Esempio n. 1
def iais(f1, oper, f2=None, oper1=None, f3=None):
    from iaisbinary import iaisbinary
    from iaisequal import iaisequal
    from iaislesseq import iaislesseq
    from ianeg import ianeg
    from iathreshad import iathreshad
    from iabinary import iabinary

    if f2 == None:
        if   oper == 'BINARY': return iaisbinary(f1)
        elif oper == 'GRAY'  : return not iaisbinary(f1)
            assert 0,'oper should be BINARY or GRAY, was'+oper
    elif oper == '==':    y = iaisequal(f1, f2)
    elif oper == '~=':    y = not iaisequal(f1,f2)
    elif oper == '<=':    y = iaislesseq(f1,f2)
    elif oper == '>=':    y = iaislesseq(f2,f1)
    elif oper == '>':     y = iaisequal( ianeg( iathreshad(f2,f1)),iabinary(1))
    elif oper == '<':     y = iaisequal( ianeg( iathreshad(f1,f2)),iabinary(1))
        assert 0,'oper must be one of: ==, ~=, >, >=, <, <=, it was:'+oper
    if oper1 != None:
        if   oper1 == '==': y = y and iaisequal(f2,f3)
        elif oper1 == '~=': y = y and (not iaisequal(f2,f3))
        elif oper1 == '<=': y = y and iaislesseq(f2,f3)
        elif oper1 == '>=': y = y and iaislesseq(f3,f2)
        elif oper1 == '>':  y = y and iaisequal( ianeg( iathreshad(f3,f2)),iabinary(1))
        elif oper1 == '<':  y = y and iaisequal( ianeg( iathreshad(f2,f3)),iabinary(1))
            assert 0,'oper1 must be one of: ==, ~=, >, >=, <, <=, it was:'+oper1

    return y
Esempio n. 2
def iahomothin():
    from iase2hmt import iase2hmt
    from iabinary import iabinary

    Iab = iase2hmt(iabinary([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]]), iabinary([[1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]))

    return Iab
Esempio n. 3
def iahomothick():
    from iase2hmt import iase2hmt
    from iabinary import iabinary

    Iab = iase2hmt(iabinary([[1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]),
                   iabinary([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]]))

    return Iab
Esempio n. 4
def iasedisk(r=3, DIM="2D", METRIC="EUCLIDEAN", FLAT="FLAT", h=0):
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iasecross import iasecross
    from iasedil import iasedil
    from iasesum import iasesum
    from iasebox import iasebox
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iagray import iagray

    METRIC = upper(METRIC)
    FLAT   = upper(FLAT)
    assert DIM=='2D','Supports only 2D structuring elements'
    if FLAT=='FLAT': y = iabinary([1])
    else:            y = int32([h])
    if r==0: return y
    if METRIC == 'CITY-BLOCK':
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            b = iasecross(1)
            b = int32([[-2147483647, 0,-2147483647],
                       [          0, 1,          0],
                       [-2147483647, 0,-2147483647]])
        return iasedil(y,iasesum(b,r))
    elif METRIC == 'CHESSBOARD':
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            b = iasebox(1)
            b = int32([[1,1,1],
        return iasedil(y,iasesum(b,r))
    elif METRIC == 'OCTAGON':
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            b1,b2 = iasebox(1),iasecross(1)
            b1 = int32([[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1]])
            b2 = int32([[-2147483647, 0,-2147483647],
                        [          0, 1,          0],
                        [-2147483647, 0,-2147483647]])
        if r==1: return b1
        else:    return iasedil( iasedil(y,iasesum(b1,r/2)) ,iasesum(b2,(r+1)/2))
    elif METRIC == 'EUCLIDEAN':
        v = arange(-r,r+1)
        x = resize(v, (len(v), len(v)))
        y = transpose(x)
        Be = iabinary(sqrt(x*x + y*y) <= (r+0.5))
        if FLAT=='FLAT':
            return Be
        be = h + int32( sqrt( maximum((r+0.5)*(r+0.5) - (x*x) - (y*y),0)))
        be = iaintersec( iagray(Be,'int32'),be)
        return be
        assert 0,'Non valid metric'

    return B
Esempio n. 5
def iasedisk(r=3, DIM="2D", METRIC="EUCLIDEAN", FLAT="FLAT", h=0):
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iasecross import iasecross
    from iasedil import iasedil
    from iasesum import iasesum
    from iasebox import iasebox
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iagray import iagray

    METRIC = METRIC.upper()
    FLAT = FLAT.upper()
    assert DIM == '2D', 'Supports only 2D structuring elements'
    if FLAT == 'FLAT': y = iabinary([1])
    else: y = int32([h])
    if r == 0: return y
    if METRIC == 'CITY-BLOCK':
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            b = iasecross(1)
            b = int32([[-2147483647, 0, -2147483647], [0, 1, 0],
                       [-2147483647, 0, -2147483647]])
        return iasedil(y, iasesum(b, r))
    elif METRIC == 'CHESSBOARD':
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            b = iasebox(1)
            b = int32([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
        return iasedil(y, iasesum(b, r))
    elif METRIC == 'OCTAGON':
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            b1, b2 = iasebox(1), iasecross(1)
            b1 = int32([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
            b2 = int32([[-2147483647, 0, -2147483647], [0, 1, 0],
                        [-2147483647, 0, -2147483647]])
        if r == 1: return b1
            return iasedil(iasedil(y, iasesum(b1, r / 2)),
                           iasesum(b2, (r + 1) / 2))
    elif METRIC == 'EUCLIDEAN':
        v = arange(-r, r + 1)
        x = resize(v, (len(v), len(v)))
        y = transpose(x)
        Be = iabinary(sqrt(x * x + y * y) <= (r + 0.5))
        if FLAT == 'FLAT':
            return Be
        be = h + int32(
            sqrt(maximum((r + 0.5) * (r + 0.5) - (x * x) - (y * y), 0)))
        be = iaintersec(iagray(Be, 'int32'), be)
        return be
        assert 0, 'Non valid metric'

    return B
Esempio n. 6
def iaendpoints(OPTION="LOOP"):
    from iase2hmt import iase2hmt
    from iabinary import iabinary

    Iab = None
    OPTION = upper(OPTION)
    if OPTION == "LOOP":
        Iab = iase2hmt(iabinary([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]), iabinary([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]]))
    elif OPTION == "HOMOTOPIC":
        Iab = iase2hmt(iabinary([[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]), iabinary([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]]))

    return Iab
Esempio n. 7
def iaendpoints(OPTION="LOOP"):
    from iase2hmt import iase2hmt
    from iabinary import iabinary

    Iab = None
    OPTION = OPTION.upper()
    if OPTION == 'LOOP':
        Iab = iase2hmt(iabinary([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]),
                       iabinary([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]]))
    elif OPTION == 'HOMOTOPIC':
        Iab = iase2hmt(iabinary([[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]),
                       iabinary([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]]))

    return Iab
Esempio n. 8
def iaskelmrec(f, B=None):
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iadil import iadil
    from iaunion import iaunion
    from iasecross import iasecross
    if B is None:
        B = iasecross(None)

    y = iabinary(iaintersec(f, 0))
    for r in range(max(ravel(f)), 1, -1):
        y = iadil(iaunion(y, iabinary(f, r)), B)
    y = iaunion(y, iabinary(f, 1))
    return y
Esempio n. 9
def iaskelmrec(f, B=None):
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iadil import iadil
    from iaunion import iaunion
    from iasecross import iasecross
    if B is None:
        B = iasecross(None)

    y = iabinary( iaintersec(f, 0))
    for r in range(max(ravel(f)),1,-1):
        y = iadil( iaunion(y,iabinary(f,r)), B)
    y = iaunion(y, iabinary(f,1))
    return y
Esempio n. 10
def iacmp(f1, oper, f2, oper1=None, f3=None):
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iabinary import iabinary

    if   oper == '==':    y = (f1==f2)
    elif oper == '~=':    y = (f1!=f2)
    elif oper == '<=':    y = (f1<=f2)
    elif oper == '>=':    y = (f1>=f2)
    elif oper == '>':     y = (f1> f2)
    elif oper == '<':     y = (f1< f2)
        assert 0, 'oper must be one of: ==, ~=, >, >=, <, <=, it was:'+oper
    if oper1 != None:
        if   oper1 == '==':     y = iaintersec(y, f2==f3)
        elif oper1 == '~=':     y = iaintersec(y, f2!=f3)
        elif oper1 == '<=':     y = iaintersec(y, f2<=f3)
        elif oper1 == '>=':     y = iaintersec(y, f2>=f3)
        elif oper1 == '>':      y = iaintersec(y, f2> f3)
        elif oper1 == '<':      y = iaintersec(y, f2< f3)
            assert 0, 'oper1 must be one of: ==, ~=, >, >=, <, <=, it was:'+oper1

    y = iabinary(y)

    return y
Esempio n. 11
def iaskelm(f, B=iasecross(), option="binary"):
    from iaisbinary import iaisbinary
    from ialimits import ialimits
    from iagray import iagray
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iasesum import iasesum
    from iaero import iaero
    from iaisequal import iaisequal
    from iaopenth import iaopenth
    from iasedil import iasedil
    from iaunion import iaunion
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iapad import iapad
    from iaunpad import iaunpad

    assert iaisbinary(f),'Input binary image only'
    option = upper(option)
    f = iapad(f,B)
    print f
    k1,k2 = ialimits(f)
    y = iagray( iaintersec(f, k1),'uint16')
    iszero = asarray(y)
    nb = iasesum(B,0)
    for r in range(1,65535):
        ero = iaero( f, nb)
        if iaisequal(ero, iszero): break
        f1 = iaopenth( ero, B)
        nb = iasedil(nb, B)
        y = iaunion(y, iagray(f1,'uint16',r))
    if option == 'BINARY':
        y = iabinary(y)
    y = iaunpad(y,B)
    return y
Esempio n. 12
def iaskelm(f, B=iasecross(), option="binary"):
    from iaisbinary import iaisbinary
    from ialimits import ialimits
    from iagray import iagray
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iasesum import iasesum
    from iaero import iaero
    from iaisequal import iaisequal
    from iaopenth import iaopenth
    from iasedil import iasedil
    from iaunion import iaunion
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iapad import iapad
    from iaunpad import iaunpad

    assert iaisbinary(f), 'Input binary image only'
    option = upper(option)
    f = iapad(f, B)
    print f
    k1, k2 = ialimits(f)
    y = iagray(iaintersec(f, k1), 'uint16')
    iszero = asarray(y)
    nb = iasesum(B, 0)
    for r in range(1, 65535):
        ero = iaero(f, nb)
        if iaisequal(ero, iszero): break
        f1 = iaopenth(ero, B)
        nb = iasedil(nb, B)
        y = iaunion(y, iagray(f1, 'uint16', r))
    if option == 'BINARY':
        y = iabinary(y)
    y = iaunpad(y, B)
    return y
Esempio n. 13
def iais(f1, oper, f2=None, oper1=None, f3=None):
    from iaisbinary import iaisbinary
    from iaisequal import iaisequal
    from iaislesseq import iaislesseq
    from ianeg import ianeg
    from iathreshad import iathreshad
    from iabinary import iabinary

    if f2 == None:
        oper = upper(oper)
        if oper == "BINARY":
            return iaisbinary(f1)
        elif oper == "GRAY":
            return not iaisbinary(f1)
            assert 0, "oper should be BINARY or GRAY, was" + oper
    elif oper == "==":
        y = iaisequal(f1, f2)
    elif oper == "~=":
        y = not iaisequal(f1, f2)
    elif oper == "<=":
        y = iaislesseq(f1, f2)
    elif oper == ">=":
        y = iaislesseq(f2, f1)
    elif oper == ">":
        y = iaisequal(ianeg(iathreshad(f2, f1)), iabinary(1))
    elif oper == "<":
        y = iaisequal(ianeg(iathreshad(f1, f2)), iabinary(1))
        assert 0, "oper must be one of: ==, ~=, >, >=, <, <=, it was:" + oper
    if oper1 != None:
        if oper1 == "==":
            y = y and iaisequal(f2, f3)
        elif oper1 == "~=":
            y = y and (not iaisequal(f2, f3))
        elif oper1 == "<=":
            y = y and iaislesseq(f2, f3)
        elif oper1 == ">=":
            y = y and iaislesseq(f3, f2)
        elif oper1 == ">":
            y = y and iaisequal(ianeg(iathreshad(f3, f2)), iabinary(1))
        elif oper1 == "<":
            y = y and iaisequal(ianeg(iathreshad(f2, f3)), iabinary(1))
            assert 0, "oper1 must be one of: ==, ~=, >, >=, <, <=, it was:" + oper1

    return y
Esempio n. 14
def iasecross(r=1):
    from iasesum import iasesum
    from iabinary import iabinary

    B = iasesum( iabinary([[0,1,0],
    return B
Esempio n. 15
def iaregmax(f, Bc=iasecross()):
    from iasubm import iasubm
    from iahmax import iahmax
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iaregmin import iaregmin
    from ianeg import ianeg

    y = iasubm(f, iahmax(f,1,Bc))
    return iabinary(y)
Esempio n. 16
def iaregmax(f, Bc=iasecross()):
    from iasubm import iasubm
    from iahmax import iahmax
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iaregmin import iaregmin
    from ianeg import ianeg

    y = iasubm(f, iahmax(f, 1, Bc))
    return iabinary(y)
Esempio n. 17
def iasebox(r=1):
    from iasesum import iasesum
    from iabinary import iabinary

    B = iasesum( iabinary([[1,1,1],

    return B
Esempio n. 18
def iaopentransf(f,
    from iaisbinary import iaisbinary
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iaisequal import iaisequal
    from iaopen import iaopen
    from iasesum import iasesum
    from iasedisk import iasedisk
    from iaaddm import iaaddm
    from iagray import iagray
    from iagrain import iagrain
    from ialabel import ialabel

    assert iaisbinary(f), 'Error: input image is not binary'
    type = upper(type)
    rec_flag = find(type, '-REC')
    if rec_flag != -1:
        type = type[:rec_flag]  # remove the -rec suffix
    flag = not ((type == 'OCTAGON') or (type == 'CHESSBOARD') or
                (type == 'CITY-BLOCK'))
    if not flag:
        n = min(n, min(f.shape))
    elif type == 'LINEAR-H':
        se = iabinary([1, 1, 1])
        n = min(n, f.shape[1])
    elif type == 'LINEAR-V':
        se = iabinary([[1], [1], [1]])
        n = min(n, f.shape[0])
    elif type == 'LINEAR-45R':
        se = iabinary([[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]])
        n = min(n, min(f.shape))
    elif type == 'LINEAR-45L':
        se = iabinary([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        n = min(n, min(f.shape))
    elif type == 'USER':
        se = Buser
        n = min(n, min(f.shape))
        print 'Error: only accepts OCTAGON, CHESSBOARD, CITY-BLOCK, LINEAR-H, LINEAR-V, LINEAR-45R, LINEAR-45L, or USER as type, or with suffix -REC.'
        return []
    k = 0
    y = uint16(zeros(f.shape))
    a = iabinary([1])
    z = iabinary([0])
    while not (iaisequal(a, z) or (k >= n)):
        print 'processing r=', k
        if flag:
            a = iaopen(f, iasesum(se, k))
            a = iaopen(f, iasedisk(k, '2D', type))
        y = iaaddm(y, iagray(a, 'uint16', 1))
        k = k + 1
    if rec_flag != -1:
        y = iagrain(ialabel(f, Bc), y, 'max')

    return y
Esempio n. 19
def iaregmin(f, Bc=iasecross(), option="binary"):
    from iahmin import iahmin
    from iaaddm import iaaddm
    from iasubm import iasubm
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iasuprec import iasuprec
    from iaunion import iaunion
    from iathreshad import iathreshad

    if option != "binary":
        raise Exception("iaregmin accepts only binary option")

    return iabinary(iasubm(iahmin(f,1,Bc), f))
Esempio n. 20
def iatoggle(f, f1, f2, OPTION="GRAY"):
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iasubm import iasubm
    from iagray import iagray
    from iaunion import iaunion
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from ianeg import ianeg

    y = iabinary(iasubm(f, f1), iasubm(f2, f))
    if upper(OPTION) == 'GRAY':
        t = iagray(y)
        y = iaunion(iaintersec(ianeg(t), f1), iaintersec(t, f2))

    return y
Esempio n. 21
def iaopentransf(f, type='OCTAGON', n=65535, Bc=iasecross(), Buser=iasecross()):
    from iaisbinary import iaisbinary
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iaisequal import iaisequal
    from iaopen import iaopen
    from iasesum import iasesum
    from iasedisk import iasedisk
    from iaaddm import iaaddm
    from iagray import iagray
    from iagrain import iagrain
    from ialabel import ialabel

    assert iaisbinary(f),'Error: input image is not binary'
    type = upper(type)
    rec_flag = find(type,'-REC')
    if rec_flag != -1:
        type = type[:rec_flag] # remove the -rec suffix
    flag = not ((type == 'OCTAGON')  or
                (type == 'CHESSBOARD') or
                (type == 'CITY-BLOCK'))
    if not flag:
        n  = min(n,min(f.shape))
    elif  type == 'LINEAR-H':
        se = iabinary([1, 1, 1])
        n  = min(n,f.shape[1])
    elif  type =='LINEAR-V':
        se = iabinary([[1],[1],[1]])
        n  = min(n,f.shape[0])
    elif  type == 'LINEAR-45R':
        se = iabinary([[0, 0, 1],[0, 1, 0],[1, 0, 0]])
        n  = min(n,min(f.shape))
    elif  type == 'LINEAR-45L':
        se = iabinary([[1, 0, 0],[0, 1, 0],[0, 0, 1]])
        n  = min(n,min(f.shape))
    elif  type == 'USER':
        se = Buser
        n  = min(n,min(f.shape))
        print 'Error: only accepts OCTAGON, CHESSBOARD, CITY-BLOCK, LINEAR-H, LINEAR-V, LINEAR-45R, LINEAR-45L, or USER as type, or with suffix -REC.'
        return []
    k = 0
    y = uint16(zeros(f.shape))
    a = iabinary([1])
    z = iabinary([0])
    while not ( iaisequal(a,z) or (k>=n)):
        print 'processing r=',k
        if flag:
            a = iaopen(f,iasesum(se,k))
            a = iaopen(f,iasedisk(k,'2D',type))
        y = iaaddm(y, iagray(a,'uint16',1))
        k = k+1
    if rec_flag != -1:
        y = iagrain( ialabel(f,Bc),y,'max')

    return y
Esempio n. 22
def iaseline(l=3, theta=0):
    from iaset2mat import iaset2mat
    from iabinary import iabinary

    theta = pi * theta / 180
    if abs(tan(theta)) <= 1:
        s = sign(cos(theta))
        x0 = arange(0, l * cos(theta) - (s * 0.5), s)
        x1 = floor(x0 * tan(theta) + 0.5)
        s = sign(sin(theta))
        x1 = arange(0, l * sin(theta) - (s * 0.5), s)
        x0 = floor(x1 / tan(theta) + 0.5)
    x = transpose(array([x1, x0], int32))
    B = iaset2mat((x, iabinary(ones((x.shape[1], 1)))))
    return B
Esempio n. 23
def iatoggle(f, f1, f2, OPTION="GRAY"):
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iasubm import iasubm
    from iagray import iagray
    from iaunion import iaunion
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from ianeg import ianeg

    y=iabinary( iasubm(f,f1),iasubm(f2,f))
    if upper(OPTION) == 'GRAY':
        y=iaunion( iaintersec( ianeg(t),f1),iaintersec(t,f2))

    return y
Esempio n. 24
def iaseline(l=3, theta=0):
    from iaset2mat import iaset2mat
    from iabinary import iabinary

    theta = pi*theta/180
    if abs(tan(theta)) <= 1:
        s  = sign(cos(theta))
        x0 = arange(0, l * cos(theta)-(s*0.5),s)
        x1 = floor(x0 * tan(theta) + 0.5)
        s  = sign(sin(theta))
        x1 = arange(0, l * sin(theta) - (s*0.5),s)
        x0 = floor(x1 / tan(theta) + 0.5)
    x = transpose(array([x1,x0],int32))
    B = iaset2mat((x,iabinary(ones((x.shape[1],1)))))
    return B
Esempio n. 25
def iaserot(B, theta=45, DIRECTION="CLOCKWISE"):
    from iamat2set import iamat2set
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iaset2mat import iaset2mat

        theta = -theta
    SA = iamat2set(B)
    theta = pi * theta / 180
    (y, v) = SA
    if len(y) == 0: return iabinary([0])
    x0 = y[:, 1] * cos(theta) - y[:, 0] * sin(theta)
    x1 = y[:, 1] * sin(theta) + y[:, 0] * cos(theta)
    x0 = int32((x0 + 0.5) * (x0 >= 0) + (x0 - 0.5) * (x0 < 0))
    x1 = int32((x1 + 0.5) * (x1 >= 0) + (x1 - 0.5) * (x1 < 0))
    x = transpose(array([transpose(x1), transpose(x0)]))
    BROT = iaset2mat((x, v))

    return BROT
Esempio n. 26
def iaserot(B, theta=45, DIRECTION="CLOCKWISE"):
    from iamat2set import iamat2set
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iaset2mat import iaset2mat

       theta = -theta
    SA = iamat2set(B)
    theta = pi * theta/180
    if len(y)==0: return iabinary([0])
    x0 = y[:,1] * cos(theta) - y[:,0] * sin(theta)
    x1 = y[:,1] * sin(theta) + y[:,0] * cos(theta)
    x0 = int32((x0 +0.5)*(x0>=0) + (x0-0.5)*(x0<0))
    x1 = int32((x1 +0.5)*(x1>=0) + (x1-0.5)*(x1<0))
    x = transpose(array([transpose(x1),transpose(x0)]))
    BROT = iaset2mat((x,v))

    return BROT
Esempio n. 27
def iasecross(r=1):
    from iasesum import iasesum
    from iabinary import iabinary

    B = iasesum(iabinary([[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]]), r)
    return B