Esempio n. 1
def title_author(request):
    This view handles AJAX requests to asynchronously update the
    Title and Author information on the viewer page.
    w = int(request.GET["wit_id"])
    ms_title, = get_rel(w, "is_exemplar_of")
    ms_author, = get_rel(w, "was_created_by")
    data = {"title": ms_title, "author": ms_author}
    return HttpResponse(dumps(data), mimetype="text/json")
Esempio n. 2
def manuscript(request, ms_id):
    """The view for displaying a specific manuscript."""
    if request.user.is_anonymous():
        u = User.objects.get(pk=-1)  # select the "AnonymousUser" object
        u = request.user

    # We break the response down into a couple steps here.
    # First, check the number of manuscripts groups they have permissions to. This is just to
    # be able to exit with a 404 if they're trying to access a manuscript in a group that doesn't exist.

    # Then, we check against the manuscripts themselves. This allows us to catch the user and redirect them
    # to a log in page if they need to log in to see the MSS.
    manuscript_groups = get_objects_for_user(u, "imageserve.view_manuscript_group")
    manuscripts = Manuscript.objects.filter(manuscriptgroup__in=manuscript_groups).distinct()
    if not manuscripts.exists():
        raise Http404

    has_permission = manuscripts.filter(id=ms_id)

    if manuscripts and not has_permission.exists():
        return redirect("/login/?next={0}".format(request.path))

    m = has_permission[0]
    curr_wit = request.GET.get("curr_wit")
        curr_wit = int(curr_wit)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        curr_wit = -1

    # witnesses = None
    titles = None
    ismi_data = False
    wits = PageNotAnInteger

    if m.ismi_id is not None:
        codex_title = get_name(get_by_ismi_id(m.ismi_id))
        ismi_data = True
        wits = m.witnesses
        if wits:
            if not curr_wit in wits:
                curr_wit = -1
            titles = [(w, get_rel(w, "is_exemplar_of")[0], get_att(w, "folios")) for w in wits]
        codex_title =

    data = {
        "ms_title": codex_title,
        "witnesses": bool(wits),
        "divaserve_url": DIVASERVE_URL,
        "iipserver_url": IIPSERVER_URL,
        "image_root": conf.IMG_DIR,
        "curr_wit": curr_wit,
        "titles": titles,
        "ismi_data": ismi_data,
        "ms_id": ms_id,
        "ismi_id": m.ismi_id,
        "path": quote_plus(request.get_full_path()),
        "num_files": m.num_files,
    return render(request, "templates/diva.html", data)