Esempio n. 1
def recover(slot_pos_obj, reset):
    global z, zup
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    z_recover = 0.011 + z  # the height for recovery 
    z_offset = z_recover
    slot_pos_obj = slot_pos_obj + [0]
    _center_world = copy.deepcopy(center_world)
    if reset:
        # move above the slot
        pos_recover_probe_world = coordinateFrameTransformList(slot_pos_obj, obj_frame_id, global_frame_id, listener)
        pos_recover_probe_world[2] = zup
        setCart(pos_recover_probe_world, ori)
        # move down a bit in fast speed
        pos_recover_probe_world = coordinateFrameTransformList(slot_pos_obj, obj_frame_id, global_frame_id, listener)
        pos_recover_probe_world[2] = z_offset + 0.02
        setCart(pos_recover_probe_world, ori)
        # move down to the slot    
        # speed down
        setAcc(acc=globalhighacc, deacc=globalacc)
        setSpeed(tcp=60, ori=1000)
        pos_recover_probe_world[2] = z_offset
        setCart(pos_recover_probe_world, ori)
        # move to the world center
        pos_recover_probe_target_world = _center_world
        pos_recover_probe_target_world[2] = z_offset
        setCart(pos_recover_probe_target_world, ori)
        # speed up
        setAcc(acc=globalhighacc, deacc=globalhighacc)
        setSpeed(tcp=global_highvel, ori=1000)
        # move up
        pos_recover_probe_target_world = _center_world
        pos_recover_probe_target_world[2] = zup + 0.06  # 
        setCart(pos_recover_probe_target_world, ori)
def recover(slot_pos_obj, reset):
    z_recover = 0.011 + z  # the height for recovery
    z_offset = z_recover
    slot_pos_obj = slot_pos_obj + [0]
    _center_world = copy.deepcopy(center_world)
    if reset:
        # move above the slot
        pos_recover_probe_world = coordinateFrameTransformList(
            slot_pos_obj, obj_frame_id, global_frame_id, lr)
        pos_recover_probe_world[2] = zup

        # move down a bit in fast speed
        pos_recover_probe_world = coordinateFrameTransformList(
            slot_pos_obj, obj_frame_id, global_frame_id, lr)
        pos_recover_probe_world[2] = z_offset + 0.02

        # move down to the slot
        # speed down
        pos_recover_probe_world[2] = z_offset

        # move to the world center
        pos_recover_probe_target_world = _center_world
        pos_recover_probe_target_world[2] = z_offset

        # speed up

        # move up
        pos_recover_probe_target_world = _center_world
        pos_recover_probe_target_world[2] = zup + 0.06  #
Esempio n. 3
def main():
    rospy.Subscriber('/pose_est', String, rosApriltagCallback)
    lr = tf.TransformListener()
    half = 0.016
    top = coordinateFrameTransformList([0, 0, 0], 'observer_rgb_optical_frame', 'map', lr)
    marker_id = 62
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        rgba = [1,1,0,0.8]
        if notagcount == 0:
            rgba = [1,1,0,0.8]
        elif notagcount > 5:
            rgba = [0,1,1,0]
        X1 = coordinateFrameTransformList([half, half, 0.01], 'apriltag0_vicon', 'map', lr)
        X2 = coordinateFrameTransformList([half, -half, 0.01], 'apriltag0_vicon', 'map', lr)
        X3 = coordinateFrameTransformList([-half, -half, 0.01], 'apriltag0_vicon', 'map', lr)
        X4 = coordinateFrameTransformList([-half, half, 0.01], 'apriltag0_vicon', 'map', lr)
        vis_pub.publish(createTriangleListMarker(marker_id, [X1, X4, X3, X2], rgba = rgba, frame_id = '/map', o=Point(*top[0:3])))
Esempio n. 4
def run_it(accelerations, speeds, shape, nside, side_params, angles, nrep, shape_type, probe_radius, dir_save_bagfile, dist_after_contact, allowed_distance, opt):
    # hack to restart the script to prevent ros network issues.
    global pub
    limit = 100
    cnt = 0
    topics = ['-a']
    # enumerate the possible trajectories
    for cnt_acc, acc in enumerate(accelerations):
        # enumerate the side we want to push
        for i in range(nside):
            # enumerate the contact point that we want to push
            for s in side_params:
                if shape_type == 'poly':
                    pos = np.array(shape[i]) *(1-s) + np.array(shape[(i+1) % len(shape)]) *(s)
                    pos = np.append(pos, [0])
                    tangent = np.array(shape[(i+1) % len(shape)]) - np.array(shape[i])
                    normal = np.array([tangent[1], -tangent[0]]) 
                    normal = normal / norm(normal)  # normalize it
                    normal = np.append(normal, [0])
                elif shape_type == 'ellip':
                    (a,b) = shape[0][0], shape[0][1]
                    pos = [shape[0][0] * np.cos(s*2*np.pi), shape[0][1] * np.sin(s*2*np.pi), 0]
                    normal = [np.cos(s*2*np.pi)/a, np.sin(s*2*np.pi)/b, 0]
                    normal = normal / norm(normal)  # normalize it
                elif shape_type == 'polyapprox':
                    pos, normal = polyapprox(shape, s)
                # enumerate the direction in which we want to push
                for t in angles:
                    for rep in xrange(nrep):
                        if nrep > 1:
                            bagfilename = 'motion_surface=%s_shape=%s_a=%.0f_v=%.0f_i=%.3f_s=%.3f_t=%.3f_rep=%04d.bag' % (opt.surface_id, opt.shape_id, acc*1000, speeds[cnt_acc], i, s, t, rep)
                            bagfilename = 'motion_surface=%s_shape=%s_a=%.0f_v=%.0f_i=%.3f_s=%.3f_t=%.3f.bag' % (opt.surface_id, opt.shape_id, acc*1000, speeds[cnt_acc], i, s, t)
                        bagfilepath = dir_save_bagfile+bagfilename
                        # if exists then skip it
                        if skip_when_exists and os.path.isfile(bagfilepath):
                            #print bagfilepath, 'exits', 'skip'
                        # find the probe pos in contact in object frame
                        pos_probe_contact_object = pos + normal * probe_radius
                        # find the start point
                        direc =,0,t) , normal.tolist() + [1])[0:3] # in the direction of moving out
                        pos_start_probe_object = pos_probe_contact_object + direc * dist_before_contact
                        if shape_type == 'polyapprox' and polyapprox_check_collision(shape, pos_start_probe_object, probe_radius):
                            print bagfilename, 'will be in collision', 'skip'
                        # find the end point
                        pos_end_probe_object = pos_probe_contact_object - direc * dist_after_contact
                        # zero force torque sensor
                        # transform start and end to world frame
                        if hasRobot:
                            pos_start_probe_world = coordinateFrameTransformList(pos_start_probe_object, obj_frame_id, global_frame_id, listener)
                            pos_end_probe_world = coordinateFrameTransformList(pos_end_probe_object, obj_frame_id, global_frame_id, listener)
                            pos_contact_probe_world = coordinateFrameTransformList(pos_probe_contact_object, obj_frame_id, global_frame_id, listener)
                            pos_center_obj_world = coordinateFrameTransformList([0,0,0], obj_frame_id, global_frame_id, listener)
                            pos_start_probe_world = pos_start_probe_object + center_world
                            pos_end_probe_world = pos_end_probe_object + center_world
                            pos_contact_probe_world = pos_probe_contact_object + center_world
                            pos_center_obj_world = center_world

                        # start bag recording
                        # move to startPos
                        setAcc(acc=globalhighacc, deacc=globalhighacc)
                        setSpeed(tcp=global_highvel, ori=global_highvel)
                        start_pos = copy.deepcopy(pos_start_probe_world)
                        start_pos[2] = zup
                        setAcc(acc=globalhighacc, deacc=globalacc)
                        setSpeed(tcp=global_highvel, ori=1000)
                        start_pos = copy.deepcopy(pos_start_probe_world)
                        start_pos[2] = z
                        setSpeed(tcp=global_slow_vel, ori=1000) # some slow speed
                        mid_pos = copy.deepcopy(pos_contact_probe_world)
                        mid_pos[2] = z
                        rosbag_proc = helper.start_ros_bag(bagfilename, topics, dir_save_bagfile) 
                        end_pos = copy.deepcopy(pos_end_probe_world)
                        end_pos[2] = z
                        if acc == 0:  # constant speed
                            setAcc(acc=globalmaxacc, deacc=globalmaxacc)
                            setSpeed(tcp=speeds[cnt_acc], ori=1000)
                        else:  # there is acceleration
                            setAcc(acc=acc, deacc=globalmaxacc)
                            setSpeed(tcp=1000, ori=1000) # some high speed
                        # end bag recording
                        setSpeed(tcp=global_highvel, ori=1000)
                        setAcc(acc=globalhighacc, deacc=globalhighacc)
                        # move up vertically
                        end_pos = copy.deepcopy(pos_end_probe_world)
                        end_pos[2] = zup
                        distance_obj_center = np.linalg.norm(np.array(pos_center_obj_world)-np.array(center_world))
                        # recover
                        recover(obj_slot, distance_obj_center > allowed_distance)
                        cnt += 1
                        if cnt > limit:  return