def __spawn_agent(self, simulation): """Spawn new agents acting as traffic through the given callback function. """ spawn_points = np.array(self.spawns) spawn_locations = np.array([[p.location.x, p.location.y] for p in spawn_points]) blueprint = self.__random_blueprint(simulation) # Calculate valid spawn points based on spawn radius valid_spawns = spawn_points if self.__ego is not None: ego_position = self.__ego.state.position ego_position[1] *= -1 distances = np.linalg.norm(spawn_locations - ego_position, axis=1) valid_spawns = spawn_points[(self.__ego.view_radius <= distances) & (distances <= self.__spawn_radius)] # Sample spawn state and spawn actor try_count = 0 speed = random.uniform(self.__speed_lims[0], self.__speed_lims[1]) while try_count < self._max_spawn_tries: spawn = random.choice(valid_spawns) spawn.location.z = 0.1 heading = np.deg2rad(-spawn.rotation.yaw) try: vehicle =, spawn) velocity = carla.Vector3D(speed * np.cos(heading), -speed * np.sin(heading), 0.0) vehicle.set_target_velocity(velocity) break except: try_count += 1 else: logger.debug("Couldn't spawn vehicle!") return # Create agent and set properties initial_state = ip.AgentState( time=simulation.timestep, position=np.array([spawn.location.x, -spawn.location.y]), velocity=np.array([velocity.x, -velocity.y]), acceleration=np.array([0.0, 0.0]), heading=heading) agent = ip.carla.TrafficAgent(, initial_state, fps=simulation.fps) self.__find_destination(agent) # Wrap agent for CARLA control agent = ip.carla.CarlaAgentWrapper(agent, vehicle) self.__agents[agent.agent_id] = agent simulation.agents[agent.agent_id] = agent logger.debug( f"Agent {agent.agent_id} spawned at {spawn.location} with speed {speed}" )
def get_state(self, time: float = None) -> ip.AgentState: """ Return current state of the vehicle. """ return ip.AgentState( time=time,, velocity=self.velocity * np.array([np.cos(self.heading), np.sin(self.heading)]), acceleration=self.acceleration * np.array([np.cos(self.heading), np.sin(self.heading)]), heading=self.heading)
def _state_from_tracks(track, idx, scale: float = None, metadata: ip.AgentMetadata = None): time = track['frame'][idx] heading = np.deg2rad(track['heading'][idx]) heading = np.unwrap([0, heading])[1] position = np.array([track['xCenter'][idx], track['yCenter'][idx] ]) * (scale if scale else 1) velocity = np.array([track['xVelocity'][idx], track['yVelocity'][idx]]) acceleration = np.array( [track['xAcceleration'][idx], track['yAcceleration'][idx]]) return ip.AgentState(time, position, velocity, acceleration, heading, metadata)
def next_state(self, observation: ip.Observation) -> ip.AgentState: """ Calculate next action based on trajectory, set appropriate fields in vehicle and returns the next agent state. """ assert self._trajectory is not None, f"Trajectory of Agent {self.agent_id} was None!" if self.done(observation): return self.state action = self.next_action(observation) if self.open_loop: new_state = ip.AgentState(self._t, self._trajectory.path[self._t], self._trajectory.velocity[self._t], self._trajectory.acceleration[self._t], self._trajectory.heading[self._t]) else: new_state = None self.vehicle.execute_action(action, new_state) return self.vehicle.get_state(observation.frame[self.agent_id].time + 1)
def generate_random_frame(ego: int, layout: ip.Map, spawn_vel_ranges: List[Tuple[ip.Box, Tuple[float, float]]]) -> Dict[int, ip.AgentState]: """ Generate a new frame with randomised spawns and velocities for each vehicle. Args: ego: The id of the ego layout: The road layout spawn_vel_ranges: A list of pairs of spawn ranges and velocity ranges. Returns: A new randomly generated frame """ ret = {} for i, (spawn, vel) in enumerate(spawn_vel_ranges, ego): poly = Polygon(spawn.boundary) best_lane = None max_overlap = 0.0 for road in layout.roads.values(): for lane_section in road.lanes.lane_sections: for lane in lane_section.all_lanes: overlap = lane.boundary.intersection(poly).area if overlap > max_overlap: best_lane = lane max_overlap = overlap intersections = list(best_lane.midline.intersection(poly).coords) start_d = best_lane.distance_at(intersections[0]) end_d = best_lane.distance_at(intersections[1]) if start_d > end_d: start_d, end_d = end_d, start_d position_d = (end_d - start_d) * np.random.random() + start_d spawn_position = np.array(best_lane.point_at(position_d)) ret[i] = ip.AgentState(time=0, position=spawn_position, velocity=(vel[1] - vel[0]) * np.random.random() + vel[0], acceleration=np.array([0.0, 0.0]), heading=best_lane.get_heading_at(position_d)) return ret
def __get_current_observation(self) -> ip.Observation: actor_list = self.__world.get_actors() vehicle_list = actor_list.filter("*vehicle*") agent_id_lookup = dict([(a.actor_id, a.agent_id) for a in self.agents.values() if a is not None]) frame = {} for vehicle in vehicle_list: transform = vehicle.get_transform() heading = np.deg2rad(-transform.rotation.yaw) velocity = vehicle.get_velocity() acceleration = vehicle.get_acceleration() state = ip.AgentState(time=self.__timestep, position=np.array([transform.location.x, -transform.location.y]), velocity=np.array([velocity.x, -velocity.y]), acceleration=np.array([acceleration.x, -acceleration.x]), heading=heading) if in agent_id_lookup: agent_id = agent_id_lookup[] else: agent_id = frame[agent_id] = state return ip.Observation(frame, self.scenario_map)
with open(filename, 'wb') as f: dill.dump(objects, f) SCENARIOS = { "heckstrasse": ip.Map.parse_from_opendrive("scenarios/maps/heckstrasse.xodr"), "round": ip.Map.parse_from_opendrive("scenarios/maps/round.xodr"), "town1": ip.Map.parse_from_opendrive("scenarios/maps/town01.xodr") } round_frame = { 0: ip.AgentState(time=0, position=np.array([96.8, -0.2]), velocity=4, acceleration=0.0, heading=-2 * np.pi / 3), 1: ip.AgentState(time=0, position=np.array([25.0, -36.54]), velocity=4, acceleration=0.0, heading=-0.3), 2: ip.AgentState(time=0, position=np.array([133.75, -61.67]), velocity=4, acceleration=0.0, heading=5 * np.pi / 6), 3:
3: 5.5, } position = { 0: np.array([6.0, 0.7]), 1: np.array([19.7, -13.5]), 2: np.array([73.2, -47.1]), 3: np.array([61.7, -15.2]), } heckstrasse_frame = {} for aid in position.keys(): heckstrasse_frame[aid] = ip.AgentState( time=0, position=position[aid], velocity=speed[aid] * np.array( [np.cos(heading[aid]), np.sin(heading[aid])]), acceleration=np.array([0., 0.]), heading=heading[aid]) heckstrasse_goals = { 0: ip.PointGoal(np.array([17.40, -4.97]), 2), 1: ip.PointGoal(np.array([75.18, -56.65]), 2), 2: ip.PointGoal(np.array([62.47, -17.54]), 2), } # CHANGE SCENARIOS HERE scenario_map = SCENARIOS["heckstrasse"] frame = heckstrasse_frame goals = heckstrasse_goals ego_id = 2
def final_agent_state(self) -> ip.AgentState: """ AgentState calculated from the final point along the path. """ return ip.AgentState(0, self.path[-1], self.velocity[-1], self.acceleration[-1], self.heading[-1])
def initial_agent_state(self) -> ip.AgentState: """ AgentState calculated from the first point along the path. """ return ip.AgentState(0, self.path[0], self.velocity[0], self.acceleration[0], self.heading[0])