS covariance is row-major 36 x float, protobuf covariance is column-major 9 x float [x, y, θ] ros_covariance[0] = fmat3.x.x ros_covariance[1] = fmat3.y.x ros_covariance[5] = fmat3.z.x ros_covariance[6] = fmat3.x.y ros_covariance[7] = fmat3.y.y ros_covariance[11] = fmat3.z.y ros_covariance[30] = fmat3.x.z ros_covariance[31] = fmat3.y.z ros_covariance[35] = fmat3.z.z def pose_proto_to_ros(robot, pose): pose.pose.position.x = robot.position.x pose.pose.position.y = robot.position.y quat = transforms3d.euler.euler2quat( 0.0, 0.0, robot.position.z) # wxyz -> ros: xyzw pose.pose.orientation.x = quat[1] pose.pose.orientation.y = quat[2] pose.pose.orientation.z = quat[3] pose.pose.orientation.w = quat[0] if pose.covariance: covariance_proto_to_ros(robot.covariance, pose.covariance) message = robocup_extension_pb2.Message() message.ParseFromString(msg) player_id = message.current_pose.player_id team_id = if player_id == self.player_id or team_id != self.team_id: # Skip information from ourselves or from the other team return team_data = TeamData() header = Header() # The robots' times can differ, therefore use our own time here header.stamp = header.frame_id = self.map_frame # Handle timestamp ################## team_data.header = header # Handle robot ID ################# team_data.robot_id = player_id # Handle state ############## team_data.state = message.state # Handle pose of current player ############################### pose_proto_to_ros(message.current_pose, team_data.robot_position) # Handle ball ############# team_data.ball_absolute.pose.position.x = message.ball.position.x team_data.ball_absolute.pose.position.y = message.ball.position.y team_data.ball_absolute.pose.position.z = message.ball.position.z if message.ball.covariance: covariance_proto_to_ros(message.ball.covariance, team_data.ball_absolute.covariance) # Handle obstacles ################## obstacle_relative_array = ObstacleRelativeArray() obstacle_relative_array.header = header for index, robot in enumerate(message.others): obstacle = ObstacleRelative() # Obstacle type team_to_obstacle_type = dict(self.team_mapping) obstacle.type = team_to_obstacle_type[] obstacle.playerNumber = robot.player_id pose_proto_to_ros(robot, obstacle.pose.pose) if hasattr(message, "other_robot_confidence") and index < len( message.other_robot_confidence): obstacle.pose.confidence = message.other_robot_confidence[ index] team_data.obstacles.obstacles.append(obstacle) # Handle time to position at ball ################################# if hasattr(message, "time_to_ball"): team_data.time_to_position_at_ball = message.time_to_ball # Handle strategy ################# if hasattr(message, "role"): role_mapping = dict(self.role_mapping) team_data.strategy.role = role_mapping[message.role] if hasattr(message, "action"): action_mapping = dict(self.action_mapping) team_data.strategy.action = action_mapping[message.action] if hasattr(message, "offensive_side"): offensive_side_mapping = dict(self.side_mapping) team_data.strategy.offensive_side = offensive_side_mapping[ message.offensive_side] self.pub_team_data.publish(team_data)