def test_get_column_names__all_columns(self): batch = ia.Batch( images=np.zeros((1, 2, 2, 3), dtype=np.uint8), heatmaps=[np.zeros((2, 2, 1), dtype=np.float32)], segmentation_maps=[np.zeros((2, 2, 1), dtype=np.int32)], keypoints=[ ia.KeypointsOnImage([ia.Keypoint(x=0, y=0)], shape=(2, 2, 3)) ], bounding_boxes=[ ia.BoundingBoxesOnImage([ia.BoundingBox(0, 0, 1, 1)], shape=(2, 2, 3)) ], polygons=[ ia.PolygonsOnImage([ia.Polygon([(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)])], shape=(2, 2, 3)) ], line_strings=[ ia.LineStringsOnImage([ia.LineString([(0, 0), (1, 0)])], shape=(2, 2, 3)) ]) names = batch.get_column_names() assert names == [ "images", "heatmaps", "segmentation_maps", "keypoints", "bounding_boxes", "polygons", "line_strings" ]
def load_batches(): for i in range(int(Xtrain.shape[0] / batch_size)): st = i * batch_size ed = (i + 1) * batch_size batch = ia.Batch(images=Xtrain[st:ed, :, :, :], data=Ytrain[st:ed, :]) yield batch
def test_deepcopy_no_arguments(self): batch = ia.Batch() observed = batch.deepcopy() keys = list(observed.__dict__.keys()) assert len(keys) >= 14 for attr_name in keys: assert getattr(observed, attr_name) is None
def evaluateAll(self,ds, fold:int,stage=-1,negatives="real"): folds = self.kfold(ds, range(0, len(ds))) vl, vg, test_g = folds.generator(fold, False,negatives=negatives,returnBatch=True); indexes = folds.sampledIndexes(fold, False, negatives) m = self.load_model(fold, stage) num=0 with tqdm.tqdm(total=len(indexes), unit="files", desc="segmentation of validation set from " + str(fold)) as pbar: try: for f in test_g(): if num>=len(indexes): break x, y, b = f z = m.predict(x) ids=[] augs=[] for i in range(0,len(z)): if num >= len(indexes): break orig=b.images[i] num = num + 1 ma=z[i][i] segmentation_maps_aug = [imgaug.SegmentationMapOnImage(ma, ma.shape)]; augmented = imgaug.augmenters.Scale( {"height": orig.shape[0], "width": orig.shape[1]}).augment_segmentation_maps(segmentation_maps_aug) ids.append(id) augs=augs+augmented res=imgaug.Batch(images=b.images,data=ids,segmentation_maps=b.segmentation_maps) res.predicted_maps_aug=augs yield res pbar.update(len(ids)) finally: vl.terminate(); vg.terminate(); pass
def test_to_batch(self): batch_before_aug = ia.Batch() batch_before_aug.images_unaug = 0 batch_before_aug.heatmaps_unaug = 1 batch_before_aug.segmentation_maps_unaug = 2 batch_before_aug.keypoints_unaug = 3 batch_before_aug.bounding_boxes_unaug = 4 batch_before_aug.polygons_unaug = 5 batch_before_aug.line_strings_unaug = 6 batch_inaug = _BatchInAugmentation(images=10, heatmaps=20, segmentation_maps=30, keypoints=40, bounding_boxes=50, polygons=60, line_strings=70) batch = batch_inaug.to_batch(batch_before_aug) assert batch.images_unaug == 0 assert batch.heatmaps_unaug == 1 assert batch.segmentation_maps_unaug == 2 assert batch.keypoints_unaug == 3 assert batch.bounding_boxes_unaug == 4 assert batch.polygons_unaug == 5 assert batch.line_strings_unaug == 6 assert batch.images_aug == 10 assert batch.heatmaps_aug == 20 assert batch.segmentation_maps_aug == 30 assert batch.keypoints_aug == 40 assert batch.bounding_boxes_aug == 50 assert batch.polygons_aug == 60 assert batch.line_strings_aug == 70
def load_batches(): # Here, load 10 batches of size 4 each. # You can also load an infinite amount of batches, if you don't train # in epochs. batch_size = 4 nb_batches = 10 # Here, for simplicity we just always use the same image. astronaut = data.astronaut() astronaut = ia.imresize_single_image(astronaut, (64, 64)) for i in range(nb_batches): # A list containing all images of the batch. batch_images = [] # A list containing IDs per image. This is not necessary for the # background augmentation and here just used to showcase that you # can transfer additional information. batch_data = [] # Add some images to the batch. for b in range(batch_size): batch_images.append(astronaut) batch_data.append((i, b)) # Create the batch object to send to the background processes. batch = ia.Batch( images=np.array(batch_images, dtype=np.uint8), data=batch_data ) yield batch
def load_images(n_batches=10, sleep=0.0): batch_size = 4 astronaut = data.astronaut() astronaut = ia.imresize_single_image(astronaut, (64, 64)) kps = ia.KeypointsOnImage([ia.Keypoint(x=15, y=25, vis=None, label=None)], shape=astronaut.shape) counter = 0 for i in range(n_batches): batch_images = [] batch_kps = [] for b in range(batch_size): astronaut_text = ia.draw_text(astronaut, x=0, y=0, text="%d" % (counter, ), color=[0, 255, 0], size=16) batch_images.append(astronaut_text) batch_kps.append(kps) counter += 1 batch = ia.Batch(images=np.array(batch_images, dtype=np.uint8), keypoints=batch_kps) yield batch if sleep > 0: time.sleep(sleep)
def test_property_warnings(self): batch = ia.Batch() # self.assertWarns does not exist in py2.7 with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings: warnings.simplefilter("always") _ = batch.images assert len(caught_warnings) == 1 assert "is deprecated" in str(caught_warnings[-1].message) _ = batch.heatmaps assert len(caught_warnings) == 2 assert "is deprecated" in str(caught_warnings[-1].message) _ = batch.segmentation_maps assert len(caught_warnings) == 3 assert "is deprecated" in str(caught_warnings[-1].message) _ = batch.keypoints assert len(caught_warnings) == 4 assert "is deprecated" in str(caught_warnings[-1].message) _ = batch.bounding_boxes assert len(caught_warnings) == 5 assert "is deprecated" in str(caught_warnings[-1].message)
def createBatchGeneratorInParallel(inputs, outputs, batch_size, shuffle): num_examples = len(inputs) if batch_size is None: batch_size = num_examples if batch_size <= 0: raise ValueError('Invalid batch size: {}'.format(batch_size)) indices = np.arange(num_examples) if shuffle: np.random.shuffle(indices) start_idx = 0 while True: end_idx = start_idx + batch_size batch_indices = indices[start_idx:end_idx] if batch_indices.size > 0: # If batch_indices is non-empty. # FIXME [fix] >> Does not work correctly in time-major data. batch_inputs, batch_outputs = inputs[batch_indices], outputs[batch_indices] if batch_inputs.size > 0 and batch_outputs.size > 0: # If batch_inputs and batch_outputs are non-empty. # Add e.g. keypoints=... or bounding_boxes=... here to also augment keypoints / bounding boxes on these images. yield ia.Batch(images=batch_inputs, segmentation_maps=batch_outputs) if end_idx >= num_examples: break start_idx = end_idx
def _lane_argue(*, image, lane_src): lines_tuple = [[(float(pt['x']), float(pt['y'])) for pt in line_spec] for line_spec in lane_src['Lines']] lss = [ia_LineString(line_tuple_spec) for line_tuple_spec in lines_tuple] lsoi = LineStringsOnImage(lss, shape=image.shape) color_shift = iaa.OneOf([ iaa.GaussianBlur(sigma=(0.5, 1.5)), iaa.LinearContrast((1.5, 1.5), per_channel=False), iaa.Multiply((0.8, 1.2), per_channel=0.2), iaa.AdditiveGaussianNoise(loc=0, scale=(0.0, 0.1 * 255), per_channel=0.5), iaa.WithColorspace(to_colorspace=iaa.CSPACE_HSV, from_colorspace=iaa.CSPACE_RGB, children=iaa.WithChannels(0, iaa.Multiply((0.7, 1.3)))), iaa.WithColorspace(to_colorspace=iaa.CSPACE_HSV, from_colorspace=iaa.CSPACE_RGB, children=iaa.WithChannels(1, iaa.Multiply((0.1, 2)))), iaa.WithColorspace(to_colorspace=iaa.CSPACE_HSV, from_colorspace=iaa.CSPACE_RGB, children=iaa.WithChannels(2, iaa.Multiply((0.5, 1.5)))), ]) posion_shift = iaa.SomeOf(4, [ iaa.Fliplr(), iaa.Crop(percent=([0, 0.2], [0, 0.15], [0, 0], [0, 0.15]), keep_size=True), iaa.TranslateX(px=(-16, 16)), iaa.ShearX(shear=(-15, 15)), iaa.Rotate(rotate=(-15, 15)) ]) aug = iaa.Sequential([ iaa.Sometimes(p=0.6, then_list=color_shift), iaa.Sometimes(p=0.6, then_list=posion_shift) ], random_order=True) batch = ia.Batch(images=[image], line_strings=[lsoi]) batch_aug = list(aug.augment_batches([batch]))[0] # augment_batches returns a generator image_aug = batch_aug.images_aug[0] lsoi_aug = batch_aug.line_strings_aug[0] lane_aug = [[dict(x=kpt.x, y=kpt.y) for kpt in shapely_line.to_keypoints()] for shapely_line in lsoi_aug] return image_aug, dict(Lines=lane_aug)
def test_deepcopy_only_images_provided(self): images = np.zeros((1, 1, 3), dtype=np.uint8) batch = ia.Batch(images=images) observed = batch.deepcopy() for attr_name in observed.__dict__.keys(): if attr_name != "images_unaug": assert getattr(observed, attr_name) is None assert ia.is_np_array(observed.images_unaug)
def test_BackgroundAugmenter__augment_images_worker(): reseed() warnings.simplefilter("always") with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings: def gen(): yield ia.Batch(images=np.zeros((1, 4, 4, 3), dtype=np.uint8)) bl = multicore.BatchLoader(gen(), queue_size=2) bgaug = multicore.BackgroundAugmenter(bl, iaa.Noop(), queue_size=1, nb_workers=1) queue_source = multiprocessing.Queue(2) queue_target = multiprocessing.Queue(2) queue_source.put( pickle.dumps( ia.Batch(images=np.zeros((1, 4, 8, 3), dtype=np.uint8)), protocol=-1)) queue_source.put(pickle.dumps(None, protocol=-1)) bgaug._augment_images_worker(iaa.Add(1), queue_source, queue_target, 1) batch_aug = pickle.loads(queue_target.get()) assert isinstance(batch_aug, ia.Batch) assert batch_aug.images_unaug is not None assert batch_aug.images_unaug.dtype == np.uint8 assert batch_aug.images_unaug.shape == (1, 4, 8, 3) assert np.array_equal(batch_aug.images_unaug, np.zeros((1, 4, 8, 3), dtype=np.uint8)) assert batch_aug.images_aug is not None assert batch_aug.images_aug.dtype == np.uint8 assert batch_aug.images_aug.shape == (1, 4, 8, 3) assert np.array_equal(batch_aug.images_aug, np.zeros((1, 4, 8, 3), dtype=np.uint8) + 1) finished_signal = pickle.loads(queue_target.get()) assert finished_signal is None source_finished_signal = pickle.loads(queue_source.get()) assert source_finished_signal is None assert queue_source.empty() assert queue_target.empty() queue_source.close() queue_target.close() queue_source.join_thread() queue_target.join_thread() bl.terminate() bgaug.terminate() assert len(caught_warnings) > 0 for warning in caught_warnings: assert ("BatchLoader is deprecated" in str(warning.message) or "BackgroundAugmenter is deprecated" in str(warning.message))
def load_batches(): for i in range(int(Xtrain.shape[0] / batch_size)): print("Training: {0}/{1}".format(i, ptrain_max), end='\r') st = i * batch_size ed = (i + 1) * batch_size batch = ia.Batch(images=Xtrain[st:ed, :, :, :], data=Ytrain[st:ed, :]) yield batch
def test_to_batch_in_augmentation__only_images(self): batch = ia.Batch(images=np.zeros((1, 2, 2, 3), dtype=np.uint8)) batch_inaug = batch.to_batch_in_augmentation() assert isinstance(batch_inaug, ia.BatchInAugmentation) assert ia.is_np_array(batch_inaug.images) assert batch_inaug.images.shape == (1, 2, 2, 3) assert batch_inaug.get_column_names() == ["images"]
def _test_imap_batches_both(self, call_unordered): batches = [ ia.Batch(images=[ia.quokka()]), ia.Batch(images=[ia.quokka() + 1]) ] def _generate_batches(): for batch in batches: yield batch augseq = iaa.Noop() mock_Pool = mock.MagicMock() mock_Pool.return_value = mock_Pool mock_Pool.imap.return_value = batches mock_Pool.imap_unordered.return_value = batches with mock.patch("multiprocessing.Pool", mock_Pool): with multicore.Pool(augseq, processes=1) as pool: gen = _generate_batches() if call_unordered: _ = list(pool.imap_batches_unordered(gen)) else: _ = list(pool.imap_batches(gen)) if call_unordered: to_check = mock_Pool.imap_unordered else: to_check = mock_Pool.imap assert to_check.call_count == 1 assert to_check.call_args[0][0] == multicore._Pool_starworker arg_batches = list( to_check.call_args[0] [1]) # convert generator to list, make it subscriptable # args, arg 1 (batches with ids), tuple 0, entry 0 in tuple (=> batch id) assert arg_batches[0][0] == 0 # tuple 0, entry 1 in tuple (=> batch) assert np.array_equal(arg_batches[0][1].images_unaug, batches[0].images_unaug) # tuple 1, entry 0 in tuple (=> batch id) assert arg_batches[1][0] == 1 # tuple 1, entry 1 in tuple (=> batch) assert np.array_equal(arg_batches[1][1].images_unaug, batches[1].images_unaug)
def chapter_augmenters_blendalphaboundingboxes(): fn_start = "blend/blendalphaboundingboxes" aug = iaa.BlendAlphaBoundingBoxes(None, background=iaa.Multiply(0.0)) batch = ia.Batch( images=[ia.quokka(size=(128, 128))] * (4 * 1), bounding_boxes=[ia.quokka_bounding_boxes(size=(128, 128))] * (4 * 1)) run_and_save_augseq_batch(fn_start + "_multiply_background.jpg", aug, batch, cols=4, rows=1)
def test_augmentations_with_seed_match_for_images_and_keypoints(self): augseq = iaa.AddElementwise((0, 255)) image = np.zeros((10, 10, 1), dtype=np.uint8) # keypoints here will not be changed by augseq, but they will induce # deterministic mode to start in augment_batches() as each batch # contains images AND keypoints kps = ia.KeypointsOnImage([ia.Keypoint(x=2, y=0)], shape=(10, 10, 1)) batch = ia.Batch(images=np.uint8([image, image]), keypoints=[kps, kps]) batches = [batch.deepcopy() for _ in sm.xrange(60)] # seed=1 with multicore.Pool(augseq, processes=2, maxtasksperchild=30, seed=1) as pool: batches_aug1 = pool.map_batches(batches, chunksize=2) # seed=1 with multicore.Pool(augseq, processes=2, seed=1) as pool: batches_aug2 = pool.map_batches(batches, chunksize=1) # seed=2 with multicore.Pool(augseq, processes=2, seed=2) as pool: batches_aug3 = pool.map_batches(batches, chunksize=1) assert len(batches_aug1) == 60 assert len(batches_aug2) == 60 assert len(batches_aug3) == 60 for batches_aug in [batches_aug1, batches_aug2, batches_aug3]: for batch in batches_aug: for keypoints_aug in batch.keypoints_aug: assert keypoints_aug.keypoints[0].x == 2 assert keypoints_aug.keypoints[0].y == 0 for b1, b2, b3 in zip(batches_aug1, batches_aug2, batches_aug3): # images were augmented assert not np.array_equal(b1.images_unaug, b1.images_aug) assert not np.array_equal(b2.images_unaug, b2.images_aug) assert not np.array_equal(b3.images_unaug, b3.images_aug) # original images still the same assert np.array_equal(b1.images_unaug, batch.images_unaug) assert np.array_equal(b2.images_unaug, batch.images_unaug) assert np.array_equal(b3.images_unaug, batch.images_unaug) # augmentations for same seed are the same assert np.array_equal(b1.images_aug, b2.images_aug) # augmentations for different seeds are different assert not np.array_equal(b1.images_aug, b3.images_aug) # make sure that batches for the two pools with same seed did not # repeat within results (only between the results of the two pools) for batches_aug in [batches_aug1, batches_aug2, batches_aug3]: self._assert_each_augmentation_not_more_than_once(batches_aug)
def augmented_image_visializer(predictionItem:PredictionItem): cache_path=visualization_ctx().path path = cache_path + str( + ".png" if os.path.exists(path): return path if len(predictionItem.y.shape) > 1: #Should be a segmentation mask in this case, better to refactor this later batch = imgaug.Batch(images=[predictionItem.x], segmentation_maps=[imgaug.SegmentationMapsOnImage(predictionItem.y, shape=predictionItem.y.shape)]) aug_batch = augmenter.augment_batch(batch) img = aug_batch.segmentation_maps_aug[0].draw_on_image(aug_batch.images_aug[0], alpha=0.5)[0] else: img = augmenter.augment_image(predictionItem.x) # Augment segmantation map also imageio.imwrite(path,img) return path
def test_warnings_for_deprecated_properties(self): batch = ia.Batch() # self.assertWarns does not exist in py2.7 deprecated_attr_names = ["images", "heatmaps", "segmentation_maps", "keypoints", "bounding_boxes"] for attr_name in deprecated_attr_names: with self.subTest(attr_name=attr_name),\ warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings: warnings.simplefilter("always") _ = getattr(batch, attr_name) assert len(caught_warnings) == 1 assert "is deprecated" in str(caught_warnings[-1].message)
def generic_batch_generator(ds, batchSize, maxItems=-1): indexes = None if maxItems != -1: indexes = list(range(min(maxItems, len(ds)))) dg = GenericDataSetSequence(ds, batchSize, indexes, False) for i in range(len(dg)): zz = dg[i] if len(zz) == 3: X, y, s = zz else: X, y = zz yield imgaug.Batch(images=X, data=y) return
def test_augmentations_without_seed_differ(self): augseq = iaa.AddElementwise((0, 255)) image = np.zeros((10, 10, 1), dtype=np.uint8) batch = ia.Batch(images=np.uint8([image, image])) batches = [batch.deepcopy() for _ in sm.xrange(20)] with multicore.Pool(augseq, processes=2, maxtasksperchild=5) as pool: batches_aug = pool.map_batches(batches, chunksize=2) with multicore.Pool(augseq, processes=2) as pool: batches_aug.extend(pool.map_batches(batches, chunksize=1)) assert len(batches_aug) == 2 * 20 self._assert_each_augmentation_not_more_than_once(batches_aug)
def test_fill_from_augmented_normalized_batch(self): batch = ia.UnnormalizedBatch( images=np.zeros((1, 2, 2, 3), dtype=np.uint8), heatmaps=[np.zeros((2, 2, 1), dtype=np.float32)], segmentation_maps=[np.zeros((2, 2, 1), dtype=np.int32)], keypoints=[[(0, 0)]], bounding_boxes=[[ia.BoundingBox(0, 0, 1, 1)]], polygons=[[ia.Polygon([(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)])]], line_strings=[[ia.LineString([(0, 0), (1, 0)])]]) batch_norm = ia.Batch( images=np.zeros((1, 2, 2, 3), dtype=np.uint8), heatmaps=[ ia.HeatmapsOnImage(np.zeros((2, 2, 1), dtype=np.float32), shape=(2, 2, 3)) ], segmentation_maps=[ ia.SegmentationMapsOnImage(np.zeros((2, 2, 1), dtype=np.int32), shape=(2, 2, 3)) ], keypoints=[ ia.KeypointsOnImage([ia.Keypoint(0, 0)], shape=(2, 2, 3)) ], bounding_boxes=[ ia.BoundingBoxesOnImage([ia.BoundingBox(0, 0, 1, 1)], shape=(2, 2, 3)) ], polygons=[ ia.PolygonsOnImage([ia.Polygon([(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)])], shape=(2, 2, 3)) ], line_strings=[ ia.LineStringsOnImage([ia.LineString([(0, 0), (1, 0)])], shape=(2, 2, 3)) ]) batch_norm.images_aug = batch_norm.images_unaug batch_norm.heatmaps_aug = batch_norm.heatmaps_unaug batch_norm.segmentation_maps_aug = batch_norm.segmentation_maps_unaug batch_norm.keypoints_aug = batch_norm.keypoints_unaug batch_norm.bounding_boxes_aug = batch_norm.bounding_boxes_unaug batch_norm.polygons_aug = batch_norm.polygons_unaug batch_norm.line_strings_aug = batch_norm.line_strings_unaug batch = batch.fill_from_augmented_normalized_batch(batch_norm) assert batch.images_aug.shape == (1, 2, 2, 3) assert ia.is_np_array(batch.heatmaps_aug[0]) assert ia.is_np_array(batch.segmentation_maps_aug[0]) assert batch.keypoints_aug[0][0] == (0, 0) assert batch.bounding_boxes_aug[0][0].x1 == 0 assert batch.polygons_aug[0][0].exterior[0][0] == 0 assert batch.line_strings_aug[0][0].coords[0][0] == 0
def test_inputs_not_lost(self): """Test to make sure that inputs (e.g. images) are never lost.""" def _assert_contains_all_ids(batches_aug): # batch.images_unaug ids = set() for batch_aug in batches_aug: ids.add(int(batch_aug.images_unaug.flat[0])) ids.add(int(batch_aug.images_unaug.flat[1])) for idx in sm.xrange(2 * 100): assert idx in ids assert len(ids) == 200 # batch.images_aug ids = set() for batch_aug in batches_aug: ids.add(int(batch_aug.images_aug.flat[0])) ids.add(int(batch_aug.images_aug.flat[1])) for idx in sm.xrange(2 * 100): assert idx in ids assert len(ids) == 200 augseq = iaa.Identity() image = np.zeros((1, 1, 1), dtype=np.uint8) # creates batches containing images with ids from 0 to 199 (one pair # of consecutive ids per batch) batches = [ ia.Batch( images=np.uint8([image + b_idx * 2, image + b_idx * 2 + 1])) for b_idx in sm.xrange(100) ] with multicore.Pool(augseq, processes=2, maxtasksperchild=25) as pool: batches_aug = pool.map_batches(batches) _assert_contains_all_ids(batches_aug) with multicore.Pool(augseq, processes=2, maxtasksperchild=25, seed=1) as pool: batches_aug = pool.map_batches(batches) _assert_contains_all_ids(batches_aug) with multicore.Pool(augseq, processes=3, seed=2) as pool: batches_aug = pool.map_batches(batches) _assert_contains_all_ids(batches_aug) with multicore.Pool(augseq, processes=2, seed=None) as pool: batches_aug = pool.map_batches(batches) _assert_contains_all_ids(batches_aug) batches_aug = pool.map_batches(batches) _assert_contains_all_ids(batches_aug)
def _loadBatches(self): indices = np.arange(self._num_examples) if self._shuffle: np.random.shuffle(indices) for step in range(self._num_steps): start = step * self._batch_size end = start + self._batch_size batch_indices = indices[start:end] if batch_indices.size > 0: # If batch_indices is non-empty. batch_images = self._images[batch_indices] if batch_images.size > 0: # If batch_images is non-empty. # Create the batch object to send to the background processes. yield ia.Batch(images=batch_images, data=batch_indices)
def chapter_augmenters_blendalphasegmapclassids(): fn_start = "blend/blendalphasegmapclassids" aug = iaa.BlendAlphaSegMapClassIds([1, 3], foreground=iaa.AddToHue((-100, 100))) batch = ia.Batch( images=[ia.quokka(size=(128, 128))] * (4 * 2), segmentation_maps=[ia.quokka_segmentation_map(size=(128, 128))] * (4 * 2)) run_and_save_augseq_batch(fn_start + "_hue.jpg", aug, batch, cols=4, rows=2)
def test_init(self): attr_names = [ "images", "heatmaps", "segmentation_maps", "keypoints", "bounding_boxes", "polygons" ] batch = ia.Batch() for attr_name in attr_names: assert getattr(batch, "%s_unaug" % (attr_name, )) is None assert getattr(batch, "%s_aug" % (attr_name, )) is None assert is None # we exploit here that Batch() init does not verify its inputs batch = ia.Batch(images=0, heatmaps=1, segmentation_maps=2, keypoints=3, bounding_boxes=4, polygons=5, data=6) for i, attr_name in enumerate(attr_names): assert getattr(batch, "%s_unaug" % (attr_name, )) == i assert getattr(batch, "%s_aug" % (attr_name, )) is None assert == 6
def test___init___all_arguments_provided(self): # we exploit here that Batch() init does not verify its inputs batch = ia.Batch(images=0, heatmaps=1, segmentation_maps=2, keypoints=3, bounding_boxes=4, polygons=5, line_strings=6, data=7) for i, attr_name in enumerate(ATTR_NAMES): assert getattr(batch, "%s_unaug" % (attr_name, )) == i assert getattr(batch, "%s_aug" % (attr_name, )) is None assert == 7
def load_batches_from_numpy(): batch_size = 10 shuffle = True is_time_major = False astronaut = data.astronaut() astronaut = ia.imresize_single_image(astronaut, (64, 64)) images = list() for _ in range(100): images.append(astronaut) images = np.array(images) #-------------------- batch_dim = 1 if is_time_major else 0 num_examples, steps_per_epoch = 0, 0 if images is not None: num_examples = images.shape[batch_dim] steps_per_epoch = ((num_examples - 1) // batch_size + 1) if num_examples > 0 else 0 #if images is None: if num_examples <= 0: return None indices = np.arange(num_examples) if shuffle: np.random.shuffle(indices) for step in range(steps_per_epoch): start = step * batch_size end = start + batch_size batch_indices = indices[start:end] if batch_indices.size > 0: # If batch_indices is non-empty. batch_images = images[batch_indices] if batch_images.size > 0: # If batch_images is non-empty. #batch_data = [] #for idx in batch_indices: # batch_data.append((step, idx)) # Create the batch object to send to the background processes. batch = ia.Batch( images=batch_images, #data=batch_data data=batch_indices) yield batch
def load_batches(data, batch_size, n_batches): for iBatch in range(n_batches): dataset_choice = np.random.choice(len(data), batch_size, replace=True) images, phase_annotations = [], [] for idx_dataset in dataset_choice: # print("\n\n\n{0}\n\n\n".format(len(self._data[idx_dataset]))) frame_choice = np.random.choice(len(data[idx_dataset]), replace=True) # print("\n\n\n{0}\n\n\n".format(frame_choice)) image, phase = data[idx_dataset][frame_choice] images.append(image) phase_annotations.append(phase) images = np.stack(images, axis=0) # np.array(images, dtype=np.uint8) batch = ia.Batch(images=images, data=np.array(phase_annotations)) yield batch
def test_augmentations_with_seed_match(self): nb_batches = 60 augseq = iaa.AddElementwise((0, 255)) image = np.zeros((10, 10, 1), dtype=np.uint8) batch = ia.Batch(images=np.uint8([image, image])) batches = [batch.deepcopy() for _ in sm.xrange(nb_batches)] # seed=1 with multicore.Pool(augseq, processes=2, maxtasksperchild=30, seed=1) as pool: batches_aug1 = pool.map_batches(batches, chunksize=2) # seed=1 with multicore.Pool(augseq, processes=2, seed=1) as pool: batches_aug2 = pool.map_batches(batches, chunksize=1) # seed=2 with multicore.Pool(augseq, processes=2, seed=2) as pool: batches_aug3 = pool.map_batches(batches, chunksize=1) assert len(batches_aug1) == nb_batches assert len(batches_aug2) == nb_batches assert len(batches_aug3) == nb_batches for b1, b2, b3 in zip(batches_aug1, batches_aug2, batches_aug3): # images were augmented assert not np.array_equal(b1.images_unaug, b1.images_aug) assert not np.array_equal(b2.images_unaug, b2.images_aug) assert not np.array_equal(b3.images_unaug, b3.images_aug) # original images still the same assert np.array_equal(b1.images_unaug, batch.images_unaug) assert np.array_equal(b2.images_unaug, batch.images_unaug) assert np.array_equal(b3.images_unaug, batch.images_unaug) # augmentations for same seed are the same assert np.array_equal(b1.images_aug, b2.images_aug) # augmentations for different seeds are different assert not np.array_equal(b1.images_aug, b3.images_aug) # make sure that batches for the two pools with same seed did not # repeat within results (only between the results of the two pools) for batches_aug in [batches_aug1, batches_aug2, batches_aug3]: self._assert_each_augmentation_not_more_than_once(batches_aug)