Esempio n. 1
    def identifyStandardEssentialParameters(self):
        """Identify standard essential parameters directly with non-singular standard regressor."""

        with helpers.Timer() as t:
            # weighting with previously determined essential params
            # calculates V_1e, U_1e etc. (Gautier, 2013)
            Yst_e =   # = W_st^e
            Ue, se, VHe = sla.svd(Yst_e, full_matrices=False)
            ne = self.num_essential_params  # nr. of essential params among base params
            V_1e = VHe.T[:, 0:ne]
            U_1e = Ue[:, 0:ne]
            s_1e_inv = sla.inv(np.diag(se[0:ne]))
            W_st_e_pinv = np.diag(self.xStdEssential).dot(
            #W_st_e = la.pinv(W_st_e_pinv)

            #TODO: add contact forces
            x_tmp =

            if self.opt['useAPriori']:
                self.model.xStd = self.model.xStdModel + x_tmp
                self.model.xStd = x_tmp

        if self.opt['showTiming']:
            print("Identifying %s std essential parameters took %.03f sec." % (len(self.stdEssentialIdx), t.interval))
Esempio n. 2
    def identifyStandardParametersDirect(self):
        """Identify standard parameters directly with non-singular standard regressor."""

        with helpers.Timer() as t:
            U, s, VH = la.svd(self.model.YStd, full_matrices=False)
            nb = self.model.num_base_params

            # get non-singular std regressor
            V_1 = VH.T[:, 0:nb]
            U_1 = U[:, 0:nb]
            s_1 = np.diag(s[0:nb])
            s_1_inv = la.inv(s_1)
            W_st_pinv =
            W_st = la.pinv(W_st_pinv)
            self.YStd_nonsing = W_st

            #TODO: add contact forces
            x_est =

            if self.opt['useAPriori']:
                self.model.xStd = self.model.xStdModel + x_est
                self.model.xStd = x_est

            st = self.model.num_identified_params
            # non-singular YStd, called W_st in Gautier, 2013
            self.YStdHat = self.YStd - U[:, nb:st].dot(np.diag(s[nb:st])).dot(V[:,nb:st].T)
            self.YStdHatInv = la.pinv(self.YStdHat)
            x_tmp =, self.model.tau)

            if self.opt['useAPriori']:
                self.model.xStd = self.model.xStdModel + x_tmp
                self.model.xStd = x_tmp
        if self.opt['showTiming']:
            print("Identifying std parameters directly took %.03f sec." % t.interval)
Esempio n. 3
    def initSDP_LMIs(self, idf, remove_nonid=True):
        # type: (Identification, bool) -> None
        ''' initialize LMI matrices to set physical consistency constraints for SDP solver
            based on Sousa, 2014 and corresponding code (

        with helpers.Timer() as t:
            if idf.opt['verbose']:
                print("Initializing LMIs...")

            def skew(v):
                return Matrix([[    0,-v[2], v[1]],
                               [ v[2],    0,-v[0]],
                               [-v[1], v[0],  0 ]])
            I = Identity
            S = skew

            # don't include equations for 0'th link (in case it's fixed)
            if idf.opt['floatingBase'] == 0 and idf.opt['deleteFixedBase']:
                if idf.opt['identifyGravityParamsOnly']:
                    self.delete_cols = [0,1,2,3]
                    self.delete_cols = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

                if set(self.delete_cols).issubset(idf.model.non_id):
                    start_link = 1
                    # if 0'th link is identifiable, just include as usual
                    start_link = 0
                    self.delete_cols = []
                start_link = 0
                self.delete_cols = []

            D_inertia_blocks = []
            D_other_blocks = []

            if idf.opt['identifyGravityParamsOnly']:
                # only constrain gravity params (i.e. mass as COM is not part of physical
                # consistency)
                for i in range(start_link, idf.model.num_links):
                    if i*10 not in self.delete_cols:
                        p = idf.model.mass_params[i]
                # create LMI matrices (symbols) for each link
                # so that mass is positive, inertia matrix is positive definite
                # (each matrix block is constrained to be >0 or >=0)
                for i in range(start_link, idf.model.num_links):
                    m = idf.model.mass_syms[i]
                    l = Matrix([idf.model.param_syms[i*10+1],
                    L = Matrix([[idf.model.param_syms[i*10+4+0],

                    Di = BlockMatrix([[L,    S(l).T],
                                      [S(l), I(3)*m]])

            params_to_skip = []

            # ignore depending on sub-regressor condition numbers per link
            if idf.opt['noChange']:
                linkConds = idf.model.getSubregressorsConditionNumbers()
            robotmass_apriori = 0
            for i in range(0, idf.model.num_links):
                robotmass_apriori += idf.model.xStdModel[i*10]  #count a priori link masses

                # for links that have too high condition number, don't change params
                if idf.opt['noChange'] and linkConds[i] > idf.opt['noChangeThresh']:
                    print(Fore.YELLOW + 'not changing parameters of link {} ({})!'.format(i, idf.model.linkNames[i]) + Fore.RESET)
                    # don't change mass

                    # don't change COM

                    # don't change inertia

            # constrain manually fixed params
            for p in idf.opt['dontChangeParams']:

            for p in set(params_to_skip):
                if (idf.opt['identifyGravityParamsOnly'] and p not in idf.model.inertia_params) \
                        or not idf.opt['identifyGravityParamsOnly']:
                    if p not in idf.opt['dontConstrain']:
                        D_other_blocks.append(Matrix([idf.model.xStdModel[p] - idf.model.param_syms[p]]))
                        D_other_blocks.append(Matrix([idf.model.param_syms[p] - idf.model.xStdModel[p]]))

            # constrain overall mass within bounds
            if idf.opt['limitOverallMass']:
                # use given overall mass else use overall mass from CAD
                if idf.opt['limitMassVal']:
                    robotmaxmass = idf.opt['limitMassVal'] - sum(idf.model.xStdModel[0:start_link*10:10])
                    robotmaxmass_ub = robotmaxmass * 1.0 + idf.opt['limitMassRange']
                    robotmaxmass_lb = robotmaxmass * 1.0 - idf.opt['limitMassRange']
                    robotmaxmass = robotmass_apriori
                    # constrain within apriori range
                    robotmaxmass_ub = robotmaxmass * 1.0 + idf.opt['limitMassRange']
                    robotmaxmass_lb = robotmaxmass * 1.0 - idf.opt['limitMassRange']

                D_other_blocks.append(Matrix([robotmaxmass_ub - sum(idf.model.mass_syms[start_link:])]))  # maximum mass
                D_other_blocks.append(Matrix([sum(idf.model.mass_syms[start_link:]) - robotmaxmass_lb]))  # minimum mass

            # start with pudb
            #import pudb; pu.db

            # constrain masses for each link separately
            if idf.opt['limitMassToApriori']:
                # constrain each mass to env of a priori value
                for i in range(start_link, idf.model.num_links):
                    if not (idf.opt['noChange'] and linkConds[i] > idf.opt['noChangeThresh']):
                        p = i*10
                        if p not in idf.opt['dontConstrain']:
                            bound = np.abs(idf.model.xStdModel[p]) * idf.opt['limitMassAprioriBoundary']
                            #if np.abs(idf.model.xStdModel[p]) < 0.001:
                            #    bound += 0.001

                            lb = Matrix([idf.model.mass_syms[i] -
                                         (idf.model.xStdModel[p] - bound)])
                            ub = Matrix([-idf.model.mass_syms[i] +
                                         (idf.model.xStdModel[p] + bound)])

            # constrain masses for each link separately
            if idf.opt['limitCOMToApriori']:
                # constrain each mass to env of a priori value
                for i in range(start_link, idf.model.num_links):
                    if not (idf.opt['noChange'] and linkConds[i] > idf.opt['noChangeThresh']):
                        for p in range(i*10+1, i*10+4):
                            if p not in idf.opt['dontConstrain']:
                                bound = np.abs(idf.model.xStdModel[p]) * idf.opt['limitCOMAprioriBoundary']
                                if np.abs(idf.model.xStdModel[p]) < 0.01:
                                    bound += 0.01

                                lb = Matrix([idf.model.param_syms[p] -
                                             (idf.model.xStdModel[p] - bound)])
                                ub = Matrix([-idf.model.param_syms[p] +
                                             (idf.model.xStdModel[p] + bound)])

            if idf.opt['restrictCOMtoHull']:
                link_cuboid_hulls = {}   # type: Dict[str, Tuple[List, List, List]]
                for i in range(start_link, idf.model.num_links):
                    if not (idf.opt['noChange'] and linkConds[i] > idf.opt['noChangeThresh']):
                        link_name = idf.model.linkNames[i]
                        box, pos, rot = idf.urdfHelpers.getBoundingBox(
                            input_urdf = idf.model.urdf_file,
                            old_com = idf.model.xStdModel[i*10+1:i*10+4] / idf.model.xStdModel[i*10],
                            link_name = link_name
                        link_cuboid_hulls[link_name] = (box, pos, rot)
                        l = Matrix(idf.model.param_syms[i*10+1:i*10+4])
                        m = idf.model.mass_syms[i]

                        link_cuboid_hull = link_cuboid_hulls[link_name][0]
                        for j in range(3):
                            p = i*10+1+j
                            if p not in self.delete_cols and p not in idf.opt['dontConstrain']:
                                lb = Matrix([[ l[j] - m*link_cuboid_hull[0][j]]])
                                ub = Matrix([[-l[j] + m*link_cuboid_hull[1][j]]])

            elif not idf.opt['limitCOMToApriori'] and idf.opt['identifyGravityParamsOnly']:
                    print(Fore.RED+"COM parameters are not constrained,", end=' ')
                    print("might result in rank deficiency when solving SDP problem!"+Fore.RESET)

            # symmetry constraints
            if idf.opt['useSymmetryConstraints'] and idf.opt['symmetryConstraints']:
                for (a, b, sign) in idf.opt['symmetryConstraints']:
                    if (idf.opt['identifyGravityParamsOnly'] and a not in idf.model.inertia_params and
                            b not in idf.model.inertia_params) \
                            or not idf.opt['identifyGravityParamsOnly']:
                        eps = idf.opt['symmetryTolerance']

                        p_a = idf.model.param_syms[a]
                        p_b = idf.model.param_syms[b]
                        # schur matrix of (a-b)^2 == (a-b)(a-b)^T < eps
                        sym = Matrix([[eps,   p_a - sign*p_b],
                                      [p_a - sign*p_b,     1]])

            if idf.opt['identifyFriction']:
                # friction constraints, need to be positive
                # (only makes sense when no offsets on torque measurements and if there is
                # movements, otherwise constant friction includes offsets and can be negative)
                if not idf.opt['identifyGravityParamsOnly']:
                    for i in range(idf.model.num_dofs):
                        # Fc > 0
                        p = i  #idf.model.num_model_params+i
                        #D_other_blocks.append( Matrix([idf.model.friction_syms[p]]) )
                        #self.constr_per_param[idf.model.num_model_params + p].append('>0')

                        # Fv > 0
                        self.constr_per_param[idf.model.num_model_params + p + idf.model.num_dofs].append('>0')
                        if not idf.opt['identifySymmetricVelFriction']:
                            self.constr_per_param[idf.model.num_model_params + p + idf.model.num_dofs * 2].append('>0')

            self.D_blocks = D_inertia_blocks + D_other_blocks

            self.LMIs = list(map(LMI_PD, self.D_blocks))
            self.epsilon_safemargin = 1e-6
            self.LMIs_marg = list([LMI_PSD(lm - self.epsilon_safemargin*eye(lm.shape[0])) for lm in self.D_blocks])

        if idf.opt['showTiming']:
            print("Initializing LMIs took %.03f sec." % (t.interval))
Esempio n. 4
    def findFeasibleStdFromFeasibleBase(self, idf, xBase):
        # type: (Identification, np._ArrayLike) -> None
        ''' find a std feasible solution for feasible base solution (exists by definition) while
            minimizing param distance to a-priori parameters

        with helpers.Timer() as t:
            I = Identity

            # symbols for std params
            idable_params = sorted(list(set(idf.model.identified_params).difference(self.delete_cols)))
            delta = Matrix(idf.model.param_syms[idable_params])

            # equations for base parameters expressed in independent std param symbols
            beta = idf.model.base_deps  #.applyfunc(lambda x: x.nsimplify())

            # add explicit constraints for each base param equation and estimated value
            D_base_val_blocks = []
            for i in range(idf.model.num_base_params):
                D_base_val_blocks.append(Matrix([beta[i] - (xBase[i] - self.epsilon_safemargin)]))
                D_base_val_blocks.append(Matrix([xBase[i] + (self.epsilon_safemargin - beta[i])]))
            self.D_blocks += D_base_val_blocks

            self.LMIs_marg = list([LMI_PSD(lm - self.epsilon_safemargin*eye(lm.shape[0])) for lm in self.D_blocks])

            # closest to CAD but ignore non_identifiable params
            sol_cad_dist = Matrix(idf.model.xStdModel[idable_params]) - delta
            u = Symbol('u')
            U_rho = BlockMatrix([[Matrix([u]), sol_cad_dist.T],
                                 [sol_cad_dist, I(len(idable_params))]])
            U_rho = U_rho.as_explicit()

            lmis = [LMI_PSD(U_rho)] + self.LMIs_marg
            variables = [u] + list(delta)
            objective_func = u   # 'find' problem

            xStd = np.delete(idf.model.xStd, self.delete_cols)
            old_dist = la.norm(idf.model.xStdModel[idable_params] - xStd)**2

            if idf.opt['checkAPrioriFeasibility']:

            # don't use cvxopt atm because it won't use primal and fail anyway
            onlyUseDSDP = 1
            if not onlyUseDSDP:
                if idf.opt['verbose']:
                    print("Solving with cvxopt...", end=' ')
                solution, state = sdp_helpers.solve_sdp(objective_func, lmis, variables, primalstart=xStd)

            # try again with wider bounds and dsdp5 cmd line
            if onlyUseDSDP or state is not 'optimal':
                if idf.opt['verbose']:
                    print("Solving with dsdp5...", end=' ')
                sdp_helpers.solve_sdp = sdp_helpers.dsdp5
                # start at CAD data to find solution faster
                solution, state = sdp_helpers.solve_sdp(objective_func, lmis, variables, primalstart=xStd, wide_bounds=True)
                sdp_helpers.solve_sdp = sdp_helpers.cvxopt_conelp

            u = solution[0, 0]
            print("SDP found std solution with distance {} from CAD solution (compared to {})".format(u, old_dist))
            idf.model.xStd = np.squeeze(np.asarray(solution[1:]))

            # prepend apriori values for 0'th link non-identifiable variables
            for c in self.delete_cols:
                idf.model.xStd = np.insert(idf.model.xStd, c, 0)
            idf.model.xStd[self.delete_cols] = idf.model.xStdModel[self.delete_cols]

        if idf.opt['showTiming']:
            print("Constrained SDP optimization took %.03f sec." % (t.interval))
Esempio n. 5
    def identifyFeasibleBaseParameters(self, idf):
        # type: (Identification) -> None
        ''' use SDP optimization to solve OLS to find physically feasible base parameters (i.e. for
            which a consistent std solution exists), based on code from
        with helpers.Timer() as t:
            if idf.opt['verbose']:
                print("Preparing SDP...")

            # build OLS matrix
            I = Identity

            # base and standard parameter symbols
            delta = Matrix(idf.model.param_syms)
            beta_symbs = idf.model.base_syms

            # permutation of std to base columns projection
            # (simplify to reduce 1.0 to 1 etc., important for replacement)
            Pb = Matrix(idf.model.Pb).applyfunc(lambda x: x.nsimplify())
            # permutation of std to non-identifiable columns (dependents)
            Pd = Matrix(idf.model.Pd).applyfunc(lambda x: x.nsimplify())

            # projection matrix from independents to dependents
            #Kd = Matrix(idf.model.linear_deps)
            #K = Matrix(idf.model.K).applyfunc(lambda x: x.nsimplify()) #(Pb.T + Kd * Pd.T)

            # equations for base parameters expressed in independent std param symbols
            #beta = K * delta
            beta = Matrix(idf.model.base_deps).applyfunc(lambda x: x.nsimplify())

            # std vars that occur in base params (as many as base params, so only the single ones or
            # chosen as independent ones)

            if idf.opt['useBasisProjection']:
                # determined through base matrix, which included other variables too
                # (find first variable in eq, chosen as independent here)
                delta_b_syms = []   # type: List[sympy.Symbol]
                for i in range(idf.model.base_deps.shape[0]):
                    for s in idf.model.base_deps[i].free_symbols:
                        if s not in delta_b_syms:
                delta_b = Matrix(delta_b_syms)
                # determined through permutation matrix from QR (not correct if base matrix is orthogonalized afterwards)
                delta_b = Pb.T*delta

            # std variables that are dependent, i.e. their value is a combination of independent columns
            # (they don't appear in base params but in feasibility constraints)

            if idf.opt['useBasisProjection']:
                #determined from base eqns
                delta_not_d = idf.model.base_deps[0].free_symbols
                for e in idf.model.base_deps:
                    delta_not_d = delta_not_d.union(e.free_symbols)
                delta_d_syms = []
                for s in delta:
                    if s not in delta_not_d:
                delta_d = Matrix(delta_d_syms)
                # determined through permutation matrix from QR (not correct if base matrix is orthogonalized afterwards)
                delta_d = Pd.T*delta

            # rewrite LMIs for base params

            if idf.opt['useBasisProjection']:
                # (Sousa code is assuming that delta_b for each eq has factor 1.0 in equations beta.
                # this is true if using Gautier dependency matrix, otherwise
                # correct is to properly transpose eqn base_n = a1*x1 + a2*x2 + ... +an*xn to
                # 1*xi = a1*x1/ai + a2*x2/ai + ... + an*xn/ai - base_n/ai )
                transposed_beta = Matrix([solve(beta[i], delta_b[i])[0] for i in range(len(beta))])
                self.varchange_dict = dict(zip(delta_b, beta_symbs + transposed_beta))

                #add free vars to variables for optimization
                for eq in transposed_beta:
                    for s in eq.free_symbols:
                        if s not in delta_d:
                            delta_d = delta_d.col_join(Matrix([s]))
                self.varchange_dict = dict(zip(delta_b, beta_symbs - (beta - delta_b)))

            DB_blocks = [self.mrepl(Di, self.varchange_dict) for Di in self.D_blocks]
            self.DB_LMIs_marg = list([LMI_PSD(lm - self.epsilon_safemargin*eye(lm.shape[0])) for lm in DB_blocks])

            Q, R = la.qr(idf.model.YBase)
            #Q1 = Q[:, 0:idf.model.num_base_params]
            #Q2 = Q[:, idf.model.num_base_params:]
            R1 = np.matrix(R[:idf.model.num_base_params, :idf.model.num_base_params])  # type: np.matrix[float]

            # OLS: minimize ||tau - Y*x_base||^2 (simplify)=> minimize ||rho1.T - R1*K*delta||^2
            rho1 = - idf.model.contactForcesSum)

            e_rho1 = Matrix(rho1) - (R1*beta_symbs)

            rho2_norm_sqr = la.norm(idf.model.torques_stack -**2
            u = Symbol('u')
            U_rho = BlockMatrix([[Matrix([u - rho2_norm_sqr]), e_rho1.T],
                                 [e_rho1, I(idf.model.num_base_params)]])
            U_rho = U_rho.as_explicit()

            if idf.opt['verbose']:
                print("Add constraint LMIs")

            lmis = [LMI_PSD(U_rho)] + self.DB_LMIs_marg
            variables = [u] + list(beta_symbs) + list(delta_d)

            # solve SDP
            objective_func = u

            if idf.opt['verbose']:
                print("Solving constrained OLS as SDP")

            # start at CAD data, might increase convergence speed (atm only works with dsdp5.
            # with cvxopt, only returns primal as solution when failing)
            prime = np.concatenate((idf.model.xBaseModel, np.array(Pd.T*idf.model.xStdModel)[:,0]))

            onlyUseDSDP = 0
            if not onlyUseDSDP:
                solution, state = sdp_helpers.solve_sdp(objective_func, lmis, variables, primalstart=prime)

            #try again with wider bounds and dsdp5 cmd line
            if onlyUseDSDP or state is not 'optimal':
                print("Trying again with dsdp5 solver")
                sdp_helpers.solve_sdp = sdp_helpers.dsdp5
                solution, state = sdp_helpers.solve_sdp(objective_func, lmis, variables, primalstart=prime, wide_bounds=True)
                sdp_helpers.solve_sdp = sdp_helpers.cvxopt_conelp

            u = solution[0,0]
            if u:
                print("SDP found base solution with {} error increase from OLS solution".format(u))
            beta_star = np.matrix(solution[1:1+idf.model.num_base_params])  # type: np.matrix[float]

            idf.model.xBase = np.squeeze(np.asarray(beta_star))

        if idf.opt['showTiming']:
            print("Constrained SDP optimization took %.03f sec." % (t.interval))
Esempio n. 6
    def identifyFeasibleStandardParametersDirect(self, idf):
        # type: (Identification) -> None
        ''' use SDP optimzation to solve constrained OLS to find globally optimal physically
            feasible std parameters. Based on code from Sousa, 2014
        with helpers.Timer() as t:
            #if idf.opt['useAPriori']:
            #    print("Please disable using a priori parameters when using constrained optimization.")
            #    sys.exit(1)

            if idf.opt['verbose']:
                print("Preparing SDP...")

            # build OLS matrix
            I = Identity
            delta = Matrix(idf.model.param_syms)

            YStd = idf.model.YStd #idf.YStd_nonsing
            tau = idf.model.torques_stack

            p_nid = idf.model.non_id
            if idf.opt['useRegressorRegularization'] and len(p_nid):
                #p_nid = list(set(p_nid).difference(set(self.delete_cols)))
                #l = [0.001]*len(p_nid)
                l = [(float(idf.base_error) / len(p_nid)) * 1.5]*len(p_nid)   #proportion of distance term
                YStd = np.vstack((YStd, (l*np.identity(idf.model.num_identified_params)[p_nid].T).T))
                tau = np.concatenate((tau, l*idf.model.xStdModel[p_nid]))

            for c in reversed(self.delete_cols):
            YStd = np.delete(YStd, self.delete_cols, axis=1)

            Q, R = la.qr(YStd)
            Q1 = Q[:, 0:idf.model.num_identified_params]
            #Q2 = Q[:, idf.model.num_base_params:]
            rho1 =
            R1 = np.matrix(R[:idf.model.num_identified_params, :idf.model.num_identified_params])

            # OLS: minimize ||tau - Y*x_base||^2 (simplify)=> minimize ||rho1.T - R1*K*delta||^2
            # add contact forces
            if idf.opt['useRegressorRegularization']:
                contactForcesSum = np.concatenate((idf.model.contactForcesSum, np.zeros(len(p_nid))))
                contactForcesSum = idf.model.contactForcesSum
            contactForces = Matrix(

            if idf.opt['verbose'] > 1:
                print("Step 1...", time.ctime())

            # minimize estimation error of to-be-found parameters delta
            # (regressor dot std variables projected to base - contacts should be close to measured torques)
            e_rho1 = Matrix(rho1 - contactForces) - (R1*delta)

            if idf.opt['verbose'] > 1:
                print("Step 2...", time.ctime())

            # calc estimation error of previous OLS parameter solution
            rho2_norm_sqr = la.norm(idf.model.torques_stack -**2

            # (this is the slow part when matrices get bigger, BlockMatrix or as_explicit?)
            u = Symbol('u')
            U_rho = BlockMatrix([[Matrix([u - rho2_norm_sqr]),      e_rho1.T],
                                 [e_rho1, I(idf.model.num_identified_params)]])

            if idf.opt['verbose'] > 1:
                print("Step 3...", time.ctime())
            U_rho = U_rho.as_explicit()

            if idf.opt['verbose'] > 1:
                print("Step 4...", time.ctime())

            if idf.opt['verbose']:
                print("Add constraint LMIs")
            lmis = [LMI_PSD(U_rho)] + self.LMIs_marg
            variables = [u] + list(delta)

            #solve SDP
            objective_func = u

            if idf.opt['verbose']:
                print("Solving constrained OLS as SDP")

            # start at CAD data, might increase convergence speed (atm only works with dsdp5,
            # otherwise returns primal as solution when failing)
            prime = idf.model.xStdModel
            solution, state = sdp_helpers.solve_sdp(objective_func, lmis, variables, primalstart=prime)

            #try again with wider bounds and dsdp5 cmd line
            if state is not 'optimal':
                print("Trying again with dsdp5 solver")
                sdp_helpers.solve_sdp = sdp_helpers.dsdp5
                solution, state = sdp_helpers.solve_sdp(objective_func, lmis, variables, primalstart=prime, wide_bounds=True)
                sdp_helpers.solve_sdp = sdp_helpers.cvxopt_conelp

            u = solution[0,0]
            if u:
                print("SDP found std solution with {} squared residual error".format(u))
            delta_star = np.matrix(solution[1:])
            idf.model.xStd = np.squeeze(np.asarray(delta_star))

            #prepend apriori values for 0'th link non-identifiable variables
            for c in self.delete_cols:
                idf.model.xStd = np.insert(idf.model.xStd, c, 0)
            idf.model.xStd[self.delete_cols] = idf.model.xStdModel[self.delete_cols]

        if idf.opt['showTiming']:
            print("Constrained SDP optimization took %.03f sec." % (t.interval))
Esempio n. 7
    def identifyFeasibleStandardParameters(self, idf):
        # type: (Identification) -> None
        ''' use SDP optimization to solve constrained OLS to find globally optimal physically
            feasible std parameters (not necessarily unique). Based on code from Sousa, 2014

        with helpers.Timer() as t:
            if idf.opt['verbose']:
                print("Preparing SDP...")

            I = Identity
            delta = Matrix(idf.model.param_syms[idf.model.identified_params])

            # ignore some params that are non-identifiable
            for c in reversed(self.delete_cols):

            YBase = idf.model.YBase
            tau = idf.model.torques_stack   # always absolute torque values

            # get projection matrix so that xBase = K*xStd
            if idf.opt['useBasisProjection']:
                K = Matrix(idf.model.Binv)
                # Sousa: K = Pb.T + Kd * Pd.T (Kd==idf.model.linear_deps, [Pb Pd] == idf.model.Pp)
                # Pb = Matrix(idf.model.Pb) #.applyfunc(lambda x: x.nsimplify())
                # Pd = Matrix(idf.model.Pd) #.applyfunc(lambda x: x.nsimplify())
                K = Matrix(idf.model.K)  #(Pb.T + Kd * Pd.T)

            for c in reversed(self.delete_cols):

            Q, R = la.qr(YBase)
            Q1 = Q[:, 0:idf.model.num_base_params]
            R1 = np.matrix(R[:idf.model.num_base_params, :idf.model.num_base_params])
            rho1 =

            contactForces =
            if idf.opt['useRegressorRegularization']:
                p_nid = idf.model.non_id
                p_nid = list(set(p_nid).difference(set(self.delete_cols)).intersection(set(idf.model.identified_params)))
                contactForces = np.concatenate((contactForces, np.zeros(len(p_nid))))

            if idf.opt['verbose'] > 1:
                print("Step 1...", time.ctime())

            # solving OLS: minimize ||tau - Y*x_base||^2 (simplify)=> minimize ||rho1.T - R1*K*delta||^2

            # get upper bound for regression error
            # rho2_norm_sqr = la.norm(**2 = 0
            # since we use QR if YBase, Q2 is empty anyway, so rho2 = Q2*tau following the paper is zero
            # the code from sousa's notebook includes a different calculation for the upper bound:
            rho2_norm_sqr = la.norm(idf.model.torques_stack - idf.model.contactForcesSum -**2

            # get additional regression error
            if idf.opt['useRegressorRegularization'] and len(p_nid):
                # add regularization term to cost function to include torque estimation error and CAD distance
                # get symbols that are non-id but are not in delete_cols already
                delta_nonid = Matrix(idf.model.param_syms[p_nid])
                #num_samples = YBase.shape[0]/idf.model.num_dofs
                l = (float(idf.base_error) / len(p_nid)) * idf.opt['regularizationFactor']

                #TODO: also use symengine to gain speedup?
                #p = BlockMatrix([[(K*delta)], [delta_nonid]])
                #Y = BlockMatrix([[Matrix(R1),             ZeroMatrix(R1.shape[0], len(p_nid))],
                #                 [ZeroMatrix(len(p_nid), R1.shape[1]), l*Identity(len(p_nid))]])
                Y = BlockMatrix([[R1*(K*delta)],[l*Identity(len(p_nid))*delta_nonid]]).as_explicit()
                rho1_hat = np.concatenate((rho1, l*idf.model.xStdModel[p_nid]))
                e_rho1 = (Matrix(rho1_hat - contactForces) - Y)
                    from symengine import DenseMatrix as eMatrix
                    if idf.opt['verbose']:
                        print('using symengine')
                    edelta = eMatrix(delta.shape[0], delta.shape[1], delta)
                    eK = eMatrix(K.shape[0], K.shape[1], K)
                    eR1 = eMatrix(R1.shape[0], R1.shape[1], Matrix(R1))
                    Y = eR1*eK*edelta
                    e_rho1 = Matrix(eMatrix(rho1) - contactForces - Y)
                except ImportError:
                    if idf.opt['verbose']:
                        print('not using symengine')
                    Y = R1*(K*delta)
                    e_rho1 = Matrix(rho1 - contactForces) - Y

            if idf.opt['verbose'] > 1:
                print("Step 2...", time.ctime())

            # minimize estimation error of to-be-found parameters delta
            # (regressor dot std variables projected to base - contacts should be close to measured torques)
            u = Symbol('u')
            U_rho = BlockMatrix([[Matrix([u - rho2_norm_sqr]), e_rho1.T],
                                 [e_rho1,            I(e_rho1.shape[0])]])

            if idf.opt['verbose'] > 1:
                print("Step 3...", time.ctime())
            U_rho = U_rho.as_explicit()

            if idf.opt['verbose'] > 1:
                print("Step 4...", time.ctime())

            if idf.opt['verbose']:
                print("Add constraint LMIs")
            lmis = [LMI_PSD(U_rho)] + self.LMIs_marg
            variables = [u] + list(delta)
            objective_func = u

            # solve SDP

            # start at CAD data, might increase convergence speed (atm only works with dsdp5,
            # but is used to return primal as solution when failing cvxopt)
            if idf.opt['verbose']:
                print("Solving constrained OLS as SDP")
            idable_params = sorted(list(set(idf.model.identified_params).difference(self.delete_cols)))
            prime = idf.model.xStdModel[idable_params]

            if idf.opt['checkAPrioriFeasibility']:

            idf.opt['onlyUseDSDP'] = 0
            if not idf.opt['onlyUseDSDP']:
                if idf.opt['verbose']:
                    print("Solving with cvxopt...", end=' ')
                solution, state = sdp_helpers.solve_sdp(objective_func, lmis, variables, primalstart=prime)

            # try again with wider bounds and dsdp5 cmd line
            if idf.opt['onlyUseDSDP'] or state is not 'optimal':
                if idf.opt['verbose']:
                    print("Solving with dsdp5...", end=' ')
                sdp_helpers.solve_sdp = sdp_helpers.dsdp5
                solution, state = sdp_helpers.solve_sdp(objective_func, lmis, variables, primalstart=prime, wide_bounds=True)
                sdp_helpers.solve_sdp = sdp_helpers.cvxopt_conelp

            u = solution[0, 0]
            if u:
                print("SDP found std solution with {} squared residual error".format(u))
            delta_star = np.matrix(solution[1:])  # type: np.matrix
            idf.model.xStd = np.squeeze(np.asarray(delta_star))

            # prepend apriori values for 0'th link non-identifiable variables
            for c in self.delete_cols:
                idf.model.xStd = np.insert(idf.model.xStd, c, 0)
            idf.model.xStd[self.delete_cols] = idf.model.xStdModel[self.delete_cols]

        if idf.opt['showTiming']:
            print("Constrained SDP optimization took %.03f sec." % (t.interval))
Esempio n. 8
    def computeRegressors(self, data, only_simulate=False):
        # type: (Model, Data, bool) -> (None)
        """ compute regressors from measurements for each time step of the measurement data
            and stack them vertically. also stack measured torques and get simulation data.
            for floating base, get estimated base forces (6D wrench) and add to torque measure stack
        """ = data

        num_time = 0
        simulate_time = 0

        #extra regressor rows for floating base
        if self.opt['floatingBase']: fb = 6
        else: fb = 0
        self.regressor_stack = np.zeros(shape=((self.num_dofs+fb)*data.num_used_samples, self.num_identified_params))
        self.torques_stack = np.zeros(shape=((self.num_dofs+fb)*data.num_used_samples))
        self.sim_torq_stack = np.zeros(shape=((self.num_dofs+fb)*data.num_used_samples))
        self.torquesAP_stack = np.zeros(shape=((self.num_dofs+fb)*data.num_used_samples))

        num_contacts = len(data.samples['contacts'].item(0).keys()) if 'contacts' in data.samples else 0
        self.contacts_stack = np.zeros(shape=(num_contacts, (self.num_dofs+fb)*data.num_used_samples))
        self.contactForcesSum = np.zeros(shape=((self.num_dofs+fb)*data.num_used_samples))

        """loop over measurement data, optionally skip some values
            - get the regressor for each time step
            - if necessary, calculate inverse dynamics to get simulated torques
            - if necessary, get torques from contact wrenches and add them to the torques
            - stack the torques, regressors and contacts into matrices
        contacts = {}
        for sample_index in self.progress(range(data.num_used_samples)):
            m_idx = sample_index*(self.opt['skipSamples'])+sample_index
            with helpers.Timer() as t:
                # read samples
                pos = data.samples['positions'][m_idx]
                vel = data.samples['velocities'][m_idx]
                acc = data.samples['accelerations'][m_idx]
                torq = data.samples['torques'][m_idx]
                if 'contacts' in data.samples:
                    for frame in data.samples['contacts'].item(0).keys():
                        contacts[frame] = data.samples['contacts'].item(0)[frame][m_idx]

                if self.opt['identifyGravityParamsOnly']:
                    #set vel and acc to zero (should be almost zero already) to remove noise
                    vel[:] = 0.0
                    acc[:] = 0.0

                # system state for iDynTree
                q = iDynTree.VectorDynSize.fromList(pos)
                dq = iDynTree.VectorDynSize.fromList(vel)
                ddq = iDynTree.VectorDynSize.fromList(acc)

                # in case that we simulate the torque measurements, need torque estimation for a priori parameters
                # or that we need to simulate the base reaction forces for floating base
                if self.opt['simulateTorques'] or self.opt['useAPriori'] or self.opt['floatingBase']:
                    if self.opt['useRBDL']:
                        #TODO: make sure joint order of torques is the same as iDynTree!
                        sim_torques = self.simulateDynamicsRBDL(data.samples, m_idx)
                        sim_torques = self.simulateDynamicsIDynTree(data.samples, m_idx)

                    if self.opt['useAPriori']:
                        # torques sometimes contain nans, just a very small C number that gets converted to nan?
                        torqAP = np.nan_to_num(sim_torques)

                    if not self.opt['useRegressorForSimulation']:
                        if self.opt['simulateTorques']:
                            torq = np.nan_to_num(sim_torques)
                            # write estimated base forces to measured torq vector from file (usually
                            # can't be measured so they are simulated from the measured base motion,
                            # contacts are added further down)
                            if self.opt['floatingBase']:
                                if len(torq) < (self.num_dofs + fb):
                                    torq = np.concatenate((np.nan_to_num(sim_torques[0:6]), torq))
                                    torq[0:6] = np.nan_to_num(sim_torques[0:6])

            simulate_time += t.interval

            #...still looping over measurement samples

            row_index = (self.num_dofs+fb)*sample_index   # index for current row in stacked matrices

            if not only_simulate:
                # get numerical regressor (std)
                with helpers.Timer() as t:
                    if self.opt['floatingBase']:
                        base_vel = data.samples['base_velocity'][m_idx]
                        base_acc = data.samples['base_acceleration'][m_idx]

                        # get transform from base to world
                        rpy = data.samples['base_rpy'][m_idx]
                        rot = iDynTree.Rotation.RPY(rpy[0], rpy[1], rpy[2])
                        pos = iDynTree.Position.Zero()
                        world_T_base = iDynTree.Transform(rot, pos).inverse()

                        # rotate base vel and acc to world frame
                        to_world = world_T_base.getRotation().toNumPy()
                        base_vel[0:3] =[0:3])
                        base_vel[3:] =[3:])
                        base_acc[0:3] =[0:3])
                        base_acc[3:] =[3:])

                        base_velocity = iDynTree.Twist.fromList(base_vel)
                        base_acceleration = iDynTree.Twist.fromList(base_acc)

                        self.generator.setRobotState(q,dq,ddq, world_T_base, base_velocity, base_acceleration,
                        self.generator.setRobotState(q,dq,ddq, self.gravity_twist)

                    # get (standard) regressor
                    regressor = iDynTree.MatrixDynSize(self.N_OUT, self.num_model_params)
                    knownTerms = iDynTree.VectorDynSize(self.N_OUT)   # what are known terms useable for?
                    if not self.generator.computeRegressor(regressor, knownTerms):
                        print("Error during numeric computation of regressor")

                    regressor = regressor.toNumPy()
                    if self.opt['floatingBase']:
                        # the base forces are expressed in the base frame for the regressor, so
                        # rotate them to world frame (inverse dynamics use world frame)
                        to_world = world_T_base.getRotation().toNumPy()
                        regressor[0:3, :] =[0:3, :])
                        regressor[3:6, :] =[3:6, :])

                    if self.opt['identifyGravityParamsOnly']:
                        #delete inertia param columns
                        regressor = np.delete(regressor, self.inertia_params, 1)

                    if self.opt['identifyFriction']:
                        # append unitary matrix to regressor for offsets/constant friction
                        sign = 1 #np.sign(dq.toNumPy())   #TODO: dependent on direction or always constant?
                        static_diag = np.identity(self.num_dofs)*sign
                        offset_regressor = np.vstack( (np.zeros((fb, self.num_dofs)), static_diag))
                        regressor = np.concatenate((regressor, offset_regressor), axis=1)

                        if not self.opt['identifyGravityParamsOnly']:
                            if self.opt['identifySymmetricVelFriction']:
                                # just use velocity directly
                                vel_diag = np.identity(self.num_dofs)*dq.toNumPy()
                                friction_regressor = np.vstack( (np.zeros((fb, self.num_dofs)), vel_diag))   # add base dynamics rows
                                # append positive/negative velocity matrix for velocity dependent asymmetrical friction
                                dq_p = dq.toNumPy().copy()
                                dq_p[dq_p < 0] = 0 #set to zero where v < 0
                                dq_m = dq.toNumPy().copy()
                                dq_m[dq_m > 0] = 0 #set to zero where v > 0
                                vel_diag = np.hstack((np.identity(self.num_dofs)*dq_p, np.identity(self.num_dofs)*dq_m))
                                friction_regressor = np.vstack( (np.zeros((fb, self.num_dofs*2)), vel_diag))   # add base dynamics rows
                            regressor = np.concatenate((regressor, friction_regressor), axis=1)

                    # simulate with regressor
                    if self.opt['useRegressorForSimulation'] and (self.opt['simulateTorques'] or
                            self.opt['useAPriori'] or self.opt['floatingBase']):
                        torques =[self.identified_params])
                        if self.opt['simulateTorques']:
                            torq = torques
                            # write estimated base forces to measured torq vector from file (usually
                            # can't be measured so they are simulated from the measured base motion,
                            # contacts are added further down)
                            if self.opt['floatingBase']:
                                if len(torq) < (self.num_dofs + fb):
                                    torq = np.concatenate((np.nan_to_num(torques[0:6]), torq))
                                    torq[0:6] = np.nan_to_num(torques[0:6])
                        torques_simulated = np.nan_to_num(torques)

                    # stack on previous regressors
                    np.copyto(self.regressor_stack[row_index:row_index+self.num_dofs+fb], regressor)
                num_time += t.interval

            # stack results onto matrices of previous time steps
            np.copyto(self.torques_stack[row_index:row_index+self.num_dofs+fb], torq)

            if self.opt['useAPriori']:
                np.copyto(self.torquesAP_stack[row_index:row_index+self.num_dofs+fb], torqAP)

            if len(contacts.keys()):
                #convert contact wrenches into torque contribution
                for c in range(num_contacts):
                    frame = list(contacts.keys())[c]

                    dim = self.num_dofs+fb
                    # get jacobian and contact wrench for each contact frame and measurement sample
                    jacobian = iDynTree.MatrixDynSize(6, dim)
                    if not self.dynComp.getFrameJacobian(str(frame), jacobian):
                    jacobian = jacobian.toNumPy()

                    # mul each sample of measured contact wrenches with frame jacobian
                    contacts_torq = np.empty(dim)
                    contacts_torq =[frame])

                    contact_idx = (sample_index*dim)
                    np.copyto(self.contacts_stack[c][contact_idx:contact_idx+dim], contacts_torq[-dim:])

        # finished looping over samples

        # sum over (contact torques) for each contact frame
        self.contactForcesSum = np.sum(self.contacts_stack, axis=0)

        if self.opt['floatingBase']:
            if self.opt['simulateTorques']:
                # add measured contact wrench to torque estimation from iDynTree
                if self.opt['addContacts']:
                    self.torques_stack = self.torques_stack + self.contactForcesSum
                # if not simulating, measurements of joint torques already contain contact contribution,
                # so only add it to the (always simulated) base force estimation
                torques_stack_2dim = np.reshape(self.torques_stack, (data.num_used_samples, self.num_dofs+fb))
                self.contactForcesSum_2dim = np.reshape(self.contactForcesSum, (data.num_used_samples, self.num_dofs+fb))
                if self.opt['addContacts']:
                    torques_stack_2dim[:, :6] += self.contactForcesSum_2dim[:, :6]
                self.torques_stack = torques_stack_2dim.flatten()

        if self.opt['addContacts']:
            self.sim_torq_stack = self.sim_torq_stack + self.contactForcesSum

        if len(contacts.keys()) or self.opt['simulateTorques']:
            # write back torques to data object when simulating or contacts were added
  ['torques'] = np.reshape(self.torques_stack, (data.num_used_samples, self.num_dofs+fb))

        with helpers.Timer() as t:
            if self.opt['useAPriori']:
                # get torque delta to identify with
                self.tau = self.torques_stack - self.torquesAP_stack
                self.tau = self.torques_stack

        self.YStd = self.regressor_stack

        # if difference between random regressor (that was used for base projection) and regressor
        # from the data is too big, the base regressor can still have linear dependencies.
        # for these cases, it seems to be better to get the base columns directly from the data regressor matrix
        if not self.opt['useStructuralRegressor'] and not only_simulate:
            if self.opt['verbose']:
                print('Getting independent base columns again from data regressor')

        if self.opt['useBasisProjection']:
            self.YBase =, self.B)   # project regressor to base regressor
            self.YBase =, self.Pb)  # regressor following Sousa, 2014

        if self.opt['filterRegressor']:
            order = 5                            # Filter order
            fs =['frequency']  # Sampling freq
            fc = self.opt['filterRegCutoff']     # Cut-off frequency (Hz)
            b, a = signal.butter(order, fc / (fs / 2), btype='low', analog=False)
            for j in range(0, self.num_base_inertial_params):
                for i in range(0, self.num_dofs):
                    self.YBase[i::self.num_dofs, j] = signal.filtfilt(b, a, self.YBase[i::self.num_dofs, j])

        self.sample_end = data.samples['positions'].shape[0]
        if self.opt['skipSamples'] > 0: self.sample_end -= (self.opt['skipSamples'])

        # keep absolute torques (self.tau can be relative)
        self.tauMeasured = np.reshape(self.torques_stack, (data.num_used_samples, self.num_dofs+fb))

        self.T = data.samples['times'][0:self.sample_end:self.opt['skipSamples']+1]

        if self.opt['showTiming']:
            print('(simulation for regressors took %.03f sec.)' % simulate_time)
            print('(getting regressors took %.03f sec.)' % num_time)

        if self.opt['verbose'] == 2:
            print("YStd: {}".format(self.YStd.shape), end=' ')
            print("YBase: {}, cond: {}".format(self.YBase.shape, la.cond(self.YBase)))
Esempio n. 9
    def findBaseEssentialParameters(self):
        iteratively get essential parameters from previously identified base parameters.
        (goal is to get similar influence of all parameters, i.e. decrease condition number by throwing
        out parameters that are too sensitive to errors. The remaining params should be estimated with
        similar accuracy)

        based on Pham, 1991; Gautier, 2013 and Jubien, 2014

        with helpers.Timer() as t:
            # use mean least squares (actually median least abs) to determine when the error
            # introduced by model reduction gets too large
            use_error_criterion = 0

            # keep current values
            xBase_orig = self.model.xBase.copy()
            YBase_orig = self.model.YBase.copy()

            # count how many params were canceled
            b_c = 0

            # list of param indices to keep the original indices when deleting columns
            base_idx = list(range(0, self.model.num_base_params))
            not_essential_idx = list()   # type: List[int]
            ratio = 0

            # get initial errors of estimation

            if not self.opt['useAPriori']:
                tauDiff = self.model.tauMeasured - self.tauEstimated
                tauDiff = self.tauEstimated

            def error_func(tauDiff):
                #rho = tauDiff
                rho = np.mean(tauDiff, axis=1)
                #rho = np.square(la.norm(tauDiff, axis=1))
                return rho

            error_start = error_func(tauDiff)

            if self.opt['verbose']:
                W, p = stats.shapiro(error_start)
                #k2, p = stats.normaltest(error_start, axis=0)
                if np.mean(p) > 0.05:
                    print("error is normal distributed")
                    print("error is not normal distributed (p={})".format(p))

            if not self.opt['useAPriori']:
                pham_percent_start = sla.norm(tauDiff) * 100 / sla.norm(self.tauEstimated)
                pham_percent_start = sla.norm(tauDiff) * 100 / sla.norm(self.model.tauMeasured)

            print("starting percentual error {}".format(pham_percent_start))

            #rho_start = np.square(sla.norm(tauDiff))
            p_sigma_x = np.array([0])

            has_run_once = 0
            # start removing non-essential parameters
            while 1:
                # get new torque estimation to calc error norm (new estimation with updated parameters)

                prev_p_sigma_x = p_sigma_x
                p_sigma_x = self.getStdDevForParams()

                print("{} params|".format(self.model.num_base_params - b_c), end=' ')

                ratio = np.max(p_sigma_x) / np.min(p_sigma_x)
                print("min-max ratio of relative stddevs: {},".format(ratio), end=' ')

                print("cond(YBase):{},".format(la.cond(self.model.YBase)), end=' ')

                if not self.opt['useAPriori']:
                    tauDiff = self.model.tauMeasured - self.tauEstimated
                    tauDiff = self.tauEstimated
                pham_percent = sla.norm(tauDiff) * 100 / sla.norm(self.model.tauMeasured)
                error_increase_pham = pham_percent_start - pham_percent
                print("error delta {}".format(error_increase_pham))

                # while loop condition moved to here
                # TODO: consider to only stop when under ratio and
                # if error is to large at that point, advise to get more/better data
                if ratio < 30:
                if use_error_criterion and error_increase_pham > 3.5:

                if has_run_once and self.opt['showEssentialSteps']:
                    # put some values into global variable for output
                    self.baseNonEssentialIdx = not_essential_idx
                    self.baseEssentialIdx = [x for x in range(0, self.model.num_base_params) if x not in not_essential_idx]
                    self.num_essential_params = len(self.baseEssentialIdx)
                    self.xBase_essential = np.zeros_like(xBase_orig)

                    # take current xBase with reduced parameters as essentials to display
                    self.xBase_essential[self.baseEssentialIdx] = self.model.xBase

                    self.p_sigma_x = p_sigma_x

                    old_showStd = self.opt['showStandardParams']
                    old_showBase = self.opt['showBaseParams']
                    self.opt['showStandardParams'] = 0
                    self.opt['showBaseParams'] = 1
                    oc = OutputConsole(self)
                    self.opt['showStandardParams'] = old_showStd
                    self.opt['showBaseParams'] = old_showBase

                    print(base_idx, np.argmax(p_sigma_x))
                    input("Press return...")
                    has_run_once = 1

                # cancel the parameter with largest deviation
                param_idx = cast(int, np.argmax(p_sigma_x))
                # get its index among the base params (otherwise it doesnt take deletion into account)
                param_base_idx = base_idx[param_idx]
                if param_base_idx not in not_essential_idx:

                self.prev_xBase = self.model.xBase.copy()
                self.model.xBase = np.delete(self.model.xBase, param_idx, 0)
                base_idx = np.delete(base_idx, param_idx, 0)
                self.model.YBase = np.delete(self.model.YBase, param_idx, 1)

                # re-estimate parameters with reduced regressor

                b_c += 1

            print("essential rel stddevs: {}".format(prev_p_sigma_x))
            self.p_sigma_x = prev_p_sigma_x

            # get indices of the essential base params
            self.baseNonEssentialIdx = not_essential_idx
            self.baseEssentialIdx = [x for x in range(0, self.model.num_base_params) if x not in not_essential_idx]
            self.num_essential_params = len(self.baseEssentialIdx)

            # leave previous base params and regressor unchanged
            self.xBase_essential = np.zeros_like(xBase_orig)
            self.xBase_essential[self.baseEssentialIdx] = self.prev_xBase
            self.model.YBase = YBase_orig
            self.model.xBase = xBase_orig

            print("Got {} essential parameters".format(self.num_essential_params))

        if self.opt['showTiming']:
            print("Getting base essential parameters took %.03f sec." % t.interval)