def test_driver_get_bundle():
    Tests retrieval of a record.
    with sqlite3.connect("index.sq3") as conn:

        driver = SQLAlchemyIndexDriver("sqlite:///index.sq3")

        bundle_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        checksum = "iuhd91h9ufh928jidsoajh9du328"
        size = 512
        name = "object"
        created_time = updated_time =
        bundle_data = "{'bundle_data': [{'access_methods': [{'access_id': 's3', 'access_url': {'url': 's3://endpointurl/bucket/key'}, 'region': '', 'type': 's3'}], 'aliases': [], 'checksums': [{'checksum': '8b9942cf415384b27cadf1f4d2d682e5', 'type': 'md5'}], 'contents': [], 'created_time': '2020-04-23T21:42:36.506404', 'description': '', 'id': 'testprefix:7e677693-9da3-455a-b51c-03467d5498b0', 'mime_type': 'application/json', 'name': None, 'self_uri': 'drs://', 'size': 123, 'updated_time': '2020-04-23T21:42:36.506410', 'version': '3c995667'}], 'bundle_id': '1ff381ef-55c7-42b9-b33f-81ac0689d131', 'checksum': '65b464c1aea98176ef2fa38e8b6b9fc7', 'created_time': '2020-04-23T21:42:36.564808', 'name': 'test_bundle', 'size': 123, 'updated_time': '2020-04-23T21:42:36.564819'}"
            INSERT INTO drs_bundle_record(bundle_id, name, checksum, size, bundle_data, created_time, updated_time) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
            (bundle_id, name, checksum, size, bundle_data, created_time, updated_time),


        record = driver.get_bundle(bundle_id)

        assert record["id"] == bundle_id, "record id does not match"
        assert record["checksum"] == checksum, "record revision does not match"
        assert record["size"] == size, "record size does not match"
        assert record["name"] == name, "record name does not match"
        assert (
            record["created_time"] == created_time.isoformat()
        ), "created date does not match"
        assert (
            record["updated_time"] == updated_time.isoformat()
        ), "created date does not match"