Esempio n. 1
import sys

sys.path.append('..')  # add parent directory
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import armParam as P
from hw3.armDynamics import armDynamics
from armController import armController
from hw2.signalGenerator import signalGenerator
from hw2.armAnimation import armAnimation
from hw2.dataPlotter import dataPlotter

# instantiate arm, controller, and reference classes
arm = armDynamics(alpha=0.2)
controller = armController()
reference = signalGenerator(amplitude=30 * np.pi / 180.0, frequency=0.05)
disturbance = signalGenerator(amplitude=0.25)
noise = signalGenerator(amplitude=0.01)

# instantiate the simulation plots and animation
dataPlot = dataPlotter()
animation = armAnimation()

t = P.t_start  # time starts at t_start
y = arm.h()  # output of system at start of simulation
while t < P.t_end:  # main simulation loop
    # Get referenced inputs from signal generators
    # Propagate dynamics in between plot samples
    t_next_plot = t + P.t_plot
    while t < t_next_plot:
        r = reference.square(t)
import sys

sys.path.append('..')  # add parent directory
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import armParam as P
from hw3.armDynamics import armDynamics
from armController import armController
from hw2.signalGenerator import signalGenerator
from hw2.armAnimation import armAnimation
from hw2.dataPlotter import dataPlotter

# instantiate arm, controller, and reference classes
arm = armDynamics()
controller = armController()
reference = signalGenerator(amplitude=30 * np.pi / 180.0, frequency=0.05)
disturbance = signalGenerator(amplitude=0.25)

# instantiate the simulation plots and animation
dataPlot = dataPlotter()
animation = armAnimation()

t = P.t_start  # time starts at t_start
y = arm.h()  # output of system at start of simulation
while t < P.t_end:  # main simulation loop
    # Get referenced inputs from signal generators
    # Propagate dynamics in between plot samples
    t_next_plot = t + P.t_plot
    while t < t_next_plot:  # updates control and dynamics at faster simulation rate
        r = reference.square(t)
        d = disturbance.step(t)  # input disturbance