def get_icg(day, month, year_current, year_past): ## Retrieve and Save ################################################ r = mb.gain_authentication() opener = r[0] url = r[1] mb.get_month_sales(url, month, month, opener, day, year_current,'mtd') #Current Month Sales mb.get_month_sales(url, 1, month, opener, day, year_current, 'ytd') #Current YTD Sales mb.get_month_sales(url, month, month, opener, day, year_past,'mtd') #Past Month Sales mb.get_month_sales(url, 1, month, opener, day, year_past, 'ytd') #Past YTD Sales mb.get_month_profit(url, month, month, opener, day, year_current, 'mtd') #Current Month Profit mb.get_month_profit(url, 1, month, opener, day, year_current, 'ytd') #Current YTD Profit mb.get_month_profit(url, month, month, opener, day, year_past, 'mtd') #Past Month Profit mb.get_month_profit(url, 1, month, opener, day, year_past, 'ytd') #Past YTD Profit mb.get_month_product(url, month, month, opener, day, year_current, 'mtd') #Current Month Products mb.get_month_product(url, 1, month, opener, day, year_current, 'ytd') #Current YTD Products mb.get_month_product(url, month, month, opener, day, year_past, 'mtd') #Past Month Products mb.get_month_product(url, 1, month, opener, day, year_past, 'ytd') #Past YTD Products ## Operations & Analysis ############################################# vendors = ['NoVendor','Amazon','Amazon-FBA'] export_list = [] #Ordered List of each box value for spreadsheet i = '' #Place holder of For loop thru vendors print "Extracting initial Data" current_ytd_sales = mb.mine_getSalesData('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'ytd_sales_' + i + '.html') current_mtd_sales = mb.mine_getSalesData('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'mtd_sales_' + i + '.html') past_ytd_sales = mb.mine_getSalesData('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'ytd_sales_' + i + '.html') past_mtd_sales = mb.mine_getSalesData('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'mtd_sales_' + i + '.html') current_ytd_ref = mb.mine_getSalesRefund('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'ytd_sales_' + i + '.html') current_mtd_ref = mb.mine_getSalesRefund('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'mtd_sales_' + i + '.html') past_ytd_ref = mb.mine_getSalesRefund('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'ytd_sales_' + i + '.html') past_mtd_ref = mb.mine_getSalesRefund('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'mtd_sales_' + i + '.html') current_ytd_profit = mb.mine_getProfitData('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'ytd_profit_' + i + '.html') current_mtd_profit = mb.mine_getProfitData('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'mtd_profit_' + i + '.html') past_ytd_profit = mb.mine_getProfitData('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'ytd_profit_' + i + '.html') past_mtd_profit = mb.mine_getProfitData('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'mtd_profit_' + i + '.html') print "Mining Overall Revenue Data" # YTD Past Total Revenue export_list.append(sum(past_ytd_sales[3]) - sum(mb.makeNum(past_ytd_ref[3]))) # YTD Current Total Revenue export_list.append(sum(current_ytd_sales[3]) - sum(mb.makeNum(current_ytd_ref[3]))) # MTD Past Total Revenue export_list.append(sum(past_mtd_sales[3]) - sum(mb.makeNum(past_mtd_ref[3]))) # MTD Current Total Revenue export_list.append(sum(current_mtd_sales[3]) - sum(mb.makeNum(current_mtd_ref[3]))) print "Mining Overall Profit Data" # YTD Past Total Profit export_list.append(mb.makeNum(past_ytd_profit)) # YTD Current Total Profit export_list.append(mb.makeNum(current_ytd_profit)) # MTD Past Total Profit export_list.append(mb.makeNum(past_mtd_profit)) # MTD Current Total Profit export_list.append(mb.makeNum(current_mtd_profit)) print "Mining Overall Orders Data" # YTD Past Total Orders export_list.append(sum(past_ytd_sales[2])) # YTD Current Total Orders export_list.append(sum(current_ytd_sales[2])) # MTD Past Total Orders export_list.append(sum(past_mtd_sales[2])) # MTD Current Total Orders export_list.append(sum(current_mtd_sales[2])) # For loop to extract revenue data for vendors (site, amazon, and amazon-fba) for i in vendors: print "Mining Revenue Data for Vendor: " + i current_ytd_sales = mb.mine_getSalesData('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'ytd_sales_' + i + '.html') current_mtd_sales = mb.mine_getSalesData('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'mtd_sales_' + i + '.html') past_ytd_sales = mb.mine_getSalesData('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'ytd_sales_' + i + '.html') past_mtd_sales = mb.mine_getSalesData('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'mtd_sales_' + i + '.html') current_ytd_ref = mb.mine_getSalesRefund('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'ytd_sales_' + i + '.html') current_mtd_ref = mb.mine_getSalesRefund('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'mtd_sales_' + i + '.html') past_ytd_ref = mb.mine_getSalesRefund('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'ytd_sales_' + i + '.html') past_mtd_ref = mb.mine_getSalesRefund('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'mtd_sales_' + i + '.html') # YTD Past Total Revenue export_list.append(sum(past_ytd_sales[3]) - sum(mb.makeNum(past_ytd_ref[3]))) # YTD Current Total Revenue export_list.append(sum(current_ytd_sales[3]) - sum(mb.makeNum(current_ytd_ref[3]))) # MTD Past Total Revenue export_list.append(sum(past_mtd_sales[3]) - sum(mb.makeNum(past_mtd_ref[3]))) # MTD Current Total Revenue export_list.append(sum(current_mtd_sales[3]) - sum(mb.makeNum(current_mtd_ref[3]))) i = 'NoVendor' # Change New Datasets to Site Only print "Mining Profit Data for Vendor: " + i # YTD Past Site Profit export_list.append(mb.makeNum(mb.mine_getProfitData('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'ytd_profit_' + i + '.html'))) # YTD Current Site Profit export_list.append(mb.makeNum(mb.mine_getProfitData('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'ytd_profit_' + i + '.html'))) # MTD Past Site Profit export_list.append(mb.makeNum(mb.mine_getProfitData('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'mtd_profit_' + i + '.html'))) # MTD Past Site Profit export_list.append(mb.makeNum(mb.mine_getProfitData('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'mtd_profit_' + i + '.html'))) current_ytd_sales = mb.mine_getSalesData('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'ytd_sales_' + i + '.html') current_mtd_sales = mb.mine_getSalesData('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'mtd_sales_' + i + '.html') past_ytd_sales = mb.mine_getSalesData('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'ytd_sales_' + i + '.html') past_mtd_sales = mb.mine_getSalesData('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'mtd_sales_' + i + '.html') print "Mining Order Data for Vendor: " + i # YTD Past Site Orders export_list.append(sum(past_ytd_sales[2])) # YTD Current Site Orders export_list.append(sum(current_ytd_sales[2])) # MTD Past Site Orders export_list.append(sum(past_mtd_sales[2])) # MTD Current Site Orders export_list.append(sum(current_mtd_sales[2])) current_ytd_site_product = mb.mine_getProductData('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'ytd_product_' + i + '.html') current_mtd_site_product = mb.mine_getProductData('archive/' + str(year_current) + 'mtd_product_' + i + '.html') past_ytd_site_product = mb.mine_getProductData('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'ytd_product_' + i + '.html') past_mtd_site_product = mb.mine_getProductData('archive/' + str(year_past) + 'mtd_product_' + i + '.html') print "Mining Product Data for Vendor: " + i # YTD Past Site Products export_list.append(sum(mb.makeNum(past_ytd_site_product[1]))) # YTD Current Site Products export_list.append(sum(mb.makeNum(current_ytd_site_product[1]))) # MTD Past Site Products export_list.append(sum(mb.makeNum(past_mtd_site_product[1]))) # MTD Current Site Products export_list.append(sum(mb.makeNum(current_mtd_site_product[1]))) return export_list
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import math from pprint import pprint import csv import urllib2 import icgadmin import os print "\n\nRunning MB Inventory Analysis..." print "Requesting Authorization..." auth = icgadmin.gain_authentication() opener = auth[0] domain = auth[1] inv_proc_url = 'https://' + domain + '/admin/mbinventorylist.cfm' inv_down_url = 'https://' + domain + '/admin/MB_Product_list.xls' print "Downloading current MB Inventory..." resp = resp = inv_file = os.path.basename(inv_down_url) with open(os.path.basename(inv_down_url), "wb") as local_file: local_file.write( #f = "MB_Product_list.xls" xls_file = pd.ExcelFile(inv_file) data = xls_file.parse('Sheet1') print "Downloading current Inventory Limits from Google Drive..."