def test_connection(access_key, secret_key): """通过查询账户信息测试密钥是否可用""" setKey(access_key, secret_key) from huobitrade import HBRestAPI api = HBRestAPI() try: account = api.get_accounts() if account['status'] == 'ok': click.secho('连接成功!', fg='blue') click.echo(account['data']) else: click.secho('连接失败!', fg='red') click.secho(account['err-msg'], fg='red') except Exception as e: click.echo(traceback.format_exc())
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ @author : MG @Time : 2018/6/12 15:01 @File : @contact : [email protected] @desc : """ import logging from huobitrade.service import HBWebsocket from huobitrade.handler import baseHandler from huobitrade import setKey from config import Config import time logger = logging.getLogger() setKey(Config.EXCHANGE_ACCESS_KEY, Config.EXCHANGE_SECRET_KEY) class SimpleHandler(baseHandler): def handle(self, msg): logger.debug(msg) hb = HBWebsocket() hb.sub_dict['ethbtc'] = {'id': '', 'topic': 'market.ethbtc.kline.1min'} handler = SimpleHandler('simple handler') hb.register_handler(handler) time.sleep(3) # run之后连接需要一丢丢时间,sleep一下再订阅 # hb.sub_kline('ethbtc', '1min')
from huobitrade import setKey from config import Config from huobifeeder.backend import engine_md from huobifeeder.utils.db_utils import with_db_session from huobifeeder.utils.fh_utils import try_n_times from huobifeeder.backend.orm import SymbolPair from huobifeeder.backend.check import check_redis import time from threading import Thread from huobifeeder.backend.orm import MDTick, MDMin1, MDMin1Temp, MDMin60, MDMin60Temp, MDMinDaily, MDMinDailyTemp from huobifeeder.backend.handler import DBHandler, PublishHandler, HeartBeatHandler from sqlalchemy import func logger = logging.getLogger() # 设置秘钥 setKey(Config.EXCHANGE_ACCESS_KEY, Config.EXCHANGE_SECRET_KEY) class MDFeeder(Thread): """接受订阅数据想redis发送数据""" def __init__(self, init_symbols=False, do_fill_history=False): super().__init__(name='huobi websocket', daemon=True) self.hb = HBWebsocket() self.api = HBRestAPI() self.init_symbols = init_symbols self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.do_fill_history = do_fill_history self.heart_beat = HeartBeatHandler() # 加载数据库表模型(已经废弃,因为需要支持多周期到不同的数据库表) # self.table_name = MDMin1Temp.__tablename__
# # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import gevent.monkey gevent.monkey.patch_all() from flask import Flask, render_template, g, session from flask_socketio import SocketIO import json from huobitrade import HBRestAPI, setKey, HBWebsocket, logger import json setKey('', '') app = Flask(__name__) socketio = SocketIO(app) # logger.setLevel('DEBUG') @app.route('/') def backtest(): return render_template('index.html') @app.route('/data/get_symbols') def get_symbols(): api = HBRestAPI() symbols = api.get_symbols()['data'] return json.dumps(symbols)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2018/9/25 0025 12:39 # @Author : Hadrianl # @File : # @Contact : [email protected] """ 该例子仅限于用来测试鉴权接口是否能鉴权成功 """ from huobitrade.service import HBWebsocket from huobitrade import setKey, logger logger.setLevel('DEBUG') setKey('access_key', 'secret_key') auhb = HBWebsocket(auth=True) auhb.after_auth(auhb.sub_accounts) @auhb.after_auth def init_sub(): auhb.sub_accounts() auhb.sub_orders()
def run(file, access_key, secret_key, **kwargs): """命令行运行huobitrade""" if file: import sys file_path, file_name = os.path.split(file) sys.path.append(file_path) strategy_module = importlib.import_module( os.path.splitext(file_name)[0]) init = getattr(strategy_module, 'init', None) handle_func = getattr(strategy_module, 'handle_func', None) schedule = getattr(strategy_module, 'schedule', None) else: init, handle_func, scedule = [None] * 3 setKey(access_key, secret_key) url = kwargs.get('url') hostname = '' if url: hostname = urlparse(url).hostname setUrl('https://' + hostname, 'https://' + hostname) reconn = kwargs.get('reconn', -1) from huobitrade import HBWebsocket, HBRestAPI from huobitrade.datatype import HBMarket, HBAccount, HBMargin restapi = HBRestAPI(get_acc=True) ws = HBWebsocket(host=hostname, reconn=reconn) auth_ws = HBWebsocket(host=hostname, auth=True, reconn=reconn) data = HBMarket() account = HBAccount() margin = HBMargin() ws_open = False ws_auth = False @ws.after_open def _open(): nonlocal ws_open click.echo('行情接口连接成功') ws_open = True @auth_ws.after_auth def _auth(): nonlocal ws_auth click.echo('鉴权接口鉴权成功') ws_auth = True for i in range(10): time.sleep(3) click.echo(f'连接:第{i+1}次连接') if ws_open & ws_auth: break else: ws.stop() auth_ws.stop() raise Exception('连接失败') if init: init(restapi, ws, auth_ws) if handle_func: for k, v in handle_func.items(): if k.split('.')[0].lower() == 'market': ws.register_handle_func(k)(v) else: auth_ws.register_handle_func(k)(v) if schedule: print('testing') from huobitrade.handler import TimeHandler interval = scedule.__kwdefaults__['interval'] timerhandler = TimeHandler('scheduler', interval) timerhandler.handle = lambda msg: schedule(restapi, ws, auth_ws) timerhandler.start() while True: try: code = click.prompt('huobitrade>>') if code == 'exit': if click.confirm('是否要退出huobitrade'): break else: continue else: result = eval(code) click.echo(result) except Exception as e: click.echo(traceback.format_exc()) ws.stop() auth_ws.stop()
""" 该demo是用于模拟较为复杂的交易策略, 同时用上了普通行情websocket,鉴权websocket与restfulapi, 包括展示如何初始化订阅,以及如果注册handler等 """ from huobitrade.service import HBWebsocket, HBRestAPI from huobitrade.handler import BaseHandler from huobitrade import setKey, logger from functools import partial import time # logger.setLevel('DEBUG') setKey('access_key', 'secret_key') class MyHandler(BaseHandler): def __init__(self, topic, *args, **kwargs): BaseHandler.__init__(self, 'just Thread name', topic) def handle(self, topic, msg): # 实现handle来处理websocket推送的msg print(topic) # 初始化restapi restapi = HBRestAPI(get_acc=True) print(restapi.get_accounts()) # 请求账户 # 构造异步请求 rep1 = restapi.get_timestamp(_async=True) rep2 = restapi.get_all_last_24h_kline(_async=True)
# # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import gevent.monkey gevent.monkey.patch_all() from flask import Flask, render_template, g, session from flask_socketio import SocketIO import json from huobitrade import HBRestAPI, setKey, HBWebsocket, logger import json setKey('', '') app = Flask(__name__) socketio = SocketIO(app) # logger.setLevel('DEBUG') @app.route('/') def backtest(): return render_template('index.html') @app.route('/data/get_symbols') def get_symbols(): api = HBRestAPI() symbols = api.get_symbols()['data']