Esempio n. 1
class Archer(Unit):
    teamed_body_frames = images.load_teamed_anim("archer_body", 2)
    teamed_arm_frames = images.load_teamed_anim("archer_arm", 3)

    def __init__(self, pos, team):
        set_actor_skin(self, team)
        self.lap_time = 360
        self.fight_windup_time = 360 + 180  # Exactly Golem regen speed
        super().__init__(pos, team)

    def get_locs_in_range(self):
        ret = []
        # Firstly, target anyone adjacent.
        # This is almost elegant, a list of angles offsets, as from MeleeUnit.
        for x in [0, -1, 1, -2, 2, -3]:
            angle = (6 + x * self.bias_flip + self.bias_angle) % 6
            ret.append(vec.add(self.pos, vec.units[angle]))
        # Next, target people at range 2.
        # This should favor the space "ahead" of us (according to bias_angle)
        # and work back (in even pairs, resolving by bias_flip);
        # unfortuately, I can't tink of an elegant way to do this :(
        range_2_vecs = [(2, 0), (1, 1), (2, -1), (0, 2), (2, -2), (-1, 2),
                        (1, -2), (-2, 2), (0, -2), (-2, 1), (-1, -1), (-2, 0)]
        for v in range_2_vecs:
                        vec.transform(v, self.bias_flip, self.bias_angle)))
        return ret
Esempio n. 2
class Sword(MeleeUnit):
    teamed_body_frames = images.load_teamed_anim("sword_body", 2)
    teamed_arm_frames = images.load_teamed_anim("sword_arm", 3)

    def __init__(self, pos, team):
        set_actor_skin(self, team)
        self.lap_time = 360
        self.fight_windup_time = 180
        super().__init__(pos, team)
Esempio n. 3
class Golem(MeleeUnit):
    teamed_torso_frames = images.load_teamed_anim("golem_torso", 2)
    teamed_arm_frames = images.load_teamed_anim("golem_arm", 3)
    teamed_toes = images.load_teamed("units", "golem_toes.png")

    def __init__(self, pos, team):
        self.torso_frames = self.teamed_torso_frames[team]
        self.arm_frames = self.teamed_arm_frames[team]
        self.toes = self.teamed_toes[team]
        self.lap_time = 450  # Base x1.25
        self.fight_windup_time = 180
        self.recover_time = 360 + 180  # Exactly archer reload speed
        self.wounded = False
        super().__init__(pos, team)

    def draw(self, pos):
        # Might make this the standard drawing function at some pt
        frame = int(not self.wounded)
        self._draw(pos, self.torso_frames[frame])
        if 0 == self.cooldowns[cd_move]:
            self._draw(pos, self.toes)
        frame = (self.fight_windup_time -
                 self.cooldowns[cd_fight]) * 2 // self.fight_windup_time
        self._draw(pos, self.arm_frames[frame])

    def should_chill(self):
        if self.wounded:
            if not self.charge(cd_recover):
                return True
            # Most other things happen in a custom task, but heck,
            # it's not like this is racing any other conditions
            # or needs to be exclusive with anything else
            self.wounded = False
            self.cooldowns[cd_recover] = self.recover_time
        self.charge(cd_fight) and self.charge(cd_move)
        return True

    def take_hit(self):
        if self.wounded:
            self.wounded = True

    def move(self, pos):
        self.cooldowns[cd_recover] = self.recover_time

    def fight(self, target):
        self.cooldowns[cd_recover] = self.recover_time
Esempio n. 4
class Berserk(MeleeUnit):
    teamed_body_frames = images.load_teamed_anim("berserk_body", 2)
    teamed_arm_frames = images.load_teamed_anim("berserk_arm", 3)

    def __init__(self, pos, team):
        set_actor_skin(self, team)
        # 80% of base cooldown times
        self.lap_time = 288
        self.fight_windup_time = 144
        self.dying = False
        super().__init__(pos, team)

    def fight(self, target):

    def take_hit(self):
        if self.dying:
        self.dying = True
        tasks.Die(self, self.fight_windup_time, tasks.SLOW_PATIENCE)
Esempio n. 5
class Exploder(Unit):
    teamed_toes = images.load_teamed("units", "exploder_toes.png")
    teamed_torso_frames = images.load_teamed_anim("exploder_torso", 2)

    def __init__(self, pos, team):
        self.torso_frames = self.teamed_torso_frames[team]
        self.toes = self.teamed_toes[team]
        # Same move speed as Berserker
        self.lap_time = 288
        self.fight_windup_time = 0
        self.dying = False
        super().__init__(pos, team)

    def draw(self, pos):
        frame = int(not self.dying)
        self._draw(pos, self.torso_frames[frame])
        if 0 == self.cooldowns[cd_move]:
            self._draw(pos, self.toes)

    def take_hit(self):
        if self.dying:
        self.dying = True
        tasks.Die(self, self.lap_time, tasks.SLOW_PATIENCE)

    def die(self):
        if self.dead:
            # This is possible if we entered a castle while dying,
            # which immediately disintegrates us.
            # Usually this isn't a problem, but explode() assumes
            # a not-None position. Of course, I could check that
            # directly, but I'd rather it fail loudly if the
            # assumption that living Entities have a position is
            # violated.
        corpse = ExploderCorpse(self.pos,
        tasks.schedule(tasks.Move(corpse, None), 90)
        pos = self.pos
        tasks.Lambda(lambda: explode(pos), 60, tasks.THINK_PATIENCE)

    def get_locs_in_range(self):
        return []