def OnGuide(self, evt): if platform.system() == 'Windows': helpfile = os.path.join("help", "songpress-%s.chm" % (i18n.getLang(), )) subprocess.Popen("hh " + glb.AddPath(helpfile)) else: wx.LaunchDefaultBrowser(_(""))
def OnOptions(self, evt): f = PreferencesDialog(self.frame, wx.ID_ANY, _("Songpress options")) if f.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: face, s = f.GetFont() self.text.SetFont(face, s) self.config.SetPath("/Editor") self.config.Write("Face", face) self.config.Write("Size", str(s)) l = f.GetLanguage() lang = i18n.getLang() if l != lang: msg = _("Language settings will be applied when you restart Songpress.") d = wx.MessageDialog(self.frame, msg, _("Songpress"), wx.ICON_INFORMATION | wx.OK) d.ShowModal() self.config.SetPath("/App") self.config.Write("locale", l)
def OnOk(self, evt): self.pref.editorFace, self.pref.editorSize = self.GetFont() self.pref.updateFrequency = self.GetUpdateFrequency() l = self.GetLanguage() lang = i18n.getLang() if l is not None and l != lang: msg = _("Language settings will be applied when you restart Songpress.") d = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, _("Songpress"), wx.ICON_INFORMATION | wx.OK) d.ShowModal() self.pref.locale = l self.pref.SetDefaultNotation(self.GetNotation()) self.pref.autoAdjustSpuriousLines = self.autoRemoveBlankLines.GetValue() self.pref.autoAdjustTab2Chordpro = self.autoTab2Chordpro.GetValue() self.pref.autoAdjustEasyKey = self.autoAdjustEasyKey.GetValue() for k in self.decoSliders: self.pref.SetEasyChordsGroup(k, self.decoSliders[k].slider.GetValue()) self.pref.defaultExtension = self.extension.GetString(self.extension.GetSelection()) evt.Skip(True)
def check_for_updates(): """ Check and return available updates. Honour the frequency of update checking unless force is True. Return list of pair (version, description), where description is an html-formatted text. Raise an exception if anything goes wrong. """ if (force or preferences.updateLastCheck is None or > preferences.updateLastCheck + datetime.timedelta(days=preferences.updateFrequency)): tr = RequestsTransport() s = Server(preferences.updateUrl, transport=tr) # method returns a dictionary with those keys: # 'new_url': if defined, new url of the webservice # 'updates': list of 3-tuples (version, description, downloadUrl) u = s.checkForUpdates( glb.VERSION, preferences.updateFrequency, platform.system(), platform.architecture(), platform.platform(), platform.python_version(), wx.version(), i18n.getLang(), ) u2 = [ x for x in u['updates'] if x[0] not in preferences.ignoredUpdates ] preferences.updateLastCheck = if 'new_url' in u: preferences.updateUrl = u['new_url'] return u2 return []
def check_for_updates(): """ Check and return available updates. Honour the frequency of update checking unless force is True. Return list of pair (version, description), where description is an html-formatted text. Raise an exception if anything goes wrong. """ if( force or preferences.updateLastCheck is None or > preferences.updateLastCheck + datetime.timedelta(days=preferences.updateFrequency) ): tr = ProxyTransport() s = Server(preferences.updateUrl, transport = tr) # method returns a dictionary with those keys: # 'new_url': if defined, new url of the webservice # 'updates': list of 3-tuples (version, description, downloadUrl) u = s.checkForUpdates( glb.VERSION, preferences.updateFrequency, platform.system(), platform.architecture(), platform.platform(), platform.python_version(), wx.version(), i18n.getLang(), ) u2 = [x for x in u['updates'] if x[0] not in preferences.ignoredUpdates] preferences.updateLastCheck = if 'new_url' in u: preferences.updateUrl = u['new_url'] return u2 return []
def OnOk(self, evt): self.pref.editorFace, self.pref.editorSize = self.GetFont() self.pref.updateFrequency = self.GetUpdateFrequency() l = self.GetLanguage() lang = i18n.getLang() if l is not None and l != lang: msg = _( "Language settings will be applied when you restart Songpress." ) d = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, _("Songpress"), wx.ICON_INFORMATION | wx.OK) d.ShowModal() self.pref.locale = l self.pref.SetDefaultNotation(self.GetNotation()) self.pref.autoAdjustSpuriousLines = self.autoRemoveBlankLines.GetValue( ) self.pref.autoAdjustTab2Chordpro = self.autoTab2Chordpro.GetValue() self.pref.autoAdjustEasyKey = self.autoAdjustEasyKey.GetValue() for k in self.decoSliders: self.pref.SetEasyChordsGroup(k, self.decoSliders[k].slider.GetValue()) self.pref.defaultExtension = self.extension.GetString( self.extension.GetSelection()) evt.Skip(True)
def Load(self): self.notices = {} self.config.SetPath('/Format') l = self.config.Read('ChorusLabel') if l: self.chorusLabel = l self.decoratorFormat.SetChorusLabel(l) else: self.chorusLabel = None showChords = int(self.config.Read('ShowChords', "2")) self.config.SetPath('/Format/Font') face = self.config.Read('Face') if face: self.fontFace = face else: self.fontFace = "Arial" self.SetFont(self.fontFace, showChords) self.config.SetPath('/Format/Style') labelVerses = self.config.Read('LabelVerses') if labelVerses: self.labelVerses = bool(int(labelVerses)) else: self.labelVerses = True self.config.SetPath('/Editor') self.editorFace = self.config.Read('Face') self.editorSize = self.config.Read('Size') if not self.editorFace: self.editorFace = wx.SystemSettings().GetFont(wx.SYS_ANSI_FIXED_FONT).GetFaceName() # "Lucida Console" self.editorSize = 12 else: self.editorSize = int(self.editorSize) n = self.config.Read('DefaultNotation') if n: self.defaultNotation = n self.notations = [x for x in self.notations if == n] + [x for x in self.notations if != n] else: lang = i18n.getLang() if lang in defaultLangNotation: n = defaultLangNotation[lang].id self.notations = [x for x in self.notations if == n] + [x for x in self.notations if != n] self.defaultNotation = None self.config.SetPath('/AutoAdjust') spuriousLines = self.config.Read('spuriousLines') if spuriousLines: self.autoAdjustSpuriousLines = bool(int(spuriousLines)) else: self.autoAdjustSpuriousLines = True tab2chordpro = self.config.Read('tab2chordpro') if tab2chordpro: self.autoAdjustTab2Chordpro = bool(int(tab2chordpro)) else: self.autoAdjustTab2Chordpro = True easyKey = self.config.Read('easyKey') if easyKey: self.autoAdjustEasyKey = bool(int(easyKey)) else: self.autoAdjustEasyKey = False self.notices['firstTimeEasyKey'] = True self.config.SetPath('/AutoAdjust/EasyChordsGroups') for k in easyChordsOrder: l = self.config.Read(k) if l: l = int(l) else: l = easyChords[k][2] self.SetEasyChordsGroup(k, l) self.config.SetPath('/App') ext = self.config.Read('defaultExtension') if not ext: self.defaultExtension = 'crd' else: self.defaultExtension = ext lang = self.config.Read('locale') if not lang: self.locale = None else: self.locale = lang self.config.SetPath('/AutoUpdate') f = self.config.Read('frequency') if not f: self.updateFrequency = 7 else: self.updateFrequency = int(f) i = self.config.Read('ignored') if not i: self.ignoredUpdates = set() else: self.ignoredUpdates = set(i.split(',')) u = self.config.Read('url') if not u: self.updateUrl = '' else: self.updateUrl = u d = self.config.Read('lastCheck') if not d: self.updateLastCheck = None else: self.updateLastCheck = datetime.datetime.fromordinal(int(d))
def __init__(self, parent, preferences, easyChords): self.pref = preferences self.frame = self PreferencesDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.easyChords = easyChords self.fontCB.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnFontSelected, self.fontCB) self.fontCB.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnFontSelected, self.fontCB) previewSong = _( "{t:My Bonnie}\n\nMy [D]Bonnie lies [G]over the [D]ocean\noh [G]bring back my [A]Bonnie to [D]me!\n\n{soc}\n[D]Bring back, [E-]bring back,\n[A]bring back my Bonnie to [D]me!\n{eoc}" ) self.editor.SetText(previewSong) self.editor.SetFont(self.pref.editorFace, self.pref.editorSize) self.editor.SetReadOnly(True) self.autoRemoveBlankLines.SetValue(self.pref.autoAdjustSpuriousLines) self.autoTab2Chordpro.SetValue(self.pref.autoAdjustTab2Chordpro) self.autoAdjustEasyKey.SetValue(self.pref.autoAdjustEasyKey) if self.pref.locale is None: lang = i18n.getLang() else: lang = self.pref.locale for l in glb.languages: i = self.langCh.Append(glb.languages[l]) self.langCh.SetClientData(i, l) if lang == l: self.langCh.SetSelection(i) exts = ["crd", "pro", "chopro", "chordpro", "cho"] i = 0 for e in exts: self.extension.Append(e) if e == self.pref.defaultExtension: self.extension.SetSelection(i) i += 1 # Default notation for n in self.pref.notations: i = self.notationCh.Append(n.desc) self.notationCh.SetClientData(i, self.notationCh.SetSelection(0) # Update frequency sel = 0 uf = get_update_frequencies() for k in uf: i = self.frequency.Append(uf[k]) self.frequency.SetClientData(i, k) if k == self.pref.updateFrequency: sel = i self.frequency.SetSelection(sel) # Easy chords simplifyGrid = wx.FlexGridSizer(len(easyChords), 2, 0, 0) simplifyGrid.AddGrowableCol(1, 1) self.simplifyPanel.SetSizer(simplifyGrid) self.simplifyPanel.Layout() self.decoSliders = {} for k in easyChordsOrder: simplifyGrid.Add( wx.StaticText(self.simplifyPanel, wx.ID_ANY, getEasyChordsDescription(easyChords[k]), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0), 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5) ds = MyDecoSlider(self.simplifyPanel) self.decoSliders[k] = ds ds.slider.SetValue(self.pref.GetEasyChordsGroup(k)) simplifyGrid.Add(ds, 1, wx.EXPAND, 5) simplifyGrid.FitInside(self.simplifyPanel)
def Load(self): self.notices = {} self.config.SetPath('/Format') l = self.config.Read('ChorusLabel') if l: self.chorusLabel = l self.decoratorFormat.SetChorusLabel(l) else: self.chorusLabel = None showChords = int(self.config.Read('ShowChords', "2")) self.config.SetPath('/Format/Font') face = self.config.Read('Face') if face: self.fontFace = face else: self.fontFace = "Arial" self.SetFont(self.fontFace, showChords) self.config.SetPath('/Format/Style') labelVerses = self.config.Read('LabelVerses') if labelVerses: self.labelVerses = bool(int(labelVerses)) else: self.labelVerses = True self.config.SetPath('/Editor') self.editorFace = self.config.Read('Face') self.editorSize = self.config.Read('Size') if not self.editorFace: self.editorFace = "Lucida Console" self.editorSize = 12 else: self.editorSize = int(self.editorSize) n = self.config.Read('DefaultNotation') if n: self.defaultNotation = n self.notations = [x for x in self.notations if == n] + [x for x in self.notations if != n] else: lang = i18n.getLang() if lang in defaultLangNotation: n = defaultLangNotation[lang].id self.notations = [x for x in self.notations if == n] + [x for x in self.notations if != n] self.defaultNotation = None self.config.SetPath('/AutoAdjust') spuriousLines = self.config.Read('spuriousLines') if spuriousLines: self.autoAdjustSpuriousLines = bool(int(spuriousLines)) else: self.autoAdjustSpuriousLines = True tab2chordpro = self.config.Read('tab2chordpro') if tab2chordpro: self.autoAdjustTab2Chordpro = bool(int(tab2chordpro)) else: self.autoAdjustTab2Chordpro = True easyKey = self.config.Read('easyKey') if easyKey: self.autoAdjustEasyKey = bool(int(easyKey)) else: self.autoAdjustEasyKey = False self.notices['firstTimeEasyKey'] = True self.config.SetPath('/AutoAdjust/EasyChordsGroups') for k in easyChordsOrder: l = self.config.Read(k) if l: l = int(l) else: l = easyChords[k][2] self.SetEasyChordsGroup(k, l) self.config.SetPath('/App') ext = self.config.Read('defaultExtension') if not ext: self.defaultExtension = 'crd' else: self.defaultExtension = ext lang = self.config.Read('locale') if not lang: self.locale = None else: self.locale = lang self.config.SetPath('/AutoUpdate') f = self.config.Read('frequency') if not f: self.updateFrequency = 7 else: self.updateFrequency = int(f) i = self.config.Read('ignored') if not i: self.ignoredUpdates = set() else: self.ignoredUpdates = set(i.split(',')) u = self.config.Read('url') if not u: self.updateUrl = '' else: self.updateUrl = u d = self.config.Read('lastCheck') if not d: self.updateLastCheck = None else: self.updateLastCheck = datetime.datetime.fromordinal(int(d))
def __init__(self, parent, preferences, easyChords): self.pref = preferences self.frame = self PreferencesDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.easyChords = easyChords self.fontCB.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnFontSelected, self.fontCB) self.fontCB.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnFontSelected, self.fontCB) previewSong = _("{t:My Bonnie}\n\nMy [D]Bonnie lies [G]over the [D]ocean\noh [G]bring back my [A]Bonnie to [D]me!\n\n{soc}\n[D]Bring back, [E-]bring back,\n[A]bring back my Bonnie to [D]me!\n{eoc}") self.editor.SetText(previewSong) self.editor.SetFont(self.pref.editorFace, self.pref.editorSize) self.editor.SetReadOnly(True) self.autoRemoveBlankLines.SetValue(self.pref.autoAdjustSpuriousLines) self.autoTab2Chordpro.SetValue(self.pref.autoAdjustTab2Chordpro) self.autoAdjustEasyKey.SetValue(self.pref.autoAdjustEasyKey) if self.pref.locale is None: lang = i18n.getLang() else: lang = self.pref.locale for l in glb.languages: i = self.langCh.Append(glb.languages[l]) self.langCh.SetClientData(i, l) if lang == l: self.langCh.SetSelection(i) exts = ["crd", "pro", "chopro", "chordpro", "cho"] i = 0 for e in exts: self.extension.Append(e) if e == self.pref.defaultExtension: self.extension.SetSelection(i) i += 1 # Default notation for n in self.pref.notations: i = self.notationCh.Append(n.desc) self.notationCh.SetClientData(i, self.notationCh.SetSelection(0) # Update frequency sel = 0 uf = get_update_frequencies() for k in uf: i = self.frequency.Append(uf[k]) self.frequency.SetClientData(i, k) if k == self.pref.updateFrequency: sel = i self.frequency.SetSelection(sel) # Easy chords simplifyGrid = wx.FlexGridSizer(len(easyChords), 2, 0, 0) simplifyGrid.AddGrowableCol(1, 1) self.simplifyPanel.SetSizer(simplifyGrid) self.simplifyPanel.Layout() self.decoSliders = {} for k in easyChordsOrder: simplifyGrid.Add(wx.StaticText(self.simplifyPanel, wx.ID_ANY, getEasyChordsDescription(easyChords[k]), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, 0), 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5) ds = MyDecoSlider(self.simplifyPanel) self.decoSliders[k] = ds ds.slider.SetValue(self.pref.GetEasyChordsGroup(k)) simplifyGrid.Add(ds, 1, wx.EXPAND, 5) simplifyGrid.FitInside(self.simplifyPanel)
def __init__(self, parent, id, title): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=wx.Size(540, 320)) self.config = wx.Config.Get() self.config.SetPath('/Editor') font = self.config.Read('Face') size = self.config.Read('Size') # Font face and size hSizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) m_staticText1 = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, _("Editor font")) m_staticText1.Wrap(-1); hSizer1.Add(m_staticText1, 0, wx.ALL, 5) self.fontCB = FontComboBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, font) self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnFontSelected, self.fontCB) self.fontCB.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnFontSelected, self.fontCB) self.fontCB.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnFontSelected, self.fontCB) hSizer1.Add(self.fontCB, 5, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) m_staticText3 = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, _("Size")) m_staticText3.Wrap(-1); hSizer1.Add(m_staticText3, 0, wx.ALL, 5) self.sizeCB = wx.ComboBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, size) self.sizeCB.AppendItems([str(x) for x in [7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,18,20]]) self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnFontSelected, self.sizeCB) self.sizeCB.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnFontSelected, self.sizeCB) self.sizeCB.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnFontSelected, self.sizeCB) hSizer1.Add(self.sizeCB, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) # Preview hSizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) m_staticText2 = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, _("Preview")) m_staticText2.Wrap(-1) hSizer2.Add(m_staticText2, 0, wx.ALL, 5) self.frame = self self.editor = Editor.Editor(self, False) self.editor.SetText(previewSong) self.editor.SetFont(font, int(size)) self.editor.SetReadOnly(True) hSizer2.Add(self.editor, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) # Language hSizer3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) m_staticText1 = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, _("Language")) m_staticText1.Wrap(-1); hSizer3.Add(m_staticText1, 0, wx.ALL, 5) self.config.SetPath('/App') lang = self.config.Read('locale') if not lang: lang = i18n.getLang() self.langCh = wx.Choice(self, wx.ID_ANY) for l in glb.languages: i = self.langCh.Append(glb.languages[l]) self.langCh.SetClientData(i, l) if lang == l: self.langCh.SetSelection(i) hSizer3.Add(self.langCh, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) # Buttons hSizerZ = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hSizerZ.AddStretchSpacer(1) self.ok = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, _("OK")) hSizerZ.Add(self.ok, 0, wx.ALL, 5 ) self.cancel = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel")) hSizerZ.Add(self.cancel, 0, wx.ALL, 5) # Pack horizontal sizers vertically bSizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) bSizer1.AddSizer(hSizer1, 0, wx.EXPAND, 5) bSizer1.AddSizer(hSizer2, 1, wx.EXPAND, 5) bSizer1.AddSizer(hSizer3, 0, wx.EXPAND, 5) bSizer1.Add(hSizerZ, 0, wx.EXPAND, 5) self.SetSizer(bSizer1) self.Layout()