Esempio n. 1
 def testTrajectories(self):
     position = vectors.vector(0,0,0)
     # Accelerometer test trajectories
     for angles in [
         (0,-90,0),(0,90,0), # X down, X up (pitch -/+90 deg)
         (0,0,90),(0,0,-90), # Y down, Y up (roll +/-90 deg)
         (0,0,0),(0,0,180)]: # Z down, Z up (roll 0/180 deg)
         rotation = Quaternion().setFromEuler(angles)
         yield StaticTrajectory(rotation=rotation)
     # Magnetometer test trajectories
     field = self.environment.magneticField(position, 0)
     N = field / vectors.norm(field)
     E = vectors.vector(-N[1,0], N[0,0], 0)
     E /= vectors.norm(E)
     D = vectors.cross(N, E)
     for vectorset in [
         (N,E,D), (-N,E,-D), # X north, X south
         (E,-N,D), (-E,N,D), # Y north, Y south
         (D,E,-N), (-D,E,N)]: # Z north, Z south
         rotation = Quaternion().setFromVectors(*vectorset)
         yield StaticTrajectory(rotation=rotation)
     # Gyro test trajectories
     for axis in range(3):
         omega = vectors.vector(0,0,0)
         omega[axis] = self.rotationalVelocity
         yield StaticContinuousRotationTrajectory(omega)
         yield StaticContinuousRotationTrajectory(-omega)
Esempio n. 2
 def testTrajectories(self):
     position = vectors.vector(0, 0, 0)
     # Accelerometer test trajectories
     for angles in [
         (0, -90, 0),
         (0, 90, 0),  # X down, X up (pitch -/+90 deg)
         (0, 0, 90),
         (0, 0, -90),  # Y down, Y up (roll +/-90 deg)
         (0, 0, 0),
         (0, 0, 180)
     ]:  # Z down, Z up (roll 0/180 deg)
         rotation = Quaternion().setFromEuler(angles)
         yield StaticTrajectory(rotation=rotation)
     # Magnetometer test trajectories
     field = self.environment.magneticField(position, 0)
     N = field / vectors.norm(field)
     E = vectors.vector(-N[1, 0], N[0, 0], 0)
     E /= vectors.norm(E)
     D = vectors.cross(N, E)
     for vectorset in [
         (N, E, D),
         (-N, E, -D),  # X north, X south
         (E, -N, D),
         (-E, N, D),  # Y north, Y south
         (D, E, -N),
         (-D, E, N)
     ]:  # Z north, Z south
         rotation = Quaternion().setFromVectors(*vectorset)
         yield StaticTrajectory(rotation=rotation)
     # Gyro test trajectories
     for axis in range(3):
         omega = vectors.vector(0, 0, 0)
         omega[axis] = self.rotationalVelocity
         yield StaticContinuousRotationTrajectory(omega)
         yield StaticContinuousRotationTrajectory(-omega)
Esempio n. 3
def testBVHInput():
    data = r"""HIERARCHY
ROOT root
    OFFSET 0.0 0.0 0.0
    CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
    JOINT j1
        OFFSET 10.0 0.0 0.0
        CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
        End Site
            OFFSET 0.0 10.0 0.0
Frames: 1
Frame Time: 0.1
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 90.0 0.0 0.0
    testFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t', encoding='utf-8')
    with testFile:
        model = loadBVHFile(

        assert len(list(model.points)) == 3

        assert == 'root'
        assert len(model.channels) == 6
        assert len(model.children) == 1
        assert_almost_equal(model.position(0), vector(0, 0, 0))
                                    convertCGtoNED(Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)))

        j1 = model.getJoint('j1')
        assert j1.parent is model
        assert len(j1.channels) == 3
        assert len(j1.children) == 1
        assert_almost_equal(j1.positionOffset, vector(10, 0, 0))
        assert_almost_equal(j1.position(0), convertCGtoNED(vector(10, 0, 0)))
            convertCGtoNED(Quaternion.fromEuler((90, 0, 0), order='zxy')))

        j1end = model.getPoint('j1_end')
        assert j1end.parent is j1
        assert len(j1end.channels) == 0
        assert not j1end.isJoint
        assert_almost_equal(j1end.positionOffset, vector(0, 10, 0))
        assert_almost_equal(j1end.position(0), vector(0, 0, 0))
Esempio n. 4
def testBVHInput():
    data = r"""HIERARCHY
ROOT root
    OFFSET 0.0 0.0 0.0
    CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
    JOINT j1
        OFFSET 10.0 0.0 0.0
        CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
        End Site
            OFFSET 0.0 10.0 0.0
Frames: 1
Frame Time: 0.1
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 90.0 0.0 0.0
    testFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    with testFile:
        model = loadBVHFile(

        assert len(list(model.points)) == 3

        assert == 'root'
        assert len(model.channels) == 6
        assert len(model.children) == 1

        j1 = model.getJoint('j1')
        assert j1.parent is model
        assert len(j1.channels) == 3
        assert len(j1.children) == 1
        assert_almost_equal(j1.positionOffset, vector(10,0,0))
        assert_almost_equal(j1.position(0), convertCGtoNED(vector(10,0,0)))
               convertCGtoNED(Quaternion.fromEuler((90, 0, 0), order='zxy')))

        j1end = model.getPoint('j1_end')
        assert j1end.parent is j1
        assert len(j1end.channels) == 0
        assert not j1end.isJoint
        assert_almost_equal(j1end.positionOffset, vector(0,10,0))
        assert_almost_equal(j1end.position(0), vector(0,0,0))
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, rootdata):
        Construct a new ASFRoot.

        @param rootdata: The L{ParseResults} object representing the root
            segment data from the ASF file.
        TreeNode.__init__(self, None) = 'root'
        self.childoffset = vector(0,0,0)
        self.isDummy = False
        axis = vector(*rootdata.axis)[::-1]
        rotOrder = rootdata.axisRotationOrder[::-1]
        self.rotationOffset = Quaternion.fromEuler(axis, rotOrder).conjugate
        self.channels = rootdata.channels
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, rootdata):
        Construct a new ASFRoot.

        @param rootdata: The L{ParseResults} object representing the root
            segment data from the ASF file.
        TreeNode.__init__(self, None) = 'root'
        self.childoffset = vector(0, 0, 0)
        self.isDummy = False
        axis = vector(*rootdata.axis)[::-1]
        rotOrder = rootdata.axisRotationOrder[::-1]
        self.rotationOffset = Quaternion.fromEuler(axis, rotOrder).conjugate
        self.channels = rootdata.channels
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, transform=None, rz=0, ry=0, rx=0, scale=1,
        Construct an affine transform.

        A generic transformation matrix can be supplied, or a transform
        composed of rotation and scaling can be built.

        Generating rotations using supplied Euler angles is performed from the
        perspective of a fixed camera viewing a rotating object, i.e. points
        rotate within a fixed reference frame. Rotations are applied in
        aerospace (ZYX) order.

        @param transform: 3x3 linear transformation matrix.
        @param rx: X rotation angle in radians.
        @param ry: Y rotation angle in radians.
        @param rz: Z rotation angle in radians.
        @param scale: Scaling factor
        @param translation: 3x1 translation vector.
        if transform is not None:
            self._transform = transform
            self._transform = scale * matrixFromEuler((rz,ry,rx),'zyx',False)

        self._inverseTransform = np.linalg.inv(self._transform)
        self._translation = translation
Esempio n. 8
def testStaticTrajectory():
    p = randomPosition()
    r = randomRotation()
    s = StaticTrajectory(p, r)
    assert_equal(s.position(0), p)
    assert_equal(s.velocity(0), vector(0,0,0))
    assert_equal(s.acceleration(0), vector(0,0,0))
    assert_equal(s.rotation(0).components, r.components)
    assert_equal(s.rotationalVelocity(0), vector(0,0,0))
    assert_equal(s.rotationalAcceleration(0), vector(0,0,0))
    assert s.startTime == 0
    assert s.endTime == np.inf

    qa = s.rotation((1,2))
    assert type(qa) == QuaternionArray
    assert len(qa) == 2
    def __init__(self, magnitude=STANDARD_GRAVITY):
        Construct field model.

        @param magnitude: Magnitude of field in m/s^2. Default is standard
            Earth gravity.
        ConstantVectorField.__init__(self, vector(0, 0, magnitude))
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, magnitude=STANDARD_GRAVITY):
        Construct field model.

        @param magnitude: Magnitude of field in m/s^2. Default is standard
            Earth gravity.
        ConstantVectorField.__init__(self, vector(0, 0, magnitude))
Esempio n. 11
    def __init__(self, parent, bonedata, scale):
        Consruct a new ASFBone.

        @param parent: The parent bone of this bone.
        @param bonedata: The L{ParseResults} object representing the bone
            data from the ASF file.
        TreeNode.__init__(self, parent) =
        axis = vector(*bonedata.axis)[::-1]
        rotOrder = bonedata.axisRotationOrder[::-1]
        self.rotationOffset = Quaternion.fromEuler(axis, rotOrder).conjugate
        self.childoffset = self.rotationOffset.rotateVector(
            vector(*bonedata.direction) * bonedata.length * scale)
        self.isDummy = bonedata.channels is ''
        self.channels = bonedata.channels
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self, parent, bonedata, scale):
        Consruct a new ASFBone.

        @param parent: The parent bone of this bone.
        @param bonedata: The L{ParseResults} object representing the bone
            data from the ASF file.
        TreeNode.__init__(self, parent) =
        axis = vector(*bonedata.axis)[::-1]
        rotOrder = bonedata.axisRotationOrder[::-1]
        self.rotationOffset = Quaternion.fromEuler(axis, rotOrder).conjugate
        self.childoffset = self.rotationOffset.rotateVector(
                vector(*bonedata.direction) * bonedata.length * scale)
        self.isDummy = bonedata.channels is ''
        self.channels = bonedata.channels
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, platform, positionOffset=vector(0,0,0),
        Initialise sensor.

        @param platform: L{Platform} this sensor will be attached to.
        @param positionOffset: Position offset vector of this sensor
            in the local co-ordinate frame of its host platform.
        @param rotationOffset: Rotation offset quaternion of this sensor
            in the local co-ordinate frame of its host platform.
        self._positionOffset = positionOffset
        self._rotationOffset = rotationOffset
        Component.__init__(self, platform)
Esempio n. 14
    def __init__(self, platform, positionOffset=vector(0,0,0),
        Initialise sensor.

        @param platform: L{Platform} this sensor will be attached to.
        @param positionOffset: Position offset vector of this sensor
            in the local co-ordinate frame of its host platform.
        @param rotationOffset: Rotation offset quaternion of this sensor
            in the local co-ordinate frame of its host platform.
        self._positionOffset = positionOffset
        self._rotationOffset = rotationOffset
        Component.__init__(self, platform)
Esempio n. 15
 def __init__(self,
              positionOffset=vector(0, 0, 0),
              rotationOffset=Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0),
     self.accelerometer = IdealAccelerometer(self,
     self.magnetometer = IdealMagnetometer(self,
     self.gyroscope = IdealGyroscope(self,
     self.adc = IdealADC(self)
     self.timer = IdealTimer(self) = IdealRadio(self)
     StandardIMU.__init__(self, simulation, trajectory)
Esempio n. 16
 def calibrate(self, imu):
     calibration = {}
     position = vectors.vector(0, 0, 0)
     expected = {}
     measured = {}
     for sensor in imu.sensors:
         expected[sensor] = []
         measured[sensor] = []
     for trajectory in self.testTrajectories():
         sim = Simulation(environment=self.environment)
         sim.time = 0
         imu.simulation = sim
         imu.trajectory = trajectory
         BasicIMUBehaviour(imu, self.samplingPeriod) * self.samples, printProgress=False)
         t = sensor.rawMeasurements.timestamps
         for sensor in imu.sensors:
     for sensor in imu.sensors:
         calibration[sensor] = ScaleAndOffsetCalibration.fromMeasurements(
             np.hstack(expected[sensor]), np.hstack(measured[sensor]))
     return calibration
Esempio n. 17
 def calibrate(self, imu):
     calibration = {}
     position = vectors.vector(0,0,0)
     expected = {}
     measured = {}
     for sensor in imu.sensors:
         expected[sensor] = []
         measured[sensor] = []
     for trajectory in self.testTrajectories():
         sim = Simulation(environment=self.environment)
         sim.time = 0
         imu.simulation = sim
         imu.trajectory = trajectory
         BasicIMUBehaviour(imu, self.samplingPeriod) * self.samples,
         t = sensor.rawMeasurements.timestamps
         for sensor in imu.sensors:
     for sensor in imu.sensors:
         calibration[sensor] = ScaleAndOffsetCalibration.fromMeasurements(
             np.hstack(expected[sensor]), np.hstack(measured[sensor]))
     return calibration
Esempio n. 18
    def __init__(self, magnitude=50e-6, inclination=70, declination=0):
        Construct field model.

        Default parameters result in a field with a magnitude of 50
        microTesla, a 70 degree downwards inclination and 0 degrees
        declination. These defaults are based on the nominal values for
        Edinburgh, UK, with declination set to 0 degrees so that magnetic
        and true North are equivalent.

        @param magnitude: Magnitude of the field, in Teslas.
        @param inclination: Inclination of the field to the horizontal,
            in degrees.
        @param declination: Delcination of the field from true North,
            in degrees.
        theta = math.radians(declination)
        ctheta = math.cos(theta)
        stheta = math.sin(theta)
        phi = math.radians(inclination)
        cphi = math.cos(phi)
        sphi = math.sin(phi)
        value = magnitude * vectors.vector(cphi*ctheta, cphi*stheta, sphi)
        ConstantVectorField.__init__(self, value)
Esempio n. 19
def checkBaseField(field, nominal):
    assert_almost_equal(field.nominalValue, nominal)
    assert_almost_equal(field(vector(0,0,0), 0), nominal)
Esempio n. 20
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with IMUSim.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
from imusim.testing.random_data import RandomRotationTrajectory
from imusim.testing.quaternions import assert_quaternions_correlated, assertMaximumErrorAngle
from imusim.testing.inspection import getImplementations
from imusim.algorithms import orientation
from imusim.maths.quaternions import Quaternion, QuaternionArray
from imusim.trajectories.rigid_body import Joint
from imusim.maths.vectors import vector

dt = 0.01
GRAVITY = vector(0,0,1)
NORTH = vector(1,0,0)

filterParameters = {
    orientation.OrientCF : {
        'k' : 1,
        'aT' : 1},
    orientation.BachmannCF : {
        'k' : 1},
    orientation.DistLinAccelCF : {
        'k' : 1,
        'joint' : Joint(None),
        'offset' : np.zeros((3,1)),
        'gravFieldReference' : GRAVITY,
        'magFieldReference' : NORTH
    assert_almost_equal(transforms.polarToCartesian(*polar), cartesian)

def checkCartesianToPolar(cartesian, polar):
    assert_almost_equal(transforms.cartesianToPolar(*cartesian), polar)

def testCartesianPolarConversion():
    for testParams in CARTESIAN_POLAR_TEST_VALUES:
        cartesian, polar = testParams
        yield checkPolarToCartesian, cartesian, polar
        yield checkCartesianToPolar, cartesian, polar

# each element of the list is a tuple of vectors in NED and CG co-ords
NED_CG_TEST_VALUES = [(vector(1, 0, 0), vector(0, 0, 1)),
                      (vector(0, 1, 0), vector(-1, 0, 0)),
                      (vector(0, 0, 1), vector(0, -1, 0))]

def checkNED_to_CG(ned, cg):
    assert_almost_equal(transforms.convertNEDtoCG(ned), cg)

def checkCG_to_NED(ned, cg):
    assert_almost_equal(transforms.convertCGtoNED(cg), ned)

def testCoordinateChange():
    for ned, cg in NED_CG_TEST_VALUES:
        yield checkNED_to_CG, ned, cg
Esempio n. 22
class DistLinAccelCF(OrientationFilter):
    Implementation of the multi-IMU orientation algorithm by Young & Ling.

    See A. D. Young, M. J. Ling and D. K. Arvind. "Distributed Estimation of
    Linear Acceleration for Improved Accuracy in Wireless Inertial Motion
    Capture", in Proc. 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information
    Processing in Sensor Networks, ACM, 2010, pp. 256-267.

    @ivar qMeas: Result of latest vector observation (L{Quaternion}).
    @ivar vectorObservation: L{TimeSeries} of vector observation results.
    @ivar jointAccel: Latest estimate of joint acceleration
        (3x1 L{np.ndarray}).
    @ivar jointAcceleration: L{TimeSeries} of acceleration estimates.
    GRAVITY_VECTOR = vectors.vector(0, 0, STANDARD_GRAVITY)

    def __init__(self, initialTime, initialRotation, k, joint, offset,
        @param joint: The L{Joint} the IMU is attached to.
        @param offset: The offset of the IMU in the joint's co-ordinate frame
            (3x1 L{np.ndarray})
        OrientationFilter.__init__(self, initialTime, initialRotation)
        self.rotation.add(initialTime, initialRotation)
        self.qHat = initialRotation.copy()
        self.k = k
        self.joint = joint
        self.offset = offset

        self._vectorObservation = vector_observation.GramSchmidt()
        self.qMeas = Quaternion.nan()
        self.jointAccel = vectors.nan()

        self.gyroFIFO = collections.deque([], maxlen=3)
        self.accelFIFO = collections.deque([], maxlen=2)
        self.magFIFO = collections.deque([], maxlen=2)

        self.isRoot = not joint.hasParent
        self.children = joint.childJoints

        self.vectorObservation = TimeSeries()
        self.jointAcceleration = TimeSeries()

    def handleLinearAcceleration(self, jointAcceleration, dt):
        Perform drift correction based on incoming joint acceleration estimate.

        @param jointAcceleration: Acceleration estimate (3x1 L{np.ndarray}).
        self.jointAccel = jointAcceleration

        if len(self.gyroFIFO) < 3:

        # Estimate linear acceleration
        o = self.offset
        w = self.gyroFIFO
        q = self.qHat_minus_1
        a = (w[0] - w[2]) / (2 * dt)
        lt = vectors.cross(a, o)
        lr =[1], o) * w[1] - o * vectors.norm(w[1])**2
        l = (q.rotateFrame(self.jointAccel) + lt + lr)

        # Apply drift correction
        self.qMeas = self._vectorObservation(-(self.accelFIFO[1] - l),
        if < 0:
        q = q + 1.0 / self.k * dt * (self.qMeas - q)
        dotq = 0.5 * self.qHat * Quaternion(0, *w[0])
        self.qHat = q + dotq * dt

    def childAcceleration(self, o, dt):
        Compute acceleration for child joint.

        @param o: Offset of child joint (3x1 L{np.ndarray}).
        w = self.gyroFIFO
        if len(w) < 3:
            return None
        q = self.qHat_minus_1
        a = (w[0] - w[2]) / (2 * dt)
        lt = vectors.cross(a, o)
        lr =[1], o) * w[1] - o * vectors.norm(w[1])**2
        l = self.jointAccel + q.rotateVector(lt + lr)
        return l

    def _update(self, accel, mag, gyro, dt, t):
        # Store measurements in queues for processing

        # save current qHat for drift correction
        self.qHat_minus_1 = copy.copy(self.qHat)

        # Inertial update
        dotq = 0.5 * self.qHat * Quaternion(0, *gyro)
        self.qHat += dotq * dt

        if self.isRoot and len(self.accelFIFO) >= 2:
            # Root can't receive acceleration data so must estimate it.
            measuredAccel = self.qHat_minus_1.rotateVector(self.accelFIFO[1])
            # Assume root joint acceleration was zero.
            self.jointAccel = np.zeros((3, 1))
            # Calculate tangential acceleration for root joint IMU offset.
            linAccel = self.childAcceleration(self.offset, dt)
            if linAccel is not None:
                # Calculate expected measurement.
                expectedAccel = linAccel - self.GRAVITY_VECTOR
                # Set root joint acceleration to the residual.
                self.jointAccel = measuredAccel - expectedAccel
                self.handleLinearAcceleration(self.jointAccel, dt)

        self.rotation.add(t, self.qHat)
        self.vectorObservation.add(t, self.qMeas)
        self.jointAcceleration.add(t, self.jointAccel)
Esempio n. 23
def loadASFFile(asfFileName, amcFileName, scaleFactor, framePeriod):
    Load motion capture data from an ASF and AMC file pair.

    @param asfFileName: Name of the ASF file containing the description of
        the rigid body model
    @param amcFileName: Name of the AMC file containing the motion data
    @param scaleFactor: Scaling factor to convert lengths to m. For data
        from the CMU motion capture corpus this should be 2.54/100 to
        convert from inches to metres.

    @return: A {SampledBodyModel} representing the root of the rigid body
        model structure.
    with open(asfFileName, 'r') as asfFile:
        data = asfParser.parseFile(asfFile)
        scale = (1.0/data.units.get('length',1)) * scaleFactor

        bones = dict((,bone) for bone in data.bones)
        asfModel = ASFRoot(data.root)

        for entry in data.hierarchy:
            parent = asfModel.getBone(entry.parent)
            for childName in entry.children:
                ASFBone(parent, bones[childName], scale)

        imusimModel = SampledBodyModel('root')
        for subtree in asfModel.children:
            for bone in subtree:
                if not bone.isDummy:
                    offset = vector(0,0,0)
                    ancestors = bone.ascendTree()
                    while True:
                        ancestor =
                        offset += ancestor.childoffset
                        if not ancestor.isDummy:

                if not bone.hasChildren:

        with open(amcFileName) as amcFile:
            motion = amcParser.parseFile(amcFile)
            t = 0
            for frame in motion.frames:
                for bone in frame.bones:
                    bonedata = asfModel.getBone(
                    if == 'root':
                        data = dict((chan.lower(), v) for chan,v in
                        position = convertCGtoNED(scale * vector(data['tx'],
                        imusimModel.positionKeyFrames.add(t, position)

                    axes, angles = zip(*[(chan[-1], angle) for chan, angle in
                        zip(bonedata.channels, bone.channels) if
                    rotation = (bonedata.rotationOffset.conjugate *
                            Quaternion.fromEuler(angles[::-1], axes[::-1]))
                    joint = imusimModel.getJoint(
                    if joint.hasParent:
                        parentRot = joint.parent.rotationKeyFrames.latestValue
                        parentRotOffset = bonedata.parent.rotationOffset
                        rotation = parentRot * parentRotOffset * rotation
                        rotation = convertCGtoNED(rotation)
                    joint.rotationKeyFrames.add(t, rotation)
                t += framePeriod

        return imusimModel
Esempio n. 24
 def noiseVoltages(self, t):
     return vector(0,0,0)
Esempio n. 25
def loadASFFile(asfFileName, amcFileName, scaleFactor, framePeriod):
    Load motion capture data from an ASF and AMC file pair.

    @param asfFileName: Name of the ASF file containing the description of
        the rigid body model
    @param amcFileName: Name of the AMC file containing the motion data
    @param scaleFactor: Scaling factor to convert lengths to m. For data
        from the CMU motion capture corpus this should be 2.54/100 to
        convert from inches to metres.

    @return: A {SampledBodyModel} representing the root of the rigid body
        model structure.
    with open(asfFileName, 'r') as asfFile:
        data = asfParser.parseFile(asfFile)
        scale = (1.0 / data.units.get('length', 1)) * scaleFactor

        bones = dict((, bone) for bone in data.bones)
        asfModel = ASFRoot(data.root)

        for entry in data.hierarchy:
            parent = asfModel.getBone(entry.parent)
            for childName in entry.children:
                ASFBone(parent, bones[childName], scale)

        imusimModel = SampledBodyModel('root')
        for subtree in asfModel.children:
            for bone in subtree:
                if not bone.isDummy:
                    offset = vector(0, 0, 0)
                    ancestors = bone.ascendTree()
                    while True:
                        ancestor =
                        offset += ancestor.childoffset
                        if not ancestor.isDummy:

                if not bone.hasChildren:
                           + '_end',

        with open(amcFileName) as amcFile:
            motion = amcParser.parseFile(amcFile)
            t = 0
            for frame in motion.frames:
                for bone in frame.bones:
                    bonedata = asfModel.getBone(
                    if == 'root':
                        data = dict((chan.lower(), v) for chan, v in zip(
                            bonedata.channels, bone.channels))
                        position = convertCGtoNED(
                            scale * vector(data['tx'], data['ty'], data['tz']))
                        imusimModel.positionKeyFrames.add(t, position)

                    axes, angles = zip(*[(chan[-1], angle)
                                         for chan, angle in zip(
                                             bonedata.channels, bone.channels)
                                         if chan.lower().startswith('r')])
                    rotation = (bonedata.rotationOffset.conjugate *
                                Quaternion.fromEuler(angles[::-1], axes[::-1]))
                    joint = imusimModel.getJoint(
                    if joint.hasParent:
                        parentRot = joint.parent.rotationKeyFrames.latestValue
                        parentRotOffset = bonedata.parent.rotationOffset
                        rotation = parentRot * parentRotOffset * rotation
                        rotation = convertCGtoNED(rotation)
                    joint.rotationKeyFrames.add(t, rotation)
                t += framePeriod

        return imusimModel
Esempio n. 26
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with IMUSim.  If not, see <>.

from imusim.environment.magnetic_fields import EarthMagneticField
from imusim.environment.magnetic_fields import DistortedMagneticField
from imusim.environment.magnetic_fields import SolenoidMagneticField
from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
from imusim.maths.vectors import vector
from imusim.maths.transforms import AffineTransform
from numpy import random

# Tuple of constructor args and nominal field vectors for Earth fields
        ((1, 0, 0), vector(1,0,0)),
        ((1, 90, 0), vector(0,0,1)),
        ((1, 0, 90), vector(0,1,0))

def checkBaseField(field, nominal):
    assert_almost_equal(field.nominalValue, nominal)
    assert_almost_equal(field(vector(0,0,0), 0), nominal)

def testEarthField():
    for args, nominal in TEST_PARAMS:
        yield checkBaseField, EarthMagneticField(*args), nominal

def checkZeroHeadingVariation(field, position):
    assert_almost_equal(field.headingVariation(position, 0), 0)
Esempio n. 27
def checkBaseField(field, nominal):
    assert_almost_equal(field.nominalValue, nominal)
    assert_almost_equal(field(vector(0, 0, 0), 0), nominal)
Esempio n. 28
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with IMUSim.  If not, see <>.

from imusim.environment.magnetic_fields import EarthMagneticField
from imusim.environment.magnetic_fields import DistortedMagneticField
from imusim.environment.magnetic_fields import SolenoidMagneticField
from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
from imusim.maths.vectors import vector
from imusim.maths.transforms import AffineTransform
from numpy import random

# Tuple of constructor args and nominal field vectors for Earth fields
TEST_PARAMS = [((1, 0, 0), vector(1, 0, 0)), ((1, 90, 0), vector(0, 0, 1)),
               ((1, 0, 90), vector(0, 1, 0))]

def checkBaseField(field, nominal):
    assert_almost_equal(field.nominalValue, nominal)
    assert_almost_equal(field(vector(0, 0, 0), 0), nominal)

def testEarthField():
    for args, nominal in TEST_PARAMS:
        yield checkBaseField, EarthMagneticField(*args), nominal

def checkZeroHeadingVariation(field, position):
    assert_almost_equal(field.headingVariation(position, 0), 0)
Esempio n. 29
def checkPolarToCartesian(cartesian, polar):
    assert_almost_equal(transforms.polarToCartesian(*polar), cartesian)

def checkCartesianToPolar(cartesian, polar):
    assert_almost_equal(transforms.cartesianToPolar(*cartesian), polar)

def testCartesianPolarConversion():
    for testParams in CARTESIAN_POLAR_TEST_VALUES:
        cartesian, polar = testParams
        yield checkPolarToCartesian, cartesian, polar
        yield checkCartesianToPolar, cartesian, polar

# each element of the list is a tuple of vectors in NED and CG co-ords
        (vector(1,0,0), vector(0,0,1)),
        (vector(0,1,0), vector(-1,0,0)),
        (vector(0,0,1), vector(0,-1,0))

def checkNED_to_CG(ned, cg):
    assert_almost_equal(transforms.convertNEDtoCG(ned), cg)

def checkCG_to_NED(ned, cg):
    assert_almost_equal(transforms.convertCGtoNED(cg), ned)

def testCoordinateChange():
    for ned, cg in NED_CG_TEST_VALUES:
        yield checkNED_to_CG, ned, cg
        yield checkCG_to_NED, ned, cg
Esempio n. 30
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with IMUSim.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
from imusim.testing.random_data import RandomRotationTrajectory
from imusim.testing.quaternions import assert_quaternions_correlated, assertMaximumErrorAngle
from imusim.testing.inspection import getImplementations
from imusim.algorithms import orientation
from imusim.maths.quaternions import Quaternion, QuaternionArray
from imusim.trajectories.rigid_body import Joint
from imusim.maths.vectors import vector

dt = 0.01
GRAVITY = vector(0, 0, 1)
NORTH = vector(1, 0, 0)

filterParameters = {
    orientation.OrientCF: {
        'k': 1,
        'aT': 1
    orientation.BachmannCF: {
        'k': 1
    orientation.DistLinAccelCF: {
        'k': 1,
        'joint': Joint(None),
        'offset': np.zeros((3, 1)),
        'gravFieldReference': GRAVITY,
Esempio n. 31
 def noiseVoltages(self, t):
     return vector(0,0,0)