Esempio n. 1
class TestMultithreading(unittest.TestCase, RunTimeAssertionMixin):
    def test_concurrent_tabu_samples(self):
        t1 = hybrid.TabuProblemSampler(timeout=1000)
        t2 = hybrid.TabuProblemSampler(timeout=2000)
        workflow = hybrid.Parallel(t1, t2)

        bqm = dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel({'a': 1}, {}, 0, 'BINARY')
        state = hybrid.State.from_problem(bqm)

        with self.assertRuntimeWithin(1900, 2500):

    @unittest.skipUnless(cpu_count() >= 2, "at least two threads required")
    def test_concurrent_sa_samples(self):
        s1 = hybrid.SimulatedAnnealingProblemSampler(num_reads=1000,
        s2 = hybrid.SimulatedAnnealingProblemSampler(num_reads=1000,
        p = hybrid.Parallel(s1, s2)

        bqm = dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel({'a': 1}, {}, 0, 'BINARY')
        state = hybrid.State.from_problem(bqm)

        def time_runnable(runnable, init):
            return sum(runnable.timers[''])

        t_s1 = time_runnable(s1, state)
        t_s2 = time_runnable(s2, state)
        t_p = time_runnable(p, state)

        # parallel execution must not be slower than the longest running branch + 75%
        # NOTE: the extremely weak upper bound was chosen so we don't fail on the
        # unreliable/inconsistent CI VMs, and yet to show some concurrency does exist
        t_expected_max = max(t_s1, t_s2) * 1.75

        self.assertLess(t_p, t_expected_max)
    See the example of the :meth:`` method.

    def __init__(self, result=None, exception=None):
        super(Present, self).__init__()
        if result is not None:
        elif exception is not None:
            raise ValueError("can't provide both 'result' and 'exception'")

class ImmediateExecutor(Executor):

    def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
        """Blocking version of `Executor.submit()`. Returns a resolved

            return Present(result=fn(*args, **kwargs))
        except Exception as exc:
            return Present(exception=exc)

thread_executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=cpu_count() * 5)
process_executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=cpu_count())
immediate_executor = ImmediateExecutor()
class TestMultithreading(unittest.TestCase, RunTimeAssertionMixin):

    def test_tabu_concurrency(self):
        t1 = hybrid.TabuProblemSampler(timeout=1000)
        t2 = hybrid.TabuProblemSampler(timeout=2000)
        workflow = hybrid.Parallel(t1, t2)

        bqm = dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel({'a': 1}, {}, 0, 'BINARY')
        state = hybrid.State.from_problem(bqm)

        with self.assertRuntimeWithin(1900, 2500):

    @unittest.skipUnless(cpu_count() >= 2, "at least two threads required")
    def test_sa_concurrency(self):
        params = dict(num_reads=1, num_sweeps=1000000)

        # serial and parallel SA runs
        s = (
            | hybrid.SimulatedAnnealingProblemSampler(**params)
        p = hybrid.Parallel(

        bqm = dimod.generators.uniform(graph=1, vartype=dimod.SPIN)
        state = hybrid.State.from_problem(bqm)

        # average wall clock workflow runtime over `repeat` runs
        def time_workflow(workflow, state, repeat=10):
            with hybrid.tictoc() as timer:
                for _ in range(repeat):
            return timer.dt / repeat

        # measure speed-up of parallel SA runs over sequential

        # NOTE: relatively weak lower bound on speedup was chosen so we don't
        # fail on the unreliable/inconsistent CI VMs, but to verify some level
        # of concurrency does exist
        minimally_acceptable_speedup = 1.5

        # NOTE: on average, the observed speed-up is between 1.5x and 2x, but
        # it's highly dependant on the system load and availability of threads.
        # That's why we do multiple runs, and bail out on the first good speedup
        speedups = []
        best_speedup = 0
        for run in range(250):  # alternatively, run for up to X sec
            t_s = time_workflow(s, state)
            t_p = time_workflow(p, state)
            speedup = t_s / t_p
            best_speedup = max(best_speedup, speedup)
            if best_speedup >= minimally_acceptable_speedup:

        info = "best speed-up of {} achieved within {} runs: {!r}".format(
            best_speedup, run+1, speedups)

        self.assertGreaterEqual(best_speedup, minimally_acceptable_speedup, info)