def booleanQuery(self):
        ''' boolean query processing; note that a query like "A B C" is transformed to "A AND B AND C" 
        for retrieving posting lists and merge them'''
        #ToDo: return a list of docIDs
        PostingDict = {
        }  #store key value pair of query term and postings by processing index file
        boolen = []  #stores list of docid for each queryterm key
        booleanResult = set()
        tempDic = {}
        QueryDic = {}

        for qterm in Queryterm:
            plist = InvertedIndex.getPostingsList(qterm)
            '''since every term in inverted index is unique below code adds the qterm:postings list 
                to Postings Dictionary'''
            PostingDict.update({qterm: plist})
        for qterms in PostingDict.keys():
            tempDic[qterms] = len(PostingDict[qterms])
        for qterms, cf in tempDic.items():
            if cf > 0:
                if cf < 300:
                    QueryDic[qterms] = cf
        '''checking for length of query term is it contains only single word it directly posts 
                the result read from inverted index file'''
        if len(QueryDic) == 1:
            for key in QueryDic.keys():
                booleanResult = PostingDict[key]
                if not booleanResult:
                    print("Given query has no matched Document",
                    print("Result of the search query ", booleanResult)
            keylist = list(QueryDic.keys())
            '''iterating over query terms as keys and merging postings list over intersection 
                to find list of postings that contains all query terms'''
            for key in QueryDic.keys():
                'adding postings list of each queryterm'
                boolen.append(sorted(PostingDict[key], key=int))
            '''checking the intersection result boolean result set '''
            booleanResult = set.intersection(*map(set, boolen))
        'If first boolean result is null then we process pairwise intersection of query terms'
        if booleanResult == set():
            for i in range(len(QueryDic) - 1):
                if not i == len(QueryDic) - 1:
                    p1 = PostingDict[keylist[i]]
                    p2 = PostingDict[keylist[i + 1]]
                    temp = InvertedIndex.mergeList(p1, p2)
                    '''checking for empty result post merge if result is not empty set adding 
                    the intersection result boolean result set '''
                    if not temp == set():
        return sorted(booleanResult, key=int)
    def vectorQuery(self, k):
        ''' vector query processing, using the cosine similarity. '''
        #ToDo: return top k pairs of (docID, similarity), ranked by their cosine similarity with the query in the descending order
        # You can use term frequency or TFIDF to construct the vectors
        'Finding TF and IDF of Queryterms and saving the result to TF.json and IDF.json file'
        termfrequency, IDF = postingobj.term_freq(collectionfile, Queryterm)
        'Saving TF,IDF of document for given query', "TF.json"), "IDF.json")
        TF_filename = open("TF.json")
        TF = json.load(TF_filename)
        IDF_filename = open("IDF.json")
        IDF = json.load(IDF_filename)
        QueryDict = {}
        Qlen = len(Query)
        Querytf = {}
        Querytfidf = {}
        tempdic = {}
        DocSim = []
        '''processing each query term and calculating TF-IDF of query and passing document 
            and query vector to cosine function to calculate cosine similarity'''
        for term in Queryterm:
            plist = InvertedIndex.getPostingsList(term)
            QueryDict.update({term: plist})
            if term not in Querytf.keys():
                Querytf[term] = 1
                Querytf[term] = Querytf[term] + 1
        for qterms, posting in QueryDict.items():
            for pos in posting:
                for IDFword in IDF:
                    if qterms == IDFword:
                        if qterms not in Querytfidf.keys():
                            '''calculating tf of query using query token frequency in query to the total query tokens'''
                            tf = Querytf[qterms]
                            '''calculating td-idf of query where idf of word in query is 1+log(N/n) 
                                where N total documents and n is number of documents that contain the term '''
                            Querytfidf[qterms] = {pos: tf * (1 + IDF[IDFword])}
                                {pos: (tf) * (1 + IDF[IDFword])})
                        TFwordValues = TF[qterms]
                        '''calculating TF*IDF of document and converting it to vector'''
                        for TFdoc, TFvalues in TFwordValues.items():
                            for IDFword in IDF:
                                if qterms == IDFword and TFdoc == pos:
                                    if qterms not in tempdic.keys():
                                        tempdic[qterms] = {
                                            TFdoc: (TFvalues) * IDF[IDFword]
                                            {TFdoc: TFvalues * IDF[IDFword]})

        'converting Query tf -idf dictionary to matrix/vector'
        Querymatrix = pd.DataFrame(Querytfidf)
        'converting document tf-idf dictionary to matrix/vector'
        DocTFIDFmatrix = pd.DataFrame(data=tempdic)
        'processing the matrix/vector to make feasible for cosine function '
        for Qpos, Dpos in zip(list(Querymatrix.index),
            if Qpos == Dpos:
                Q = np.array(Querymatrix.loc[Qpos])
                where_are_NaNs = np.isnan(Q)
                Q[where_are_NaNs] = 0
                D = np.array(DocTFIDFmatrix.loc[Dpos])
                where_are_NaNs = np.isnan(D)
                D[where_are_NaNs] = 0
                cosine = QueryProcessor.cosine_similaritys(Q, D)
                DocSim.append((int(Qpos), cosine))
        VectorID = sorted(DocSim, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        TopID = sorted(DocSim[:10], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        VectorResult.append({qid: VectorID})
        return TopID, k