for sample in df['sample_name'].unique(): # Rename file endings cmds = [ f"rename 's/_ilastik_s2_Probabilities_mask.tiff/_full_mask.tiff/g' {p}/*.tiff", f"rename 's/_ilastik_s2_Probabilities_NucMask.tiff/_full_nucmask.tiff/g' {p}/*.tiff", f"rename 's/_ilastik_s2_Probabilities.tiff/_Probabilities.tiff/g' {p}/*.tiff"] for cmd in cmds: os.system(cmd) # rename ROI endings df = pd.read_csv('metadata/annotation.csv') pat = re.compile(r'(.*)_s\d+_p\d+_r(\d+)_a\d+_ac_(.*)') for _, row in df.query('toggle').iterrows(): p = Path("processed") / row['sample_name'] / "tiffs" files = list(p.glob(f'*_r{row["roi_number"]}_*')) print(files) for file in files: m = re.match(pat, str(file)) if m: _pre, roi_n, ext = m.groups() roi_n = roi_n.zfill(2) pre = Path(_pre) new = pre.parent / ([-1].replace(row['acquisition_name'], row['roi_name']) + "_" + ext) print(file, new) file.replace(new) for sample in df['sample_name'].unique(): # rename ometiff folder (or better find a way to have channel metadata more accessible) p = (Path("processed") / sample / "ometiff").absolute()
class Project: """ A class to model a IMC project. """ """ Parameters ---------- metadata : :obj:`str` Path to CSV metadata sheet. name : :obj:`str` Project name. Defaults to "project". Attributes ---------- name : :obj:`str` Project name metadata : :obj:`str` Path to CSV metadata sheet. metadata : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Metadata dataframe samples : List[:class:`IMCSample`] List of IMC sample objects. """ def __init__( self, metadata: Optional[Union[str, Path, DataFrame]] = None, name: str = DEFAULT_PROJECT_NAME, sample_name_attribute: str = DEFAULT_SAMPLE_NAME_ATTRIBUTE, sample_grouping_attributes: Optional[List[str]] = None, panel_metadata: Optional[Union[Path, DataFrame]] = None, toggle: bool = True, subfolder_per_sample: bool = SUBFOLDERS_PER_SAMPLE, processed_dir: Path = DEFAULT_PROCESSED_DIR_NAME, results_dir: Path = DEFAULT_RESULTS_DIR_NAME, **kwargs, ): # Initialize = name self.metadata = (pd.read_csv(metadata) if isinstance( metadata, (str, pathlib.Path, Path)) else metadata) self.samples: List["IMCSample"] = list() self.sample_name_attribute = sample_name_attribute self.sample_grouping_attributes = (sample_grouping_attributes or DEFAULT_SAMPLE_GROUPING_ATTRIBUTEs) self.panel_metadata: Optional[DataFrame] = (pd.read_csv( panel_metadata, index_col=0) if isinstance( panel_metadata, (str, Path)) else panel_metadata) # # TODO: make sure channel labels conform to internal specification: "Label(Metal\d+)" # self.channel_labels: Optional[Series] = ( # pd.read_csv(channel_labels, index_col=0, squeeze=True) # if isinstance(channel_labels, (str, Path)) # else channel_labels # ) self.toggle = toggle self.subfolder_per_sample = subfolder_per_sample self.processed_dir = Path(processed_dir).absolute() self.results_dir = Path(results_dir).absolute() self.results_dir.mkdir() self.quantification: Optional[DataFrame] = None self._clusters: Optional[ MultiIndexSeries] = None # MultiIndex: ['sample', 'roi', 'obj_id'] if not hasattr(self, "samples"): self.samples = list() self._initialize_project_from_annotation(**kwargs) if not self.rois: print( "Could not find ROIs for any of the samples. " "Either pass metadata with one row per ROI, " "or set `processed_dir` in order for ROIs to be discovered, " "and make sure select the right project stucture with `subfolder_per_sample`." ) # if self.channel_labels is None: # self.set_channel_labels() def __repr__(self): s = len(self.samples) r = len(self.rois) return (f"Project '{}' with {s} sample" + (" " if s == 1 else "s ") + f"and {r} ROI" + (" " if r == 1 else "s ") + "in total.") def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): pass def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> "IMCSample": return self.samples[item] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator["IMCSample"]: return iter(self.samples) def _detect_samples(self) -> DataFrame: if self.processed_dir is None: print( "Project does not have `processed_dir`. Cannot find Samples.") return pd.DataFrame() content = ([x for x in self.processed_dir.iterdir() if x.is_dir()] if self.subfolder_per_sample else self.processed_dir.glob("*_full.tiff")) df = pd.Series(content, dtype="object").to_frame() if df.empty: print(f"Could not find any Samples in '{self.processed_dir}'.") return df df[DEFAULT_SAMPLE_NAME_ATTRIBUTE] = df[0].apply( lambda x:"_full.tiff", "")) return df.drop(0, axis=1) # .sort_values(DEFAULT_SAMPLE_NAME_ATTRIBUTE) def _initialize_project_from_annotation( self, toggle: Optional[bool] = None, sample_grouping_attributes: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: def cols_with_unique_values(dfs: DataFrame) -> set: return {col for col in dfs if len(dfs[col].unique()) == 1} metadata = (self.metadata if self.metadata is not None else self._detect_samples()) if metadata.empty: return if (toggle or self.toggle) and ("toggle" in metadata.columns): # TODO:"Removing samples without toggle active") metadata = metadata[metadata[DEFAULT_TOGGLE_ATTRIBUTE]] sample_grouping_attributes = (sample_grouping_attributes or self.sample_grouping_attributes or metadata.columns.tolist()) for _, idx in metadata.groupby(sample_grouping_attributes, sort=False).groups.items(): rows = metadata.loc[idx] const_cols = cols_with_unique_values(rows) row = rows[const_cols].drop_duplicates().squeeze(axis=0) sample = IMCSample( sample_name=row[self.sample_name_attribute], root_dir=(self.processed_dir / str(row[self.sample_name_attribute])) if self.subfolder_per_sample else self.processed_dir, subfolder_per_sample=self.subfolder_per_sample, metadata=rows if rows.shape[0] > 1 else None, panel_metadata=self.panel_metadata, prj=self, **kwargs, **row.drop("sample_name", errors="ignore").to_dict(), ) for roi in sample.rois: roi.prj = self # If channel labels are given, add them to all ROIs # roi._channel_labels = self.channel_labels self.samples.append(sample) @property def rois(self) -> List["ROI"]: """ Return a list of all ROIs of the project samples. """ return [roi for sample in self.samples for roi in sample.rois] @property def n_samples(self) -> int: return len(self.samples) @property def n_rois(self) -> int: return len(self.rois) @property def channel_labels(self) -> Union[Series, DataFrame]: return pd.concat([sample.channel_labels for sample in self.samples], axis=1) @property def channel_names(self) -> Union[Series, DataFrame]: return pd.concat([sample.channel_names for sample in self.samples], axis=1) @property def channel_metals(self) -> Union[Series, DataFrame]: return pd.concat([sample.channel_metals for sample in self.samples], axis=1) def _get_rois(self, samples: Optional[List["IMCSample"]], rois: Optional[List["ROI"]]) -> List["ROI"]: return [ r for sample in (samples or self.samples) for r in sample.rois if r in (rois or sample.rois) ] def _get_input_filename(self, input_type: str) -> Path: """Get path to file with data for Sample. Available `input_type` values are: - "cell_type_assignments": CSV file with cell type assignemts for each cell and each ROI """ to_read = { "h5ad": ( DEFAULT_PRJ_SINGLE_CELL_DIR, ".single_cell.processed.h5ad", ), "cell_cluster_assignments": ( DEFAULT_PRJ_SINGLE_CELL_DIR, ".single_cell.cluster_assignments.csv", ), } dir_, suffix = to_read[input_type] return self.results_dir / dir_ / ( + suffix) def get_samples(self, sample_names: Union[str, List[str]]): if isinstance(sample_names, str): sample_names = [sample_names] samples = [s for s in self.samples if in sample_names] if samples: return samples[0] if len(samples) == 1 else samples else: ValueError(f"Sample '{sample_names}' couldn't be found.") def get_rois(self, roi_names: Union[str, List[str]]): if isinstance(roi_names, str): roi_names = [roi_names] rois = [r for r in self.rois if in roi_names] if rois: return rois[0] if len(rois) == 1 else rois else: ValueError(f"Sample '{roi_names}' couldn't be found.") def plot_channels( self, channels: List[str] = ["mean"], per_sample: bool = False, merged: bool = False, save: bool = False, output_dir: Optional[Path] = None, samples: Optional[List["IMCSample"]] = None, rois: Optional[List["ROI"]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Figure: """ Plot a list of channels for all Samples/ROIs. """ if isinstance(channels, str): channels = [channels] output_dir = Path(output_dir or self.results_dir / "qc") if save: output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) channels_str = ",".join(channels) fig_file = output_dir / ".".join( [, f"all_rois.{channels_str}.pdf"]) if per_sample: for sample in samples or self.samples: fig = sample.plot_channels(channels, **kwargs) if save: fig_file = output_dir / ".".join([,, f"all_rois.{channels_str}.pdf" ]) fig.savefig(fig_file, **FIG_KWS) else: rois = self._get_rois(samples, rois) i = 0 j = 1 if merged else len(channels) n, m = (get_grid_dims(len(rois)) if merged else get_grid_dims( len(rois) * j)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(n, m, figsize=(4 * m, 4 * n)) axes = axes.flatten() for roi in rois: roi.plot_channels(channels, axes=axes[i:i + j], merged=merged, **kwargs) i += j for _ax in axes[i:]: _ax.axis("off") if save: fig.savefig(fig_file, **FIG_KWS) return fig # TODO: write decorator to get/set default outputdir and handle dir creation def plot_probabilities_and_segmentation( self, jointly: bool = False, output_dir: Optional[Path] = None, samples: Optional[List["IMCSample"]] = None, rois: Optional[List["ROI"]] = None, ): # TODO: adapt to detect whether to plot nuclei mask samples = samples or self.samples # for sample in samples: # sample.read_all_inputs(only_these_keys=["probabilities", "cell_mask", "nuclei_mask"]) output_dir = Path(output_dir or self.results_dir / "qc") os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) if not jointly: for sample in samples: plot_file = output_dir / ".".join([,, "all_rois.plot_probabilities_and_segmentation.svg", ]) fig = sample.plot_probabilities_and_segmentation() fig.savefig(plot_file, **FIG_KWS) else: rois = self._get_rois(samples, rois) n = len(rois) fig, axes = plt.subplots(n, 5, figsize=(4 * 5, 4 * n)) for i, roi in enumerate(rois): roi.plot_probabilities_and_segmentation(axes=axes[i]) plot_file = output_dir / ( + ".all_rois.plot_probabilities_and_segmentation.all_rois.svg") fig.savefig(plot_file, **FIG_KWS) def plot_cell_types( self, cell_type_combinations: Optional[Union[str, List[Tuple[str, str]]]] = None, cell_type_assignments: Optional[DataFrame] = None, palette: Optional[str] = "tab20", samples: Optional[List["IMCSample"]] = None, rois: Optional[List["ROI"]] = None, ): # TODO: fix compatibility of `cell_type_combinations`. samples = samples or self.samples rois = rois or self.rois n = len(samples) m = max([sample.n_rois for sample in samples]) fig, axes = plt.subplots(n, m, figsize=(3 * m, 3 * n), squeeze=False) patches: List[Patch] = list() for i, sample in enumerate(samples): for j, roi in enumerate( [roi for roi in rois if roi in sample.rois]): patches += roi.plot_cell_types( cell_type_combinations=cell_type_combinations, cell_type_assignments=cell_type_assignments, palette=palette, ax=axes[i, j], ) add_legend(patches, axes[0, -1]) for ax in axes.flatten(): ax.axis("off") return fig def channel_summary( self, red_func: str = "mean", channel_exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None, plot: bool = True, output_prefix: str = None, samples: Optional[List["IMCSample"]] = None, rois: Optional[List["ROI"]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[DataFrame, Tuple[DataFrame, Figure]]: # for sample, _func in zip(samples or self.samples, red_func): samples = samples or self.samples rois = self._get_rois(samples, rois) _res = dict() for roi in rois: _res[] = pd.Series( getattr(roi.stack, red_func)(axis=(1, 2)), index=roi.channel_labels, ) res = pd.DataFrame(_res) if res.isnull().any().any(): res = align_channels_by_name(res) # filter channels out if requested if channel_exclude is not None: # to accomodate strings with especial characters like a parenthesis # (as existing in the metal), exclude exact matches OR containing strings exc = res.index.isin(channel_exclude) | res.index.str.contains( "|".join(channel_exclude)) res = res.loc[res.index[~exc]] res = res / res.mean() if plot: res = np.log1p(res) # calculate mean intensity channel_mean = res.mean(axis=1).rename("channel_mean") # calculate cell density cell_density = pd.Series( [roi.cells_per_area_unit() for roi in rois], index=[ for roi in rois], name="cell_density", ) if all(cell_density < 0): cell_density *= 1000 def_kwargs = dict(z_score=0, center=0, robust=True, cmap="RdBu_r") def_kwargs.update(kwargs) # TODO: add {row,col}_colors colorbar to heatmap if output_prefix is None: output_prefix = self.results_dir / "qc" / for kws, label, cbar_label in [ ({}, "", ""), (def_kwargs, ".z_score", " (Z-score)"), ]: plot_file = (output_prefix + f".mean_per_channel.clustermap{label}.svg") grid = sns.clustermap( res, cbar_kws=dict(label=red_func.capitalize() + cbar_label), row_colors=channel_mean, col_colors=cell_density, metric="correlation", xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, **kws, ) grid.fig.suptitle("Mean channel intensities", y=1.05) grid.savefig(plot_file, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight") grid.fig.grid = grid return (res, grid.fig) = "channel" return res def image_summary( self, samples: Optional[List["IMCSample"]] = None, rois: List["ROI"] = None, ): raise NotImplementedError from imc.utils import lacunarity, fractal_dimension rois = self._get_rois(samples, rois) roi_names = [ for r in rois] densities = pd.Series( { roi.cells_per_area_unit() for roi in rois}, name="cell density", ) lacunarities = pd.Series(, [roi.cell_mask_o for roi in rois], pm_pbar=True), index=roi_names, name="lacunarity", ) fractal_dimensions = pd.Series( fractal_dimension, [roi.cell_mask_o for roi in rois], pm_pbar=True, ), index=roi_names, name="fractal_dimension", ) morphos = pd.DataFrame( [densities * 1e4, lacunarities, fractal_dimensions]).T def channel_correlation( self, channel_exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None, samples: Optional[List["IMCSample"]] = None, rois: Optional[List["ROI"]] = None, ) -> Figure: """ Observe the pairwise correlation of channels across ROIs. """ from imc.operations import _correlate_channels__roi rois = self._get_rois(samples, rois) _res =, rois, pm_pbar=True) # handling differnet pannels based on channel name # that then makes that concatenating dfs with duplicated names in indeces res = pd.concat([ x.groupby(level=0).mean().T.groupby(level=0).mean().T for x in _res ]) xcorr = res.groupby(level=0).mean().fillna(0) labels = xcorr.index if channel_exclude is not None: exc = labels.isin(channel_exclude) | labels.str.contains( "|".join(channel_exclude)) xcorr = xcorr.loc[labels[~exc], labels[~exc]] grid = sns.clustermap( xcorr, cmap="RdBu_r", center=0, robust=True, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, cbar_kws=dict(label="Pearson correlation"), ) grid.ax_col_dendrogram.set_title( "Pairwise channel correlation\n(pixel level)") grid.savefig( self.results_dir / "qc" / + ".channel_pairwise_correlation.svg", **FIG_KWS, ) grid.fig.grid = grid return grid.fig def quantify_cells( self, intensity: bool = True, morphology: bool = True, set_attribute: bool = True, samples: Optional[List["IMCSample"]] = None, rois: Optional[List["ROI"]] = None, ) -> Optional[DataFrame]: """ Measure the intensity of each channel in each single cell. """ from imc.operations import quantify_cells_rois quantification = quantify_cells_rois(self._get_rois(samples, rois), intensity, morphology) if not set_attribute: return quantification self.quantification = quantification return None def quantify_cell_intensity( self, samples: Optional[List["IMCSample"]] = None, rois: Optional[List["ROI"]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> DataFrame: """ Measure the intensity of each channel in each single cell. """ from imc.operations import quantify_cell_intensity_rois return quantify_cell_intensity_rois(self._get_rois(samples, rois), **kwargs) def quantify_cell_morphology( self, samples: Optional[List["IMCSample"]] = None, rois: Optional[List["ROI"]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> DataFrame: """ Measure the shape parameters of each single cell. """ from imc.operations import quantify_cell_morphology_rois return quantify_cell_morphology_rois(self._get_rois(samples, rois), **kwargs) def cluster_cells( self, output_prefix: Optional[Path] = None, plot: bool = True, set_attribute: bool = True, samples: Optional[List["IMCSample"]] = None, rois: Optional[List["ROI"]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Optional[Series]: """ Derive clusters of single cells based on their channel intensity. """ output_prefix = Path(output_prefix or self.results_dir / "single_cell" / if "quantification" not in kwargs and self.quantification is not None: kwargs["quantification"] = self.quantification if ("cell_type_channels" not in kwargs and self.panel_metadata is not None): if "cell_type" in self.panel_metadata.columns: kwargs["cell_type_channels"] = self.panel_metadata.query( "cell_type == 1").index.tolist() clusters = single_cell_analysis( output_prefix=output_prefix, rois=self._get_rois(samples, rois), plot=plot, **kwargs, ) # save clusters as CSV in default file clusters.reset_index().to_csv( self._get_input_filename("cell_cluster_assignments"), index=False) if not set_attribute: return clusters # Set clusters for project and propagate for Samples and ROIs. # in principle there was no need to pass clusters here as it will be read # however, the CSV roundtrip might give problems in edge cases, for # example when the sample name is only integers self.set_clusters(clusters.astype(str)) return None @property def clusters(self): if self._clusters is not None: return self._clusters self.set_clusters() return self._clusters def set_clusters( self, clusters: Optional[MultiIndexSeries] = None, write_to_disk: bool = False, samples: Optional[List["IMCSample"]] = None, ) -> None: """ Set the `clusters` attribute of the project and propagate it to the Samples and their ROIs. If not given, `clusters` is the output of :func:`Project._get_input_filename`("cell_cluster_assignments"). """ id_cols = ["sample", "roi", "obj_id"] fn = self._get_input_filename("cell_cluster_assignments") fn.parent.mkdir() if clusters is None: clusters = (pd.read_csv( fn, dtype={ "sample": str, "roi": str }, ).set_index(id_cols))["cluster"] # .astype(str) assert isinstance(clusters.index, pd.MultiIndex) assert clusters.index.names == id_cols self._clusters = clusters for sample in samples or self.samples: sample.set_clusters(clusters=clusters.loc[]) if write_to_disk: self._clusters.reset_index().to_csv(fn, index=False) def label_clusters( self, h5ad_file: Optional[Path] = None, output_prefix: Optional[Path] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Derive labels for each identified cluster based on its most abundant markers. """ prefix = self.results_dir / "single_cell" / h5ad_file = Path(h5ad_file or prefix + ".single_cell.processed.h5ad") output_prefix = Path(output_prefix or prefix + ".cell_type_reference") new_labels = derive_reference_cell_type_labels(h5ad_file, output_prefix, **kwargs) self._rename_clusters(new_labels.to_dict()) def _rename_clusters(self, new_labels: dict, save: bool = True): clusters = cast(self.clusters).replace(new_labels) if save: clusters.reset_index().to_csv( self._get_input_filename("cell_cluster_assignments"), index=False, ) self.set_clusters(clusters) def sample_comparisons( self, sample_attributes: Optional[List[str]] = None, output_prefix: Optional[Path] = None, cell_type_percentage_threshold: float = 1.0, channel_exclude: List[str] = None, samples: Optional[List["IMCSample"]] = None, rois: Optional[List["ROI"]] = None, ): # TODO: revamp/separate into smaller functions import itertools from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests sample_attributes = sample_attributes or ["name"] samples = samples or self.samples rois = self._get_rois(samples, rois) output_prefix = (output_prefix or self.results_dir / "single_cell" / + ".") output_prefix.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # group samples by desired attributes sample_df = (pd.DataFrame( {k: v for k, v in sample.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, str)} for sample in samples)[["name"] + sample_attributes].set_index( "name").rename_axis("sample").reset_index()) sample_groups = sample_df.groupby(sample_attributes)["sample"].apply( set) sample_roi_df = pd.DataFrame( [(, for roi in rois], columns=["roi", "sample"], ) # Whole channel means channel_means: DataFrame = self.channel_summary( plot=False, channel_exclude=channel_exclude) = "channel" channel_means = (channel_means.reset_index().melt( id_vars="channel", var_name="roi").reset_index(drop=True)) channel_df = (channel_means.merge(sample_roi_df).merge( sample_df).sort_values(sample_attributes)) # cell type abundancy per sample or group of samples cluster_counts = (self.clusters.groupby( level=["sample", "roi"]).value_counts().rename("cell_count")) cluster_perc = (cluster_counts.groupby("cluster").sum() / cluster_counts.sum()) * 100 filtered_clusters = cluster_perc[ cluster_perc > cell_type_percentage_threshold].index # # absolute # # fraction of total cluster_df = (cluster_counts.reset_index().merge( sample_df).sort_values(sample_attributes)) cluster_df["cell_perc"] = cluster_df.groupby( "roi")["cell_count"].apply(lambda x: (x / x.sum()) * 100) # Test difference between channels/clusters # # channels _res = list() for attribute in sample_attributes: for channel in channel_df["channel"].unique(): for group1, group2 in itertools.permutations( channel_df[attribute].unique(), 2): a = channel_df.query( f"channel == '{channel}' & {attribute} == '{group1}'" )["value"] b = channel_df.query( f"channel == '{channel}' & {attribute} == '{group2}'" )["value"] am = a.mean() bm = b.mean() means = [am, bm, np.log2(a.mean() / b.mean())] try: mu = mannwhitneyu(a, b) except ValueError: mu = (np.nan, np.nan) _res.append( [attribute, channel, group1, group2, *means, *mu]) cols = [ "attribute", "channel", "group1", "group2", "mean1", "mean2", "log2_fold", "stat", "p_value", ] channel_stats = pd.DataFrame(_res, columns=cols) channel_stats["p_adj"] = multipletests(channel_stats["p_value"], method="fdr_bh")[1] # # # remove duplication due to lazy itertools.permutations channel_stats["abs_log2_fold"] = channel_stats["log2_fold"].abs() channel_stats = (channel_stats.drop_duplicates( subset=["attribute", "channel", "abs_log2_fold", "p_value"]).drop( "abs_log2_fold", axis=1).reset_index(drop=True)) # # # reorder so taht "Healthy" is in second column always for i, row in channel_stats.iterrows(): if "Healthy" in row["group1"]: row["group1"] = row["group2"] row["group2"] = "Healthy" row["log2_fold"] = -row["log2_fold"] channel_stats.loc[i] = row # # # save channel_stats.to_csv( output_prefix + f"channel_mean.testing_between_attributes.csv", index=False, ) # # clusters _res = list() for attribute in sample_attributes: for cluster in cluster_df["cluster"].unique(): for group1, group2 in itertools.permutations( cluster_df[attribute].unique(), 2): a = cluster_df.query( f"cluster == '{cluster}' & {attribute} == '{group1}'" )["cell_count"] b = cluster_df.query( f"cluster == '{cluster}' & {attribute} == '{group2}'" )["cell_count"] am = a.mean() bm = b.mean() means = [am, bm, np.log2(a.mean() / b.mean())] try: mu = mannwhitneyu(a, b) except ValueError: mu = (np.nan, np.nan) _res.append( [attribute, cluster, group1, group2, *means, *mu]) cols = [ "attribute", "cluster", "group1", "group2", "mean1", "mean2", "log2_fold", "stat", "p_value", ] cluster_stats = pd.DataFrame(_res, columns=cols) cluster_stats["p_adj"] = multipletests(cluster_stats["p_value"], method="fdr_bh")[1] # # # remove duplication due to lazy itertools.permutations cluster_stats["abs_log2_fold"] = cluster_stats["log2_fold"].abs() cluster_stats = (cluster_stats.drop_duplicates( subset=["attribute", "cluster", "abs_log2_fold", "p_value"]).drop( "abs_log2_fold", axis=1).reset_index(drop=True)) # # # reorder so taht "Healthy" is in second column always for i, row in cluster_stats.iterrows(): if "Healthy" in row["group1"]: row["group1"] = row["group2"] row["group2"] = "Healthy" row["log2_fold"] = -row["log2_fold"] cluster_stats.loc[i] = row # # # save cluster_stats.to_csv( output_prefix + f"cell_type_abundance.testing_between_attributes.csv", index=False, ) # Filter out rare cell types if required filtered_cluster_df = cluster_df.loc[cluster_df["cluster"].isin( filtered_clusters)] # Plot # # barplots # # # channel means n = len(sample_attributes) kwargs = dict(x="value", y="channel", orient="horiz", ci="sd", data=channel_df) # , estimator=np.std) fig, axes = plt.subplots(n, 2, figsize=(5 * 2, 10 * n), squeeze=False, sharey="row") for i, attribute in enumerate(sample_attributes): for axs in axes[i, (0, 1)]: sns.barplot(**kwargs, hue=attribute, ax=axs) axes[i, 1].set_xscale("log") for axs, lab in zip(axes[i, :], ["Channel mean", "Channel mean (log)"]): axs.set_xlabel(lab) fig.savefig( output_prefix + f"channel_mean.by_{attribute}.barplot.svg", **FIG_KWS, ) # # # clusters # # # # plot once for all cell types, another time excluding rare cell types n = len(sample_attributes) kwargs = dict(y="cluster", orient="horiz", ci="sd") # , estimator=np.std) for label, pl_df in [ ("all_clusters", cluster_df), ("filtered_clusters", filtered_cluster_df), ]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(n, 3, figsize=(5 * 3, 10 * n), squeeze=False, sharey="row") for i, attribute in enumerate(sample_attributes): for axs in axes[i, (0, 1)]: sns.barplot( **kwargs, x="cell_count", hue=attribute, data=pl_df, ax=axs, ) axes[i, 1].set_xscale("log") sns.barplot( **kwargs, x="cell_perc", hue=attribute, data=pl_df, ax=axes[i, 2], ) for axs, lab in zip( axes[i, :], ["Cell count", "Cell count (log)", "Cell percentage"], ): axs.set_xlabel(lab) fig.savefig( output_prefix + f"cell_type_abundance.by_{attribute}.barplot.svg", **FIG_KWS, ) # # volcano # # # channels n = len(sample_attributes) m = (channel_stats[[ "attribute", "group1", "group2" ]].drop_duplicates().groupby("attribute").count().max().max()) fig, axes = plt.subplots( n, m, figsize=(m * 5, n * 5), squeeze=False, # sharex="row", sharey="row" ) fig.suptitle("Changes in mean channel intensity") for i, attribute in enumerate(sample_attributes): p = channel_stats.query(f"attribute == '{attribute}'") for j, (_, (group1, group2)) in enumerate( p[["group1", "group2"]].drop_duplicates().iterrows()): q = p.query(f"group1 == '{group1}' & group2 == '{group2}'") y = -np.log10(q["p_value"]) v = q["log2_fold"].abs().max() v *= 1.2 axes[i, j].scatter(q["log2_fold"], y, c=y, cmap="autumn_r") for k, row in q.query("p_value < 0.05").iterrows(): axes[i, j].text( row["log2_fold"], -np.log10(row["p_value"]), s=row["channel"], fontsize=5, ha="left" if np.random.rand() > 0.5 else "right", ) axes[i, j].axvline(0, linestyle="--", color="grey") title = attribute + f"\n{group1} vs {group2}" axes[i, j].set( xlabel="log2(fold-change)", ylabel="-log10(p-value)", title=title, ) # , xlim=(-v, v)) for axs in axes[i, j + 1:]: axs.axis("off") fig.savefig( output_prefix + f"channel_mean.by_{attribute}.volcano.svg", **FIG_KWS, ) # # # clusters n = len(sample_attributes) m = (cluster_stats[[ "attribute", "group1", "group2" ]].drop_duplicates().groupby("attribute").count().max().max()) fig, axes = plt.subplots( n, m, figsize=(m * 5, n * 5), squeeze=False, # sharex="row", sharey="row" ) fig.suptitle("Changes in cell type composition\nfor each cell type") for i, attribute in enumerate(sample_attributes): p = cluster_stats.query(f"attribute == '{attribute}'") for j, (_, (group1, group2)) in enumerate( p[["group1", "group2"]].drop_duplicates().iterrows()): q = p.query(f"group1 == '{group1}' & group2 == '{group2}'") y = -np.log10(q["p_value"]) v = q["log2_fold"].abs().max() v *= 1.2 axes[i, j].scatter(q["log2_fold"], y, c=y, cmap="autumn_r") for k, row in q.query("p_value < 0.05").iterrows(): axes[i, j].text( row["log2_fold"], -np.log10(row["p_value"]), s=row["cluster"], fontsize=5, ha="left" if np.random.rand() > 0.5 else "right", ) axes[i, j].axvline(0, linestyle="--", color="grey") title = attribute + f"\n{group1} vs {group2}" axes[i, j].set( xlabel="log2(fold-change)", ylabel="-log10(p-value)", title=title, ) # , xlim=(-v, v)) for axs in axes[i, j + 1:]: axs.axis("off") fig.savefig( output_prefix + f"cell_type_abundance.by_{attribute}.volcano.svg", **FIG_KWS, ) # # heatmap of cell type counts cluster_counts = (self.clusters.reset_index().assign( count=1).pivot_table( index="cluster", columns="roi", aggfunc=sum, values="count", fill_value=0, )) roi_areas = pd.Series( [np.multiply(*roi.shape[1:]) for roi in rois], index=[ for roi in rois], ) cluster_densities = (cluster_counts / roi_areas) * 1e4 grid = sns.clustermap( cluster_densities, metric="correlation", cbar_kws=dict(label="Cells per area unit (x1e4)"), robust=True, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, ) grid.savefig(output_prefix + "cell_type_abundance.by_area.svg", **FIG_KWS) grid = sns.clustermap( cluster_densities, metric="correlation", z_score=0, cmap="RdBu_r", center=0, cbar_kws=dict(label="Cells per area unit (Z-score)"), robust=True, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, ) grid.savefig(output_prefix + "cell_type_abundance.by_area.zscore.svg", **FIG_KWS) def measure_adjacency( self, output_prefix: Optional[Path] = None, samples: Optional[List["IMCSample"]] = None, rois: Optional[List["ROI"]] = None, ) -> None: """ Derive cell adjacency graphs for each ROI. """ output_prefix = (output_prefix or self.results_dir / "single_cell" / + ".") rois = self._get_rois(samples, rois) # Get graph for missing ROIs _rois = [r for r in rois if r._adjacency_graph is None] if _rois: gs =, _rois, pm_pbar=True) # gs = [get_adjacency_graph(roi) for roi in _rois] for roi, g in zip(_rois, gs): roi._adjacency_graph = g # TODO: package the stuff below into a function # First measure adjacency as odds against background freqs =, rois) # freqs = [measure_cell_type_adjacency(roi) for roi in rois] # freqs = [ # pd.read_csv( # roi.sample.root_dir / "single_cell" / # + ".cluster_adjacency_graph.norm_over_random.csv", # index_col=0, # ) # for roi in rois # ] melted = pd.concat([ f.reset_index().melt(id_vars="index").assign(, for roi, f in zip(rois, freqs) ]) # mean_f = melted.pivot_table( # index="index", columns="variable", values="value", aggfunc=np.mean # ) # sns.clustermap(mean_f, cmap="RdBu_r", center=0, robust=True) v = np.percentile(melted["value"].abs(), 95) n, m = get_grid_dims(len(freqs)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(n, m, figsize=(m * 5, n * 5), sharex=True, sharey=True) axes = axes.flatten() i = -1 for i, (dfs, roi) in enumerate(zip(freqs, rois)): axes[i].set_title( sns.heatmap( dfs, ax=axes[i], cmap="RdBu_r", center=0, rasterized=True, square=True, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, vmin=-v, vmax=v, ) for axs in axes[i + 1:]: axs.axis("off") fig.savefig(output_prefix + "adjacency.all_rois.pdf", **FIG_KWS) def find_communities( self, output_prefix: Optional[Path] = None, samples: Optional[List["IMCSample"]] = None, rois: Optional[List["ROI"]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Find communities and supercommunities of cell types across all images. """ rois = self._get_rois(samples, rois) cluster_communities(rois=rois, output_prefix=output_prefix, **kwargs)