Esempio n. 1
def pipeline(img):
    chessboard_images = glob.glob('../data/main/camera_cal/*.jpg')
    nx = 9  # chessboard corners in x direction
    ny = 6  # chessboard corners in y direction
    calibration_result = calibrate_camera(chessboard_images, (nx, ny))
    mtx = calibration_result["mtx"]
    dist = calibration_result["dist"]

    undistorted_img = cv2.undistort(img, mtx, dist, None, mtx)
    binary = find_line_edges(undistorted_img)
    line_edges = np.dstack((binary, binary, binary)) * 255
    return line_edges
def pipeline(img):
    out = np.array(img, copy=True)

    chessboard_images = glob.glob('../data/main/camera_cal/*.jpg')
    nx = 9  # chessboard corners in x direction
    ny = 6  # chessboard corners in y direction
    calibration_result = calibrate_camera(chessboard_images, (nx, ny))
    mtx = calibration_result["mtx"]
    dist = calibration_result["dist"]

    undistorted_img = cv2.undistort(img, mtx, dist, None, mtx)
    binary = find_line_edges(undistorted_img)
    l_line, r_line = hough_transformation(binary)

    cv2.line(out, (l_line.get_x1(), l_line.get_y1()),
             (l_line.get_x2(), l_line.get_y2()), (250, 0, 0), 10)
    cv2.line(out, (r_line.get_x1(), r_line.get_y1()),
             (r_line.get_x2(), r_line.get_y2()), (250, 0, 0), 10)
    return out
Esempio n. 3
    ax10.set_title('LAB(L channel)')
    ax11.set_title('LAB(A channel)')
    ax12.set_title('LAB(B channel)')

    for ax in f.get_axes():

# Compute the camera calibration matrix and distortion coefficients given a set of chessboard images

chessboard_images = glob.glob('../data/main/camera_cal/*.jpg')
nx = 9  # chessboard corners in x direction
ny = 6  # chessboard corners in y direction

calibration_result = calibrate_camera(chessboard_images, (nx, ny))
mtx = calibration_result["mtx"]
dist = calibration_result["dist"]

img = cv2.imread('../data/main/test_images/test5.jpg')
# Apply a distortion correction to raw images
undistorted_img = cv2.undistort(img, mtx, dist, None, mtx)

# let's try to use RGB,HLS, HSV,LAB color spaces and individual channels to identify the best options
# I will stick to LAB color space (B channel). It gives good results for all test images I work with