def test_ws_createItemWithOneAnnexRequest(self):
          Test SOAP service behaviour when creating items with one annex
        # by default no item exists
        req = self._prepareCreationData()
        data = {
            'title': 'My annex 1',
            'filename': 'smallTestFile.pdf',
            'file': 'smallTestFile.pdf'
        req._creationData._annexes = [self._prepareAnnexInfo(**data)]
        annex = req._creationData._annexes[0]
        # Serialize the request so it can be easily tested
        request = serializeRequest(req)
        # This is what the sent enveloppe should looks like
        expected = """POST /plone/createItemRequest HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Basic %s:%s
Content-Length: 102
Content-Type: text/xml
SOAPAction: /
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" """ \
"""xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ZSI="" """ \
"""xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">""" \
"""<SOAP-ENV:Header></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:ns1="">""" \
"""<ns1:createItemRequest><meetingConfigId>plonegov-assembly</meetingConfigId>""" \
"""<proposingGroupId>developers</proposingGroupId><creationData xsi:type="ns1:CreationData">""" \
"""<title>My new item title</title><category>development</category>""" \
"""<description>&lt;p&gt;Description&lt;/p&gt;</description>""" \
"""<detailedDescription>&lt;p&gt;Detailed description&lt;/p&gt;</detailedDescription>""" \
"""<decision>&lt;p&gt;Décision&lt;/p&gt;</decision>""" \
"""<annexes xsi:type="ns1:AnnexInfo"><title>%s</title><annexTypeId>%s</annexTypeId><filename>%s</filename><file>
%s</file></annexes></creationData><cleanHtml>true</cleanHtml></ns1:createItemRequest>""" \
"""</SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>""" % ('pmCreator1', 'meeting', annex._title, annex._annexTypeId,
                                              annex._filename, base64.encodestring(annex._file))
        result = """POST /plone/createItemRequest HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Basic %s:%s
Content-Length: 102
Content-Type: text/xml
SOAPAction: /
%s""" % ('pmCreator1', 'meeting', request)
        self.assertEqual(expected, result)
        newItem, response = self._createItem(req)
        # now check the created item have the annex
        annexes = get_annexes(newItem)
        # the annex is actually created
        self.failUnless(len(annexes) == 1)
        # the annex mimetype is correct
        annex = annexes[0]
        self.failUnless(annex.file.contentType == 'application/pdf')
        # the annex metadata are ok
        self.assertEqual(annex.Title(), 'My annex 1')
    def test_ws_getItemInfosRequest(self):
          Test that getting an item with a given UID returns valuable informations
        # by default no item exists
            len(self.portal.portal_catalog(portal_type='MeetingItemPga')) == 0)
        # use the SOAP service to create one
        req = self._prepareCreationData()
        newItem, response = self._createItem(req)
        newItemUID = newItem.UID()
        # now an item exists, get informations about it
        req = getItemInfosRequest()
        req._UID = newItemUID
        # Serialize the request so it can be easily tested
        request = serializeRequest(req)
        # This is what the sent enveloppe should looks like
        expected = """<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" """ \
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" """ \
            """xmlns:ZSI="" """ \
            """xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">""" \
            """<SOAP-ENV:Header></SOAP-ENV:Header>""" \
            """<SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:ns1=""><ns1:getItemInfosRequest>""" \
            """<UID>%s</UID><showExtraInfos>false</showExtraInfos><showAnnexes>false</showAnnexes>""" \
            """<include_annex_binary>true</include_annex_binary>""" \
            """<showAssembly>false</showAssembly><showTemplates>false</showTemplates>""" \
            """<showEmptyValues>true</showEmptyValues></ns1:getItemInfosRequest>""" \
            """</SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>""" % newItemUID
        result = """%s""" % request
        self.assertEqual(expected, result)
        # now really use the SOAP method to get informations about the item
        resp = self._getItemInfos(newItemUID)
        # the item is not in a meeting so the meeting date is 1950-01-01
        expected = """<ns1:getItemInfosResponse xmlns:ns1="" """ \
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" """ \
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" """ \
            """xmlns:ZSI="" xmlns:xsd="" """ \
  <itemInfo xsi:type="ns1:ItemInfo">
    <title>My new item title</title>
    <detailedDescription>&lt;p&gt;Detailed description&lt;/p&gt;</detailedDescription>
                gDateTime.get_formatted_content(gDateTime(), localtime(newItem.created())),
                gDateTime.get_formatted_content(gDateTime(), localtime(newItem.modified())))
        self.assertEqual(expected, resp)
        # if the item is in a meeting, the result is a bit different because
        # we have valid informations about the meeting_date
        meeting = self._createMeetingWithItems()
        itemInMeeting = meeting.get_items(ordered=True)[0]
        # by default, PloneMeeting creates item without title/description/decision...
        itemInMeeting.setTitle('My new item title')
        resp = self._getItemInfos(itemInMeeting.UID())
        meetingDate = gDateTime.get_formatted_content(
        expected = """<ns1:getItemInfosResponse xmlns:ns1="" """ \
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" """ \
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" """ \
            """xmlns:ZSI="" """ \
            """xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <itemInfo xsi:type="ns1:ItemInfo">
    <title>My new item title</title>
                gDateTime.get_formatted_content(gDateTime(), localtime(itemInMeeting.created())),
                gDateTime.get_formatted_content(gDateTime(), localtime(itemInMeeting.modified())),
        self.assertEqual(expected, resp)
        # if the item with this UID has not been found (user can not access or item does not exists),
        # an empty response is returned
        # unexisting item UID
        resp = self._getItemInfos('aWrongUID')
        expected = """<ns1:getItemInfosResponse xmlns:ns1="" """ \
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" """ \
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" """ \
            """xmlns:ZSI="" """ \
            """xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""/>
        self.assertEqual(expected, resp)
        # item UID the logged in user can not access
        resp = self._getItemInfos(newItemUID)
        self.assertEqual(expected, resp)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_ws_createItemRequest(self):
          In the default test configuration, the user 'pmCreator1' can create an item for
          proposingGroup 'developers' in the MeetingConfig 'plonegov-assembly'
        # by default no item exists
        self.failUnless(len(self.portal.portal_catalog(portal_type='MeetingItemPga')) == 0)
        req = self._prepareCreationData()
        # This is what the sent enveloppe should looks like, note that the decision is "Décision<strong>wrongTagd</p>"
        # instead of '<p>Décision</p>' so we check accents and missing <p></p>
        req._creationData._decision = 'Décision<strong>wrongTagd</p>'
        # Serialize the request so it can be easily tested
        request = serializeRequest(req)
        expected = """POST /plone/createItemRequest HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Basic %s:%s
Content-Length: 102
Content-Type: text/xml
SOAPAction: /
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" """ \
"""xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ZSI="" """ \
"""xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">""" \
"""<SOAP-ENV:Header></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:ns1=""><ns1:createItemRequest>""" \
"""<meetingConfigId>plonegov-assembly</meetingConfigId><proposingGroupId>developers</proposingGroupId>""" \
"""<creationData xsi:type="ns1:CreationData"><title>My new item title</title><category>development</category>""" \
"""<description>&lt;p&gt;Description&lt;/p&gt;</description>""" \
"""<detailedDescription>&lt;p&gt;Detailed description&lt;/p&gt;</detailedDescription>""" \
"""<decision>D\xc3\xa9cision&lt;strong&gt;wrongTagd&lt;/p&gt;</decision></creationData><cleanHtml>true</cleanHtml>""" \
"""</ns1:createItemRequest>""" \
"""</SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>""" % ('pmCreator1', 'meeting')
        result = """POST /plone/createItemRequest HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Basic %s:%s
Content-Length: 102
Content-Type: text/xml
SOAPAction: /
%s""" % ('pmCreator1', 'meeting', request)
        self.assertEqual(expected, result)
        # now really use the SOAP method to create an item
        newItem, response = self._createItem(req)
        newItemUID = newItem.UID()
        resp = deserialize(response)
        expected = """<ns1:createItemResponse xmlns:ns1="" """ \
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" """\
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" """ \
            """xmlns:ZSI="" """ \
            """xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
""" % (newItemUID, translate(WRONG_HTML_WARNING,
                             mapping={'item_path': newItem.absolute_url_path(),
                                      'creator': 'pmCreator1'},
        self.assertEqual(expected, resp)
        # the item is actually created
        self.failUnless(len(self.portal.portal_catalog(portal_type='MeetingItemPga', UID=newItemUID)) == 1)
        # responseHolder for tests here above
        responseHolder = createItemResponse()
        # check that we can create an item with a NoneType HTML field
        req._creationData._decision = None
        newItemWithEmptyDecisionUID = SOAPView(self.portal, req).createItemRequest(req, responseHolder)._UID
                                                       UID=newItemWithEmptyDecisionUID)) == 1)
        # No matter how the item is created, with or without a decision, every HTML fields are surrounded by <p></p>
        obj = self.portal.portal_catalog(portal_type='MeetingItemPga', UID=newItemWithEmptyDecisionUID)[0].getObject()
        self.failIf(obj.getDecision(keepWithNext=False) != '<p></p>')
Esempio n. 4
    def test_ws_createItemWithSeveralAnnexesRequest(self):
          Test SOAP service behaviour when creating items with several annexes of different types
        # by default no item exists
        req = self._prepareCreationData()
        # add 4 extra annexes
        # no data give, some default values are used (smallTestFile.pdf)
        data1 = {'title': 'My annex 1',
                 'filename': 'smallTestFile.pdf',
                 'file': 'smallTestFile.pdf'}
        # other annexTypeId than the default one
        data2 = {'title': 'My annex 2',
                 'filename': 'arbitraryFilename.odt',
                 'file': 'mediumTestFile.odt',
                 'annexTypeId': 'budget-analysis'}
        # a wrong annexTypeId and a test with a large msword document
        data3 = {'title': 'My annex 3',
                 'filename': 'largeTestFile.doc',
                 'file': 'largeTestFile.doc',
                 'annexTypeId': 'wrong-annexTypeId'}
        # empty file data provided, at the end, the annex is not created but the item is correctly created
        data4 = {'title': 'My annex 4',
                 'filename': 'emptyTestFile.txt',
                 'file': 'emptyTestFile.txt',
                 'annexTypeId': 'budget-analysis'}
        # a file that will have several extensions found in mimetypes_registry
        # is not handled if no valid filename is provided
        data5 = {'title': 'My annex 5',
                 'filename': 'notValidFileNameNoExtension',
                 'file': 'octetStreamTestFile.bin',
                 'annexTypeId': 'budget-analysis'}
        # but if the filename is valid, then the annex is handled
        data6 = {'title': 'My annex 6',
                 'filename': 'validExtension.bin',
                 'file': 'octetStreamTestFile.bin',
                 'annexTypeId': 'budget-analysis'}
        req._creationData._annexes = [self._prepareAnnexInfo(**data1), self._prepareAnnexInfo(**data2),
                                      self._prepareAnnexInfo(**data3), self._prepareAnnexInfo(**data4),
                                      self._prepareAnnexInfo(**data5), self._prepareAnnexInfo(**data6)]
        # serialize the request so it can be easily tested
        request = serializeRequest(req)
        # build annexes part of the envelope
        annexesEnveloppePart = ""
        for annex in req._creationData._annexes:
            annexesEnveloppePart = annexesEnveloppePart + """<annexes xsi:type="ns1:AnnexInfo"><title>%s</title>""" \
%s</file></annexes>""" % (annex._title, annex._annexTypeId, annex._filename, base64.encodestring(annex._file))
        # This is what the sent enveloppe should looks like
        expected = """POST /plone/createItemRequest HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Basic %s:%s
Content-Length: 102
Content-Type: text/xml
SOAPAction: /
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" """ \
"""xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ZSI="" """ \
"""xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">""" \
"""<SOAP-ENV:Header></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:ns1=""><ns1:createItemRequest>""" \
"""<meetingConfigId>plonegov-assembly</meetingConfigId><proposingGroupId>developers</proposingGroupId>""" \
"""<creationData xsi:type="ns1:CreationData"><title>My new item title</title><category>development</category>""" \
"""<description>&lt;p&gt;Description&lt;/p&gt;</description>""" \
"""<detailedDescription>&lt;p&gt;Detailed description&lt;/p&gt;</detailedDescription>""" \
"""<decision>&lt;p&gt;Décision&lt;/p&gt;</decision>""" \
"""%s</creationData><cleanHtml>true</cleanHtml></ns1:createItemRequest></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>""" \
% ('pmCreator1', 'meeting', annexesEnveloppePart)
        result = """POST /plone/createItemRequest HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Basic %s:%s
Content-Length: 102
Content-Type: text/xml
SOAPAction: /
%s""" % ('pmCreator1', 'meeting', request)
        self.assertEqual(expected, result)
        newItem, response = self._createItem(req)
        annexes = get_annexes(newItem)
        # 4 annexes are actually created
        self.failUnless(len(annexes) == 4)
        # the annexes mimetype are corrects
        self.failUnless(annexes[0].file.contentType == 'application/pdf')
        self.failUnless(annexes[1].file.contentType == 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text')
        self.failUnless(annexes[2].file.contentType == 'application/msword')
        self.failUnless(annexes[3].file.contentType == 'application/octet-stream')
        # the annexes metadata are ok
            annexes[0].Title() == 'My annex 1' and
            annexes[0].content_category == 'plonegov-assembly-annexes_types_-_item_annexes_-_financial-analysis')
            annexes[1].Title() == 'My annex 2' and
            annexes[1].content_category == 'plonegov-assembly-annexes_types_-_item_annexes_-_budget-analysis')
        # meetingFileType is back to default one when a wrong file type is given in the annexInfo
            annexes[2].Title() == 'My annex 3' and
            annexes[2].content_category == 'plonegov-assembly-annexes_types_-_item_annexes_-_financial-analysis')
            annexes[3].Title() == 'My annex 6' and
            annexes[3].content_category == 'plonegov-assembly-annexes_types_-_item_annexes_-_budget-analysis')
        # annexes filename are the ones defined in the 'filename', either it is generated
        self.failUnless(annexes[0].file.filename == u'smallTestFile.pdf')
        self.failUnless(annexes[1].file.filename == u'arbitraryFilename.odt')
        self.failUnless(annexes[2].file.filename == u'largeTestFile.doc')
        self.failUnless(annexes[3].file.filename == u'validExtension.bin')
        # now try to create an item with an annex that has no file
        # when file attribute is not provided, the annex is not created
        data = {'title': 'My annex 7',
                'filename': 'validExtension.bin',
                'annexTypeId': 'budget-analysis'}
        req._creationData._annexes = [self._prepareAnnexInfo(**data), ]
        self.assertEqual(req._creationData._annexes[0]._file, None)
        newItem, response = self._createItem(req)
        annexes = get_annexes(newItem)
        # no annexes have been added
        self.assertEqual(len(annexes), 0)
    def test_ws_getConfigInfosRequest(self):
          Test that getting informations about the configuration returns valuable informations
        # any PM user can have these configuration informations
        req = getConfigInfosRequest()
        # Serialize the request so it can be easily tested
        request = serializeRequest(req)
        # This is what the sent enveloppe should looks like
        expected = """<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" """ \
                   """xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" """ \
                   """xmlns:ZSI="" """ \
                   """xmlns:xsd="" """ \
                   """xmlns:xsi="">""" \
                   """<SOAP-ENV:Header></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:ns1="">""" \
                   """<ns1:getConfigInfosRequest><showCategories>false</showCategories></ns1:getConfigInfosRequest>""" \
        result = """%s""" % request
        self.assertEquals(expected, result)
        # now really use the SOAP method to get informations about the configuration
        responseHolder = getConfigInfosResponse()
        response = SOAPView(self.portal,
                            req).getConfigInfosRequest(req, responseHolder)
        resp = deserialize(response)
        # construct the expected result : header + content + footer
        # header
        expected = """<ns1:getConfigInfosResponse xmlns:ns1="" """ \
                   """xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" """ \
                   """xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" """ \
                   """xmlns:ZSI="" """ \
                   """xmlns:xsd="" """ \
        # _configInfo
        for cfg in self.tool.getActiveConfigs():
            expected += """
  <configInfo xsi:type="ns1:ConfigInfo">
  </configInfo>""" % (cfg.UID(), cfg.getId(), cfg.Title(), cfg.Description(),
        # _groupInfo
        for grp in get_organizations():
            expected += """
  <groupInfo xsi:type="ns1:GroupInfo">
  </groupInfo>""" % (grp.UID(), grp.getId(), grp.Title(), grp.Description())
        # footer.  Empty description is represented like <description/>
        expected = expected.replace('<description></description>', '<description/>') \
            + "\n</ns1:getConfigInfosResponse>\n"
        self.assertEquals(expected, resp)

        # elements are correctly stored
        cfg = self.tool.getActiveConfigs()[0]
        self.assertEqual(response._configInfo[0]._title, cfg.Title())
Esempio n. 6
    def test_ws_searchItemsRequest(self):
          Test that searching with given parameters returns valuable informations
        # by default no item exists
            len(self.portal.portal_catalog(portal_type='MeetingItemPga')), 0)
        # prepare data for a default item
        req = self._prepareCreationData()
        req._creationData._externalIdentifier = 'my_external_app_identifier'
        # use the SOAP service to create one
        newItem, response = self._createItem(req)
        # make sure created enough in the past or sort_on 'created' returns random result
        newItem.setCreationDate(DateTime() - 5)
        newItemUID = newItem.UID()
        # externalIdentifier is actually set
        # now an item exists, get informations about it
        req = searchItemsRequest()
        req._Title = 'item'
        req._getCategory = 'development'
        # Serialize the request so it can be easily tested
        request = serializeRequest(req)
        # This is what the sent enveloppe should looks like
        expected = """<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" """ \
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" """ \
            """xmlns:ZSI="" """ \
            """xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">""" \
            """<SOAP-ENV:Header></SOAP-ENV:Header>""" \
            """<SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:ns1=""><ns1:searchItemsRequest>""" \
            """<Title>%s</Title><getCategory>%s</getCategory></ns1:searchItemsRequest>""" \
            """</SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>""" % (req._Title, req._getCategory)
        result = """%s""" % request
        self.assertEqual(expected, result)
        # now really use the SOAP method to get informations about the item
        resp = self._searchItems(req)
        # the item is not in a meeting so the meeting date is 1950-01-01
        expected = """<ns1:searchItemsResponse xmlns:ns1="" """ \
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" """ \
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" """ \
            """xmlns:ZSI="" """ \
            """xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <itemInfo xsi:type="ns1:ItemInfo">
    <title>My new item title</title>
    <detailedDescription>&lt;p&gt;Detailed description&lt;/p&gt;</detailedDescription>
                gDateTime.get_formatted_content(gDateTime(), localtime(newItem.created())),
                gDateTime.get_formatted_content(gDateTime(), localtime(newItem.modified())))
        self.assertEqual(expected, resp)
        # if the item is in a meeting, the result is a bit different because
        # we have valid informations about the meeting_date
        # use the 'plonegov-assembly' MeetingConfig that use real categories,
        # not useGroupsAsCategories
        meeting = self._createMeetingWithItems()
        itemInMeeting = meeting.get_items(ordered=True)[0]
        # by default, PloneMeeting creates item without title/description/decision...
        itemInMeeting.setTitle('My new item title')
        req._Title = 'item title'
        req._getCategory = ''
        resp = self._searchItems(req)
        itemInMeetingUID = itemInMeeting.UID()
        meetingDate = gDateTime.get_formatted_content(
        # searching for items can returns several items
        # for example here, searching for 'item title' in existing items title will returns 2 items...
        expected = """<ns1:searchItemsResponse xmlns:ns1="" """ \
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" """ \
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" """ \
            """xmlns:ZSI="" """ \
            """xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <itemInfo xsi:type="ns1:ItemInfo">
    <title>My new item title</title>
    <detailedDescription>&lt;p&gt;Detailed description&lt;/p&gt;</detailedDescription>
  <itemInfo xsi:type="ns1:ItemInfo">
    <title>My new item title</title>
                gDateTime.get_formatted_content(gDateTime(), localtime(newItem.created())),
                gDateTime.get_formatted_content(gDateTime(), localtime(newItem.modified())),
                gDateTime.get_formatted_content(gDateTime(), localtime(itemInMeeting.created())),
                gDateTime.get_formatted_content(gDateTime(), localtime(itemInMeeting.modified())),
        self.assertEqual(expected, resp)
        # if the search params do not return an existing UID, the response is empty
        req._Title = 'aWrongTitle'
        resp = self._searchItems(req)
        expected = """<ns1:searchItemsResponse xmlns:ns1="" """ \
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" """ \
            """xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" """ \
            """xmlns:ZSI="" """ \
            """xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""/>
        self.assertEqual(resp, expected)
        # if not search params is pass, a ZSI.Fault is raised
        req._Title = ''
        responseHolder = searchItemsResponse()
        with self.assertRaises(ZSI.Fault) as cm:
            SOAPView(self.portal, req).searchItemsRequest(req, responseHolder)
                         'Define at least one search parameter!')
        # if a 'meetingConfigId' is passed, items of this meetingConfig are taken into account
        # create an item for 'plonemeeting-assembly' with same data as one created for 'plonegov-assembly' here above
        req = self._prepareCreationData()
        req._meetingConfigId = 'plonemeeting-assembly'
        # in 'plonemeeting-assembly', the category is not used, useGroupsAsCategories is True
        req._creationData._category = ''
        newItem, response = self._createItem(req)
        pmItem = self.portal.portal_catalog(UID=response._UID)[0].getObject()
        pmItemUID = pmItem.UID()
        # searching items with Title like 'item title' returns the 3 created elements
        req = searchItemsRequest()
        req._Title = 'item title'
        responseHolder = searchItemsResponse()
        response = SOAPView(self.portal,
                            req).searchItemsRequest(req, responseHolder)
        resp = deserialize(response)
        self.failUnless(itemInMeetingUID in resp and newItemUID in resp
                        and pmItemUID in resp)
        req._meetingConfigId = 'plonemeeting-assembly'
        response = SOAPView(self.portal,
                            req).searchItemsRequest(req, responseHolder)
        resp = deserialize(response)
        self.failUnless(itemInMeetingUID not in resp and newItemUID not in resp
                        and pmItemUID in resp)
        # passing a wrong meetingConfigId will raise a ZSI.Fault
        req._meetingConfigId = 'wrongMeetingConfigId'
        with self.assertRaises(ZSI.Fault) as cm:
            SOAPView(self.portal, req).searchItemsRequest(req, responseHolder)
                         "Unknown meetingConfigId : 'wrongMeetingConfigId'!")