def test_state_metrics(): y_pred = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(15, 10, 4)).float() y = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(15, 10, 4)).long() def update_fn(engine, batch): y_pred, y = batch return y_pred, y evaluator = Engine(update_fn) precision = Precision(average=False) recall = Recall(average=False) F1 = precision * recall * 2 / (precision + recall + 1e-20) F1 = MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(), F1) precision.attach(evaluator, "precision") recall.attach(evaluator, "recall") F1.attach(evaluator, "f1") def data(y_pred, y): for i in range(y_pred.shape[0]): yield (y_pred[i], y[i]) d = data(y_pred, y) state =, max_epochs=1) assert set(state.metrics.keys()) == set(["precision", "recall", "f1"])
def create_eval_engine(model, device): process_function = get_process_function(model, device) eval_engine = Engine(process_function) accuracy = Accuracy() accuracy.attach(eval_engine, "accuracy") recall = Recall(average=False) recall.attach(eval_engine, "recall") precision = Precision(average=False) precision.attach(eval_engine, "precision") f1 = (precision * recall * 2 / (precision + recall)) f1.attach(eval_engine, "f1") f2 = (precision * recall * 5 / ((4 * precision) + recall)) f2.attach(eval_engine, "f2") def Fbeta(r, p, beta): return torch.mean( (1 + beta**2) * p * r / (beta**2 * p + r + 1e-20)).item() avg_f1 = MetricsLambda(Fbeta, recall, precision, 1) avg_f1.attach(eval_engine, "average f1") avg_f2 = MetricsLambda(Fbeta, recall, precision, 2) avg_f2.attach(eval_engine, "average f2") avg_recall = Recall(average=True) avg_recall.attach(eval_engine, "average recall") avg_precision = Precision(average=True) avg_precision.attach(eval_engine, "average precision") return eval_engine
def _test(average, n_epochs): n_iters = 60 s = 16 n_classes = 7 offset = n_iters * s y_true = torch.randint(0, n_classes, size=(offset * idist.get_world_size(),)).to(device) y_preds = torch.rand(offset * idist.get_world_size(), n_classes).to(device) def update(engine, i): return ( y_preds[i * s + rank * offset : (i + 1) * s + rank * offset, :], y_true[i * s + rank * offset : (i + 1) * s + rank * offset], ) engine = Engine(update) re = Recall(average=average) re.attach(engine, "re") data = list(range(n_iters)), max_epochs=n_epochs) assert "re" in engine.state.metrics res = engine.state.metrics["re"] if isinstance(res, torch.Tensor): assert res.device.type == "cpu" res = res.cpu().numpy() true_res = recall_score( y_true.cpu().numpy(), torch.argmax(y_preds, dim=1).cpu().numpy(), average="macro" if average else None ) assert pytest.approx(res) == true_res
def test_integration(): np.random.seed(1) n_iters = 10 batch_size = 10 n_classes = 10 y_true = np.arange(0, n_iters * batch_size) % n_classes y_pred = 0.2 * np.random.rand(n_iters * batch_size, n_classes) for i in range(n_iters * batch_size): if np.random.rand() > 0.4: y_pred[i, y_true[i]] = 1.0 else: j = np.random.randint(0, n_classes) y_pred[i, j] = 0.7 y_true_batch_values = iter(y_true.reshape(n_iters, batch_size)) y_pred_batch_values = iter(y_pred.reshape(n_iters, batch_size, n_classes)) def update_fn(engine, batch): y_true_batch = next(y_true_batch_values) y_pred_batch = next(y_pred_batch_values) return torch.from_numpy(y_pred_batch), torch.from_numpy(y_true_batch) evaluator = Engine(update_fn) precision = Precision(average=False) recall = Recall(average=False) def Fbeta(r, p, beta): return torch.mean((1 + beta**2) * p * r / (beta**2 * p + r)).item() F1 = MetricsLambda(Fbeta, recall, precision, 1) precision.attach(evaluator, "precision") recall.attach(evaluator, "recall") F1.attach(evaluator, "f1") data = list(range(n_iters)) state =, max_epochs=1) precision_true = precision_score(y_true, np.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1), average=None) recall_true = recall_score(y_true, np.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1), average=None) f1_true = f1_score(y_true, np.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1), average='macro') precision = state.metrics['precision'].numpy() recall = state.metrics['recall'].numpy() assert precision_true == approx(precision), "{} vs {}".format( precision_true, precision) assert recall_true == approx(recall), "{} vs {}".format( recall_true, recall) assert f1_true == approx(state.metrics['f1']), "{} vs {}".format( f1_true, state.metrics['f1'])
def test_integration(): np.random.seed(1) n_iters = 10 batch_size = 10 n_classes = 10 y_true = np.arange(0, n_iters * batch_size, dtype="int64") % n_classes y_pred = 0.2 * np.random.rand(n_iters * batch_size, n_classes) for i in range(n_iters * batch_size): if np.random.rand() > 0.4: y_pred[i, y_true[i]] = 1.0 else: j = np.random.randint(0, n_classes) y_pred[i, j] = 0.7 y_true_batch_values = iter(y_true.reshape(n_iters, batch_size)) y_pred_batch_values = iter(y_pred.reshape(n_iters, batch_size, n_classes)) def update_fn(engine, batch): y_true_batch = next(y_true_batch_values) y_pred_batch = next(y_pred_batch_values) return torch.from_numpy(y_pred_batch), torch.from_numpy(y_true_batch) evaluator = Engine(update_fn) precision = Precision(average=False) recall = Recall(average=False) F1 = precision * recall * 2 / (precision + recall) precision.attach(evaluator, "precision") recall.attach(evaluator, "recall") F1.attach(evaluator, "f1") data = list(range(n_iters)) state =, max_epochs=1) precision_true = precision_score(y_true, np.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1), average=None) recall_true = recall_score(y_true, np.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1), average=None) f1_true = f1_score(y_true, np.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1), average=None) precision = state.metrics["precision"].numpy() recall = state.metrics["recall"].numpy() f1 = state.metrics["f1"].numpy() assert precision_true == approx(precision), "{} vs {}".format( precision_true, precision) assert recall_true == approx(recall), "{} vs {}".format( recall_true, recall) assert f1_true == approx(f1), "{} vs {}".format(f1_true, f1)
def _test(average, n_epochs, metric_device): n_iters = 60 s = 16 n_classes = 7 offset = n_iters * s y_true = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(offset * idist.get_world_size(), n_classes, 6, 8)).to(device) y_preds = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(offset * idist.get_world_size(), n_classes, 6, 8)).to(device) def update(engine, i): return ( y_preds[i * s + rank * offset:(i + 1) * s + rank * offset, ...], y_true[i * s + rank * offset:(i + 1) * s + rank * offset, ...], ) engine = Engine(update) re = Recall(average=average, is_multilabel=True, device=metric_device) re.attach(engine, "re") assert re._updated is False data = list(range(n_iters)), max_epochs=n_epochs) assert "re" in engine.state.metrics assert re._updated is True res = engine.state.metrics["re"] res2 = re.compute() if isinstance(res, torch.Tensor): res = res.cpu().numpy() res2 = res2.cpu().numpy() assert (res == res2).all() else: assert res == res2 np_y_preds = to_numpy_multilabel(y_preds) np_y_true = to_numpy_multilabel(y_true) assert re._type == "multilabel" res = res if average else res.mean().item() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UndefinedMetricWarning) assert recall_score(np_y_true, np_y_preds, average="samples") == pytest.approx(res)
def create_evaluator(model, criterion, cfg): def _validation_step(_, batch): model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): x, y = batch_to_tensor(batch, cfg) x, y =, y_pred, hidden = model(x) loss = criterion(y_pred, y) if cfg.multi_label: y_pred = (y_pred > 0).float() return y_pred, y, loss, hidden evaluator = Engine(_validation_step) accuracy = Accuracy(lambda x: x[0:2], is_multilabel=cfg.multi_label) accuracy.attach(evaluator, "acc") precision = Precision(lambda x: x[0:2], average=False, is_multilabel=cfg.multi_label) precision.attach(evaluator, 'precision') MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(), precision).attach(evaluator, "MP") recall = Recall(lambda x: x[0:2], average=False, is_multilabel=cfg.multi_label) recall.attach(evaluator, 'recall') MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(), recall).attach(evaluator, "MR") F1 = 2. * precision * recall / (precision + recall + 1e-20) f1 = MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(), F1) f1.attach(evaluator, "F1") Average(lambda x: x[2]).attach(evaluator, 'loss') return evaluator
def _test(average, n_epochs): n_iters = 60 s = 16 n_classes = 7 offset = n_iters * s y_true = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(offset * dist.get_world_size(), n_classes, 6, 8)).to(device) y_preds = torch.randint(0, 2, size=(offset * dist.get_world_size(), n_classes, 6, 8)).to(device) def update(engine, i): return y_preds[i * s + rank * offset:(i + 1) * s + rank * offset, ...], \ y_true[i * s + rank * offset:(i + 1) * s + rank * offset, ...] engine = Engine(update) re = Recall(average=average, is_multilabel=True, device=device) re.attach(engine, "re") data = list(range(n_iters)), max_epochs=n_epochs) assert "re" in engine.state.metrics res = engine.state.metrics['re'] res2 = re.compute() if isinstance(res, torch.Tensor): res = res.cpu().numpy() res2 = res2.cpu().numpy() assert (res == res2).all() else: assert res == res2 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=UndefinedMetricWarning) true_res = recall_score(to_numpy_multilabel(y_true), to_numpy_multilabel(y_preds), average='samples' if average else None) assert pytest.approx(res) == true_res
def create_evaluator(model, cfg): def _validation_step(_, batch): model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): x_char, x_type, y_word, y_syllable = batch_to_tensor(batch, cfg) x_char, x_type, y_word, y_syllable = ( cfg.device) for t in [x_char, x_type, y_word, y_syllable]) logits_word, logits_syllable = model(x_char, x_type) loss, word_loss, syllable_loss, align_loss = model.joint_loss( logits_word, y_word, logits_syllable, y_syllable) return ((logits_word > 0.5).long(), y_word, (logits_syllable > 0.5).long(), y_syllable, loss, word_loss, syllable_loss, align_loss) evaluator = Engine(_validation_step) w_loss = Accuracy(lambda x: x[0:2]) w_loss.attach(evaluator, 'w_acc') s_acc = Accuracy(lambda x: x[2:4]) s_acc.attach(evaluator, 's_acc') Average(lambda x: x[4]).attach(evaluator, 'loss') Average(lambda x: x[5]).attach(evaluator, 'w_loss') Average(lambda x: x[6]).attach(evaluator, 's_loss') Average(lambda x: x[7]).attach(evaluator, 'a_loss') accuracy = Accuracy(lambda x: x[0:2]) accuracy.attach(evaluator, "acc") w_precision = Precision(lambda x: x[0:2]) w_precision.attach(evaluator, 'WP') MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(), w_precision).attach(evaluator, "WMP") s_precision = Precision(lambda x: x[2:4]) s_precision.attach(evaluator, 'SP') MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(), s_precision).attach(evaluator, "SMP") w_recall = Recall(lambda x: x[0:2]) w_recall.attach(evaluator, 'WR') MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(), w_recall).attach(evaluator, "WMR") s_recall = Recall(lambda x: x[2:4]) s_recall.attach(evaluator, 'SR') MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(), s_recall).attach(evaluator, "SMR") w_f1 = 2. * w_precision * w_recall / (w_precision + w_recall + 1e-20) w_f1 = MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(), w_f1) w_f1.attach(evaluator, "WF1") s_f1 = 2. * s_precision * s_recall / (s_precision + s_recall + 1e-20) s_f1 = MetricsLambda(lambda t: torch.mean(t).item(), s_f1) s_f1.attach(evaluator, "SF1") return evaluator
def train(name, load, lrate, weight_decay, workers, smooth, device, validation, ground_truth): if not name: name = '{}_{}'.format(lrate, weight_decay) click.echo('model output name: {}'.format(name)) torch.set_num_threads(1) train_set = BaselineSet(glob.glob('{}/**/*.seeds.png'.format(ground_truth), recursive=True), smooth=smooth) train_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=train_set, num_workers=workers, batch_size=1, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True) val_set = BaselineSet(glob.glob('{}/**/*.seeds.png'.format(validation), recursive=True), smooth=smooth) val_data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=val_set, num_workers=workers, batch_size=1, pin_memory=True) click.echo('loading network') model = ResUNet(refine_encoder=False).to(device) if load: click.echo('loading weights') model = torch.load(load, map_location=device) criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() opti = optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()), lr=lrate, weight_decay=weight_decay) def score_function(engine): val_loss = engine.state.metrics['loss'] return -val_loss def output_preprocess(output): o, target = output o = torch.sigmoid(o) o = denoising_hysteresis_thresh(o.detach().squeeze().cpu().numpy(), 0.8, 0.9, 2.5) return torch.from_numpy(o.astype('f')).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).to( device), target.double().to(device) trainer = create_supervised_trainer(model, opti, criterion, device=device, non_blocking=True) accuracy = Accuracy(output_transform=output_preprocess) precision = Precision(output_transform=output_preprocess) recall = Recall(output_transform=output_preprocess) loss = Loss(criterion) precision = Precision(average=False) recall = Recall(average=False) f1 = (precision * recall * 2 / (precision + recall)).mean() evaluator = create_supervised_evaluator(model, device=device, non_blocking=True) accuracy.attach(evaluator, 'accuracy') precision.attach(evaluator, 'precision') recall.attach(evaluator, 'recall') loss.attach(evaluator, 'loss') f1.attach(evaluator, 'f1') ckpt_handler = ModelCheckpoint('.', name, save_interval=1, n_saved=10, require_empty=False) RunningAverage(output_transform=lambda x: x).attach(trainer, 'loss') progress_bar = ProgressBar(persist=True) progress_bar.attach(trainer, ['loss']) trainer.add_event_handler(event_name=Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED, handler=ckpt_handler, to_save={'net': model}) trainer.add_event_handler(event_name=Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED, handler=TerminateOnNan()) @trainer.on(Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED) def log_validation_results(engine): metrics = evaluator.state.metrics progress_bar.log_message( 'eval results - epoch {} loss: {:.4f} f1: {:.4f}, accuracy: {:.4f} recall: {:.4f} precision {:.4f}' .format(engine.state.epoch, metrics['loss'], metrics['f1'], metrics['accuracy'], metrics['recall'], metrics['precision'])), max_epochs=1000)
def create_zero_shot_eval_engine(self, model, zero_shot_label, model_mapping, label_mapping, is_test_multilabel, cpu): # Iterate through all labels in both the train and test sets to see which labels correspond to the zero shot label (the unifying label) model_target_int = [ int for label, int in model_mapping.items() if zero_shot_label in label.lower() ] label_target_int = [ int for label, int in label_mapping.items() if zero_shot_label in label.lower() ] # There should only be one unifying label in each dataset (Possible TODO: Allow multiple labels to map to one unifying label) assert len( model_target_int ) == 1, f"Ambiguous or empty model label list when trying to map {zero_shot_label} to {model_target_int}" assert len( label_target_int ) == 1, f"Ambiguous or empty gold label list when trying to map {zero_shot_label} to {label_target_int}" model_target_int = model_target_int[0] label_target_int = label_target_int[0] def process_function(engine, batch): X, y = batch if cpu: pred = model(X.cpu()) gold = y.cpu() else: pred = model(X.cuda()) gold = y.cuda() # Get the softmax of the raw model output (logits) pred = torch.softmax(pred, dim=1) # Get the probability that the prediction is the target class pred_in_class_prob = pred[:, [model_target_int]] # Get all the probabilities of all the other classes outside the target class by finding the complement of the in class probability pred_out_class_prob = 1 - pred_in_class_prob # Create a combined tensor which acts as a set of probabilities for in vs out of the zero-shot target class. # In this, 0 is out of class, whilst 1 is in class, so the combined tensor has the out of class probabilities in the 0th column and the in-class probs in the 1st column. pred =, pred_in_class_prob), dim=1) if is_test_multilabel: # If test task is multilabel, get the values from the appropriate column of the truth labels gold = gold[:, label_target_int] else: # To correspond to the above contructed tensor, we set the golds as 1 (I.e. True) if the gold label is the zero-shot label, and 0 (False) if not. gold = (gold == label_target_int).long() return pred, gold eval_engine = Engine(process_function) really_small_number = 1e-10 accuracy = Accuracy() accuracy.attach(eval_engine, "accuracy") recall = Recall() recall.attach(eval_engine, "recall") precision = Precision() precision.attach(eval_engine, "precision") f1 = (precision * recall * 2 / (precision + recall + really_small_number)) f1.attach(eval_engine, "f1") f2 = (precision * recall * 5 / ((4 * precision) + recall + really_small_number)) f2.attach(eval_engine, "f2") avg_recall = Recall(average=True) avg_recall.attach(eval_engine, "average recall") avg_precision = Precision(average=True) avg_precision.attach(eval_engine, "average precision") avg_f1 = (avg_precision * avg_recall * 2 / (avg_precision + avg_recall + really_small_number)) avg_f1.attach(eval_engine, "average f1") avg_f2 = (avg_precision * avg_recall * 5 / ((4 * avg_precision) + avg_recall + really_small_number)) avg_f2.attach(eval_engine, "average f2") return eval_engine