Esempio n. 1
def read_filtered(uname, planname, course):
    """Reads and filters a RAPLA schedule

        uname {str} -- The RAPLA schedule creator
        planname {str} -- The name of the schedule
        course {str} -- The course to filter

        str -- The filtered ical string
    # Read the plain ical
    ical = read_plain(uname, planname)
    c = Calendar(ical)
    events =
    new_events = []
    # Iterate over all events
    for event in events:
        # Skip events not for selected course
        if course not in event.location:
        # Find all rooms for event and construct the new location string
        rooms = re.findall(ROOM_REGEX, event.location)
        room_str = ""
        for room in rooms:
            room_str += room + ", "
        room_str = room_str[:-2]
        event.location = room_str
    # Create the new Calendar
    new_cal = Calendar(events=new_events, creator=c.creator)
    # Run async as to not block main Thread
    check_thr = Thread(target=notification.check_notification,
                       args=(uname, planname, course, new_cal))
    return new_cal.__str__()
Esempio n. 2
def ical(request):

    # This should be a comma-separated list with values corresponding to
    # Committee's abbreviation_short field.
    abbreviations = request.GET.get(
        'committee', '').split(',') if 'committee' in request.GET else []

    committees = Committee.objects.filter(

    if len(abbreviations) > 0:
        committees = committees.filter(abbreviation_short__in=abbreviations)

    cal = Calendar()
    cal.creator = '-//Alþingi//NONSGML Fastanefndir Alþingis//IS'
    cal.scale = 'GREGORIAN'
    cal.method = 'PUBLISH'

    agendas = CommitteeAgenda.objects.select_related(

    for agenda in agendas:
        # Short-hand.
        agenda_id = agenda.committee_agenda_xml_id

        description = 'Dagskrá:\n\n'
        for item in agenda.committee_agenda_items.select_related(
            description += '%d. %s\n' % (item.order, capfirst(
            # Add URL of issue, if any.
            if item.issue is not None:
                description += '%s\n' % external_issue_url(
                    item.issue.parliament.parliament_num, item.issue.issue_num)
            description += '\n'

        event = Event()
        event.uid = '*****@*****.**' % agenda_id = capfirst(
        event.description = description
        event.begin = agenda.timing_start_planned
        event.end = agenda.timing_end
        event.url = '' % agenda_id

        # Committee agendas are never planned at midnight (or damn well
        # hopefully not). So when a committee agenda is planned without a time
        # factor, or in other words, is timed at midnight, we'll assume that
        # the timing is actually not precisely determined and turn it into an
        # all-day event instead, using the timing text (determined below) to
        # elaborate instead.
        if event.begin.hour == 0 and event.begin.minute == 0 and event.begin.second == 0:

        if agenda.timing_text:
            # If agenda.timing_text is just a representation of what is
            # already known from the planned starting time, we'll want to
            # nullify it so that we don't clutter the name with it
            # unnecessarily. To do this, we have to re-construct the text that
            # is typically provided and compare it against agenda.timing_text.
            # If they match, we won't include it. If they don't match, then
            # what's provided in agenda.timing_text is presumably more
            # meaningful than simply a (badly) reformatted version of
            # agenda.timing_start_planned.

            timing = agenda.timing_start_planned

            day =
            month_name = ICELANDIC_MONTHS[timing.month]
            year = str(timing.year)[2:]
            time = timing.strftime('%-I:%M')
            am_pm = icelandic_am_pm(timing)

            # Known inconsistencies are whether there is a space in the
            # beginning, and whether there is one space or two between "kl."
            # and the time-of-day. We strip and replace to compensate.
            timing_text_test = '%d. %s %s, kl. %s %s' % (day, month_name, year,
                                                         time, am_pm)
            if agenda.timing_text.strip().replace('  ',
                                                  ' ') != timing_text_test:
       += ' (%s)' % agenda.timing_text.strip()

    ical_text = monkey_patch_ical(
        cal.__str__(), 'Fastanefndir Alþingis',
        'Dagatal sem inniheldur boðaða fundi fastanefnda Alþingis ásamt dagskrá í lýsingu.',
        'Reykjavik/Iceland', 'PT10M')

    if request.GET.get('plaintext', False):
        content_type = 'text/plain'
        content_type = 'text/calendar'

    return HttpResponse(ical_text,
                        content_type='%s; charset=utf-8' % content_type)