Esempio n. 1
class Pool(object):
    """An illumina MID is called here a 'pool'."""

    all_paths = """

    kind = 'pool'

    def __repr__(self): return '<%s object "%s">' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id_name)
    def __str__(self): return self.id_name
    def __iter__(self): return iter(self.samples)
    def __len__(self): return self.count
    def __getitem__(self, key): return self.samples[key]

    def seq_len(self): return len(self.fwd.first_read)

    def __init__(self, json_path, out_dir):
        # Attributes #
        self.out_dir = out_dir
        self.json_path = json_path
        # Parse # = load_json_path(self.json_path)
        # Basic #
        self.account =['uppmax_id']
        self.run_num =['run_num']
        self.run_label =['run_id']
        self.project_short_name =['project']
        self.project_long_name =['project_name']
        self.fwd_name =['forward_reads']
        self.rev_name =['reverse_reads']
        # Own attributes #
        self.num =['pool_num']
        self.label =['pool_id']
        self.short_name =['pool']
        self.long_name =['pool_name']
        self.id_name = "run%03d-pool%02d" % (self.run_num, self.num)
        # Special #
        self.samples = Samples(self)
        self.primers = TwoPrimers(self)
        # Second init #
        self.loaded = False

    def load(self):
        """A second __init__ that is delayed, solves some circular references"""
        # Raw file pairs #
        self.fwd_path = home + "/proj/%s/INBOX/%s/%s/%s" % (self.account, self.run_label, self.label, self.fwd_name)
        self.rev_path = home + "/proj/%s/INBOX/%s/%s/%s" % (self.account, self.run_label, self.label, self.rev_name)
        self.fwd = FASTQ(self.fwd_path)
        self.rev = FASTQ(self.rev_path)
        self.fastq = BarcodedPairedFASTQ(self.fwd.path, self.rev.path, self.samples)
        # Check we can load it #
        if not os.access('/proj/%s' % self.account, os.R_OK):
            raise Exception("You don't have access to the project %s" % self.account)
        if not self.fwd.exists: raise Exception("No file at '%s'" % self.fwd)
        if not self.rev.exists: raise Exception("No file at '%s'" % self.rev)
        # Automatic paths #
        self.base_dir = self.out_dir + self.id_name + '/'
        self.p = AutoPaths(self.base_dir, self.all_paths)
        # Make an alias to the json #
        self.p.info_json.link_from(self.json_path, safe=True)
        # Children #
        # Check there are 50 #
        assert len(self.samples.children) == 50
        # Barcode length #
        self.bar_len = self.samples.bar_len
        # Make Outcomes #
        self.no_barcodes   = NoBarcode(self)
        self.one_barcodes  = OneBarcode(self)
        self.same_barcodes = SameBarcode(self)
        self.bad_barcodes  = BadBarcode(self)
        self.good_barcodes = GoodBarcode(self)
        self.outcomes = (self.good_barcodes, self.no_barcodes, self.one_barcodes, self.same_barcodes, self.bad_barcodes)
        self.children = self.outcomes
        # The good reads #
        self.quality_reads = QualityReads(self.good_barcodes.assembled.good_primers.len_filtered, self)
        self.fractions = Fractions(self)
        # Runner #
        self.runner = PoolRunner(self)
        # Graphs #
        self.graphs = [getattr(pool_plots, cls_name)(self) for cls_name in pool_plots.__all__]
        # Loaded #
        self.loaded = True
        # Return self for convenience #
        return self

    def first(self): return self.children[0]

    def count(self):
        if not self.loaded: self.load()
        return self.fastq.count

    def avg_quality(self):
        if not self.loaded: self.load()
        return self.fastq.avg_quality

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self.loaded: self.load()*args, **kwargs)

    def run_slurm(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self.loaded: self.load()
        return self.runner.run_slurm(*args, **kwargs)

    def pool_fastqc(self):
        """Run fastqc on the all the sequences of the pool"""
        if not self.loaded: self.load()

    def create_outcomes(self):
        """Sort the sequences depending on their barcode status"""
        print "Seperating sequences according to barcodes"
        if not self.loaded: self.load()
        for o in self.outcomes: o.create()
        for r in self.fastq.parse_barcodes():
            if len(r.matches) == 0:                              self.no_barcodes.add_pair(   (r.fwd,r.rev))
            elif len(r.matches) == 1:                            self.one_barcodes.add_pair(  (r.fwd,r.rev))
            elif r.matches[0].set == r.matches[1].set:           self.same_barcodes.add_pair( (r.fwd,r.rev))
            elif r.matches[0].sample is not r.matches[1].sample: self.bad_barcodes.add_pair(  (r.fwd,r.rev))
            else:                                                self.good_barcodes.add_pair( (r.fwd,r.rev))
        for o in self.outcomes: o.close()

    def create_samples(self):
        """Sort the sequences in different files according to their barcode number
        (if they have one)"""
        if not self.loaded: self.load()
        for sample in self.samples: sample.create()
        for r in tqdm(self.quality_reads.untrimmed.parse_barcodes()): r.first.sample.add_seq(
        for sample in self.samples: sample.close()

    def create_raw_samples(self):
        """Sort the sequences in different files according to their barcode
        before any other quality filtering such as read joining."""
        if not self.loaded: self.load()
        for sample in self.samples: sample.raw.create()
        for r in tqdm(self.good_barcodes.parse_barcodes()): r.first.sample.raw.add_pair(r)
        for sample in self.samples: sample.raw.close()

    def check_fastq_version(self):
        """Let's make sure we are dealing with the Sanger encoding"""

    def make_pool_plots(self):
        """Call graphs that are in"""
        if not self.loaded: self.load()
        for graph in self.graphs: graph.plot()

    def loss_statistics(self):
        """This should be moved to the reporting file"""
        if not self.loaded: self.load()
        class MessageStat(object):
            def __str__(self): return self.msg % self.value
            def __init__(self, msg, value):
                self.msg = msg
                self.value = value
        class LossStatistics(object):
            def __init__(self, pool): self.pool = pool
            def __str__(self): return '\n'.join(map(str, self))
            def __iter__(self): return iter((self.outcome, self.assembly, self.primers, self.n_filter, self.qual_filter, self.len_filter))
            def outcome(self):     return MessageStat("Good barcodes are only %f%% of total",
            def assembly(self):    return MessageStat("Assembled is only %f%% of good barcodes",
            def primers(self):    return MessageStat("Good primers is only %f%% of assembled",
            def n_filter(self):    return MessageStat("N filtered is only %f%% of good primers",
            def qual_filter(self): return MessageStat("Qual filtered is only %f%% of N filtered",
            def len_filter(self):  return MessageStat("Length filter is only %f%% of qual filtered",
        return LossStatistics(self)

    def json(self):
        """Regenerate the JSON string for every sample"""
        return ',\n\n'.join(s.json for s in self.samples)