def save_to_igor_itx(file_path: str, xs: List[np.ndarray], datas: List[np.ndarray], names: List[str], ys: Optional[List[np.ndarray]] = None, x_labels: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, y_labels: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None): """Save data to a .itx file which can be dropped into Igor""" def check_axis_linear(arr: np.ndarray, axis: str, name: str, current_waves: list) -> bool: if arr.shape[-1] > 1 and not np.all( np.isclose(np.diff(arr), np.diff(arr)[0])): logger.warning( f"{file_path}: Igor doesn't support a non-linear {axis}-axis. Saving as separate wave" ) axis_wave = IgorWave(arr, name=name + f'_{axis}') current_waves.append(axis_wave) return False else: return True if x_labels is None or isinstance(x_labels, str): x_labels = [x_labels] * len(datas) if y_labels is None or isinstance(y_labels, str): y_labels = [y_labels] * len(datas) if ys is None: ys = [None] * len(datas) assert all([ len(datas) == len(list_) for list_ in [xs, names, x_labels, y_labels] ]) waves = [] for x, y, data, name, x_label, y_label in zip(xs, ys, datas, names, x_labels, y_labels): wave = IgorWave(data, name=name) if x is not None: if check_axis_linear(x, 'x', name, waves): wave.set_dimscale('x', x[0], np.mean(np.diff(x)), units=x_label) if y is not None: if check_axis_linear(y, 'y', name, waves): wave.set_dimscale('y', y[0], np.mean(np.diff(y)), units=y_label) elif y_label is not None: wave.set_datascale(y_label) waves.append(wave) with open(file_path, 'w') as fp: for wave in waves: wave.save_itx( fp, image=True ) # Image = True hopefully makes np and igor match in x/y
def test_invalid_name(self): name = '\'invalid_name\'' # wave cannot contain quotation marks array = np.random.randint(0, 100, 10, dtype=np.int32) wave = IgorWave(array) self.assertRaises(validator.InvalidNameError, wave.rename, name, on_errors='raise') wave.rename(name, on_errors='fix') self.assertEqual(, name.replace('\'', '_'))
def test_dimscale(self): array = np.random.randint(0, 100, 10, dtype=np.int32) wave = IgorWave(array) wave.set_dimscale('x', 0, 0.01, 's') with TemporaryFile('wb') as fp: with TemporaryFile('wt') as fp: wave.save_itx(fp)
def test_pint(self): import pint ureg = pint.UnitRegistry() Q = ureg.Quantity a = np.arange(0.0, 10.0, 1.0) with self.subTest('short units'): wave = IgorWave(Q(a, 's')) bunits = wave._wave_header.dataUnits expected = 's'.encode(ENCODING) self.assertEqual(bunits, expected) with self.subTest('long units'): q = Q(a, 'kg m / s**2') wave = IgorWave(q) bunits = wave._extended_data_units expected = '{:~}'.format(q.units).encode(ENCODING) self.assertEqual(bunits, expected)
def test_datetime(self): array = np.arange(np.datetime64('2019-01-01'), np.datetime64('2019-12-31'), np.timedelta64(1, 'D')) wave = IgorWave(array) self.assertIs(wave._check_array().dtype.type, np.float64) with TemporaryFile('wb') as bin, TemporaryFile('wt') as text: wave.save_itx(text)
def check_axis_linear(arr: np.ndarray, axis: str, name: str, current_waves: list) -> bool: if arr.shape[-1] > 1 and not np.all( np.isclose(np.diff(arr), np.diff(arr)[0])): logger.warning( f"{file_path}: Igor doesn't support a non-linear {axis}-axis. Saving as separate wave" ) axis_wave = IgorWave(arr, name=name + f'_{axis}') current_waves.append(axis_wave) return False else: return True
def dict_to_ibw(dict_like, prefix, on_errors='fix'): """ :param dict_like: dictionary-like object ({name: array-like, ...}) :param prefix: file name prefix (each wave is saved as <prefix>_<column>.ibw) :param on_errors: behavior when invalid name is given. 'fix': fix errors. 'raise': raise an exception. :return: dictionary of generated waves ({name: wave, ...}) """ wavelist = [ IgorWave(array, name, on_errors) for (name, array) in dict_like.items() ] for wave in wavelist: + '_%s.ibw' % return { wave for wave in wavelist}
def test_data_units(self): wavename = 'wave0' unitslist = ('', 'sec', 'second') descs = ('empty units', 'short units', 'long units') for desc, units in zip(descs, unitslist): with self.subTest(desc): com = 'X SetScale d,.*"%s",.*\'%s\'' % (units, wavename) array = np.random.randint(0, 100, 10, dtype=np.int32) wave = IgorWave(array) wave.set_datascale(units) with TemporaryFile('wb') as fp: with TemporaryFile('w+t') as fp: wave.save_itx(fp) content = self.assertRegex(content, com)
def test_array_type(self): valid_types = (np.bool_, np.float16, np.int32, np.uint32, np.int64, np.uint64, np.float32, np.float64, np.complex128) invalid_types = (object, str) for vt in valid_types: with self.subTest('type: %r' % vt): wave = IgorWave(np.random.randint(0, 100, 10).astype(vt)) with TemporaryFile('wb') as fp: with TemporaryFile('wt') as fp: wave.save_itx(fp) for it in invalid_types: with self.subTest('type: %r' % it): wave = IgorWave(np.random.randint(0, 100, 10).astype(it)) with TemporaryFile('wb') as fp: self.assertRaises(TypeError,, fp) with TemporaryFile('wt') as fp: self.assertRaises(TypeError, wave.save_itx, fp)
def make_dos_waves(path_list): for rt in path_list: print(rt) fl = os.listdir(rt) fl = [f for f in fl if '.dos' in f] fl.sort() fm = [] head = '' for f in fl: if not f.split('.')[0] == head: head = f.split('.')[0] fm.append([]) fm[len(fm) - 1].append(f) print(fm) for fl in fm: ws = {} head = fl[0].split('.')[0] for f in fl: sp = f.split('eV')[1] if sp == 'up': r = 1 elif sp == 'dn': r = -1 en = 0 wp = rt + head + '_dos.itx' path = rt + f dos = load_dos(path) for ky in dos.keys(): ws[ky + sp] = dos[ky] * r print(ws.keys()) el = ws['ENERGYup'] e_s = el[0] e_n = el.shape[0] e_e = el[e_n - 1] e_st = (e_e - e_s) / (e_n - 1) with open(wp, 'w') as fp: for ky in ws.keys(): if 'ENERGY' in ky: pass else: wn = head + '_' + ky.replace(':', '_') wn = wn.replace('-', '_') wave = IgorWave(ws[ky], name=wn) wave.set_dimscale('x', e_s, e_st, 'eV') wave.save_itx(fp) print(len(fm))
def fig_to_igor_itx(f: go.Figure, filepath: str): d = data_from_plotly_fig(f) waves = [] for k in d: if not k.endswith('_x') and not k.endswith('_y'): wave = IgorWave(d[k], name=k) wave.set_datascale(f.layout.yaxis.title.text) for dim in ['x', 'y']: if f'{k}_{dim}' in d: dim_arr = d[f'{k}_{dim}'] wave.set_dimscale('x', dim_arr[0], np.mean(np.diff(dim_arr)), units=f.layout.xaxis.title.text) waves.append(wave) with open(filepath, 'w') as fp: for wave in waves: wave.save_itx( fp, image=True ) # Image = True hopefully makes np and igor match in x/y
def dict_to_itx(dict_like, path_or_buf, on_errors='fix'): """ :param dict_like: dictionary-like object ({name: array-like, ...}) :param path_or_buf: filename or file-like object :param on_errors: behavior when invalid name is given. 'fix': fix errors. 'raise': raise an exception. :return: dictionary of generated waves ({name: wave, ...}) """ fp = path_or_buf if hasattr(path_or_buf, 'write') else open( path_or_buf, 'w', encoding=igorwriter.ENCODING) wavelist = [ IgorWave(array, name, on_errors) for (name, array) in dict_like.items() ] try: for wave in wavelist: wave.save_itx(fp) finally: if fp is not path_or_buf: fp.close() return { wave for wave in wavelist}
def make_3Dband_ibw(npypath, savepath, name, e_s, e_e): ch = np.load(npypath) print('npy data loaded') dims = len(ch.shape) - 1 ky_s = -1 ky_e = 1 kz_s = -1 kz_e = 1['mkdir', '-p', savepath]) if dims == 2: ch = np.transpose(ch, (1, 2, 0)) print(ch.shape) ch = np.concatenate([np.flip(ch, 1), np.delete(ch, 0, 1)], 1) ch = np.concatenate([np.flip(ch, 2), np.delete(ch, 0, 2)], 2) elif dims == 3: ch = np.transpose(ch, (2, 3, 1, 0)) ch = np.concatenate([np.flip(ch, 1), np.delete(ch, 0, 1)], 1) ch = np.concatenate([np.flip(ch, 2), np.delete(ch, 0, 2)], 2) ch = np.concatenate([np.flip(ch, 3), np.delete(ch, 0, 3)], 3) kz_n = ch.shape[3] kz_st = (kz_e - kz_s) / (kz_n - 1) print('concatenate end') ky_n = ch.shape[1] ky_st = (ky_e - ky_s) / (ky_n - 1) for ba in range(ch.shape[0]): out = savepath + name + '_Band' + str(ba + 1) + '.ibw' if (np.amax(ch[ba]) >= e_s and np.amin(ch[ba]) <= e_e): wave = IgorWave(ch[ba], name=name + '_Band' + str(ba + 1)) wave.set_dimscale('x', ky_s, ky_st, '2pi/a') wave.set_dimscale('y', ky_s, ky_st, '2pi/a') if dims == 3: wave.set_dimscale('z', kz_s, kz_st, '2pi/a') print('save : ' + out)
def test_file_io(self): array = np.random.randint(0, 100, 10, dtype=np.int32) wave = IgorWave(array) with TemporaryDirectory() as datadir: itx = datadir + '/wave0.itx' ibw = datadir + '/wave0.ibw' wave.save_itx(itx) with open(itx, 'w') as fp: wave.save_itx(fp) with self.subTest('save in a new binary file'): with open(ibw, 'wb') as fp: with self.subTest('append to a binary should fail'): with open(ibw, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(b'something') self.assertRaises(ValueError,, fp) with open(ibw, 'ab') as fp: self.assertRaises(ValueError,, fp) with self.subTest('save in a truncated binary file'): with open(ibw, 'wb') as fp: