Esempio n. 1
def timeunit(transform: dict, expr: ibis.Expr) -> ibis.Expr:
    Apply a vega time unit transform to an ibis expression.

    It transforms it into the Ibis truncate expression.

    transform: dict
        A JSON-able dictionary representing the vega transform.
    expr: ibis.Expr
        The expression to which to apply the transform.

    transformed_expr: the transformed expression
    assert transform.pop("type") == "timeunit"
    field = expr[transform.pop("field")]
    as_start, as_end = transform.pop("as")
    units = transform.pop("units")
    if transform:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"timeunit transform: {list(transform)} keys are not supported")
    if units == ["year"]:
        start = field.truncate("Y")
        delta = ibis.interval(years=1)
    elif units == ["year", "month"]:
        start = field.truncate("M")
        delta = ibis.interval(months=1)
    elif units == ["year", "month", "date"]:
        start = field.truncate("D")
        delta = ibis.interval(days=1)
    elif units == ["year", "month", "date", "hours"]:
        start = field.truncate("h")
        delta = ibis.interval(hours=1)
    elif units == ["year", "month", "date", "hours", "minutes"]:
        start = field.truncate("m")
        delta = ibis.interval(minutes=1)
    elif units == ["year", "month", "date", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"]:
        start = field.truncate("s")
        delta = ibis.interval(seconds=1)
    elif units == [
        start = field.truncate("ms")
        delta = ibis.interval(milliseconds=1)
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"timeunit transform: {units} units are not supported")
    return expr.mutate([, (start + delta).name(as_end)])
Esempio n. 2
def apply(expr: ibis.Expr, transforms: Any) -> ibis.Expr:
    """Apply transform or transforms to the expression.

    expr: ibis.Expr
    transform: list
        A transform specification or list of transform specifications.
        Each specification must be valid according to Vega's transform

    expr_transformed : ibis.expr
        The transformed dataframe.
    if transforms is None:
        return expr
    transforms = promote_list(transforms)

    # First traverse list of transforms, and find any that create bins
    # The resulting bin fields, we create as the source fields,
    # Because, for some reason, the filter happens before
    # the binning, but it refers to the field created by the binning
    # See the signals in
    # as an example
    # TODO: Bring this up with Dominik and see why this is
    for t in transforms:
        if t["type"] == "bin":
            expr = expr.mutate(expr[t["field"]].name(t["as"][0]))

    # Have extra processing for extents that create signals
    # can probably remove once is fixed.
    signal_mapping = {}

    for t in transforms:
        if t["type"] == "extent":
            assert {"field", "signal_", "type"} == t.keys()
            signal_mapping[t["signal_"]] = t["field"]
        # Change binning that reference  signal extent with actual value
        if "extent" in t and "signal" in t["extent"]:
            t["extent"] = signal_mapping.pop(t["extent"]["signal"])
        expr = _delegate_transform(t, expr)
    return expr
Esempio n. 3
def formula(transform: dict, expr: ibis.Expr) -> ibis.Expr:
    Apply a vega formula transform to an ibis expression.

    This transform evaluates a vega expression, which is not fully
    implemented. Not every expression will work.

    transform: dict
        A JSON-able dictionary representing the vega transform.
    expr: ibis.Expr
        The expression to which to apply the transform.

    transformed_expr: the transformed expression
    col = transform["as"]
    calc = transform["expr"]
    new_col = eval_vegajs(calc, expr).name(col)
    return expr.mutate(new_col)
Esempio n. 4
def bin(transform: BinTransform, expr: ibis.Expr) -> ibis.Expr:
    Apply a vega bin transform to an ibis expression.

    field = expr[transform["field"]]
    as_left, as_right = transform["as"]
    maxbins = transform["maxbins"]
    extent = expr[transform["extent"]]

    # Precompute min/max or else we get
    # "Expression 'xxx' is not being grouped"
    # errors
    with tracer.start_span("bin_transform:min") as span:
        min_expr = extent.min()
        span.log_kv({"sql": min_expr.compile()})
        min_ = min_expr.execute()
    with tracer.start_span("bin_transform:max") as span:
        max_expr = extent.max()
        span.log_kv({"sql": max_expr.compile()})
        max_ = max_expr.execute()

    # Cast these to floats to work around
    binwidth = (max_ - min_) / maxbins

    bin_ = (((field / _float(binwidth)) - _float(min_ / binwidth))).floor()
    left = (min_ + (bin_ * binwidth)).name(as_left)
    right = (((min_ + binwidth) + (bin_ * binwidth))).name(as_right)

    # add the two new fields and remove the initial column
    return expr.mutate(
        [left, right]
        # + [c for c in expr.columns if c not in {transform["field"], as_left, as_right}]
Esempio n. 5
def formula(transform: dict, expr: ibis.Expr) -> ibis.Expr:
    col = transform["as"]
    calc = transform["expr"]
    new_col = eval_vegajs(calc, expr).name(col)
    return expr.mutate(new_col)