def patch():
    ea = idc.find_binary(0,
                         idc.SEARCH_NEXT | idc.SEARCH_DOWN | idc.SEARCH_CASE,

    start_addr = None
    pattern_len = _pattern_len(PATTERN)

    while not (ea == ida_idaapi.BADADDR or idc.get_segm_name(ea) != '.text'):
        # If we don't have start address saved, save it and search for the next pattern match
        if not start_addr:
            start_addr = ea

        # If start address was saved before, we got end address. It's time to patch
            # Remove marker patterns to prevent re-encryption on the next script run
            fill_with_nops(start_addr, start_addr + pattern_len)
            fill_with_nops(ea, ea + pattern_len)

            # Decrypt the code between markers
            for addr in range(start_addr + pattern_len, ea):
                ida_bytes.patch_byte(addr, ~idc.get_wide_byte(addr))

            print('[0x%08X..0x%08X] Region patched' %
                  (start_addr, ea + pattern_len))

            start_addr = None

        ea = idc.find_binary(
            ea, idc.SEARCH_NEXT | idc.SEARCH_DOWN | idc.SEARCH_CASE, PATTERN)

    print('[PATCHING FINISHED]')
Esempio n. 2
def checksig(sig):
    count = 0
    addr = 0
    addr = idc.find_binary(addr, idc.SEARCH_DOWN | idc.SEARCH_NEXT, sig)
    while addr != idc.BADADDR:
        count = count + 1
        addr = idc.find_binary(addr, idc.SEARCH_DOWN | idc.SEARCH_NEXT, sig)

    return count
def is_good_sig(sig):
    count = 0
    addr = 0
    addr = idc.find_binary(addr, idc.SEARCH_DOWN | idc.SEARCH_NEXT, sig)
    while count <= 2 and addr != idc.BADADDR:
        count = count + 1
        addr = idc.find_binary(addr, idc.SEARCH_DOWN | idc.SEARCH_NEXT, sig)

    return count == 1
Esempio n. 4
def main():
    print('[*] start debfuscation')

    for s in get_code_segments():
        print('[*] try to deobfuscate {} section'.format(

        if s.use32():
            junk_patterns = junk_patterns_x86
        elif s.use64():
            junk_patterns = junk_patterns_x64
            print('[!] unsupported arch')

        print('[*] replace junk code to nop')
        for pattern, pattern_len in junk_patterns:
            addr_from = idc.find_binary(s.start_ea, ida_search.SEARCH_DOWN,
            while addr_from != idaapi.BADADDR and addr_from < s.end_ea:
                ida_bytes.patch_bytes(addr_from, '\x90' * pattern_len)
                addr_from = idc.find_binary(addr_from + pattern_len,
                                            ida_search.SEARCH_DOWN, pattern)

        print('[*] hide nop code')
        addr_from = ida_search.find_text(
            s.start_ea, 0, 0, 'nop',
            ida_search.SEARCH_CASE | ida_search.SEARCH_DOWN)
        while addr_from != idaapi.BADADDR and addr_from < s.end_ea:
            func_offset = idc.get_func_off_str(addr_from)
            if type(func_offset) == str and func_offset.find('+') == -1:
                addr_from = ida_search.find_text(
                    idc.next_head(addr_from), 0, 0, 'nop',
                    ida_search.SEARCH_CASE | ida_search.SEARCH_DOWN)
                i = 0
                while True:
                    if ida_bytes.get_byte(addr_from + i) == 0x90:
                        i += 1
                if i >= 3:
                    idc.add_hidden_range(addr_from, addr_from + i, 'nop', None,
                                         None, 0xFFFFFFFF)
                    print("%08X" % addr_from)
                addr_from = ida_search.find_text(
                    idc.next_head(addr_from + i), 0, 0, 'nop',
                    ida_search.SEARCH_CASE | ida_search.SEARCH_DOWN)

        #print('[*] renanlyze')
        #idc.del_items(s.start_ea, size=s.size())
        #idc.plan_and_wait(s.start_ea, s.end_ea)
    print('[*] done')
Esempio n. 5
    def _get_bytes(self, location, size=None, code_page=None):
        Extracts bytes from given location.

        :param location: Location to pull bytes
        :param size: Number of bytes to pull (determines size by looking for terminator if not provided)
        :param code_page: Known code_page used to determine terminator.
        :return: bytes or None
        # Determine size by looking for terminator.
        # (Use provided encoding to determine terminator width.)
        if size is None:
            width = 1
            if code_page:
                if '16' in code_page:
                    width = 2
                elif '32' in code_page:
                    width = 4
            end_location = idc.find_binary(location, idc.SEARCH_DOWN, "00 " * width)
            if end_location == idc.BADADDR:
                logger.warning('Failed to extract bytes from 0x{:08X}'.format(location))
                return None

            size = end_location - location
            while size % width:  # ensure unicode strings are a valid length
                size += 1

        # Pull size amount of bytes from IDA.
        data = idc.get_bytes(location, size)
        if data is None:
            logger.warning('Failed to extract {} bytes from 0x{:08X}'.format(size, location))
        return data
Esempio n. 6
def main():
    tid = get_guid_tid()
    for type_name, type_prefix, filepath in GUID_LIST:
        print('[*] scanning {}'.format(type_name))
        fp = open(filepath, 'r')
        for line in fp.readlines():
            line = line.strip()
            if line == "":
            guid, guid_name = line.split(' ')
            guid_name = type_prefix + guid_name
            binary_pattern = make_binary_pattern(guid)

            ea = 0
            while True:
                ea = idc.find_binary(
                    ea, ida_search.SEARCH_DOWN | ida_search.SEARCH_NEXT
                    | ida_search.SEARCH_NOSHOW, binary_pattern)
                if ea == idaapi.BADADDR:

                idc.del_items(ea, 16, 0)
                ida_bytes.create_struct(ea, ida_struct.get_struc_size(tid),
                if idc.set_name(ea, guid_name, ida_name.SN_NOWARN) != 1:
                    for i in range(0, 100):
                        if idc.set_name(ea, guid_name + "_" + str(i),
                                        ida_name.SN_NOWARN) == 1:
                        print("[!] 0x{:X}: failed to apply {}".format(
                            ea, guid_name))
                print("[*] 0x{:X}: {}".format(ea, guid_name))

    print("[*] finished")
Esempio n. 7
def find_binary_instruction_start(
        Given a starting location, target, and direction, find an instruction starting with the target bytes.

        search_start_location - The EA to start searching at
        search_direction - either idc.SEARCH_UP or idc.SEARCH_DOWN
        target - The target as space separated bytes (i.e. '55' for 'push ebp')
        min_location - The minimum EA to accept results for (default: idc.get_inf_attr(idc.INF_MIN_EA))
        max_location - The maximum EA to accept results for (default: idc.get_inf_attr(idc.INF_MAX_EA))

        Returns the first matching location if found, otherwise idc.BADADDR
    target = target.upper()
    while search_start_location < max_location:
        ea = idc.find_binary(search_start_location, search_direction, target)
        if (min_location <= ea < max_location
                and ea == idc.get_item_head(ea) and idc.get_bytes(
                        target.replace(' ', ''))):
            return ea
            search_start_location = ea + (1 if search_direction
                                          == idc.SEARCH_DOWN else -1)
    return idc.BADADDR
Esempio n. 8
def FindFunctionByPatternStartEA(pattern):
    address = idc.find_binary(0, SEARCH_DOWN, pattern)
    if address == BADADDR:
        return BADADDR

        return idaapi.get_func(address).start_ea
    except Exception:
        return -1
Esempio n. 9
def FindFunctionFirstXRef(name):
    address = idc.find_binary(0, SEARCH_DOWN, "\"" + name + "\"")
    dword = BADADDR

    if address == BADADDR:
        return BADADDR

    xrefs = XrefsTo(address)
    for xref in xrefs:
        dword = xref.frm

        return idaapi.get_func(dword).startEA
    except Exception:
        return -1
Esempio n. 10
def FindFunctionAddr(name, offset, operandValue):
    address = idc.find_binary(0, SEARCH_DOWN, "\"" + name + "\"")
    dword = -1

    if address == BADADDR:
        return BADADDR

    xrefs = XrefsTo(address)
    for xref in xrefs:
        dword = xref.frm + offset

    if dword == BADADDR:
        return BADADDR

    return idc.get_operand_value(dword, operandValue)
def patch():
    for patterns, patch_function in PATCH_DATA:
        anything_patched = True

        while anything_patched:
            anything_patched = False

            for pattern in patterns:
                ea = -_pattern_len(pattern)

                while True:
                    ea += _pattern_len(pattern)
                    ea = idc.find_binary(ea, idc.SEARCH_NEXT | idc.SEARCH_DOWN | idc.SEARCH_CASE, pattern)
                    if ea == ida_idaapi.BADADDR or idc.get_segm_name(ea) != '.text':

                    patched = bool(patch_function(ea))
                    anything_patched |= patched

                    if patched:
                        print('[0x%08X] Code patched (%s)' % (ea, patch_function.__name__))

    print('[PATCHING FINISHED]')
Esempio n. 12
def process_cond(cond_type, cond_value, start_addr):
        cond_type: The condition type.
        cond_value: The value for the condition.
        start_addr: The starting address for searching.

        A tuple of (<frozen_set_of_found_addr>,<next_search_addr>).
    search_flag = ida_search.SEARCH_DOWN | ida_search.SEARCH_NEXT
    found_addr = start_addr
    if(cond_type == "refStr"):
        found_addr = ida_search.find_text(start_addr,
        start_addr = idc.next_head(found_addr)
        found_addr_set = frozenset(idautils.DataRefsTo(found_addr))
        print("hasStr matched!!! found_addr: {0} found_addr_set: {1}, start_addr: {2} cond_value: {3}".format(found_addr, found_addr_set, start_addr, cond_value))

    elif(cond_type == "hasBytes"):
        found_addr = idc.find_binary(start_addr,
        start_addr = found_addr
        found_addr_set = frozenset([found_addr])

    elif(cond_type == "addr"):
        found_addr_set = frozenset(int(cond_value, 16)) # note that cond_value is a string

        print("Condition type: {0} is not supported!".format(cond_type))

    return (found_addr_set, start_addr)
Esempio n. 13
def main():
    print("[*] League of Legends Client Update Tool")
    print("[*] By Dencelle for")
    print("[*] Started at: %s" %
    # Functions that need to be sorted
    MakeEnum("Functions", [
            FindFunctionByPatternStartEA("8B 44 24 04 56 8B 71 18")
                "E8 ? ? ? ? 50 68 ? ? ? ? 6A 00 6A 01 6A 02 E8 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ?"
            FindFuncCall("E8 ? ? ? ? 8B F0 85 F6 74 21 0F 1F 44 00 ?")
            FindFunctionByPatternStartEA("83 EC 10 56 E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 08")
            FindFunctionFirstXRef("ERROR: Client Tried to cast a spell from")
                "33 C4 89 84 24 ? ? ? ? F3 0F 10 84 24 ? ? ? ? 8D 0C")
            FindFunctionByPatternStartEA("53 8B D9 B8 ? ? ? ? 8B 93")
            FindFunctionByPatternStartEA("83 EC 0C 53 8B 5C 24 14 8B CB 56")
         FindFunctionByPatternStartEA("8B 44 24 04 51 F3")],
         FindFunctionByPatternStartEA("55 8B EC 83 EC 08 0F B6")],
         FindFuncCall("E8 ? ? ? ? 8B F8 8B CB 89")],
            FindFunctionByPatternStartEA("56 8B F1 E8 ? ? ? ? 84 C0 74 2E 8D")
                "56 8B F1 8B 06 8B 80 ? ? ? ? FF D0 84 C0 74 19")
            FindFunctionByPatternStartEA("56 81 C1 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 68")
         FindFuncCall("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 04 84 C0 75 ?")],
        ["IsInhib", FindFuncCall("E8 ? ? ? ? 55 88 44 24 1F")],
        ["IsHero", FindFuncCall("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 04 84 C0 74 52")],
         FindFuncCall("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 04 80 7F 26 06")],
                "83 EC 10 A1 ? ? ? ? 33 C4 89 44 24 0C 56 81")
         FindFuncCall("E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 04 84 C0 74 3F")],
        ["IsNexus", FindFuncCall("E8 ? ? ? ? 55 88 44 24 20")],
                "85 FF 0F 48 C3 0F AF C8 8B 86 ? ? ? ? 5F 5E 5B 03 CA 8D")
                "E8 ? ? ? ? 33 C9 83 C4 04 84 C0 0F 45 4C 24 ? 8B C1 C3 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC FF 74 24 04 E8 ? ? ? ? 33 C9 83 C4 04 84 C0 0F 45 4C 24 ? 8B C1 C3 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC 56"
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 89 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B 84 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B CF F3 0F 7E 00"
         FindFuncCall("E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 77 40 8A 47 48")],
         FindFunctionByPatternStartEA("A1 ? ? ? ? 56 6A FF")],
            FindFuncCall("E8 ? ? ? ? 51 D9 1C 24 E8 ? ? ? ? 8B")
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B 4E ?? 8D 54 ?? ?? 52 8B 01 FF ?? ?? 5E 83 ?? ?? C3"
                "30 44 14 10 42 3B D1 72 F0 8B 74 24 14 83 7C 24 ? ? 74")
            FindFuncCall("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 84 C0 74 ?? 32 C9 EB")
         FindFuncCall("E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 4E 20 85 C9 74 0F")],
            FindFuncCall("E8 ? ? ? ? 8B 0D ? ? ? ? 83 C4 04 8B F0 6A 0B")
            FindFunctionByPatternStartEA("83 EC 4C 53 57")
            FindFunctionByPatternStartEA("83 EC 18 53 56 57 8D 44 24 20")
         FindFuncCall("E8 ? ? ? ? 39 44 24 1C 5F")],
                "81 EC ? ? ? ? A1 ? ? ? ? 33 C4 89 84 24 ? ? ? ? 56 8B B4 24 ? ? ? ? 8B C6"
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 50 8B CE E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 80 BB ?? ?? ?? ?? ??")
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B 54 ?? ?? 83 ?? ?? 72 ?? 8B 4C ?? ?? 42 8B C1 81 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 72 ?? 8B 49 ?? 83 ?? ?? 2B C1 83 ?? ?? 83 ?? ?? 0F ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 52 51 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 83 ?? ?? 8B 06 8B CE FF ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B CE F3 0F"
                "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B CE E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 80 BE ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? D8")
            FindFunctionByPatternStartEA("83 EC 18 56 8B 74 24 20 8B CE 57")
                "A1 ? ? ? ? 85 C0 75 0B 8B 0D ? ? ? ? 8B 01 FF 60 14")
         FindFuncCall("E8 ? ? ? ? 39 44 24 1C 5F")],
                "81 EC ? ? ? ? A1 ? ? ? ? 33 C4 89 84 24 ? ? ? ? 56 FF B4 24 ? ? ? ? 8D 44 24 14"
            FindFunctionByPatternStartEA("83 EC 08 56 57 FF 74 24 14")
    # Offsets that need to be sorted
    MakeEnum("Offsets", [
            idc.find_binary(0, SEARCH_DOWN,
                            "E8 ? ? ? ? 83 C4 1C C3 E8 ? ? ? ?") + 0x8
         idc.find_binary(0, SEARCH_DOWN, "83 C4 1C C3")],
                "8B 0D ? ? ? ? 85 C9 74 07 8B 01 6A 01 FF 50 08 8B", 1)
                "8B 0D ? ? ? ? 85 C9 74 07 8B 01 6A 01 FF 50 08 8B", 1)
                "8B 35 ? ? ? ? 8D 44 24 14 53 8B 1D ? ? ? ? 8B CF", 1)
         FindOffsetPattern("8B 0D ? ? ? ? 89 74 24 14", 1)],
         FindOffsetPattern("A3 ? ? ? ? 83 FA 10 72 32", 0)],
         FindOffsetPattern("A1 ? ? ? ? 83 78 08 02 0F 94", 1)],
                "8B 0D ? ? ? ? 6A 00 8B 49 34 E8 ? ? ? ? B0 01 C2", 1)
         FindOffsetPattern("8B 15 ? ? ? ? 83 EC 08", 1)],
         FindOffsetPattern("8B 0D ? ? ? ? 89 0D", 1)],
            FindOffsetPattern("A1 ? ? ? ? 68 ? ? ? ? 8B 70 08 E8", 1)
                "A1 ?? ?? ?? ?? 85 C0 74 07 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? EB 02 33 C0 56", 1)
         FindOffsetPattern("F3 0F 11 05 ? ? ? ? 8B 49", 0)],
         FindOffsetPattern("8B 0D ? ? ? ? 6A 00 E8 ? ? ? ? C7", 1)],
            FindOffsetPattern("89 1D ?? ?? ?? ?? 56 8D 4B 04", 0)
            FindOffsetPattern("A1 ?? ?? ?? ?? 53 55 8B 6C 24 1C", 1)
            FindOffsetPattern("8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ?? 50 8D 44 24 18", 1)
            FindOffsetPattern("8A 87 ? ? ? ? 88 4C 24 0B", 1) - 1
                "8D 8E ? ? ? ? 89 44 24 28 C7 44 24 ? ? ? ? ? C6 44 24 ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? FF 30 8D 44 24 2C 68 ? ? ? ?",
                "80 BF ? ? ? ? ? 75 50 0F 31 33 C9 66 C7 87 ? ? ? ? ? ?", 0)
         FindOffsetPattern("3B 05 ? ? ? ? 75 72", 1)],
         FindOffsetPattern("A1 ? ? ? ? 55 57 53", 1)],
         FindOffsetPattern("A1 ? ? ? ? 68 ? ? ? ? 8B 70 08", 1)],
         FindOffsetPattern("8B 86 ? ? ? ? 89 4C 24 08", 1)],
        ["SwapChain", FindOffsetPattern("8B 8E ? ? ? ? 52 57", 1)],
            FindOffsetPattern("8D 8E ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 8B CE E8 ? ? ? ? A1",
Esempio n. 14
def FindFuncCall(Pattern):  # Find's Func. by Pattern to a Call
    addr = idc.find_binary(0, SEARCH_DOWN, Pattern)
    if addr == BADADDR: return 0
    return idc.get_operand_value(addr, 0)
Esempio n. 15
def FindOffsetPattern(Pattern, Operand):
    addr = idc.find_binary(0, SEARCH_DOWN, Pattern)
    if addr == BADADDR: return 0

    return idc.get_operand_value(addr, Operand)
Esempio n. 16
def ida_find_all(payload):
    ea = idc.find_binary(0, idc.SEARCH_DOWN | idc.SEARCH_REGEX, payload)
    while ea != idc.BADADDR:
        yield ea
        ea = idc.find_binary(ea + 1, idc.SEARCH_DOWN | idc.SEARCH_REGEX,