def test_request_uri_encodedurl(self): """ A URL may be passed as a `hyperlink.EncodedURL` object. It is converted to bytes when passed to the underlying agent. """ url = EncodedURL.from_text(u"") self.client.request("GET", url) self.agent.request.assert_called_once_with( b"GET", b"", Headers({b"accept-encoding": [b"gzip"]}), None, )
def encoded_urls(draw): # pragma: no cover # type: (DrawCallable) -> EncodedURL """ A strategy which generates L{EncodedURL}s. Call the L{EncodedURL.to_uri} method on each URL to get an HTTP protocol-friendly URI. """ port = cast(Optional[int], draw(port_numbers(allow_zero=True))) host = cast(Text, draw(hostnames())) path = cast(Sequence[Text], draw(paths())) if port == 0: port = None return EncodedURL( scheme=cast(Text, draw(sampled_from((u"http", u"https")))), host=host, port=port, path=path, )
def request( self, method, url, *, params=None, headers=None, data=None, files=None, json=_NOTHING, auth=None, cookies=None, allow_redirects=True, browser_like_redirects=False, unbuffered=False, reactor=None, timeout=None, _stacklevel=2, ): """ See :func:`treq.request()`. """ method = method.encode('ascii').upper() if isinstance(url, DecodedURL): parsed_url = url.encoded_url elif isinstance(url, EncodedURL): parsed_url = url elif isinstance(url, str): # We use hyperlink in lazy mode so that users can pass arbitrary # bytes in the path and querystring. parsed_url = EncodedURL.from_text(url) else: parsed_url = EncodedURL.from_text(url.decode('ascii')) # Join parameters provided in the URL # and the ones passed as argument. if params: parsed_url = parsed_url.replace( query=parsed_url.query + tuple(_coerced_query_params(params))) url = parsed_url.to_uri().to_text().encode('ascii') headers = self._request_headers(headers, _stacklevel + 1) bodyProducer, contentType = self._request_body(data, files, json, stacklevel=_stacklevel + 1) if contentType is not None: headers.setRawHeaders(b'Content-Type', [contentType]) if not isinstance(cookies, CookieJar): cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(cookies) cookies = merge_cookies(self._cookiejar, cookies) wrapped_agent = CookieAgent(self._agent, cookies) if allow_redirects: if browser_like_redirects: wrapped_agent = BrowserLikeRedirectAgent(wrapped_agent) else: wrapped_agent = RedirectAgent(wrapped_agent) wrapped_agent = ContentDecoderAgent(wrapped_agent, [(b'gzip', GzipDecoder)]) if auth: wrapped_agent = add_auth(wrapped_agent, auth) d = wrapped_agent.request(method, url, headers=headers, bodyProducer=bodyProducer) if reactor is None: from twisted.internet import reactor if timeout: delayedCall = reactor.callLater(timeout, d.cancel) def gotResult(result): if delayedCall.cancel() return result d.addBoth(gotResult) if not unbuffered: d.addCallback(_BufferedResponse) return d.addCallback(_Response, cookies)