def recursive_merge_data(derived_class, original, updated):
		"""Recursive class function to move deep into dictionary and merge contents."""
			if (len(updated.keys()) == 0):
				return {}
			for key in updated.keys():
				if (original.has_key(key)) and (type(original[key]) is dict) and (type(original[key]) is dict):
					original[key] = MongoDocument.recursive_merge_data(original[key],updated[key])
					original[key] = updated[key]
			Tools.print_errors ("Error recursively updating object")
			return None
		return original
	def create(self):
		self.doc_id = ""
		"""Insert the object into the mongodb.  It should not exist in mongo before this call."""
		if (not self.attributes.has_key('created_at')):
			self.attributes['created_at'] =
		self.attributes['status'] = {'imagetagger_status':'created'}
		self.attributes['modified_at'] =
		cherrylog ("Creating item in database with values " + str(self.attributes))
		#insert a doc
			insert = self.my_collection.insert(self.attributes, safe=True)
		except Exception as e:
			Tools.print_errors ("Error inserting object into database: " + str(self.__class__.__name__))
			return False
		cherrylog ("Insert of item successul: " + (str(insert)))
		self.doc_id = str(insert)
		return True
	def sanitize_items_results(self, input_array):
			if (input_array == None):
				return None
			clean_array = []
			for item in input_array:
				if (item == None):
				if (len(item) > 80):
				item_clean = str(re.sub(r'[^\w\s&]+','',item))
				if (len(item_clean) >= 3):
			return clean_array
		except Exception as e:
			Tools.print_errors ("Error sanitizing result from Crowd Source!")
			return ""
def get_scene_stats(video_id, motionIndexVector,fps):
	cherrylog ("Running get_scene_stats")
	all_scenes = []
		for i in range(len(motionIndexVector)-1):
			num_images = motionIndexVector[i+1] - motionIndexVector[i]
			start_time = time_of_frame_raw(motionIndexVector[i], fps)
			stop_time = time_of_frame_raw(motionIndexVector[i+1], fps)
			length = time_of_frame(start_time - stop_time)

			scene = {'video': int(video_id),'scene_id': int(i),

	except Exception as e:
		Tools.print_errors ("Error running get_scene_stats on video_id: " + str(video_id))

	return all_scenes
	def update(self, merge_data={}, commit=True):
		""" Update object with current data into mongo. 
		merge_data -- dictionary used to represent the entire object.  This will overwrite the object's current data.
		commit -- Should this update of the data in memory be commited to mongo?  Default: True
		if (not merge_data=={}):
			self.merge_data(merge_data) #Intelligently merge the argument into the self.attributes variable
			cherrylog ("Data merged into object: "+ str(merge_data))
		if (commit):
			self.attributes['modified_at'] =
			cherrylog ("updating item in database")
				update = self.my_collection.update({'_id':oid(self.doc_id)}, self.attributes, safe=True)
			except Exception as e:
				Tools.print_errors ("Error updating object in database: " + str(self.__class__.__name__))
				return False
			cherrylog ("Update of item successul: " + (str(update)))
		return True
	def load(self, lookup_doc_id=None, alt_matching={}):
		"""Load data from database into object in memory
		lookup_doc_id -- the doc_id of the object that will be used for matching.
		alt_matching -- An alternate dictionary for doing the lookup.
		One of these two parameters is required.
		if (lookup_doc_id != None):
			cherrylog ("Loading " + str(self.__class__.__name__) + " with params: id=" + str(lookup_doc_id))
			cherrylog ("Loading " + str(self.__class__.__name__) + " with params: " + str(alt_matching))
			match_param = {}
			if (alt_matching != {}):
				match_param = alt_matching
				match_param = {'_id':oid(lookup_doc_id)}
			docs = self.my_collection.find(match_param, safe=True)
			cherrylog ("got number of results as: " + str(docs.count()))
			if (docs.count() == 0):
				cherrylog ("Couldn't load object, 0 matching results in database!!")
				return False
			if (docs.count() == 1):
				self.doc_id = str(docs[0]['_id'])
				if docs[0].has_key('_id'): del docs[0]['_id']
				self.attributes = docs[0]
				return True
				raise Exception("Retrieved multiple videos when only 1 was expected")
		except Exception as e:
			Tools.print_errors ("Unable to load " + str(self.__class__.__name__) + " from database with params: id=" + str(self.doc_id))
			return False
		cherrylog ("Successfully loaded object: " + str(self.attributes))
		return True
Esempio n. 7
    def delete_data(self):
        cherrylog("Removing Video files, including hidden files (.*)")
        video_root_dir = c.configs["imagetagger"]["processed_videos_dir"] + "/" + self.attributes["hashstring"]
        # image_files = glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['image_dir_name'] + '/*') + glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['image_dir_name'] + '/.*')
        # video_files = glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['video_dir_name'] + '/*') + glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['video_dir_name'] + '/.*')
        # report_files = glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['report_dir_name'] + '/*') + glob.glob(video_root_dir + '/' + c.configs['imagetagger']['report_dir_name'] + '/.*')
            # Have to first delete all files, when using the OS lib
            # for image_count in range(len(image_files)):
            # 	os.remove(image_files[image_count])
            # for video_count in range(len(video_files)):
            # 	os.remove(video_files[video_count])
            # for report_count in range(len(report_files)):
            # 	os.remove(report_files[report_count])

            # os.removedirs(video_root_dir)
        except OSError:
                "Unable to delete directory or files in "
                + c.configs["imagetagger"]["processed_videos_dir"]
                + "/"
                + self.attributes["hashstring"]
def get_video_info(videoInputPath, videoName, processedVideoPath, video_dir, image_dir, report_dir, thumb_dir):
	video_name_without_extension = videoName[0:videoName.rfind(".")]
	full_path = videoInputPath + "/" + videoName
	running_os = ""
	if (sys.platform.find("linux") >= 0):
		running_os = "linux"
		running_os = "osx"
	md5 = get_md5(full_path, running_os)
	#Create destination directories
		os.makedirs(processedVideoPath + "/" + md5)
		os.makedirs(processedVideoPath + "/" + md5 + "/" + video_dir)
		os.makedirs(processedVideoPath + "/" + md5 + "/" + image_dir)
		os.makedirs(processedVideoPath + "/" + md5 + "/" + report_dir)
		os.makedirs(processedVideoPath + "/" + md5 + "/" + thumb_dir)
	except OSError as err:
		Tools.print_errors("Error creating directories for video proprocess: " + str(videoName))
		cherrylog ("file exists, so skipping this video " + full_path)
		return None
	#Gathering specs for the video
	ffmpeg_info_command = "ffmpeg -i \"%s\"" % ( full_path )
	args = shlex.split (ffmpeg_info_command)

	p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
	stdout_value, stderr_value = p.communicate()

	video_info = repr(stderr_value)
	vid_res = ('\d\d\d[\d]?x\d\d\d[\d]?' , video_info)
	if (vid_res != None):
		video_res =

	if (video_res == None or video_res == ""):
		video_res = ""
		resolution = getResolution(video_res)
	duration_string ='\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d', video_info).group(0)
	duration = get_video_duration(duration_string)
	fps_query ='\d\d\.\d\d fps', video_info)
	if (fps_query == None):
			fps_query ='\d\d\.\d fps', video_info)
			if (fps_query == None):
				fps_query ='\d\d\ fps', video_info)
	if (fps_query == None):
		fps = 0
		fps_string =
		fps = get_FPS(fps_string)
	return ({
		'friendly_id': int(video_name_without_extension),
		'fps': fps
Esempio n. 9
    def index(self, *args, **kw):
        cherrylog("Args: " + str(kw))
        # submit a new video
        # http://localhost:8080/video?submit={%22display_name%22:%22testvid%22,%22video_description%22:%22Some%20Sample%20Video%22,%22video_meta_tags%22:%22apple,banana%22,%22account_id%22:1,%22friendly_id%22:12893712}
            # Check that the submitted request is in a valid form
            if not mv.MVideo.validate_cmd(kw["action"]):
                return "Unknown command for video " + str(i)

            if "friendly_id" in kw:
                kw["friendly_id"] = int(kw["friendly_id"])

            video_action = ""
            if "action" in kw:
                video_action = kw["action"]
            cherrylog("Getting video operation of " + video_action)

            if video_action == "submit":
                submit_args = kw
                del submit_args["action"]
                cherrylog("Received video submit with parameters: " + str(submit_args))
                if not mv.MVideo.validate_submit_params(submit_args):
                    return "Invalid or missing parameter for Video"

                cherrylog("Got a submit for a valid video!  Checking to make sure this video doesn't already exist")

                # Create new MVideo object, which will make an entry in mongo
                new_video = mv.MVideo()
                if new_video.load(alt_matching={"friendly_id": submit_args["friendly_id"]}):
                    return "Video already exists"
                new_video.attributes = submit_args
                return_attributes = new_video.attributes  # Why does this object contain the mongo _id attribute??
                return self.clean_attributes(return_attributes)

            elif video_action == "retrieve":
                retrieve_args = kw
                del retrieve_args["action"]
                cherrylog("Received request to retrieve Video with values: " + str(retrieve_args))
                if not mv.MVideo.validate_retrieve_params(retrieve_args):
                    return "Invalid or missing parameter for Video"

                retrieve_video = mv.MVideo()
                if not retrieve_video.load(alt_matching={"friendly_id": retrieve_args["friendly_id"]}):
                    return "Could not find video"
                return_attributes = retrieve_video.attributes
                return self.clean_attributes(return_attributes)

            elif video_action == "update":
                update_args = kw
                del update_args["action"]
                cherrylog("Received request to update Video with values: " + str(update_args))
                if not mv.MVideo.validate_update_params(update_args):
                    return "Invalid or missing parameter for Video"
                update_video = mv.MVideo()
                if not update_video.load(alt_matching={"friendly_id": update_args["friendly_id"]}):
                    return "Could not find video"
                update_video.update(merge_data=update_args, commit=True)
                return self.clean_attributes(update_video.attributes)

            elif video_action == "analyze":
                analyze_args = kw
                del analyze_args["action"]
                cherrylog("Received command to analyze this video in the crowd: " + str(analyze_args))
                if not mv.MVideo.validate_analyze_params(analyze_args):
                    return "Invalid or missing parameter for Video"
                analyze_video = mv.MVideo()
                if not analyze_video.load(alt_matching={"friendly_id": analyze_args["friendly_id"]}):
                    return "Could not find video"

                analyze_quality = analyze_args["quality"]
                if analyze_quality != "premium":
                    analyze_quality = "basic"

                    # can include the crowds to use during analysis depending on needs and send that as a parameter
                    # default in CF
                result = analyze_video.send_to_providers(quality=analyze_quality)
                if result:
                    cherrylog("Video has been submitted to sources to process")
                    return "Analyzing!"
                    cherrylog("Something went wrong when submitting process command")
                    return "Unable to process video at this time"

            elif video_action == "reprocess_metadata":
                reprocess_args = kw
                del reprocess_args["action"]
                cherrylog("Received command to reprocess the metadata of video with data: " + str(reprocess_args))
                if not mv.MVideo.validate_reprocess_metadata_params(reprocess_args):
                    return "Invalid or missing parameter for Video"
                reprocess_video = mv.MVideo()
                if not reprocess_video.load(alt_matching={"friendly_id": reprocess_args["friendly_id"]}):
                    return "Could not find video."
                return "Done reprocessing video!"

            elif video_action == "rebuild_report":
                rebuild_args = kw
                del rebuild_args["action"]
                cherrylog("Received command to rebuild the report for video with data: " + str(rebuild_args))
                if not mv.MVideo.validate_rebuild_report_params(rebuild_args):
                    return "Invalid or missing parameter for Video"
                rebuild_video = mv.MVideo()
                if not rebuild_video.load(alt_matching={"friendly_id": rebuild_args["friendly_id"]}):
                    return "Could not find video."
                return "Reports have been rebuilt."
            elif video_action == "destroy":
                destroy_args = kw
                del destroy_args["action"]
                cherrylog("Received command to destroy the video from all systems: " + str(destroy_args))
                destroy_video = mv.MVideo()
                if not destroy_video.load(alt_matching={"friendly_id": destroy_args["friendly_id"]}):
                    return "Could not find video."
                return "Video has been cleared from database and deleted."
                return "Invalid Command"

        except Exception as e:
            Tools.print_errors("Receievd Invalid Video Command in Video Route")
            return "Invalid Command"