Esempio n. 1
        def checkIfReady():
            _dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()
            now =
            isReady = False

            resultRows = _dbConn.doSelect('SELECT id, is_complete, created_at FROM ichor_orm_tests WHERE state_num = ' + str(_TEST_DATA_STATE_NUM))

            badIds = []

            for resultRow in resultRows:

                (resId, resIsComplete, resCreatedAt) = resultRow
                if str(resIsComplete) == '1':
                    isReady = True
                    recordAge = now - resCreatedAt
                    if recordAge.total_seconds() > 120:
                        # If more than 2 min old, clear bad record.
            if badIds:
                # If any bad ids, clear them to prevent delays in future ops
                    dbConn.executeSql('DELETE FROM ichor_orm_tests WHERE id IN ( %s )' %( ', '.join([str(badId) for badId in badIds])))

            return isReady
Esempio n. 2
    def test_Connect(self):

        dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()

        b = 1
        c = 2
    def test_getDatabaseConnection(self):
            Test the getDatabaseConnection method more in depth
        ALT_HOST = 'X_MY_HOST'
        ALT_PORT = 9999
        ALT_DB_NAME = 'X_MY_DB'
        ALT_USER = '******'
        ALT_PASS = '******'

        dbConnGlobal = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()

        dbConnAlt = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection(host=ALT_HOST, port=ALT_PORT, dbname=ALT_DB_NAME, user=ALT_USER, password=ALT_PASS)

        assert == ALT_HOST , 'Expected ALT_HOST to be set on database connection. Expected %s but got %s' %( repr(ALT_HOST), repr( )

        assert dbConnAlt.port == ALT_PORT , 'Expected ALT_PORT to be set on database connection. Expected %s but got %s' %( repr(ALT_PORT), repr(dbConnAlt.port) )

        assert dbConnAlt.user == ALT_USER , 'Expected ALT_USER to be set on database connection. Expected %s but got %s' %( repr(ALT_USER), repr(dbConnAlt.user) )

        assert dbConnAlt.dbname == ALT_DB_NAME , 'Expected ALT_DB_NAME to be set on database connection. Expected %s but got %s' %( repr(ALT_DB_NAME), repr(dbConnAlt.dbname) )

        assert dbConnAlt.password == ALT_PASS , 'Expected ALT_PASS to be set on database connection. Expected %s but got %s' %( repr(ALT_PASS), repr(dbConnAlt.password) )

        # Now, try a couple fields and see that we properly inherit global

        for attrName, attrValue in [ ('host', ALT_HOST), ('port', ALT_PORT), ('user', ALT_USER), ('dbname', ALT_DB_NAME), ('password', ALT_PASS) ]:
            args = { attrName : attrValue }

            dbConnAlt = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection(**args)

            assert getattr(dbConnAlt, attrName) == attrValue , 'Expected to set %s=%s but object had value %s.' %( attrName, repr(attrValue), repr(getattr(dbConnAlt, attrName)) )

            for connField in ( 'host', 'port', 'user', 'dbname', 'password' ):
                if connField == attrName:
                    # Skip if this is the field we modified

                globalVal = getattr(dbConnGlobal, connField)
                altVal = getattr(dbConnAlt, connField)

                assert globalVal == altVal , 'Expected that when changing field %s but not %s we would inherit global value for %s. Expected %s but got %s' %( attrName, connField, connField, repr(globalVal), repr(altVal) )
Esempio n. 4
    def teardown_method(self, meth):
            teardown_method - Called after execution of each method to clean up

                @param meth <built-in method> - The method being tested (compare meth == self.someMethod)
        if meth in (self.test_generalDelete, self.test_deleteWithQueryStr,
                    self.test_deleteWithSelectQuery, self.test_deleteAll):
            dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()
            dbConn.executeSql('DELETE FROM %s' % (MyPersonModel.TABLE_NAME, ))
    def test_getCursor(self):
            test_getCursor - Test if we can obtain a cursor with global connection params

        dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()

        dbCursor = dbConn.getCursor()

        assert dbCursor , 'Expected to be able to get a cursor, but did not.'
Esempio n. 6
    def teardown_method(self, meth):
            teardown_method - Called after every method.

                @param meth <builtins.method> - The test method that completed
            dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()
            dbConn.executeSql("DELETE FROM %s" % (MyPersonModel.TABLE_NAME, ))
        except Exception as e:
Esempio n. 7
    def createModel(cls):
            createModel - Will create this model

        dbConn = getDatabaseConnection()

        createQuery = '''CREATE TABLE ''' + cls.TABLE_NAME + ''' ( id serial primary key, first_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, last_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, age smallint NULL, birth_day smallint NULL, birth_month smallint NULL )'''

Esempio n. 8
    def teardown_class(self):
            teardown_class - Destroy any data generated by this test.
                Ran after all tests have completed

            dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()
            dbConn.executeSql("DROP TABLE %s CASCADE" %
                              (MyPersonModel.TABLE_NAME, ))
        except Exception as e:
    def test_doSelectFromParams(self):
            test_doSelectFromParams - Test the doSelect method (using the params insert)
        # Perform inserts and such here
        except AssertionError as e:
            raise AssertionError('Unable to run test_doSelectFromParams because test_executeSqlParams failed.')

        dbConn = getDatabaseConnection()

        query = 'SELECT id, name, value, extra_data FROM ichor_test_conn_table'

        results = dbConn.doSelect(query)

        assert results , 'Expected to get results from select query, but did not.'

        assert len(results) == 3 , 'Expected to get 3 rows from doSelect, but got %d.  %s' %( len(results), repr(results))

        foundOne = False
        foundTwo = False
        foundThree = False

            #_insertIntoTestTable(dbConn, 'one', 'Hello', None)
            #_insertIntoTestTable(dbConn, 'two', 'Goodbye', None)
            #_insertIntoTestTable(dbConn, 'three', 'Goodbye', 'Some extra data')
        for result in results:
            assert len(result) == 4  , 'Expected 4 columns in result (id, name, value, extra_data) but got %d. %s' %(len(result), repr(result))

            (fetchedId, fetchedName, fetchedValue, fetchedExtraData) = result

            if fetchedName == 'one':
                foundOne = True
                assert fetchedValue == 'Hello' , 'Got mixed up data. Expected name="one" to have value="Hello". Row was: ' + repr(result)
                assert fetchedExtraData is None , 'Expected NULL result to have value of None. Got: %s' %(repr(fetchedExtraData), )

            elif fetchedName == 'two':
                foundTwo = True
                assert fetchedValue == 'Goodbye' , 'Got mixed up data. Expected name="two" to have value="Goodbye". Row was: ' + repr(result)
                assert fetchedExtraData is None , 'Expected NULL result to have value of None. Got: %s' %(repr(fetchedExtraData), )

            elif fetchedName == 'three':
                foundThree = True
                assert fetchedValue == 'Goodbye' , 'Got mixed up data. Expected name="three" to have value="Goodbye". Row was: ' + repr(result)
                assert fetchedExtraData == 'Some extra data' , 'Expected extra data on name="three" to be "Some extra data" but got %s' %(repr(fetchedExtraData), )
                raise AssertionError("Got unknown row: %s" %(repr(result), ))

        assert foundOne , 'Did not find name="one"'
        assert foundTwo , 'Did not find name="two"'
        assert foundThree , 'Did not find name="three"'
Esempio n. 10
    def test_executeSqlError(self):
            test_executeSqlError - Test that errors are correctly raised with executeSql
        dbConn = getDatabaseConnection()

        gotException = False
            dbConn.executeSql('SELECT booooh FIGGLE whop')
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is not False , 'Expected to get exception from executeSql with nonsense query, but did not.'
Esempio n. 11
    def _createTestTable(self, dropIfExists=True):
            _createTestTable - Create a table for this test

                @param dropIfExists <bool> default True - If True, will attempt to drop table first (if exists)
        if dropIfExists:

        dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()
        dbConn.executeSql('CREATE TABLE ichor_test_conn_table(id serial PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, value varchar(255) NOT NULL, extra_data text NULL)')
Esempio n. 12
    def test_deleteWithSelectQuery(self):
            test_deleteWithSelectQuery - Test using a SelectQuery within DeleteQuery

        dbConn = getDatabaseConnection()

        numberPeople = self._getNumberPeople()

        assert numberPeople == 5, 'Expected 5 rows in Person model, but got %d' % (
            numberPeople, )

        delQ = DeleteQuery(MyPersonModel)
        delQWhere = delQ.addStage()

        subSelQ = SelectQuery(MyPersonModel, selectFields=['id'])
        subSelQWhere = subSelQ.addStage()
        subSelQWhere.addCondition('first_name', '=', 'John')

        delQWhere.addCondition('id', 'in', subSelQ)

        gotException = False
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is False, "Got unexpected exception trying to delete where first_name = 'John'. %s  %s" % (
            str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))

        numberPeople = self._getNumberPeople()

        assert numberPeople == 3, 'Expected 3 rows in Person model after delete, but got %d' % (
            numberPeople, )

        selQ = SelectQuery(MyPersonModel)

        allPeople = selQ.executeGetObjs()

        assert len(
        ) == 3, 'Expected 3 results for all remaining people, but got %d.  %s' % (
            len(allPeople), repr(allPeople))

        for person in allPeople:
            if person.first_name == 'John':
                raise AssertionError(
                    'Found a person with first_name "John" after deleting all Johns. %s'
                    % (repr(person), ))
Esempio n. 13
    def dropModel(cls):
            dropModel - Will drop this model's table
        dbConn = getDatabaseConnection()

        didDrop = False
        # Drop table if it exists
            dbConn.executeSql('DROP TABLE %s' % (cls.TABLE_NAME, ))
            didDrop = True

        return didDrop
Esempio n. 14
    def _deleteDataset(self, tableName):
            _deleteDataset - Delete all records in a given table which have a field, "datasetuid",
                which is generated at the start of this test and is unique to this run-through

                @param tableName <str> - The name of the SQL table
            dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()
            dbConn.executeSql("DELETE FROM %s WHERE datasetUid = '%s'" % (
        except Exception as e:
                'Error deleting all %s objects with dataset uid "%s": %s  %s\n'
                % (tableName, self.datasetUid, str(type(e)), str(e)))
Esempio n. 15
    def _getNumberPeople(self):
            _getNumberPeople - Get the number of rows in the Person table matching our dataset uid
        dbConn = getDatabaseConnection()

        query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s" % (MyPersonModel.TABLE_NAME, )

        results = dbConn.doSelect(query)

        assert results, 'Did not get any results for COUNT(*) query'

        assert len(
        ) == 1, 'Expected 1 row of results for COUNT(*) query, but got %d.  %s' % (
            len(results), repr(results))

        return int(results[0][0])
Esempio n. 16
    def _testCanConnectDatabase():
        dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection(isTransactionMode=False)

        failed = False
            results = dbConn.doSelect("SELECT 'Hello World'")
        except Exception as e:
            failed = True
            results = []

        if not len(results) or results[0][0] != 'Hello World':
            sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Seemed to be able to connect but database could not process command.\n")
            failed = True

        if failed:
            sys.stderr.write('CANNOT connect to database. Make sure you have properly configured in the test directory.\n')
            return False
        return True
Esempio n. 17
    def test_executeSql(self):
            test_executeSql - Test executing SQL commands

        dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()

        gotException = False
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is False , 'Expected to be able to create a table with executeSql. Got exception %s:  %s' %(str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))

        def _insertIntoTestTable(dbConn, name, value, extra_data=None):
                _insertIntoTestTable - Insert data into test table

                    @param name <str> - Name

                    @param value <str> - value

                    @param extra_data <None/str> default None - Extra_data field
            if extra_data == None:
                extraDataVal = 'NULL'
                extraDataVal = "'%s'" %(extra_data, )

            query = '''INSERT INTO ichor_test_conn_table(name, value, extra_data) VALUES ('%s', '%s', %s)''' %(name, value, extraDataVal)

        gotException = False
            _insertIntoTestTable(dbConn, 'one', 'Hello', None)
            _insertIntoTestTable(dbConn, 'two', 'Goodbye', None)
            _insertIntoTestTable(dbConn, 'three', 'Goodbye', 'Some extra data')
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is False , 'Got exception inserting test data using executeSql: %s  %s' %(str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))
Esempio n. 18
    def test_executeSqlParams(self):
            test_executeSqlParams - Test executing SQL commands with params

        dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()

        gotException = False
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is False , 'Expected to be able to create a table with executeSql. Got exception %s:  %s' %(str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))

        def _insertIntoTestTable(dbConn, name, value, extra_data=None):
                _insertIntoTestTable - Insert data into test table

                    @param name <str> - Name

                    @param value <str> - value

                    @param extra_data <None/str> default None - Extra_data field
            query = '''INSERT INTO ichor_test_conn_table(name, value, extra_data) VALUES (%(name)s, %(value)s, %(extra_data)s)'''
            dbConn.executeSqlParams(query, {'name' : name, 'value' : value, 'extra_data' : extra_data })

        gotException = False
            nextOne = 'one'
            _insertIntoTestTable(dbConn, 'one', 'Hello', None)
            nextOne = 'two'
            _insertIntoTestTable(dbConn, 'two', 'Goodbye', None)
            nextOne = 'three'
            _insertIntoTestTable(dbConn, 'three', 'Goodbye', 'Some extra data')
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is False , 'Got exception inserting test data name=%s using executeSqlParams: %s  %s' %(repr(nextOne), str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))
Esempio n. 19
    def test_executeSqlParamsError(self):
            test_executeSqlParamsError - Test that errors are correctly raised with executeSqlParams
        dbConn = getDatabaseConnection()

        gotException = False
            dbConn.executeSqlParams('SELECT booooh FIGGLE whop')
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is not False , 'Expected to get exception from executeSqlParams with nonsense query, but did not.'

        gotException = False
            query = '''INSERT INTO ichor_test_conn_table(name, value, extra_data) VALUES (%(name)s, %(value)s, %(extra_data)s)'''
            dbConn.executeSqlParams(query, {'nameX' : name, 'value' : value, 'extra_data' : extra_data })
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is not False , 'Expected to get exception from executeSqlParams with a param that does not match expected values.'
Esempio n. 20
    def test_doInsertError(self):
        dbConn = getDatabaseConnection()

        gotException = False
            dbConn.doInsert("INSERT blargiety(id, value) VALUES ('1', '2')")
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is not False , 'Expected to get exception from doInsert with nonsense query, but did not.'

        gotException = False
            query = '''INSERT INTO ichor_test_conn_table(name, value, extra_data) VALUES (%(name)s, %(value)s, %(extra_data)s)'''
            dbConn.doInsert(query, valueDicts=[{'nameX' : name, 'value' : value, 'extra_data' : extra_data }])
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is not False , 'Expected to get exception from doInsert with a param that does not match expected values.'
Esempio n. 21
    def setup_method(self, meth):
            setup_method - Called before every method.

                @param meth <builtins.method> - The test method that is about to be executed

        self.fullDataSet = []

        dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection(isTransactionMode=True)

        pks = dbConn.doInsert(
            "INSERT INTO " + MyPersonModel.TABLE_NAME +
            " (first_name, last_name, age, birth_day, birth_month) VALUES ( %(first_name)s, %(last_name)s, %(age)s, %(birth_day)s, %(birth_month)s )",


        for i in range(len(self.dataSet)):
            self.dataSet[i]['id'] = pks[i]

        self.fullDataSet += self.dataSet

        if meth in (self.test_filterNull, ):
            pks = dbConn.doInsert(
                "INSERT INTO " + MyPersonModel.TABLE_NAME +
                " (first_name, last_name, age, birth_day, birth_month) VALUES ( %(first_name)s, %(last_name)s, %(age)s, %(birth_day)s, %(birth_month)s )",


            for i in range(len(self.nullDataSet)):
                self.nullDataSet[i]['id'] = pks[i]
Esempio n. 22
    def test_configApplied(self):
            test_configApplied - Test that the config from LocalConfig was applied properly

        gotException = False
           dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()
        except Exception as e:
           gotException = e

        assert gotException is False , 'Got exception calling getDatabaseConnection:  %s  %s' %( str(type(gotException)), str(gotException) )

        assert == LocalConfig._CONFIG_HOSTNAME , 'Expected LocalConfig._CONFIG_HOSTNAME to be set on database connection. Expected %s but got %s' %( repr(LocalConfig._CONFIG_HOSTNAME), repr( )

        assert dbConn.port == LocalConfig._CONFIG_PORT , 'Expected LocalConfig._CONFIG_PORT to be set on database connection. Expected %s but got %s' %( repr(LocalConfig._CONFIG_PORT), repr(dbConn.port) )

        assert dbConn.user == LocalConfig._CONFIG_USERNAME , 'Expected LocalConfig._CONFIG_USERNAME to be set on database connection. Expected %s but got %s' %( repr(LocalConfig._CONFIG_USERNAME), repr(dbConn.user) )

        assert dbConn.dbname == LocalConfig._CONFIG_DBNAME , 'Expected LocalConfig._CONFIG_DBNAME to be set on database connection. Expected %s but got %s' %( repr(LocalConfig._CONFIG_DBNAME), repr(dbConn.dbname) )

        assert dbConn.password == LocalConfig._CONFIG_PASSWORD , 'Expected LocalConfig._CONFIG_PASSWORD to be set on database connection. Expected %s but got %s' %( repr(LocalConfig._CONFIG_PASSWORD), repr(dbConn.password) )
Esempio n. 23
    def setup_method(self, meth):
            setup_method - Called prior to each method to perform setup specific to it.

                @param meth <built-in method> - The method being tested (compare meth == self.someMethod)

        if meth in (self.test_generalUpdate, self.test_updateTransaction,

            # self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET - A sample dataset of field -> value for Person model
            self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET = [
                    "first_name": "John",
                    "last_name": "Smith",
                    "eye_color": "blue",
                    'age': 35,
                    "birth_month": 4,
                    "birth_day": 16
                    "first_name": "John",
                    "last_name": "Doe",
                    "eye_color": "blue",
                    'age': 22,
                    "birth_month": 4,
                    "birth_day": 26
                    "first_name": "Jane",
                    "last_name": "Doe",
                    "eye_color": "green",
                    'age': 19,
                    "birth_month": 6,
                    "birth_day": 24
                    "first_name": "Bill",
                    "last_name": "Johnson",
                    "eye_color": "brown",
                    'age': 19,
                    "birth_month": 1,
                    "birth_day": 30
                    "first_name": "Ted",
                    "last_name": "Karma",
                    "eye_color": "green",
                    'age': 29,
                    "birth_month": 4,
                    "birth_day": 16
            # Mark the dataset id
            for i in range(len(self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET)):
                self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET[i]['datasetuid'] = self.datasetUid

            # Perform the inserts
            dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()

            pks = dbConn.doInsert(
                "INSERT INTO person ( first_name, last_name, eye_color, age, birth_day, birth_month, datasetuid ) VALUES ( %(first_name)s, %(last_name)s, %(eye_color)s, %(age)s, %(birth_day)s, %(birth_month)s, %(datasetuid)s )",

            self.personIdToDataset = {}
            # Add the "id" to each dataset and build ref map

            for i in range(len(self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET)):
                self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET[i]['id'] = pks[i]

                self.personIdToDataset[pks[i]] = self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET[i]
Esempio n. 24
    def test_updateWithQueryStr(self):
            test_updateWithQueryStr - This will test an update which uses a QueryStr (inline SQL)

        # Increment everyone's age by 1
        upQ = UpdateQuery(Person)

        upQ.setFieldValue('age', QueryStr('age + 1'))

        # Apply to all items in this dataset
        upQWhere = upQ.addStage()
        upQWhere.addCondition('datasetuid', '=', self.datasetUid)

        gotException = False
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException == False, 'Got exception on update of all ages + 1: %s  %s' % (
            str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))

        # Check that the update occured, now that we have committed the update transaction
        dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()

        results = dbConn.doSelect(
            "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, eye_color, age, birth_day, birth_month, datasetuid FROM Person WHERE datasetuid = '%s'"
            % (self.datasetUid, ))

        assert results, 'Did not get results back from select.'

        assert len(results) == len(
        ), 'Did not get expected number of results back. Expected %d but got %d' % (
            len(self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET), len(results))

        for resultRow in results:

            (_id, first_name, last_name, eye_color, age, birth_day,
             birth_month, datasetuid) = resultRow

            myFetchedValues = {
                'id': _id,
                'first_name': first_name,
                'last_name': last_name,
                'eye_color': eye_color,
                'age': age,
                'birth_day': birth_day,
                'birth_month': birth_month,
                'datasetuid': datasetuid,

            testAgainstValues = self.personIdToDataset[_id]

            for fieldName, fieldValue in myFetchedValues.items():

                expectedValue = testAgainstValues[fieldName]
                # We incremented age, so check against orig age + 1
                if fieldName == 'age':
                    expectedValue += 1

                assert fieldValue == expectedValue, 'Got unexpected value after update incrementing age. On person %s %s  field "%s" does not have expected value %s. Fetched value was %s' % (
                    first_name, last_name, fieldName, repr(expectedValue),
Esempio n. 25
    def test_updateTransaction(self):
            test_updateTransaction - Test doing some updates within a transaction
        janeOrigValues = [
            x for x in self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET
            if x['first_name'] == 'Jane' and x['last_name'] == 'Doe'

        assert len(
        ) == 1, 'Expected to find "Jane Doe" in same set but could not.'

        janeOrigValues = janeOrigValues[0]
        janeId = janeOrigValues['id']

        johnSmithOrigValues = [
            x for x in self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET
            if x['first_name'] == 'John' and x['last_name'] == 'Smith'

        assert len(
        ) == 1, 'Expected to find "John Smith" in same set but could not.'

        johnSmithOrigValues = johnSmithOrigValues[0]
        johnSmithId = johnSmithOrigValues['id']

        dbConnTrans = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection(isTransactionMode=True)

        # Add one update query to transaction for jane
        upQ = UpdateQuery(Person)

        upQ.setFieldValue('age', 21)
        upQ.setFieldValue('eye_color', 'red')

        upQWhere = upQ.addStage()
        upQWhere.addCondition('id', '=', janeId)

        gotException = False
            upQ.execute(dbConn=dbConnTrans, doCommit=False)
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException == False, 'Got exception on update of Jane Doe: %s  %s' % (
            str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))

        # Do another update query for John in same transaction
        upQ = UpdateQuery(Person)

        upQ.setFieldValue('age', 25)
        upQ.setFieldValue('eye_color', 'purple')

        upQWhere = upQ.addStage()
        upQWhere.addCondition('first_name', '=', 'John')
        upQWhere.addCondition('last_name', '=', 'Smith')
        upQWhere.addCondition('datasetuid', '=', self.datasetUid)

        gotException = False
            upQ.execute(dbConn=dbConnTrans, doCommit=False)
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException == False, 'Got exception on update of John Smith: %s  %s' % (
            str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))

        # We have not yet committed, so make sure no changes took place
        dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()

        results = dbConn.doSelect(
            "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, eye_color, age, birth_day, birth_month, datasetuid FROM Person WHERE datasetuid = '%s'"
            % (self.datasetUid, ))

        assert results, 'Did not get results back from select.'

        assert len(results) == len(
        ), 'Did not get expected number of results back. Expected %d but got %d' % (
            len(self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET), len(results))

        for resultRow in results:

            (_id, first_name, last_name, eye_color, age, birth_day,
             birth_month, datasetuid) = resultRow

            myFetchedValues = {
                'id': _id,
                'first_name': first_name,
                'last_name': last_name,
                'eye_color': eye_color,
                'age': age,
                'birth_day': birth_day,
                'birth_month': birth_month,
                'datasetuid': datasetuid,

            testAgainstValues = self.personIdToDataset[_id]

            for fieldName, fieldValue in myFetchedValues.items():

                expectedValue = testAgainstValues[fieldName]

                assert fieldValue == expectedValue, 'Got unexpected value before transaction commit. On person %s %s  field "%s" does not have expected value %s. Fetched value was %s' % (
                    first_name, last_name, fieldName, repr(expectedValue),

        gotException = False
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException == False, 'Got exception on transaction commit. %s  %s' % (
            str(type(e)), str(e))

        # Check that the update occured, now that we have committed the update transaction
        dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()

        results = dbConn.doSelect(
            "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, eye_color, age, birth_day, birth_month, datasetuid FROM Person WHERE datasetuid = '%s'"
            % (self.datasetUid, ))

        assert results, 'Did not get results back from select.'

        assert len(results) == len(
        ), 'Did not get expected number of results back. Expected %d but got %d' % (
            len(self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET), len(results))

        for resultRow in results:

            (_id, first_name, last_name, eye_color, age, birth_day,
             birth_month, datasetuid) = resultRow

            myFetchedValues = {
                'id': _id,
                'first_name': first_name,
                'last_name': last_name,
                'eye_color': eye_color,
                'age': age,
                'birth_day': birth_day,
                'birth_month': birth_month,
                'datasetuid': datasetuid,

            if _id == janeId:
                # Update our sample with the new fields
                janeNewValues = copy.deepcopy(janeOrigValues)
                janeNewValues['age'] = 21
                janeNewValues['eye_color'] = 'red'

                testAgainstValues = janeNewValues
            elif _id == johnSmithId:
                johnSmithNewValues = copy.deepcopy(johnSmithOrigValues)
                johnSmithNewValues['age'] = 25
                johnSmithNewValues['eye_color'] = 'purple'

                testAgainstValues = johnSmithNewValues
                testAgainstValues = self.personIdToDataset[_id]

            for fieldName, fieldValue in myFetchedValues.items():

                expectedValue = testAgainstValues[fieldName]

                assert fieldValue == expectedValue, 'Got unexpected value after update transaction commit. On person %s %s  field "%s" does not have expected value %s. Fetched value was %s' % (
                    first_name, last_name, fieldName, repr(expectedValue),
Esempio n. 26
    def test_generalUpdate(self):

        janeOrigValues = [
            x for x in self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET
            if x['first_name'] == 'Jane' and x['last_name'] == 'Doe'

        assert len(
        ) == 1, 'Expected to find "Jane Doe" in same set but could not.'

        janeOrigValues = janeOrigValues[0]

        janeId = janeOrigValues['id']

        upQ = UpdateQuery(Person)

        upQ.setFieldValue('age', 21)
        upQ.setFieldValue('eye_color', 'red')

        upQWhere = upQ.addStage()
        upQWhere.addCondition('id', '=', janeId)

        gotException = False
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException == False, 'Got exception on update: %s  %s' % (str(
            type(gotException)), str(gotException))

        # Check that the update occured
        dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()

        results = dbConn.doSelect(
            "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, eye_color, age, birth_day, birth_month, datasetuid FROM Person WHERE datasetuid = '%s'"
            % (self.datasetUid, ))

        assert results, 'Did not get results back from select.'

        assert len(results) == len(
        ), 'Did not get expected number of results back. Expected %d but got %d' % (
            len(self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET), len(results))

        for resultRow in results:

            (_id, first_name, last_name, eye_color, age, birth_day,
             birth_month, datasetuid) = resultRow

            myFetchedValues = {
                'id': _id,
                'first_name': first_name,
                'last_name': last_name,
                'eye_color': eye_color,
                'age': age,
                'birth_day': birth_day,
                'birth_month': birth_month,
                'datasetuid': datasetuid,

            if _id == janeId:
                # Update our sample with the new fields
                janeNewValues = copy.deepcopy(janeOrigValues)
                janeNewValues['age'] = 21
                janeNewValues['eye_color'] = 'red'

                testAgainstValues = janeNewValues
                testAgainstValues = self.personIdToDataset[_id]

            for fieldName, fieldValue in myFetchedValues.items():

                expectedValue = testAgainstValues[fieldName]

                assert fieldValue == expectedValue, 'Got unexpected value after Jane Doe update. On person %s %s  field "%s" does not have expected value %s. Fetched value was %s' % (
                    first_name, last_name, fieldName, repr(expectedValue),
    def setup_method(self, meth):
            setup_method - Called prior to each method to perform setup specific to it.

                @param meth <built-in method> - The method being tested (compare meth == self.someMethod)

        if meth in (self.test_generalGetMapping, self.test_generalGetDictObjs,

            # self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET - A sample dataset of field -> value for Person model
            self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET = [
                    "id": None,
                    "first_name": "John",
                    "last_name": "Smith",
                    "eye_color": "blue",
                    'age': 35,
                    "birth_month": 4,
                    "birth_day": 16
                    "id": None,
                    "first_name": "John",
                    "last_name": "Doe",
                    "eye_color": "blue",
                    'age': 22,
                    "birth_month": 4,
                    "birth_day": 26
                    "id": None,
                    "first_name": "Jane",
                    "last_name": "Doe",
                    "eye_color": "green",
                    'age': 19,
                    "birth_month": 6,
                    "birth_day": 24
                    "id": None,
                    "first_name": "Bill",
                    "last_name": "Johnson",
                    "eye_color": "brown",
                    'age': 19,
                    "birth_month": 1,
                    "birth_day": 30
                    "id": None,
                    "first_name": "Ted",
                    "last_name": "Karma",
                    "eye_color": "green",
                    'age': 29,
                    "birth_month": 4,
                    "birth_day": 16
            # Mark the dataset id
            for i in range(len(self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET)):
                self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET[i]['datasetuid'] = self.datasetUid

            dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection(isTransactionMode=True)

            pks = dbConn.doInsert(
                query="INSERT INTO " + Person.TABLE_NAME +
                " (first_name, last_name, eye_color, age, birth_month, birth_day, datasetuid) VALUES ( %(first_name)s, %(last_name)s, %(eye_color)s, %(age)s, %(birth_month)s, %(birth_day)s, %(datasetuid)s )",


            self.personIdToData = {}

            for i in range(len(pks)):
                self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET[i]['id'] = pks[i]
                self.personIdToData[pks[i]] = self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET[i]

    #FIELDS = ['id', 'food_group', 'item_name', 'price', 'id_person', 'datasetuid']

            def getMealForPerson(mealDict, personIdx):
                mealDict = copy.deepcopy(mealDict)
                mealDict['id_person'] = self.DEFAULT_PERSON_DATASET[personIdx][

                return mealDict

            MEAL_ICE_CREAM = { \
                    "id" : None, "food_group" : "desert", "item_name" : "ice cream",
                    "price" : 3.99, "id_person" : None, "datasetuid" : None,

            MEAL_PIZZA = { \
                    "id" : None, "food_group" : "junk", "item_name" : "pizza",
                    "price" : 9.99, "id_person" : None, "datasetuid" : None,

            MEAL_MILK = { \
                    "id" : None, "food_group" : "dairy", "item_name" : "milk",
                    "price" : 4.20, "id_person" : None, "datasetuid" : None,

            self.DEFAULT_MEAL_DATASET = [
                getMealForPerson(MEAL_ICE_CREAM, 0),
                getMealForPerson(MEAL_ICE_CREAM, 1),
                getMealForPerson(MEAL_ICE_CREAM, 2),
                getMealForPerson(MEAL_ICE_CREAM, 3),
                getMealForPerson(MEAL_ICE_CREAM, 4),
                getMealForPerson(MEAL_PIZZA, 2),
                getMealForPerson(MEAL_PIZZA, 4),
                getMealForPerson(MEAL_MILK, 0),
                getMealForPerson(MEAL_MILK, 1),
                getMealForPerson(MEAL_MILK, 2),
            for i in range(len(self.DEFAULT_MEAL_DATASET)):
                self.DEFAULT_MEAL_DATASET[i]['datasetuid'] = self.datasetUid

            dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection(isTransactionMode=True)

            pks = dbConn.doInsert(
                query="INSERT INTO " + Meal.TABLE_NAME +
                " (food_group, item_name, price, id_person, datasetuid) VALUES ( %(food_group)s, %(item_name)s, %(price)s, %(id_person)s, %(datasetuid)s )",


            self.mealIdToData = {}

            for i in range(len(pks)):
                self.DEFAULT_MEAL_DATASET[i]['id'] = pks[i]
                self.mealIdToData[pks[i]] = self.DEFAULT_MEAL_DATASET[i]
Esempio n. 28
    def test_doSelectFromDoInsertTrans(self):
            test_doSelectFromDoInsertTrans - Test the doSelect method (using the doInsert insert with transaction)
        # Perform inserts and such here
        except AssertionError as e:
            raise AssertionError('Unable to run test_doSelectFromDoInsertTrans because test_doInsertTransaction() failed.')

        dbConn = getDatabaseConnection()

        query = 'SELECT id, name, value, extra_data FROM ichor_test_conn_table'

        results = dbConn.doSelect(query)

        assert results , 'Expected to get results from select query, but did not.'

        assert len(results) == 4 , 'Expected to get 4 rows from doSelect, but got %d.  %s' %( len(results), repr(results))

        foundOne = False
        foundTwo = False
        foundThree = False
        foundFour = False

        for result in results:
            assert len(result) == 4  , 'Expected 4 columns in result (id, name, value, extra_data) but got %d. %s' %(len(result), repr(result))

            (fetchedId, fetchedName, fetchedValue, fetchedExtraData) = result

            if fetchedName == 'one':
                foundOne = True
                assert fetchedValue == 'Hello' , 'Got mixed up data. Expected name="one" to have value="Hello". Row was: ' + repr(result)
                assert fetchedExtraData is None , 'Expected NULL result to have value of None. Got: %s' %(repr(fetchedExtraData), )

                assert fetchedId == self.nameToPk['one'] , 'Expected pk for name="one" to match the one returned by doInsert. Got %s but expected %s' %( repr(fetchedId), repr(self.nameToPk['one']))

            elif fetchedName == 'two':
                foundTwo = True
                assert fetchedValue == 'Goodbye' , 'Got mixed up data. Expected name="two" to have value="Goodbye". Row was: ' + repr(result)
                assert fetchedExtraData is None , 'Expected NULL result to have value of None. Got: %s' %(repr(fetchedExtraData), )

                assert fetchedId == self.nameToPk['two'] , 'Expected pk for name="two" to match the two returned by doInsert. Got %s but expected %s' %( repr(fetchedId), repr(self.nameToPk['two']))

            elif fetchedName == 'three':
                foundThree = True
                assert fetchedValue == 'Goodbye' , 'Got mixed up data. Expected name="three" to have value="Goodbye". Row was: ' + repr(result)
                assert fetchedExtraData == 'Some extra data' , 'Expected extra data on name="three" to be "Some extra data" but got %s' %(repr(fetchedExtraData), )

                assert fetchedId == self.nameToPk['three'] , 'Expected pk for name="three" to match the three returned by doInsert. Got %s but expected %s' %( repr(fetchedId), repr(self.nameToPk['three']))

            elif fetchedName == 'four':
                foundFour = True
                assert fetchedValue == 'Cheese' , 'Got mixed up data. Expected name="four" to have value="Cheese". Row was: ' + repr(result)
                assert fetchedExtraData == 'Yummy yum yum' , 'Expected extra data on name="four" to be "Yummy yum yum" but got %s' %(repr(fetchedExtraData), )

                assert fetchedId == self.nameToPk['four'] , 'Expected pk for name="four" to match the four returned by doInsert. Got %s but expected %s' %( repr(fetchedId), repr(self.nameToPk['four']))

                raise AssertionError("Got unknown row: %s" %(repr(result), ))

        assert foundOne , 'Did not find name="one"'
        assert foundTwo , 'Did not find name="two"'
        assert foundThree , 'Did not find name="three"'
        assert foundFour , 'Did not find name="four"'
Esempio n. 29
    def test_doInsertTransaction(self):
            test_doInsertTransaction - Test insert via doInsert using a transaction
        self.nameToPk = {}

        dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection(isTransactionMode=True)

        gotException = False
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is False , 'Expected to be able to create a table with executeSql. Got exception %s:  %s' %(str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))

        # Insert with one valueDict
        queryParams = '''INSERT INTO ichor_test_conn_table(name, value, extra_data) VALUES (%(name)s, %(value)s, %(extra_data)s)'''
        gotException = False
            pks = dbConn.doInsert(queryParams, valueDicts=[{'name' : 'one', 'value' : 'Hello', 'extra_data' : None }], returnPk=True, doCommit=False)
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is False , 'Got unexpected exception from doInsert with transaction: %s  %s' %(str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))
        assert pks and len(pks) == 1 and pks[0] , 'Expected to get primary key back from doInsert, but did not.'
        self.nameToPk['one'] = pks[0]

        # insert with inline values and no valueDict
        queryInline = '''INSERT INTO ichor_test_conn_table(name, value, extra_data) VALUES ('two', 'Goodbye', NULL)'''
        gotException = False
            pks = dbConn.doInsert(queryInline, returnPk=True, doCommit=False)
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is False , 'Got unexpected exception from doInsert with transaction: %s  %s' %(str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))
        assert pks and len(pks) == 1 and pks[0] , 'Expected to get primary key back from doInsert, but did not.'
        self.nameToPk['two'] = pks[0]

        # insert multiple valueDicts
        valueDicts = [
            { 'name' : 'three', 'value' : 'Goodbye', 'extra_data' : 'Some extra data' },
            { 'name' : 'four', 'value' : 'Cheese', 'extra_data' : 'Yummy yum yum'},
        gotException = False
            pks = dbConn.doInsert(queryParams, valueDicts=valueDicts, returnPk=True, doCommit=False)
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is False , 'Got unexpected exception from doInsert with transaction: %s  %s' %(str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))
        assert pks , 'Expected to get primary keys back from doInsert with transaction, but did not.'
        assert len(pks) == 2 , 'Expected to get 2 primary keys back from insert with 2 rows, but got %d  %s' %(len(pks), repr(pks))

        assert len([x for x in pks if x]) == 2, 'Expected to have primary keys set, but got empty/missing values. Got: ' + repr(pks)
        self.nameToPk['three'] = pks[0]
        self.nameToPk['four'] = pks[1]

        # Verify that there are no values because we have not committed
        dbConn2 = getDatabaseConnection()

        countResults = dbConn2.doSelect('SELECT count(*) FROM ichor_test_conn_table')
        assert countResults , 'Did not get any return from SELECT count(*) query'

        assert len(countResults) == 1 , 'Expected count(*) query to return 1 row, but got %d.  %s' %(len(countResults), repr(countResults))

        assert countResults[0][0] == 0 , 'Expected no rows to be present before commit with doInsert using transaction. count(*) returned %s' %(repr(countResults), )

        # commit
        gotException = False
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e
        # TODO: Also test error on commit

        assert gotException is False , 'Got an error trying to commit transaction: %s  %s' %(str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))

        # Count should now be 4
        countResults = dbConn2.doSelect('SELECT count(*) FROM ichor_test_conn_table')
        assert countResults , 'Did not get any return from SELECT count(*) query'

        assert len(countResults) == 1 , 'Expected count(*) query to return 1 row, but got %d.  %s' %(len(countResults), repr(countResults))

        assert countResults[0][0] == 4 , 'Expected 4 rows to be present after commit with doInsert using transaction. count(*) returned %s' %(repr(countResults), )
Esempio n. 30
    def test_doInsert(self):
            test_doInsert - Test insert via doInsert

        self.nameToPk = {}

        dbConn = ichorORM.getDatabaseConnection()

        gotException = False
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is False , 'Expected to be able to create a table with executeSql. Got exception %s:  %s' %(str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))

        # Insert with one valueDict
        queryParams = '''INSERT INTO ichor_test_conn_table(name, value, extra_data) VALUES (%(name)s, %(value)s, %(extra_data)s)'''
        gotException = False
            pks = dbConn.doInsert(queryParams, valueDicts=[{'name' : 'one', 'value' : 'Hello', 'extra_data' : None }], returnPk=True)
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is False , 'Got unexpected exception from doInsert: %s  %s' %(str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))
        assert pks and len(pks) == 1 and pks[0] , 'Expected to get primary key back from doInsert, but did not.'
        self.nameToPk['one'] = pks[0]

        # insert with inline values and no valueDict
        queryInline = '''INSERT INTO ichor_test_conn_table(name, value, extra_data) VALUES ('two', 'Goodbye', NULL)'''
        gotException = False
            pks = dbConn.doInsert(queryInline, returnPk=True)
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is False , 'Got unexpected exception from doInsert: %s  %s' %(str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))
        assert pks and len(pks) == 1 and pks[0] , 'Expected to get primary key back from doInsert, but did not.'
        self.nameToPk['two'] = pks[0]

        # insert multiple valueDicts
        valueDicts = [
            { 'name' : 'three', 'value' : 'Goodbye', 'extra_data' : 'Some extra data' },
            { 'name' : 'four', 'value' : 'Cheese', 'extra_data' : 'Yummy yum yum'},
        gotException = False
            pks = dbConn.doInsert(queryParams, valueDicts=valueDicts, returnPk=True)
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is False , 'Got unexpected exception from doInsert: %s  %s' %(str(type(gotException)), str(gotException))
        assert pks , 'Expected to get primary keys back from doInsert, but did not.'
        assert len(pks) == 2 , 'Expected to get 2 primary keys back from insert with 2 rows, but got %d  %s' %(len(pks), repr(pks))

        assert len([x for x in pks if x]) == 2, 'Expected to have primary keys set, but got empty/missing values. Got: ' + repr(pks)

        self.nameToPk['three'] = pks[0]
        self.nameToPk['four'] = pks[1]