def getTrades(token, unit, exchange): step = 720 last = getLast(token, unit, exchange) start = last['time'] + 1 end = start + step - 1 while end <= timenow: url = '¤cyPair=BTC_ETH&start=' + str( start) + '&end=' + str(end) try: res = requests.get(url).json() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print('Error: {}'.format(e)) else: res = sorted(res, key=lambda k: k['tradeID']) q = len(res) buy = 0 sell = 0 price = 0 if q: for row in res: if row['type'] == 'buy': buy = float(buy + float(row['amount'])) else: sell = float(sell + float(row['amount'])) price = float(price + float(row['rate'])) price = round(price / q, 8) buy = int(buy) sell = int(sell) data = [{ "measurement": 'ETH', "tags": { "unit": 'BTC', "exchange": 'POL' }, "time": end, "fields": { "price": price, "buy": buy, "sell": sell } }] db.write_points(data, time_precision='s') print(fromTS(start), ' : ', fromTS(end), ' | ', start, ' ||| ', price, buy, sell) start += step end += step with open('../_cache/ETH_BTC_PRICE', 'w') as f: f.write(str(round(price * 1000000))) f.close()
def bubbles(period, bubble, vol, name): res = db.query( 'SELECT "price", "buy", "sell" FROM "ETH" WHERE "time" > %s' % (period), epoch='s') x = [] y = [] area = [] colors = [] v = 0 for row in res: first = row[0]['time'] last = row[len(row) - 1]['time'] #print(row) for row in row: v = int(row['buy'] - row['sell']) if abs(v) >= vol: x.append(fromTS(row['time'])) y.append(row['price']) area.append(abs(int(v / bubble))) if v > 0: color = '#00C180' else: color = '#FF2D33' colors.append(color) hi = max(y, key=float) low = min(y, key=float) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30, 15)) a = fig.gca() a.set_frame_on(False) #a.set_xticks([]) #a.set_yticks([]) plt.scatter(x=x, y=y, s=area, c=colors, linewidths=0, alpha=0.5) plt.ylim([low - 0.000025, hi + 0.000025]) plt.xlim([fromTS(first - 3600), fromTS(last + 3600)]) plt.title("ETH/BTC Volume Bubbles") plt.ylabel("Price") plt.xlabel("") plt.grid(True) plt.savefig(path + 'eth-btc-bubbles-' + name + '.png', dpi=72, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close() print('Make Bubbles! ' + name)
def ac(period, name): res = db.query( 'SELECT "price", "buy", "sell" FROM "ETH" WHERE "time" > %s' % (period), epoch='s') vol = 0 date = [] volume = [] for row in res: for row in row: vol = vol + row['buy'] - row['sell'] volume.append(vol) date.append(fromTS(row['time'])) #print(fromTS(row['time'])) ma = movingaverage(volume, 13) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30, 15)) a = fig.gca() a.set_frame_on(False) plt.plot(date[len(date) - len(ma):], ma, color='#000000') plt.title("ETH/BTC Accumulation/Distribution") plt.ylabel("Relative Volume") plt.xlabel("") plt.grid(True) plt.savefig(path + 'eth-btc-ac-' + name + '.png', dpi=72, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close() print('Make AC! ' + name)
def volatility(weighted): period = 365 try: res = requests.get( '¤cyPair=BTC_ETH&start=1450656000&end=9999999999&period=86400' ).json() #with open('../_cache/ETH24h.json') as jsonData: #res = json.load(jsonData) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print('Error: {}'.format(e)) else: prices = [] for row in res: prices.append([row['weightedAverage'], row['date']]) i = 1 n = len(prices) logPrices = [] logDates = [] while i < n: logPrices.append(np.log(prices[i][0] / prices[i - 1][0])) logDates.append(prices[i - 1][1]) i += 1 i = 0 j = weighted n = len(logPrices) stdPrices = [] stdDates = [] while j < n: stdPrices.append(np.std(logPrices[i:j]) * math.sqrt(period) * 100) stdDates.append(fromTS(logDates[j])) i += 1 j += 1 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30, 15)) a = fig.gca() a.set_frame_on(False) plt.plot(stdDates, stdPrices, color='#000000') plt.title("ETH/BTC Historical Volatility") plt.ylabel("HV" + str(weighted)) plt.xlabel("") plt.grid(True) plt.savefig(path + 'eth-btc-volatility-' + str(weighted) + '.png', dpi=72, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close() with open('../_cache/ETH_BTC_HV_' + str(weighted), 'w') as f: f.write(str(round(stdPrices[len(stdPrices) - 1] / 100, 5))) f.close() #mc.set('ETHHV', round(stdPrices[len(stdPrices) - 1] / 100, 5), time=0) print('Make Vola!' + str(weighted))
sell = 0 price = 0 if q: for row in res: if row['type'] == 'buy': buy = float(buy + float(row['amount'])) else: sell = float(sell + float(row['amount'])) price = float(price + float(row['rate'])) price = round(price / q, 8) buy = int(buy) sell = int(sell) data = [{ "measurement": 'ETH', "tags": { "unit": 'BTC', "exchange": 'POL' }, "time": end, "fields": { "price": price, "buy": buy, "sell": sell } }] db.write_points(data, time_precision='s') print(fromTS(start), ' : ', fromTS(end), ' | ', start, ' ||| ', price, buy, sell) start += step end += step