Esempio n. 1
def printHeader(args):
	Prints the header to the shell

	@type    args: Array
	@param   args: All given arguments from argsparser

	@return:    nothing
		print "     ____  ____  ______       __      __       __   "
		print "    / __ )/ __ \/ ___/ |     / /___ _/ /______/ /_  "
		print "   / __  / / / /\__ \| | /| / / __ `/ __/ ___/ __ \ "
		print "  / /_/ / /_/ /___/ /| |/ |/ / /_/ / /_/ /__/ / / / "
		print " /_____/\____//____/ |__/|__/\__,_/\__/\___/_/ /_/  "
		print "            German BOS Information Script           "
		print "          by Bastian Schroll, Jens Herrmann         "
		print ""
		print "SW Version:	"+globals.getVers("vers")
		print "Build Date:	"+globals.getVers("date")
		print ""

		print "Frequency:   "+args.freq
		print "Device-ID:   "+str(args.device)
		print "Error in PPM:    "+str(args.error)
		print "Active Demods:   "+str(len(args.demod))
		if "FMS" in args.demod:
			print "- FMS"
		if "ZVEI" in args.demod:
			print "- ZVEI"
		if "POC512" in args.demod:
			print "- POC512"
		if "POC1200" in args.demod:
			print "- POC1200"
		if "POC2400" in args.demod:
			print "- POC2400"
		print "Squelch: "+str(args.squelch)
		if args.verbose:
			print "Verbose Mode!"
		if args.test:
			print "Test Mode!"
		print ""
		logging.error("cannot display shell header")
		logging.debug("cannot display shell header", exc_info=True)
Esempio n. 2
def printHeader(args):
	Prints the header to the shell

	@type    args: Array
	@param   args: All given arguments from argsparser

	@return:    nothing
        print "     ____  ____  ______       __      __       __   "
        print "    / __ )/ __ \/ ___/ |     / /___ _/ /______/ /_  "
        print "   / __  / / / /\__ \| | /| / / __ `/ __/ ___/ __ \ "
        print "  / /_/ / /_/ /___/ /| |/ |/ / /_/ / /_/ /__/ / / / "
        print " /_____/\____//____/ |__/|__/\__,_/\__/\___/_/ /_/  "
        print "            German BOS Information Script           "
        print "          by Bastian Schroll, Jens Herrmann         "
        print ""
        print "SW Version:	" + globals.getVers("vers")
        print "Build Date:	" + globals.getVers("date")
        print ""

        print "Frequency:   " + args.freq
        print "Device-ID:   " + str(args.device)
        print "Error in PPM:    " + str(args.error)
        print "Active Demods:   " + str(len(args.demod))
        if "FMS" in args.demod:
            print "- FMS"
        if "ZVEI" in args.demod:
            print "- ZVEI"
        if "POC512" in args.demod:
            print "- POC512"
        if "POC1200" in args.demod:
            print "- POC1200"
        if "POC2400" in args.demod:
            print "- POC2400"
        print "Squelch: " + str(args.squelch)
        if args.verbose:
            print "Verbose Mode!"
        if args.test:
            print "Test Mode!"
        print ""
        logging.error("cannot display shell header")
        logging.debug("cannot display shell header", exc_info=True)
Esempio n. 3
		logging.debug("BOSWatch has started")
		logging.debug("Logfiles cleared")

		# It's an error, but we could work without that stuff...
		logging.error("cannot clear Logfiles")
		logging.debug("cannot clear Logfiles", exc_info=True)

	# For debug display/log args
		logging.debug("SW Version:	%s",globals.getVers("vers"))
		logging.debug("Build Date:	%s",globals.getVers("date"))
		logging.debug("BOSWatch given arguments")
		if args.test:
			logging.debug(" - Test-Mode!")

		logging.debug(" - Frequency: %s", converter.freqToHz(args.freq))
		logging.debug(" - Device: %s", args.device)
		logging.debug(" - PPM Error: %s", args.error)
		logging.debug(" - Squelch: %s", args.squelch)

		demodulation = ""
		if "FMS" in args.demod:
			demodulation += "-a FMSFSK "
			logging.debug(" - Demod: FMS")
		if "ZVEI" in args.demod: