def test_hdlog(self):
        import math

        # Initiate y as HyperDualNumber
        y = hdn(math.exp(1), eps1=1, eps2=1)

        a = hdlog(y)
        self.assertEqual(a.real, 1.0)
        self.assertEqual(a.eps1, 1/math.exp(1))
        self.assertEqual(a.eps2, 1/math.exp(1))
        self.assertEqual(a.eps1eps2, -1.0/math.exp(1)**2)
 def test_neq_hdn_and_hdn(self):
     a = hdn(6, eps1=1, eps2=1)
     self.assertTrue(a != self.x)
 def test_eq_hdn_and_hdn(self):
     a = hdn(5, eps1=1, eps2=1)
     self.assertTrue(a == self.x)
class Test_HyperDualNumber(unittest.TestCase):
    """Unit tests for the class 'HyperDualNumber'.

    Usage from root directory of this package:
      python -m unittest test.test_hyperdualnumber -v
      python -m unittest discover -v

    Omit the '-v' flag, if you do not want verbose output.

    Any function starting with 'test_' will be considered as a test case.

    # Initiate x as HyperDualNumber
    x = hdn(5.0, eps1=1, eps2=1)

    # Addition
    def test_add_hdn_and_float(self):
        a = self.x + 3
        self.assertEqual(a.real, 8.0)

    def test_add_hdn_and_hdn(self):
        a = self.x + self.x
        self.assertEqual(a.real, 10.0)

    def test_add_float_and_hdn(self):
        a = 3 + self.x
        self.assertEqual(a.real, 8.0)

    # Subtraction
    def test_sub_hdn_and_float(self):
        a = self.x - 3
        self.assertEqual(a.real, 2.0)

    def test_sub_hdn_and_hdn(self):
        a = self.x - self.x
        self.assertEqual(a.real, 0.0)

    def test_sub_float_and_hdn(self):
        a = 3 - self.x
        self.assertEqual(a.real, -2.0)

    # Multiplication
    def test_mul_hdn_and_float(self):
        a = self.x*3
        self.assertEqual(a.real, 15.0)
        self.assertEqual(a.eps1, 3.0)
        self.assertEqual(a.eps2, 3.0)

    def test_mul_hdn_and_hdn(self):
        a = self.x*self.x
        self.assertEqual(a.real, 25.0)
        self.assertEqual(a.eps1, 10.0)
        self.assertEqual(a.eps2, 10.0)
        self.assertEqual(a.eps1eps2, 2.0)

    def test_mul_float_and_hdn(self):
        a = 3*self.x
        self.assertEqual(a.real, 15.0)
        self.assertEqual(a.eps1, 3.0)
        self.assertEqual(a.eps2, 3.0)
        self.assertEqual(a.eps1eps2, 0.0)

    # Power
    def test_pow_hdn_and_float(self):
        a = self.x**3
        self.assertEqual(a.real, 125.0)
        self.assertEqual(a.eps1, 75.0)
        self.assertEqual(a.eps2, 75.0)
        self.assertEqual(a.eps1eps2, 30.0)

    # Comparisons
    # ==
    def test_eq_hdn_and_hdn(self):
        a = hdn(5, eps1=1, eps2=1)
        self.assertTrue(a == self.x)

    def test_eq_hdn_and_float(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.x == 5)

    def test_eq_float_and__hdn(self):
        self.assertTrue(5 == self.x)

    # !=
    def test_neq_hdn_and_hdn(self):
        a = hdn(6, eps1=1, eps2=1)
        self.assertTrue(a != self.x)

    def test_neq_hdn_and_float(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.x != 7)

    def test_neq_float_and_hdn(self):
        self.assertTrue(7 != self.x)

    # <
    def test_lt_hdn_and_hdn(self):
        a = hdn(6, eps1=1, eps2=1)
        self.assertTrue(self.x < a)

    def test_lt_hdn_and_float(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.x < 10)

    def test_lt_float_and_hdn(self):
        self.assertTrue(2 < self.x)

    # >
    def test_gt_hdn_and_hdn(self):
        a = hdn(6, eps1=1, eps2=1)
        self.assertTrue(a > self.x)

    def test_gt_hdn_and_float(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.x > 2)

    def test_gt_float_and_hdn(self):
        self.assertTrue(7 > self.x)

    # <=
    def test_le_hdn_and_hdn(self):
        a = hdn(6, eps1=1, eps2=1)
        b = hdn(5, eps1=1, eps2=1)
        self.assertTrue(self.x <= a)
        self.assertTrue(self.x <= b)

    def test_le_hdn_and_float(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.x <= 6)
        self.assertTrue(self.x <= 5)

    def test_le_float_and_hdn(self):
        self.assertTrue(4 <= self.x)
        self.assertTrue(5 <= self.x)

    # >=
    def test_ge_hdn_and_hdn(self):
        a = hdn(3, eps1=1, eps2=1)
        b = hdn(5, eps1=1, eps2=1)
        self.assertTrue(self.x >= a)
        self.assertTrue(self.x >= b)

    def test_ge_hdn_and_float(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.x >= -3)
        self.assertTrue(self.x >= 5)

    def test_ge_float_and_hdn(self):
        self.assertTrue(200 >= self.x)
        self.assertTrue(5 >= self.x)

    # Logarithm
    def test_hdlog(self):
        import math

        # Initiate y as HyperDualNumber
        y = hdn(math.exp(1), eps1=1, eps2=1)

        a = hdlog(y)
        self.assertEqual(a.real, 1.0)
        self.assertEqual(a.eps1, 1/math.exp(1))
        self.assertEqual(a.eps2, 1/math.exp(1))
        self.assertEqual(a.eps1eps2, -1.0/math.exp(1)**2)

    # Exponential function
    def test_hdexp(self):
        import math
        a = hdexp(self.x)
        self.assertEqual(a.real, math.exp(5))
        self.assertEqual(a.eps1, math.exp(5))
        self.assertEqual(a.eps2, math.exp(5))
        self.assertEqual(a.eps1eps2, math.exp(5))
 def test_ge_hdn_and_hdn(self):
     a = hdn(3, eps1=1, eps2=1)
     b = hdn(5, eps1=1, eps2=1)
     self.assertTrue(self.x >= a)
     self.assertTrue(self.x >= b)
 def test_le_hdn_and_hdn(self):
     a = hdn(6, eps1=1, eps2=1)
     b = hdn(5, eps1=1, eps2=1)
     self.assertTrue(self.x <= a)
     self.assertTrue(self.x <= b)
 def test_gt_hdn_and_hdn(self):
     a = hdn(6, eps1=1, eps2=1)
     self.assertTrue(a > self.x)
 def test_lt_hdn_and_hdn(self):
     a = hdn(6, eps1=1, eps2=1)
     self.assertTrue(self.x < a)
Esempio n. 9
def find_min_newton(f_of_x, x0, tol=1e-10, kmax=30, debug=False):
    """Newton's method for finding critical points for multi-dimensional functions using HyperDualNumbers.

        - f_of_x, string: expression for f(x), e.g.: f = 'x[0]**2 - x[1]**2'
        - x0, float or array of floats: initial guess
        - tol (optional), float: tolerance for convergence
        - kmax (optional), int: max. number of iterations
        - debug (optional), bool: print debug info

        - x, list of floats: position of critial point
        - _, bool: flag whether method is converged
        - k, int: number of iterations
        - tp, string: type of the critical point
    import numpy as np
    from hyperdualnumber import HyperDualNumber as hdn

    # Initialize perturbations for Hyper Dual Numbers (no real part)
    h = 1.0
    hd1 = hdn(0, eps1=h)
    hd2 = hdn(0, eps2=h)

    # Convert initial vector x to numpy array
    if isinstance(x0, list):
        x_np = np.array(x0, dtype=float)
    elif isinstance(x0, np.ndarray):
        x_np = x0
    elif isinstance(x0, float):
        x_np = np.array([x0], dtype=float)
        raise TypeError(
            'Only a single float or an array of floats is allowed for x0.')

    # Initialize empty gradient vector and Hessian matrix in their actual size
    grad = np.empty(len(x_np), dtype=float)
    hess = np.empty((len(x_np), len(x_np)), dtype=float)

    # Newton's method
    k = 0
    while k < kmax:

        # Iterate through row index of Hessian matrix
        for i in range(len(x_np)):

            # Iterate through column index of Hessian matrix
            for j in range(i, len(x_np)):

                # Convert numpy array to list for operation with HyperDualNumber.
                # Note that x_np will still be a numpy array afterwards!
                x = x_np.tolist()

                # Perturb / mark the indices for derivation
                x[i] += hd1
                x[j] += hd2

                # Evaluate function
                f = eval(f_of_x)

                # Extract gradient and Hessian from HyperDualNumber f
                grad[i] = f.eps1 / h
                hess[i][j] = f.eps1eps2 / h**2
                hess[j][i] = hess[i][j]

        if debug:
            print(f'Iteration number {k}:')

        # Check if entries of the gradient are below tolerance and stop
        if all([abs(v) < tol for v in grad]):

            # Check eigenvalues of Hessian matrix to indicate type of critical point
            eigenvalues, _ = np.linalg.eig(hess)
            if all([v < 0.0 for v in eigenvalues]):
                tp = 'maximum'
            elif all([v > 0.0 for v in eigenvalues]):
                tp = 'minimum'
            elif all([abs(v) > 0.0 for v in eigenvalues]):
                tp = 'saddle point'
            elif np.linalg.det(hess) == 0.0:
                tp = 'degenerate critical point'

            if debug:
                print(f'Found {tp} in iteration no. {k} at x={x_np}')
            return x_np, True, k, tp

        # Calculate new step of Newton iteration (solve linear system instead of matrix multiplication with inverse of the Hessian)
        delta = -np.linalg.solve(hess, grad)
        x_np = x_np + delta

        # Increment iteration count
        k = k + 1

    if debug:
        print(f'No convergence after max. no. of iterations ({kmax}).')
    return x_np, False, k, ''