def choice(self, msg, choices, window=False): choicerange = range(len(choices)) for i in choicerange: output("[yellow]%d: [reset]%s" % (i + 1, choices[i]), dict=False) while True: output(msg + " ", dict=False) choic = pelt.str_to_int(, default=0) if choic - 1 not in choicerange: continue if choices[choic - 1] == m("quit") or choices[choic - 1] == m("back") or choices[choic - 1] == m("cancel"): return 0 return choices[choic - 1]
def textplay(level): playing = True makeColor('blue') output(, dict=False, s=2) makeColor('reset') output('gamestart') playing=True location = level.rooms[0] location.describe() while playing: output("") cmnd = getCommand(getInput.text('\n'+m('gameaction'))) # single-word commands if not cmnd or cmnd['verb'] == m('quitcmd'): quit(m('quitmsg')) elif cmnd['verb'] == m('savecmd'): save() continue elif cmnd['verb'] == m('loadcmd'): load() continue elif cmnd['verb'] == m('helpcmd'): output('helpquit') output('helpsave') output('helpload') output('helpdescribe') output('helphelp') output('helpexamine') output('helpeat') output('helpdrink') output('helptake') output('helpgo') continue elif cmnd['verb'] == m('describecmd'): location.describe() continue # two-word commands noun = cmnd.get('noun') if not noun: continue if cmnd['verb'] == m('gocmd'): roomname = location.go(noun) if not roomname: output('doormissing') elif roomname == "locked": output('doorlocked') elif roomname == "invalid": output('directionerror') elif roomname == "Finish": quit('broken4') else: i = 0 for r in level.rooms: if == roomname: break else: i += 1 location = level.rooms[i] else: # commands that require an item item = location.findItem(noun) if not item: output('itemerror', addon=noun) elif cmnd['verb'] == m('examinecmd') and hasattr(item, 'examine'): item.examine() elif cmnd['verb'] == m('eatcmd') and hasattr(item, 'eat'): elif cmnd['verb'] == m('drinkcmd') and hasattr(item, 'drink'): item.drink() elif cmnd['verb'] == m('takecmd') and hasattr(player, 'take'): player.take(item) elif cmnd['verb'] == m('opencmd') and hasattr(item, 'open'): else: output('cmderror')
def action(msg, addon=None, s=0): output('[red]'+m(msg, color=True), dict=False, addon=None, s=s)
def get_var(var): if var == 'all': return m('playerdesc') %(, self.last, self.gender, self.species, self.inventory, self.location, self.level, self.attacks) else: try: return self.__getattribute__(var) except AttributeError: return None
def __init__(self, name, level, life, attk=25, dfns=25, type='Normal', attacks=[], color='yellow'): self.type = type self.attacks = [Attack(m('attack1'), m('attack1desc'), 20, 0, m('type1'))] for attack in attacks: self.attacks.append(attack) Entity.__init__(self, name, level, life, attk, dfns, color=color)
def speak(self, msg, dict=True, addon=None, s=0, newline=True): if dict: msg = m(msg, color=True) output(': '+'['+self.color+']'+msg, dict=False, addon=addon, newline=newline, s=s)
def choice(self, msg, choices, window=False): strings = [str(c) for c in choices] if config.ios: temp = strings[-1] if temp == m("quit") or temp == m("back") or temp == m("cancel"): strings.remove(temp) try: if len(strings) == 1: choice = console.alert(msg, "", strings[0]) elif len(strings) == 2: choice = console.alert(msg, "", strings[0], strings[1]) elif len(strings) == 3: choice = console.alert(msg, "", strings[0], strings[1], strings[2]) else: waiting = True page = 1 while waiting: try: b = 2 choice = console.alert( msg, "", strings[0 + (page - 1) * 2], strings[1 + (page - 1) * 2], "Next Page" ) except IndexError: b = 1 try: choice = console.alert(msg, "", strings[0 + (page - 1) * 2], output("next", r=1)) except IndexError: page = 0 choice = 1 + b except KeyboardInterrupt: return 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: return 0 if choice == 1 + b: if page <= len(strings) // 2: page += 1 else: page = 1 else: number = choice + (page - 1) * 2 waiting = False number = choice except KeyboardInterrupt: return 0 else: if not window: choice = easygui.buttonbox( msg=msg, title="PELT Engine - " + pelt.gametitle + " v" + str(pelt.version), choices=strings ) i = 1 for c in strings: if choice == c: number = i else: i += 1 else: choice = dm(pelt.screen, strings, pelt.width // 2, pelt.height // 2, None, 32, 1.4, GREEN, PURPLE) + 1 temp = str(choice) if temp == m("quit") or temp == m("back") or temp == m("cancel"): return 0 return choices[number - 1]
def normOutput( msg, dict=True, newline=True, noscroll=False, addon=None, addonfromdict=False, modifier="normal", ignorecolor=False, noreset=False, r=0, s=0, ): if not noreset: makeColor("reset") # modifier = caps, title, lower, normal (when modifier isn't present) try: if dict: msg = m(msg, color=not ignorecolor) except KeyError: if msg == "": pass else: msg = "WARNING: " + msg + " is not a valid keyword." if addon: try: msg = msg % addon except TypeError: msg = 'Hey, this message is broken. Tried to print "%s" and add "%s".' % (msg, addon) if modifier == "caps": msg = msg.upper() elif modifier == "title": msg = msg.title() elif modifier == "lower": msg = msg.lower() if r == 0: style = False colour = "" for c in msg: if not ignorecolor: if c == "[": style = True elif c == "]": style = False if config.color: makeColor(colour) colour = "" elif style: colour += c else: # if not style and c != "]": outputfd.write(c) if not noscroll: outputfd.flush() time.sleep(config.scroll) else: outputfd.write(c) if not noscroll: outputfd.flush() time.sleep(config.scroll) if newline: outputfd.write("\n") if not noreset: makeColor("reset") outputfd.flush() time.sleep(s) elif r == 1: raise OutputReturnError( "ERROR: You are still using output(..., r=1) in your code. Please use m(<type 'str'>) in its place." )