def make_comparison_image(filename1, filename2, title1='bsens', title2='cleanest', writediff=False, allow_reproj=False): #fh_pre = #fh_post = cube_pre =, format='fits' if 'fits' in filename1 else 'casa_image').with_spectral_unit(u.GHz) cube_post =, format='fits' if 'fits' in filename2 else 'casa_image').with_spectral_unit(u.GHz) if 'pbcor' in filename1: assert 'pbcor' in filename2 if 'pbcor' in filename2: assert 'pbcor' in filename1 if allow_reproj: if cube_pre.shape != cube_post.shape or ( cube_post.wcs != cube_pre.wcs and cube_post.wcs.wcs != cube_pre.wcs.wcs): cube_post = cube_post.reproject(cube_pre.header) cube_pre = cube_pre.with_mask(cube_pre != 0 * cube_pre.unit) cube_post = cube_post.with_mask(cube_post != 0 * cube_post.unit) slices = cube_pre.subcube_slices_from_mask(cube_pre.mask & cube_post.mask, spatial_only=True)[1:] # make the cubes match the data; needed for later WCS cutouts cube_pre = cube_pre[:, slices[0], slices[1]] cube_post = cube_post[:, slices[0], slices[1]] #cube_pre = cube_pre.minimal_subcube() #cube_post = cube_post.minimal_subcube() data_pre = cube_pre[0].value data_post = cube_post[0].value data_pre[np.abs(data_pre) < 1e-7] = np.nan data_post[np.abs(data_post) < 1e-7] = np.nan try: diff = (data_post - data_pre) except Exception as ex: print(filename1, filename2, cube_pre.shape, cube_post.shape) raise ex ww = cube_post.wcs pixscale = wcs.utils.proj_plane_pixel_area(ww) * u.deg**2 try: beam = cube_post.beam ppbeam = ( / pixscale).decompose() assert ppbeam.unit.is_equivalent(u.dimensionless_unscaled) ppbeam = ppbeam.value except NoBeamError: beam = np.nan * ppbeam = np.nan if writediff: fits.PrimaryHDU(data=diff, header=cube_post.header).writeto( filename2.split(".fits")[0] + ".preselfcal-diff.fits", overwrite=True) fig = pl.figure(1, figsize=(14, 6)) fig.clf() if fig.get_figheight() != 6: fig.set_figheight(6) if fig.get_figwidth() != 14: fig.set_figwidth(14) minv = np.nanpercentile(data_pre, 0.05) maxv = np.nanpercentile(data_pre, 99.5) if np.abs(minv) > maxv: minv = -maxv norm = visualization.simple_norm( data=diff.squeeze(), stretch='asinh', #min_percent=0.05, max_percent=99.995,) min_cut=minv, max_cut=maxv) if norm.vmax < 0.001: norm.vmax = 0.001 cm = cm.set_bad('white', 0) ax1 = pl.subplot(1, 3, 1) ax2 = pl.subplot(1, 3, 2) ax3 = pl.subplot(1, 3, 3) for ax in (ax1, ax2, ax3): ax.cla() ax1.imshow(data_pre, norm=norm, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm) ax1.set_title(title1) ax2.imshow(data_post, norm=norm, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm) ax2.set_title(title2) im = ax3.imshow(diff.squeeze(), norm=norm, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm) ax3.set_title(f"{title2} - {title1}") for ax in (ax1, ax2, ax3): ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) pl.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.0) cbax = fig.add_axes([0.91, 0.18, 0.03, 0.64]) cb = fig.colorbar(cax=cbax, mappable=im) cb.set_label("S$_\\nu$ [Jy/beam]") meta = parse_fn(filename1) reg = get_noise_region(meta['region'], meta['band']) if reg is not None: reglist = regions.read_ds9(reg) composite_region = reduce(operator.or_, reglist) if hasattr(composite_region, 'to_mask'): msk = composite_region.to_mask() else: preg = composite_region.to_pixel(cube_pre.wcs.celestial) msk = preg.to_mask() cutout_pixels_pre = msk.cutout( data_pre, fill_value=np.nan)['bool')] mad_sample_pre = mad_std(cutout_pixels_pre, ignore_nan=True) std_sample_pre = np.nanstd(cutout_pixels_pre) if hasattr(composite_region, 'to_mask'): msk = composite_region.to_mask() else: preg = composite_region.to_pixel(cube_post.wcs.celestial) msk = preg.to_mask() cutout_pixels_post = msk.cutout( data_post, fill_value=np.nan)['bool')] mad_sample_post = mad_std(cutout_pixels_post, ignore_nan=True) std_sample_post = np.nanstd(cutout_pixels_post) if np.any(np.isnan(mad_sample_pre)): log.warning("mad_sample_pre contains some NaN values") if np.any(np.isnan(mad_sample_post)): log.warning("mad_sample_post contains some NaN values") if len(cutout_pixels_post) != len(cutout_pixels_pre): log.warning( f"cutout pixels are different size in pre vs post ({filename1} : {filename2})" ) if (cube_pre.wcs.celestial != cube_post.wcs.celestial) and ( cube_pre.wcs.celestial.wcs != cube_post.wcs.celestial.wcs): # wcs comparisons stopped working sometime in 2019-2020 - wcs.wcs comparisons appear to work? log.warning( f"post and pre have different celestial WCSes ({filename1} : {filename2})" ) if not np.isfinite(mad_sample_pre): raise ValueError mad_pre = mad_std(data_pre, ignore_nan=True) mad_post = mad_std(data_post, ignore_nan=True) mad_diff = mad_std(diff, ignore_nan=True) diffmask = np.abs(diff) > 3 * mad_diff diffstats = { 'mean': np.nanmean(diff), 'max': np.nanmax(diff), 'shape': diff.shape[0], 'ppbeam': ppbeam, 'sum': np.nansum(diff), 'masksum': diff[diffmask].sum(), 'min': np.nanmin(diff), 'median': np.nanmedian(diff), 'mad': mad_diff, 'dr_pre': np.nanmax(data_pre) / mad_std(data_pre, ignore_nan=True), 'dr_post': np.nanmax(data_post) / mad_std(data_post, ignore_nan=True), 'min_pre': np.nanmin(data_pre), 'min_post': np.nanmin(data_post), 'max_pre': np.nanmax(data_pre), 'max_post': np.nanmax(data_post), 'sum_pre': np.nansum(data_pre), 'sum_post': np.nansum(data_post), 'masksum_pre': (data_pre[data_pre > mad_pre * 3]).sum(), 'masksum_post': (data_post[data_post > mad_post * 3]).sum(), 'mad_pre': mad_pre, 'mad_post': mad_post, 'mad_sample_pre': np.nan, 'mad_sample_post': np.nan, 'std_sample_pre': np.nan, 'std_sample_post': np.nan, } if reg is not None: diffstats.update({ 'mad_sample_pre': mad_sample_pre, 'mad_sample_post': mad_sample_post, 'std_sample_pre': std_sample_pre, 'std_sample_post': std_sample_post, }) return ax1, ax2, ax3, fig, diffstats
def make_comparison_image(filename1, filename2, title1='bsens', title2='cleanest', writediff=False, allow_reproj=False, nticks=12, asinh_scaling_factor=10, scalebarlength=15): #fh_pre = #fh_post = cube_pre =, format='fits' if 'fits' in filename1 else 'casa_image').with_spectral_unit(u.GHz) cube_post =, format='fits' if 'fits' in filename2 else 'casa_image').with_spectral_unit(u.GHz) if 'pbcor' in filename1: assert 'pbcor' in filename2 if 'pbcor' in filename2: assert 'pbcor' in filename1 if allow_reproj: if cube_pre.shape != cube_post.shape or (cube_post.wcs != cube_pre.wcs and cube_post.wcs.wcs != cube_pre.wcs.wcs): cube_post = cube_post.reproject(cube_pre.header) cube_pre = cube_pre.with_mask(cube_pre != 0*cube_pre.unit) cube_post = cube_post.with_mask(cube_post != 0*cube_post.unit) slices = cube_pre.subcube_slices_from_mask(cube_pre.mask & cube_post.mask, spatial_only=True)[1:] # make the cubes match the data; needed for later WCS cutouts cube_pre = cube_pre[:, slices[0], slices[1]] cube_post = cube_post[:, slices[0], slices[1]] #cube_pre = cube_pre.minimal_subcube() #cube_post = cube_post.minimal_subcube() data_pre = cube_pre[0].value * 1e3 data_post = cube_post[0].value * 1e3 #data_pre[np.abs(data_pre) < 1e-7] = np.nan #data_post[np.abs(data_post) < 1e-7] = np.nan try: diff = (data_post - data_pre) except Exception as ex: print(filename1, filename2, cube_pre.shape, cube_post.shape) raise ex ww = cube_post.wcs pixscale = wcs.utils.proj_plane_pixel_area(ww)*u.deg**2 try: beam = cube_post.beam ppbeam = ( / pixscale).decompose() assert ppbeam.unit.is_equivalent(u.dimensionless_unscaled) ppbeam = ppbeam.value except NoBeamError: beam = np.nan* ppbeam = np.nan if writediff: fits.PrimaryHDU(data=diff, header=cube_post.header).writeto(filename2.split(".fits")[0] + ".preselfcal-diff.fits", overwrite=True) fig = pl.figure(1, figsize=(14,6)) fig.clf() if fig.get_figheight() != 6: fig.set_figheight(6) if fig.get_figwidth() != 14: fig.set_figwidth(14) data_pre_display = np.arcsinh(data_pre*asinh_scaling_factor) data_post_display = np.arcsinh(data_post*asinh_scaling_factor) diff_display = np.arcsinh(diff*asinh_scaling_factor) minv = np.nanpercentile(data_pre_display, 0.05) maxv = np.nanpercentile(data_pre_display, 99.5) if maxv > np.arcsinh(1000): maxv = np.arcsinh(1000) if np.abs(minv) > maxv: minv = -maxv norm = visualization.simple_norm(data=diff_display.squeeze(), stretch='linear', #min_percent=0.05, max_percent=99.995,) min_cut=minv, max_cut=maxv) #cm = #cm.set_bad('white', 0) cm = ax1 = pl.subplot(1,3,1) ax2 = pl.subplot(1,3,2) ax3 = pl.subplot(1,3,3) for ax in (ax1,ax2,ax3): ax.cla() ax1.imshow(data_pre_display, norm=norm, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm) ax1.set_title(title1) # scalebar ww = cube_pre.wcs.celestial cd = (ww.pixel_scale_matrix[1,1] * 3600) blc = np.array(diff.shape)*0.1 ax1.add_patch(matplotlib.patches.Rectangle([blc[1]*0.8, blc[0]*0.9], width=scalebarlength/cd*1.4, height=blc[0]*0.6, edgecolor='k', facecolor='w', alpha=0.5)) ax1.plot([blc[1], blc[1]+scalebarlength/cd], [blc[0], blc[0]], color='k') tx = ax1.annotate(f'{scalebarlength}"', (blc[1]+scalebarlength/2/cd, blc[0]*1.1)) tx.set_horizontalalignment('center') ax2.imshow(data_post_display, norm=norm, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm) ax2.set_title(title2) im = ax3.imshow(diff_display.squeeze(), norm=norm, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm) ax3.set_title(f"{title2} - {title1}") for ax in (ax1,ax2,ax3): ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) pl.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.0) cbax = fig.add_axes([0.91,0.18,0.03,0.64]) cb = fig.colorbar(cax=cbax, mappable=im) cb.set_label("S$_\\nu$ [mJy/beam]") mn,mx = cb.get_ticks().min(), cb.get_ticks().max() ticklocs = np.concatenate([np.linspace(-norm.vmax, 0, nticks//2)[:-1], np.linspace(0, norm.vmax, nticks//2)]) ticks = np.sinh(ticklocs) cb.update_normal(im) cb.set_ticks(ticks) ticklocs = cb.get_ticks() ticklabels = [f"{np.sinh(x/asinh_scaling_factor):0.2f}" for x in ticklocs] cb.set_ticklabels(ticklabels) meta = parse_fn(filename1) reg = get_noise_region(meta['region'], meta['band']) if reg is not None: reglist = regions.read_ds9(reg) composite_region = reduce(operator.or_, reglist) if hasattr(composite_region, 'to_mask'): msk = composite_region.to_mask() else: preg = composite_region.to_pixel(cube_pre.wcs.celestial) msk = preg.to_mask() cutout_pixels_pre = msk.cutout(data_pre, fill_value=np.nan)['bool')] mad_sample_pre = mad_std(cutout_pixels_pre, ignore_nan=True) std_sample_pre = np.nanstd(cutout_pixels_pre) if hasattr(composite_region, 'to_mask'): msk = composite_region.to_mask() else: preg = composite_region.to_pixel(cube_post.wcs.celestial) msk = preg.to_mask() cutout_pixels_post = msk.cutout(data_post, fill_value=np.nan)['bool')] mad_sample_post = mad_std(cutout_pixels_post, ignore_nan=True) std_sample_post = np.nanstd(cutout_pixels_post) if np.any(np.isnan(mad_sample_pre)): log.warning("mad_sample_pre contains some NaN values") if np.any(np.isnan(mad_sample_post)): log.warning("mad_sample_post contains some NaN values") if len(cutout_pixels_post) != len(cutout_pixels_pre): log.warning(f"cutout pixels are different size in pre vs post ({filename1} : {filename2})") if (cube_pre.wcs.celestial != cube_post.wcs.celestial) and (cube_pre.wcs.celestial.wcs != cube_post.wcs.celestial.wcs): # wcs comparisons stopped working sometime in 2019-2020 - wcs.wcs comparisons appear to work? log.warning(f"post and pre have different celestial WCSes ({filename1} : {filename2})") if not np.isfinite(mad_sample_pre): raise ValueError mad_pre = mad_std(data_pre, ignore_nan=True) mad_post = mad_std(data_post, ignore_nan=True) mad_diff = mad_std(diff, ignore_nan=True) diffmask = np.abs(diff) > 3*mad_diff history = cube_post.header['HISTORY'] hasamp = any("'calmode': 'ap'" in x for x in history) or any("'calmode': 'a'" in x for x in history) diffstats = {'mean': np.nanmean(diff), 'max': np.nanmax(diff), 'shape': diff.shape[0], 'ppbeam': ppbeam, 'sum': np.nansum(diff), 'masksum': diff[diffmask].sum(), 'min': np.nanmin(diff), 'median': np.nanmedian(diff), 'mad': mad_diff, 'dr_pre': np.nanmax(data_pre) / mad_std(data_pre, ignore_nan=True), 'dr_post': np.nanmax(data_post) / mad_std(data_post, ignore_nan=True), 'min_pre': np.nanmin(data_pre), 'min_post': np.nanmin(data_post), 'max_pre': np.nanmax(data_pre), 'max_post': np.nanmax(data_post), 'sum_pre': np.nansum(data_pre), 'sum_post': np.nansum(data_post), 'masksum_pre': (data_pre[data_pre > mad_pre*3]).sum(), 'masksum_post': (data_post[data_post > mad_post*3]).sum(), 'mad_pre': mad_pre, 'mad_post': mad_post, 'mad_sample_pre': np.nan, 'mad_sample_post': np.nan, 'std_sample_pre': np.nan, 'std_sample_post': np.nan, 'has_amp': hasamp, } if reg is not None: diffstats.update({ 'mad_sample_pre': mad_sample_pre, 'mad_sample_post': mad_sample_post, 'std_sample_pre': std_sample_pre, 'std_sample_post': std_sample_post, }) return ax1, ax2, ax3, fig, diffstats
with sched: # mask to select the channels with little/less emission meanspec = cube.mean(axis=(1, 2)) lowsignal = meanspec < np.nanpercentile( meanspec, 25) print( f"Low-signal region selected {lowsignal.sum()} channels out of {lowsignal.size}." f" ({lowsignal.sum() / lowsignal.size * 100:0.2f}) %" ) assert lowsignal.sum() > 0 assert lowsignal.sum() < lowsignal.size noiseregion = get_noise_region(field, f'B{band}') dt(f"Getting noise region {noiseregion}") assert noiseregion is not None noiseest_cube = cube.subcube_from_regions( dt(cube) dt(noiseest_cube) minfreq = cube.spectral_axis.min() maxfreq = cube.spectral_axis.max() restfreq = cube.wcs.wcs.restfrq # print("getting filled data") # data = cube._get_filled_data(fill=np.nan) # print("finished getting filled data")