Esempio n. 1
def __phase_duo_child(self, problem, params, parent_type):
    '''A helper method that phases a child based on a single parent of type parent_type.'''
    # Find genotyped children whose parent is genotyped
    duo = pt.selected_duos(problem, params, parent_type)
    if not duo.size: return False
    g, h =
    gc, gp = g[:, duo[:, 0], :], g[:, duo[:, 1], :]
    # Restrict view to snps that are homozygous in parent
    hom = np.where(gt.is_homozygous(gp)[:, :])
    parent_allele, gc_hom = gp[hom[0], hom[1], 0], gc[hom[0], hom[1], :]

    # Case A: Parent = (a,a), child = (b,b) and a != b (incompatible) ==> error
    j = np.where(
            gt.is_homozygous(gc_hom)[:], gc_hom[:, 0] != parent_allele))[0]
    # Flag errors in both children and parents
    for i in xrange(2):
        problem.genotype_error(hom[0][j], duo[hom[1][j], i],
                               'Homozygous parent allele not found in child')

    # Case B: Parent = (a,a), child = (a,x) or (x,a), x in {0,1,2} (compatible) ==>
    # set child parent hap to a and other hap to the other child genotype (x)
    # Note: h[array,array,:] is not a reference into h like h[scalar,scalar,:]. Thus,
    # when setting h, we must use h[original coordinates here] = ... . This occurs
    # several times in the code of this file.

    # Determine child haplotype corresponding to the hom parent
    snps = gt.index_of(gc_hom, parent_allele)
    parent_allele_at_snps = parent_allele[snps]
    snp_index, child_index = hom[0][snps], duo[hom[1][snps], 0]
    h[snp_index, child_index, parent_type] = parent_allele_at_snps
    # Determine child haplotype corresponding to the other parent
    gc_rel = g[snp_index, child_index, :]
    other = np.where(
        gc_rel != np.transpose(np.tile(parent_allele_at_snps, (2, 1))))
    h[snp_index[other[0]], child_index[other[0]],
      1 - parent_type] = gc_rel[other]

    # Case C: Parent = (a,a), child = (0,x) or (x,0) (potentially compatible) ==>
    # impute child to a and set child hap to a
    for allele, snps in dict(zip(ALLELES,
        parent_value = parent_allele[snps]
        snp_original = hom[0][snps]
        gc[snp_original, hom[1][snps], allele] = parent_value
        #        if self.debug:
        #            print 'Imputing child', (snp_original, hom[1][snps], allele, parent_value)
        #, hom[1][snps], allele, parent_value))
        h[snp_original, duo[hom[1][snps], 0], parent_type] = parent_value
    return False
Esempio n. 2
def __handle_outer_duos(self, request):
    '''Similar to __FamilyParentChildPhaser, only works with parent-child duos and does not compare
    multiple children in a family. Handles only children outside nuclear families.'''
    problem, params = request.problem, request.params
    h = problem.haplotype
    family_members = problem.families_union(min_children=0)
    for parent_type in constants.ALLELES:
        for child, parent in pt.selected_duos(problem, params, parent_type):
            if not util.is_member(family_members, [child]):
                ibd.phase_by_ibd(request, ip.ibd_segments_in_duo(h, parent, child, parent_type,
                                                                 debug=params.debug), 'max')
    return False
Esempio n. 3
def __phase_duo_child(self, problem, params, parent_type):
    '''A helper method that phases a child based on a single parent of type parent_type.'''
    # Find genotyped children whose parent is genotyped
    duo = pt.selected_duos(problem, params, parent_type)
    if not duo.size: return False
    g, h =
    gc, gp = g[:, duo[:, 0], :], g[:, duo[:, 1], :]
    # Restrict view to snps that are homozygous in parent  
    hom = np.where(gt.is_homozygous(gp)[:, :])
    parent_allele, gc_hom = gp[hom[0], hom[1], 0], gc[hom[0], hom[1], :]

    # Case A: Parent = (a,a), child = (b,b) and a != b (incompatible) ==> error
    j = np.where(np.logical_and(gt.is_homozygous(gc_hom)[:], gc_hom[:, 0] != parent_allele))[0]
    # Flag errors in both children and parents
    for i in xrange(2): problem.genotype_error(hom[0][j], duo[hom[1][j], i], 'Homozygous parent allele not found in child')
    # Case B: Parent = (a,a), child = (a,x) or (x,a), x in {0,1,2} (compatible) ==> 
    # set child parent hap to a and other hap to the other child genotype (x) 
    # Note: h[array,array,:] is not a reference into h like h[scalar,scalar,:]. Thus,
    # when setting h, we must use h[original coordinates here] = ... . This occurs
    # several times in the code of this file.
    # Determine child haplotype corresponding to the hom parent 
    snps = gt.index_of(gc_hom, parent_allele)
    parent_allele_at_snps = parent_allele[snps]
    snp_index, child_index = hom[0][snps], duo[hom[1][snps], 0]
    h[snp_index, child_index, parent_type] = parent_allele_at_snps
    # Determine child haplotype corresponding to the other parent
    gc_rel = g[snp_index, child_index, :]
    other = np.where(gc_rel != np.transpose(np.tile(parent_allele_at_snps, (2, 1))))
    h[snp_index[other[0]], child_index[other[0]], 1 - parent_type] = gc_rel[other]
    # Case C: Parent = (a,a), child = (0,x) or (x,0) (potentially compatible) ==>
    # impute child to a and set child hap to a
    for allele, snps in dict(zip(ALLELES, gt.index_first_missing(gc_hom))).iteritems():
        parent_value = parent_allele[snps]
        snp_original = hom[0][snps]
        gc[snp_original, hom[1][snps], allele] = parent_value
#        if self.debug:
#            print 'Imputing child', (snp_original, hom[1][snps], allele, parent_value)
#, hom[1][snps], allele, parent_value))
        h[snp_original, duo[hom[1][snps], 0], parent_type] = parent_value
    return False
Esempio n. 4
def __handle_outer_duos(self, request):
    '''Similar to __FamilyParentChildPhaser, only works with parent-child duos and does not compare
    multiple children in a family. Handles only children outside nuclear families.'''
    problem, params = request.problem, request.params
    h = problem.haplotype
    family_members = problem.families_union(min_children=0)
    for parent_type in constants.ALLELES:
        for child, parent in pt.selected_duos(problem, params, parent_type):
            if not util.is_member(family_members, [child]):
                        debug=params.debug), 'max')
    return False
Esempio n. 5
def __impute_duo_parent(problem, params, parent_type):
    '''Child with two determined haps (a,b) and parent has (a,MISSING) or (MISSING,a) ==>
    impute parent to (a,b). A helper method to process a single parent_type'''
    duo = pt.selected_duos(problem, params, parent_type)
    if not duo.size: return False
    g, h =
    gp, hc = g[:, duo[:, 1], :], h[:, duo[:, 0], :]

    # Restrict view to SNPs with full child haplotype
    child = np.where((hc[:, :, PATERNAL] != MISSING) & (hc[:, :, MATERNAL] != MISSING))
    gp_rel, hc = gp[child[0], child[1], :], hc[child[0], child[1], :]

    # Impute parent's first missing allele to be the corresponding child hap    
    for allele, snps in dict(zip(ALLELES, gt.index_first_missing(gp_rel))).iteritems():
        hc_value = hc[snps, :, parent_type]
#        if self.debug:
#            print 'Imputing parent', (full[0][snps], duo[full[1][snps],1], allele)
#[0][snps], duo[full[1][snps],1], allele, hc_value))
        g[child[0][snps], duo[child[1][snps], 1], allele] = hc_value
    return False
Esempio n. 6
def __impute_duo_parent(problem, params, parent_type):
    '''Child with two determined haps (a,b) and parent has (a,MISSING) or (MISSING,a) ==>
    impute parent to (a,b). A helper method to process a single parent_type'''
    duo = pt.selected_duos(problem, params, parent_type)
    if not duo.size: return False
    g, h =
    gp, hc = g[:, duo[:, 1], :], h[:, duo[:, 0], :]

    # Restrict view to SNPs with full child haplotype
    child = np.where((hc[:, :, PATERNAL] != MISSING)
                     & (hc[:, :, MATERNAL] != MISSING))
    gp_rel, hc = gp[child[0], child[1], :], hc[child[0], child[1], :]

    # Impute parent's first missing allele to be the corresponding child hap
    for allele, snps in dict(zip(ALLELES,
        hc_value = hc[snps, :, parent_type]
        #        if self.debug:
        #            print 'Imputing parent', (full[0][snps], duo[full[1][snps],1], allele)
        #[0][snps], duo[full[1][snps],1], allele, hc_value))
        g[child[0][snps], duo[child[1][snps], 1], allele] = hc_value
    return False