Esempio n. 1
def ValenciavU_func_FW(**params):
    # B^x(0,x) = 1.0
    # B^y(0,x) = 1.0 if x <= -0.1
    #            1.0-1.5(x+0.1) if -0.1 < x <= 0.1
    #            0.7 if x > 0.1
    # B^z(0,x) = 0
    x = rfm.xx_to_Cart[0]
    y = rfm.xx_to_Cart[1]

    Byleft = sp.sympify(1)
    Bycenter = sp.sympify(1) - sp.Rational(15, 10) * (x + sp.Rational(1, 10))
    Byright = sp.Rational(7, 10)

    BU = ixp.zerorank1()
    BU[0] = sp.sympify(1)
    BU[1] = noif.coord_leq_bound(x,-bound)*Byleft\
    BU[2] = 0

    # E^x(0,x) = 0.0 , E^y(x) = 0.0 , E^z(x) = -B^y(0,x)
    EU = ixp.zerorank1()
    EU[0] = sp.sympify(0)
    EU[1] = sp.sympify(0)
    EU[2] = -BU[1]

    # In flat space, ED and EU are identical, so we can still use this function.
    return gfcf.compute_ValenciavU_from_ED_and_BU(EU, BU)
def ValenciavU_func_AW(**params):
    x = rfm.xx_to_Cart[0]

    Bzleft = sp.sympify(1)
    Bzcenter = sp.sympify(1) + sp.Rational(15, 100) * f_AW(x)
    Bzright = sp.Rational(13, 10)

    BpU = ixp.zerorank1()
    BpU[0] = sp.sympify(1)
    BpU[1] = sp.sympify(1)
    BpU[2] = noif.coord_leq_bound(x,-bound)*Bzleft\

    EpU = ixp.zerorank1()
    EpU[0] = -BpU[2]
    EpU[1] = sp.sympify(0)
    EpU[2] = sp.sympify(1)

    BU = ixp.zerorank1()
    BU[0] = BpU[0]
    BU[1] = gammamu * (BpU[1] - mu_AW * EpU[2])
    BU[2] = gammamu * (BpU[2] + mu_AW * EpU[1])

    EU = ixp.zerorank1()
    EU[0] = EpU[0]
    EU[1] = gammamu * (EpU[1] + mu_AW * BpU[2])
    EU[2] = gammamu * (EpU[2] - mu_AW * BpU[1])

    # In flat space, ED and EU are identical, so we can still use this function.
    return gfcf.compute_ValenciavU_from_ED_and_BU(EU, BU)
def ValenciavU_func_EW(**params):
    M = params["M"]
    gammaDD = params["gammaDD"]  # Note that this must use a Cartesian basis!
    sqrtgammaDET = params["sqrtgammaDET"]
    KerrSchild_radial_shift = params["KerrSchild_radial_shift"]
    r = rfm.xxSph[
        0] + KerrSchild_radial_shift  # We are setting the data up in Shifted Kerr-Schild coordinates
    theta = rfm.xxSph[1]

    LeviCivitaTensorUUU = ixp.LeviCivitaTensorUUU_dim3_rank3(sqrtgammaDET)

    AD = gfcf.Axyz_func_spherical(Ar_EW, Ath_EW, Aph_EW, False, **params)
    # For the initial data, we can analytically take the derivatives of A_i
    ADdD = ixp.zerorank2()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            ADdD[i][j] = sp.simplify(sp.diff(AD[i], rfm.xx_to_Cart[j]))

    BU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(3):
                BU[i] += LeviCivitaTensorUUU[i][j][k] * ADdD[k][j]

    EsphD = ixp.zerorank1()
    # 2 M ( 1+ 2M/r )^{-1/2} \sin^2 \theta
    EsphD[2] = 2 * M * sp.sin(theta)**2 / sp.sqrt(1 + 2 * M / r)

    ED = rfm.basis_transform_vectorD_from_rfmbasis_to_Cartesian(
        gfcf.Jac_dUrfm_dDCartUD, EsphD)

    return gfcf.compute_ValenciavU_from_ED_and_BU(ED, BU, gammaDD)
Esempio n. 4
def LambdabarU_lambdaU__exact_gammaDD(gammaDD):
    global LambdabarU, lambdaU

    if gammaDD == None:
        gammaDD = ixp.declarerank2("gammaDD", "sym01")

    # \bar{Lambda}^i = \bar{gamma}^{jk}(\bar{Gamma}^i_{jk} - \hat{Gamma}^i_{jk}).
    gammabarUU, gammabarDET = ixp.symm_matrix_inverter3x3(gammabarDD)

    # First compute Christoffel symbols \bar{Gamma}^i_{jk}, with respect to barred metric:
    GammabarUDD = ixp.zerorank3()
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            for k in range(DIM):
                for l in range(DIM):
                    GammabarUDD[i][j][k] += sp.Rational(
                        1, 2) * gammabarUU[i][l] * (
                            sp.diff(gammabarDD[l][j], rfm.xx[k]) +
                            sp.diff(gammabarDD[l][k], rfm.xx[j]) -
                            sp.diff(gammabarDD[j][k], rfm.xx[l]))
    # Next evaluate \bar{Lambda}^i, based on GammabarUDD above and GammahatUDD
    #       (from the reference metric):
    LambdabarU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            for k in range(DIM):
                LambdabarU[i] += gammabarUU[j][k] * (GammabarUDD[i][j][k] -
    lambdaU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(DIM):
        lambdaU[i] = LambdabarU[i] / rfm.ReU[i]
Esempio n. 5
def ValenciavU_func_SM(**params):
    M = params["M"]
    a = params["a"]
    alpha = params["alpha"]
    betaU = params["betaU"] # Note that this must use a spherical basis!
    gammaDD = params["gammaDD"] # Note that this must use a Cartesian basis!
    sqrtgammaDET = params["sqrtgammaDET"]
    KerrSchild_radial_shift = params["KerrSchild_radial_shift"]
    r     = rfm.xxSph[0] + KerrSchild_radial_shift # We are setting the data up in Shifted Kerr-Schild coordinates
    theta = rfm.xxSph[1]
    z     = rfm.xx_to_Cart[2]

    split_C_SM = noif.coord_geq_bound(z,sp.sympify(0))*C_SM - noif.coord_less_bound(z,sp.sympify(0))*C_SM

    BsphU = ixp.zerorank1()
    BsphU[0] = split_C_SM*alpha*M*M/(r*r) + \
               split_C_SM*alpha*a*a*M*M*sp.Rational(1,2)/(r**4)*(-sp.sympify(2)*sp.cos(theta) + (r/M)**2*(sp.sympify(1)+sp.sympify(3)*sp.cos(sp.sympify(2)*theta))*f_of_r(r,M))
    BsphU[1] = -split_C_SM*alpha*a*a/(r*r) * sp.sin(theta)*sp.cos(theta)*fp_of_r(r,M)
    BsphU[2] = -split_C_SM*alpha*a*M*sp.Rational(1,8)/(r*r)*(sp.sympify(1)+sp.sympify(4)*M/r)

    EsphD = ixp.zerorank1()
    EsphD[0] = -split_C_SM*a**3/(sp.sympify(8)*alpha*M**3)*fp_of_r(r,M)*sp.cos(theta)*sp.sin(theta)**2
    EsphD[1] = -split_C_SM*a*sp.Rational(1,8)/alpha*(sp.sin(theta) + a*a*f_of_r(r,M)*sp.sin(theta)*(sp.sympify(2)*sp.cos(theta)**2-sp.sin(theta)**2)) - \
    EsphD[2] = betaU[0]/(alpha*M)*split_C_SM*a*a*fp_of_r(r,M)*sp.cos(theta)*sp.sin(theta)**2

    ED = gfcf.change_basis_spherical_to_Cartesian_D(EsphD)
    BU = gfcf.change_basis_spherical_to_Cartesian_U(BsphU)

    return gfcf.compute_ValenciavU_from_ED_and_BU(ED, BU, gammaDD)
def TOV_ADM_T4UUmunu(ComputeADMT4UUmunuGlobalsOnly=False):
    global Sph_r_th_ph, r, th, ph, gammaSphDD, KSphDD, alphaSph, betaSphU, BSphU, T4UU

    # All gridfunctions will be written in terms of spherical coordinates (r, th, ph):
    r, th, ph = sp.symbols('r th ph', real=True)

    thismodule = "TOV"

    DIM = 3
    par.set_parval_from_str("grid::DIM", DIM)

    # Input parameters read in from the TOV data file:
    rbar, expnu, exp4phi, P, rho = par.Cparameters(
        "REAL", thismodule, ["rbar", "expnu", "exp4phi", "P", "rho"],
        [1e300, 1e300, 1e300, 1e300, 1e300])  # Must be read from TOV data
    # file; set to crazy values to ensure this
    # Step 4.2: Construct ADM quantities:

    # *** The physical spatial metric in spherical basis ***
    # In isotropic coordinates,
    #  gamma_{ij} = e^{4 phi} eta_{ij},
    # where eta is the flat-space 3-metric in spherical coordinates
    gammaSphDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    gammaSphDD[0][0] = exp4phi
    gammaSphDD[1][1] = exp4phi * rbar**2
    gammaSphDD[2][2] = exp4phi * rbar**2 * sp.sin(th)**2

    # *** The extrinsic curvature in spherical basis ***
    # K_{ij} = 0 for the TOV solution
    KSphDD = ixp.zerorank2()

    # *** The lapse and shift in spherical basis ***
    # alpha = exp^{nu/2} for the TOV solution
    # \beta^i = 0 for the TOV solution
    alphaSph = sp.sqrt(expnu)
    betaSphU = ixp.zerorank1()
    BSphU = ixp.zerorank1()

    # Step 4.3: Construct T^{mu nu}:
    T4UU = ixp.zerorank2(DIM=4)

    # T^tt = e^(-nu) * rho
    T4UU[0][0] = rho / expnu
    # T^{ii} = P / gamma_{ii}
    for i in range(3):
        T4UU[i + 1][i + 1] = P / gammaSphDD[i][i]

    if ComputeADMT4UUmunuGlobalsOnly == True:

    Sph_r_th_ph = [r, th, ph]
    cf, hDD, lambdaU, aDD, trK, alpha, vetU, betU = \
        AtoB.Convert_Spherical_or_Cartesian_ADM_to_BSSN_curvilinear("Spherical", Sph_r_th_ph,
                                                                    gammaSphDD, KSphDD, alphaSph, betaSphU, BSphU)
    sDD, sD, S, rho = \
        AtoB.Convert_Spherical_or_Cartesian_T4UUmunu_to_BSSN_curvilinear("Spherical", Sph_r_th_ph, T4UU)

    global returnfunction
    returnfunction = bIDf.BSSN_ID_function_string(cf, hDD, lambdaU, aDD, trK,
                                                  alpha, vetU, betU)
Esempio n. 7
def MaxwellCartesian_ID():
    DIM = par.parval_from_str("grid::DIM")

    x, y, z = gri.register_gridfunctions("AUX", ["x", "y", "z"])
    gammaDD = ixp.register_gridfunctions_for_single_rank2("AUX","gammaDD", "sym01") # The AUX or EVOL designation is *not*
                                                                                    # used in diagnostic modules.

    # Step 1: Declare free parameters intrinsic to these initial data
    amp,lam = par.Cparameters("REAL",__name__,["amp","lam"], [1.0,1.0]) # __name__ = "MaxwellCartesian_ID", this module's name

    # Step 2: Set the initial data
    system = par.parval_from_str("System_to_use")
    if system == "System_I" or system == "System_II":
        global AidD,EidD,psi_ID
        AidD = ixp.zerorank1()

        EidD = ixp.zerorank1()
        EidU = ixp.zerorank1()
        # Set the coordinate transformations:
        radial = sp.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
        polar = sp.atan2(sp.sqrt(x*x + y*y),z)
        EU_phi = 8*amp*radial*sp.sin(polar)*lam*lam*sp.exp(-lam*radial*radial)
        EidU[0] = -(y * EU_phi)/sp.sqrt(x*x + y*y)
        EidU[1] = (x * EU_phi)/sp.sqrt(x*x + y*y)
        # The z component (2)is zero.
        for i in range(DIM):
            for j in range(DIM):
                EidD[i] += gammaDD[i][j] * EidU[j]

        psi_ID = sp.sympify(0)
        if system == "System_II":
            global Gamma_ID
            Gamma_ID = sp.sympify(0)
        print("Invalid choice of system: System_to_use must be either System_I or System_II")
def ValenciavU_FW(**params):
    # B^x(0,x) = 1.0
    # B^y(0,x) = 1.0 if x <= -0.1
    #            1.0-1.5(x+0.1) if -0.1 < x <= 0.1
    #            0.7 if x > 0.1
    # B^z(0,x) = 0

    Byleft = sp.sympify(1)
    Bycenter = sp.sympify(1) - sp.Rational(15, 10) * (x + sp.Rational(1, 10))
    Byright = sp.Rational(7, 10)

    global BU
    BU = ixp.zerorank1()
    BU[0] = sp.sympify(1)
    BU[1] = noif.coord_leq_bound(x,-bound)*Byleft\
    BU[2] = sp.sympify(0)

    # E^x(0,x) = 0.0 , E^y(x) = 0.0 , E^z(x) = -B^y(0,x)
    EU = ixp.zerorank1()
    EU[0] = sp.sympify(0)
    EU[1] = sp.sympify(0)
    EU[2] = -BU[1]

    return compute_ValenciavU_from_EU_and_BU(EU, BU)
Esempio n. 9
def detgammabar_and_derivs():
    # Step 5.a: Declare as globals all expressions that may be used
    #           outside this function, declare BSSN gridfunctions
    #           if not defined already, and set DIM=3.
    global detgammabar,detgammabar_dD,detgammabar_dDD
    hDD, aDD, lambdaU, vetU, betU, trK, cf, alpha = declare_BSSN_gridfunctions_if_not_declared_already()
    DIM = 3

    detgbarOverdetghat = sp.sympify(1)
    detgbarOverdetghat_dD = ixp.zerorank1()
    detgbarOverdetghat_dDD = ixp.zerorank2()

    if par.parval_from_str(thismodule + "::detgbarOverdetghat_equals_one") == "False":
        print("Error: detgbarOverdetghat_equals_one=\"False\" is not fully implemented yet.")
    ## Approach for implementing detgbarOverdetghat_equals_one=False:
    #     detgbarOverdetghat = gri.register_gridfunctions("AUX", ["detgbarOverdetghat"])
    #     detgbarOverdetghatInitial = gri.register_gridfunctions("AUX", ["detgbarOverdetghatInitial"])
    #     detgbarOverdetghat_dD = ixp.declarerank1("detgbarOverdetghat_dD")
    #     detgbarOverdetghat_dDD = ixp.declarerank2("detgbarOverdetghat_dDD", "sym01")

    # Step 8d: Define detgammabar, detgammabar_dD, and detgammabar_dDD (needed for \partial_t \bar{\Lambda}^i below)
    detgammabar = detgbarOverdetghat * rfm.detgammahat

    detgammabar_dD = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(DIM):
        detgammabar_dD[i] = detgbarOverdetghat_dD[i] * rfm.detgammahat + detgbarOverdetghat * rfm.detgammahatdD[i]

    detgammabar_dDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            detgammabar_dDD[i][j] = detgbarOverdetghat_dDD[i][j] * rfm.detgammahat + \
                                    detgbarOverdetghat_dD[i] * rfm.detgammahatdD[j] + \
                                    detgbarOverdetghat_dD[j] * rfm.detgammahatdD[i] + \
                                    detgbarOverdetghat * rfm.detgammahatdDD[i][j]
Esempio n. 10
def compute_ValenciavU_from_ED_and_BU(ED, BU, gammaDD=None):
    # Now, we calculate v^i = ([ijk] E_j B_k) / B^2,
    # where [ijk] is the Levi-Civita symbol and B^2 = \gamma_{ij} B^i B^j$ is a trivial dot product in flat space.

    # In flat spacetime, use the Minkowski metric; otherwise, use the input metric.
    if gammaDD is None:
        gammaDD = ixp.zerorank2()
        for i in range(3):
            gammaDD[i][i] = sp.sympify(1)

    unused_gammaUU, gammaDET = ixp.symm_matrix_inverter3x3(gammaDD)
    sqrtgammaDET = sp.sqrt(gammaDET)
    LeviCivitaTensorUUU = ixp.LeviCivitaTensorUUU_dim3_rank3(sqrtgammaDET)

    BD = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            BD[i] += gammaDD[i][j] * BU[j]
    B2 = sp.sympify(0)
    for i in range(3):
        B2 += BU[i] * BD[i]

    ValenciavU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(3):
                    i] += LeviCivitaTensorUUU[i][j][k] * ED[j] * BD[k] / B2

    return ValenciavU
Esempio n. 11
def BSSN_basic_tensors():

    # Step 3.a: Declare as globals all variables that may be used
    #           outside this function, declare BSSN gridfunctions
    #           if not defined already, and set DIM=3.
    global gammabarDD, AbarDD, LambdabarU, betaU, BU
    hDD, aDD, lambdaU, vetU, betU, trK, cf, alpha = declare_BSSN_gridfunctions_if_not_declared_already(
    DIM = 3

    # Step 3.a.i: gammabarDD and AbarDD:
    gammabarDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    AbarDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            # gammabar_{ij}  = h_{ij}*ReDD[i][j] + gammahat_{ij}
            gammabarDD[i][j] = hDD[i][j] * rfm.ReDD[i][j] + rfm.ghatDD[i][j]
            # Abar_{ij}      = a_{ij}*ReDD[i][j]
            AbarDD[i][j] = aDD[i][j] * rfm.ReDD[i][j]

    # Step 3.a.ii: LambdabarU, betaU, and BU:
    LambdabarU = ixp.zerorank1()
    betaU = ixp.zerorank1()
    BU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(DIM):
        LambdabarU[i] = lambdaU[i] * rfm.ReU[i]
        betaU[i] = vetU[i] * rfm.ReU[i]
        BU[i] = betU[i] * rfm.ReU[i]
Esempio n. 12
def BSSN_or_ADM_ito_g4DD(inputvars, g4DD=None):
    # Step 0: Declare output variables as globals, to make interfacing with other modules/functions easier
    if inputvars == "ADM":
        global gammaDD, betaU, alpha
    elif inputvars == "BSSN":
        global hDD, cf, vetU, alpha
        print("inputvars = " + str(inputvars) +
              " not supported. Please choose ADM or BSSN.")

    # Step 1: declare g4DD as symmetric rank-4 tensor:
    g4DD_is_input_into_this_function = True
    if g4DD == None:
        g4DD = ixp.declarerank2("g4DD", "sym01", DIM=4)
        g4DD_is_input_into_this_function = False

    # Step 2: Compute gammaDD & betaD
    betaD = ixp.zerorank1()
    gammaDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    for i in range(3):
        betaD[i] = g4DD[0][i]
        for j in range(3):
            gammaDD[i][j] = g4DD[i + 1][j + 1]

    # Step 3: Compute betaU
    # Step 3.a: Compute gammaUU based on provided gammaDD
    gammaUU, gammaDET = ixp.symm_matrix_inverter3x3(gammaDD)

    # Step 3.b: Use gammaUU to raise betaU
    betaU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            betaU[i] += gammaUU[i][j] * betaD[j]

    # Step 4:   Compute alpha = sqrt(beta^2 - g_{00}):
    # Step 4.a: Compute beta^2 = beta^k beta_k:
    beta_squared = sp.sympify(0)
    for k in range(3):
        beta_squared += betaU[k] * betaD[k]

    # Step 4.b: alpha = sqrt(beta^2 - g_{00}):
    if g4DD_is_input_into_this_function == False:
        alpha = sp.sqrt(sp.simplify(beta_squared) - g4DD[0][0])
        alpha = sp.sqrt(beta_squared - g4DD[0][0])

    # Step 5: If inputvars == "ADM", we are finished. Return.
    if inputvars == "ADM":

    # Step 6: If inputvars == "BSSN", convert ADM to BSSN
    import BSSN.BSSN_in_terms_of_ADM as BitoA
    dummyBU = ixp.zerorank1()
    BitoA.betU_vetU(betaU, dummyBU)
    hDD = BitoA.hDD
    cf =
    vetU = BitoA.vetU
Esempio n. 13
def BSSN_source_terms_for_BSSN_constraints(custom_T4UU=None):
    global sourceterm_H, sourceterm_MU

    # Step 4.a: Call BSSN_source_terms_ito_T4UU to get SDD, SD, S, & rho
    if custom_T4UU == "unrescaled BSSN source terms already given":
        SDD = ixp.declarerank2("SDD", "sym01")
        SD = ixp.declarerank1("SD")
        S = sp.symbols("S", real=True)
        rho = sp.symbols("rho", real=True)
        SDD, SD, S, rho = stress_energy_source_terms_ito_T4UU_and_ADM_or_BSSN_metricvars(
            "BSSN", custom_T4UU)
    PI = par.Cparameters("REAL", thismodule, ["PI"],

    # Step 4.b: Add source term to the Hamiltonian constraint H
    sourceterm_H = -16 * PI * rho

    # Step 4.c: Add source term to the momentum constraint M^i
    # Step 4.c.i: Compute gammaUU in terms of BSSN quantities
    import BSSN.ADM_in_terms_of_BSSN as AitoB
    AitoB.ADM_in_terms_of_BSSN()  # Provides gammaUU
    # Step 4.c.ii: Raise S_i
    SU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            SU[i] += AitoB.gammaUU[i][j] * SD[j]
    # Step 4.c.iii: Add source term to momentum constraint & rescale:
    sourceterm_MU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        sourceterm_MU[i] = -8 * PI * SU[i] / rfm.ReU[i]
Esempio n. 14
def BSSN_source_terms_for_BSSN_RHSs(custom_T4UU=None):
    global sourceterm_trK_rhs, sourceterm_a_rhsDD, sourceterm_lambda_rhsU, sourceterm_Lambdabar_rhsU

    # Step 3.a: Call BSSN_source_terms_ito_T4UU to get SDD, SD, S, & rho

    if custom_T4UU == "unrescaled BSSN source terms already given":
        SDD = ixp.declarerank2("SDD", "sym01")
        SD = ixp.declarerank1("SD")
        S = sp.symbols("S", real=True)
        rho = sp.symbols("rho", real=True)
        SDD, SD, S, rho = stress_energy_source_terms_ito_T4UU_and_ADM_or_BSSN_metricvars(
            "BSSN", custom_T4UU)
    PI = par.Cparameters("REAL", thismodule, ["PI"],
    alpha = sp.symbols("alpha", real=True)

    # Step 3.b: trK_rhs
    sourceterm_trK_rhs = 4 * PI * alpha * (rho + S)

    # Step 3.c: Abar_rhsDD:
    # Step 3.c.i: Compute trace-free part of S_{ij}:
    import BSSN.BSSN_quantities as Bq
    Bq.BSSN_basic_tensors()  # Sets gammabarDD
    gammabarUU, dummydet = ixp.symm_matrix_inverter3x3(
        Bq.gammabarDD)  # Set gammabarUU
    tracefree_SDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            tracefree_SDD[i][j] = SDD[i][j]
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(3):
                for m in range(3):
                    tracefree_SDD[i][j] += -sp.Rational(1, 3) * Bq.gammabarDD[
                        i][j] * gammabarUU[k][m] * SDD[k][m]
    # Step 3.c.ii: Define exp_m4phi = e^{-4 phi}
    # Step 3.c.iii: Evaluate stress-energy part of AbarDD's RHS
    sourceterm_a_rhsDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            Abar_rhsDDij = -8 * PI * alpha * Bq.exp_m4phi * tracefree_SDD[i][j]
            sourceterm_a_rhsDD[i][j] = Abar_rhsDDij / rfm.ReDD[i][j]

    # Step 3.d: Stress-energy part of Lambdabar_rhsU = stressenergy_Lambdabar_rhsU
    sourceterm_Lambdabar_rhsU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
                i] += -16 * PI * alpha * gammabarUU[i][j] * SD[j]
    sourceterm_lambda_rhsU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        sourceterm_lambda_rhsU[i] = sourceterm_Lambdabar_rhsU[i] / rfm.ReU[i]
Esempio n. 15
def BrillLindquist(ComputeADMGlobalsOnly=False,
    # Step 2: Setting up Brill-Lindquist initial data

    # Step 2.a: Set spatial dimension (must be 3 for BSSN)
    DIM = 3
    par.set_parval_from_str("grid::DIM", DIM)

    global Cartxyz, gammaCartDD, KCartDD, alphaCart, betaCartU, BCartU
    Cartxyz = ixp.declarerank1("Cartxyz")

    # Step 2.b: Set psi, the conformal factor:
    psi = sp.sympify(1)
    psi += BH1_mass / (2 * sp.sqrt((Cartxyz[0] - BH1_posn_x)**2 +
                                   (Cartxyz[1] - BH1_posn_y)**2 +
                                   (Cartxyz[2] - BH1_posn_z)**2))
    psi += BH2_mass / (2 * sp.sqrt((Cartxyz[0] - BH2_posn_x)**2 +
                                   (Cartxyz[1] - BH2_posn_y)**2 +
                                   (Cartxyz[2] - BH2_posn_z)**2))

    # Step 2.c: Set all needed ADM variables in Cartesian coordinates
    gammaCartDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    KCartDD = ixp.zerorank2()  # K_{ij} = 0 for these initial data
    for i in range(DIM):
        gammaCartDD[i][i] = psi**4

    alphaCart = 1 / psi**2
    betaCartU = ixp.zerorank1(
    )  # We generally choose \beta^i = 0 for these initial data
    BCartU = ixp.zerorank1(
    )  # We generally choose B^i = 0 for these initial data

    if ComputeADMGlobalsOnly == True:

    cf,hDD,lambdaU,aDD,trK,alpha,vetU,betU = \

    import BSSN.BSSN_ID_function_string as bIDf
    # Generates initial_data() C function & stores to outC_function_dict["initial_data"]
    if include_NRPy_basic_defines_and_pickle:
        return pickle_NRPy_env()
Esempio n. 16
def u4U_in_terms_of_ValenciavU__rescale_ValenciavU_by_applying_speed_limit(
        alpha, betaU, gammaDD, ValenciavU):
    # Inputs:  Metric lapse alpha, shift betaU, 3-metric gammaDD, Valencia 3-velocity ValenciavU
    # Outputs (as globals): u4U_ito_ValenciavU, rescaledValenciavU

    # R = gamma_{ij} v^i v^j
    R = sp.sympify(0)
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            R += gammaDD[i][j] * ValenciavU[i] * ValenciavU[j]

    thismodule = __name__
    # The default value isn't terribly important here, since we can overwrite in the main C code
    GAMMA_SPEED_LIMIT = par.Cparameters("REAL", thismodule,
                                        10.0)  # Default value based on
    # IllinoisGRMHD.
    # GiRaFFE default = 2000.0
    # Now, we set Rstar = min(Rmax,R):
    # If R <  Rmax, then Rstar = 0.5*(Rmax+R-Rmax+R) = R
    # If R >= Rmax, then Rstar = 0.5*(Rmax+R+Rmax-R) = Rmax
    Rstar = sp.Rational(1, 2) * (Rmax + R - nrpyAbs(Rmax - R))

    # We add TINYDOUBLE to R below to avoid a 0/0, which occurs when
    #    ValenciavU == 0 for all Valencia 3-velocity components.
    # "Those tiny *doubles* make me warm all over
    #  with a feeling that I'm gonna love you till the end of time."
    #    - Adapted from Connie Francis' "Tiny Bubbles"
    TINYDOUBLE = par.Cparameters("#define", thismodule, "TINYDOUBLE", 1e-100)

    # The rescaled (speed-limited) Valencia 3-velocity
    #     is given by, v_{(n)}^i = sqrt{Rstar/R} v^i
    global rescaledValenciavU
    rescaledValenciavU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        # If R == 0, then Rstar == 0, so sqrt( Rstar/(R+TINYDOUBLE) )=sqrt(0/1e-100) = 0
        #   If your velocities are of order 1e-100 and this is physically
        #   meaningful, there must be something wrong with your unit conversion.
        rescaledValenciavU[i] = ValenciavU[i] * sp.sqrt(Rstar /
                                                        (R + TINYDOUBLE))

    # Finally compute u^mu in terms of Valenciav^i
    # u^0 = 1/(alpha-sqrt(1-R^*))
    global u4U_ito_ValenciavU
    u4U_ito_ValenciavU = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
    u4U_ito_ValenciavU[0] = 1 / (alpha * sp.sqrt(1 - Rstar))
    # u^i = u^0 ( alpha v^i_{(n)} - beta^i ), where v^i_{(n)} is the Valencia 3-velocity
    for i in range(3):
        u4U_ito_ValenciavU[i + 1] = u4U_ito_ValenciavU[0] * (
            alpha * rescaledValenciavU[i] - betaU[i])
Esempio n. 17
def compute_psi6Phi_rhs_flux_term_operand(gammaDD,sqrtgammaDET,betaU,alpha,AD,psi6Phi):
    gammaUU,_gammaDET = ixp.symm_matrix_inverter3x3(gammaDD) # _gammaDET unused.
    AU = ixp.zerorank1()
    # Raise the index on A in the usual way:
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            AU[i] += gammaUU[i][j] * AD[j]

    global PhievolParenU
    PhievolParenU = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=3)

    for j in range(3):
        # \alpha\sqrt{\gamma}A^j - \beta^j [\sqrt{\gamma} \Phi]
        PhievolParenU[j] += alpha*sqrtgammaDET*AU[j] - betaU[j]*psi6Phi
Esempio n. 18
def BrillLindquist(ComputeADMGlobalsOnly=False):
    global Cartxyz, gammaCartDD, KCartDD, alphaCart, betaCartU, BCartU

    # Step 2: Setting up Brill-Lindquist initial data
    thismodule = "Brill-Lindquist"
    BH1_posn_x, BH1_posn_y, BH1_posn_z = par.Cparameters(
        "REAL", thismodule, ["BH1_posn_x", "BH1_posn_y", "BH1_posn_z"])
    BH1_mass = par.Cparameters("REAL", thismodule, ["BH1_mass"])
    BH2_posn_x, BH2_posn_y, BH2_posn_z = par.Cparameters(
        "REAL", thismodule, ["BH2_posn_x", "BH2_posn_y", "BH2_posn_z"])
    BH2_mass = par.Cparameters("REAL", thismodule, ["BH2_mass"])

    # Step 2.a: Set spatial dimension (must be 3 for BSSN)
    DIM = 3
    par.set_parval_from_str("grid::DIM", DIM)

    global Cartxyz, gammaCartDD, KCartDD, alphaCart, betaCartU, BCartU
    Cartxyz = ixp.declarerank1("Cartxyz")

    # Step 2.b: Set psi, the conformal factor:
    psi = sp.sympify(1)
    psi += BH1_mass / (2 * sp.sqrt((Cartxyz[0] - BH1_posn_x)**2 +
                                   (Cartxyz[1] - BH1_posn_y)**2 +
                                   (Cartxyz[2] - BH1_posn_z)**2))
    psi += BH2_mass / (2 * sp.sqrt((Cartxyz[0] - BH2_posn_x)**2 +
                                   (Cartxyz[1] - BH2_posn_y)**2 +
                                   (Cartxyz[2] - BH2_posn_z)**2))

    # Step 2.c: Set all needed ADM variables in Cartesian coordinates
    gammaCartDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    KCartDD = ixp.zerorank2()  # K_{ij} = 0 for these initial data
    for i in range(DIM):
        gammaCartDD[i][i] = psi**4

    alphaCart = 1 / psi**2
    betaCartU = ixp.zerorank1(
    )  # We generally choose \beta^i = 0 for these initial data
    BCartU = ixp.zerorank1(
    )  # We generally choose B^i = 0 for these initial data

    if ComputeADMGlobalsOnly == True:

    cf,hDD,lambdaU,aDD,trK,alpha,vetU,betU = \

    global returnfunction
    returnfunction = bIDf.BSSN_ID_function_string(cf, hDD, lambdaU, aDD, trK,
                                                  alpha, vetU, betU)
def GiRaFFE_NRPy_P2C(gammaDD,betaU,alpha,  ValenciavU,BU, sqrt4pi):
    # After recalculating the 3-velocity, we need to update the poynting flux:
    # We'll reset the Valencia velocity, since this will be part of a second call to outCfunction.

    # First compute stress-energy tensor T4UU and T4UD:

#     GRHD.u4U_in_terms_of_ValenciavU__rescale_ValenciavU_by_applying_speed_limit(alpha, betaU, gammaDD, ValenciavU)
    R = sp.sympify(0)
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            R += gammaDD[i][j] * ValenciavU[i] * ValenciavU[j]
    u4U_ito_ValenciavU = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
    u4U_ito_ValenciavU[0] = 1 / (alpha * sp.sqrt(1 - R))
    # u^i = u^0 ( alpha v^i_{(n)} - beta^i ), where v^i_{(n)} is the Valencia 3-velocity
    for i in range(3):
        u4U_ito_ValenciavU[i + 1] = u4U_ito_ValenciavU[0] * (alpha * ValenciavU[i] - betaU[i])

    GRFFE.compute_smallb4U_with_driftvU_for_FFE(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, u4U_ito_ValenciavU, BU, sqrt4pi)
    GRFFE.compute_smallbsquared(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRFFE.smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U)

    GRFFE.compute_TEM4UU(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRFFE.smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U, GRFFE.smallbsquared, u4U_ito_ValenciavU)
    GRFFE.compute_TEM4UD(gammaDD, betaU, alpha, GRFFE.TEM4UU)

    # Compute conservative variables in terms of primitive variables
    GRHD.compute_S_tildeD(alpha, GRHD.sqrtgammaDET, GRFFE.TEM4UD)

    global StildeD
    StildeD = GRHD.S_tildeD
Esempio n. 20
def g4DD_ito_BSSN_or_ADM(inputvars, gammaDD=None, betaU=None, alpha=None):
    # Step 0: Declare g4DD as globals, to make interfacing with other modules/functions easier
    global g4DD

    # Step 1: Set gammaDD, betaU, and alpha if not already input.
    if gammaDD == None and betaU == None and alpha == None:
        gammaDD, betaU, alpha = setup_ADM_quantities(inputvars)

    # Step 2: Compute g4DD = g_{mu nu}:
    # To get \gamma_{\mu \nu} = gamma4DD[mu][nu], we'll need to construct the 4-metric, using Eq. 2.122 in B&S:
    g4DD = ixp.zerorank2(DIM=4)

    # Step 2.a: Compute beta_i via Eq. 2.121 in B&S
    betaD = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            betaD[i] += gammaDD[i][j] * betaU[j]

    # Step 2.b: Compute beta_i beta^i, the beta contraction.
    beta2 = sp.sympify(0)
    for i in range(3):
        beta2 += betaU[i] * betaD[i]

    # Step 2.c: Construct g4DD via Eq. 2.122 in B&S
    g4DD[0][0] = -alpha**2 + beta2
    for mu in range(1, 4):
        g4DD[mu][0] = g4DD[0][mu] = betaD[mu - 1]
    for mu in range(1, 4):
        for nu in range(1, 4):
            g4DD[mu][nu] = gammaDD[mu - 1][nu - 1]
Esempio n. 21
def add_to_Cfunction_dict__GiRaFFE_NRPy_A2B(gammaDD, AD, BU, includes=None):
    # Set spatial dimension (must be 3 for BSSN)
    DIM = 3
    par.set_parval_from_str("grid::DIM", DIM)
    # Compute the sqrt of the three metric determinant.
    import GRHD.equations as gh

    # Import the Levi-Civita symbol and build the corresponding tensor.
    # We already have a handy function to define the Levi-Civita symbol in
    LeviCivitaUUU = ixp.LeviCivitaTensorUUU_dim3_rank3(gh.sqrtgammaDET)

    AD_dD = ixp.declarerank2("AD_dD", "nosym")
    BU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            for k in range(DIM):
                BU[i] += LeviCivitaUUU[i][j][k] * AD_dD[k][j]
    # Here, we'll use the add_to_Cfunction_dict() function to output a function that will compute the magnetic field
    # on the interior. Then, we'll add postloop code to handle the ghostzones.
    desc = "Compute the magnetic field from the vector potential everywhere, including ghostzones"
    name = "driver_A_to_B"
    params = "const paramstruct *restrict params,REAL *restrict in_gfs,REAL *restrict auxevol_gfs"
    body = fin.FD_outputC("returnstring", [
        lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("out_gfs", "BU0"), rhs=BU[0]),
        lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("out_gfs", "BU1"), rhs=BU[1]),
        lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("out_gfs", "BU2"), rhs=BU[2])
    postloop = """
int imin[3] = { NGHOSTS_A2B, NGHOSTS_A2B, NGHOSTS_A2B };
int imax[3] = { NGHOSTS+Nxx0, NGHOSTS+Nxx1, NGHOSTS+Nxx2 };
// Now, we loop over the ghostzones to calculate the magnetic field there.
for(int which_gz = 0; which_gz < NGHOSTS_A2B; which_gz++) {
    // After updating each face, adjust imin[] and imax[]
    //   to reflect the newly-updated face extents.
    compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0]-1,imin[0], imin[1],imax[1], imin[2],imax[2]); imin[0]--;
    compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imax[0],imax[0]+1, imin[1],imax[1], imin[2],imax[2]); imax[0]++;

    compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imin[1]-1,imin[1], imin[2],imax[2]); imin[1]--;
    compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imax[1],imax[1]+1, imin[2],imax[2]); imax[1]++;

    compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imin[1],imax[1], imin[2]-1,imin[2]); imin[2]--;
    compute_A2B_in_ghostzones(params,in_gfs,auxevol_gfs,imin[0],imax[0], imin[1],imax[1], imax[2],imax[2]+1); imax[2]++;
    loopopts = "InteriorPoints"
    outC_function_dict[name] = outC_function_dict[name].replace(
        "= NGHOSTS", "= NGHOSTS_A2B").replace(
            "NGHOSTS+Nxx0", "Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS0-NGHOSTS_A2B").replace(
                "NGHOSTS+Nxx1", "Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS1-NGHOSTS_A2B").replace(
                    "NGHOSTS+Nxx2", "Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS2-NGHOSTS_A2B").replace(
                        "../set_Cparameters.h", "set_Cparameters.h")
def HS2011_Omega_SO_3p5PN_pt6(m1, m2, n12U, p1U, p2U, r12):
    Omega1 = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        Omega1[i] = (+(-(8 / m1 + 9 * m2 / (2 * m1**2)) * dot(n12U, p1U) +
                       (59 / (4 * m1) + 27 / (2 * m2)) * dot(n12U, p2U)) *
                     cross(p1U, p2U)[i]) / r12**3
    return Omega1
Esempio n. 23
def ScalarField_Tmunu():

    global T4UU

    # Step 1.c: Set spatial dimension (must be 3 for BSSN, as BSSN is
    #           a 3+1-dimensional decomposition of the general
    #           relativistic field equations)
    DIM = 3

    # Step 1.d: Given the chosen coordinate system, set up
    #           corresponding reference metric and needed
    #           reference metric quantities
    #    The following function call sets up the reference metric
    #    and related quantities, including rescaling matrices ReDD,
    #    ReU, and hatted quantities.

    # Step 1.e: Import all basic (unrescaled) BSSN scalars & tensors
    alpha = Bq.alpha
    betaU = Bq.betaU

    # Step 1.g: Define ADM quantities in terms of BSSN quantities
    gammaDD = BtoA.gammaDD
    gammaUU = BtoA.gammaUU

    # Step 1.h: Define scalar field quantitites
    sf_dD = ixp.declarerank1("sf_dD")
    Pi = sp.Symbol("sfM", real=True)

    # Step 2a: Set up \partial^{t}\varphi = Pi/alpha
    sf4dU = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
    sf4dU[0] = Pi / alpha

    # Step 2b: Set up \partial^{i}\varphi = -Pi*beta^{i}/alpha + gamma^{ij}\partial_{j}\varphi
    for i in range(DIM):
        sf4dU[i + 1] = -Pi * betaU[i] / alpha
        for j in range(DIM):
            sf4dU[i + 1] += gammaUU[i][j] * sf_dD[j]

    # Step 2c: Set up \partial^{i}\varphi\partial_{i}\varphi = -Pi**2 + gamma^{ij}\partial_{i}\varphi\partial_{j}\varphi
    sf4d2 = -Pi**2
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            sf4d2 += gammaUU[i][j] * sf_dD[i] * sf_dD[j]

    # Step 3a: Setting up g^{\mu\nu}
    g4UU = ADMg.g4UU

    # Step 3b: Setting up T^{\mu\nu} for a massless scalar field
    T4UU = ixp.zerorank2(DIM=4)
    for mu in range(4):
        for nu in range(4):
            T4UU[mu][nu] = sf4dU[mu] * sf4dU[nu] - g4UU[mu][nu] * sf4d2 / 2
Esempio n. 24
def compute_S_tilde_source_termD(alpha, sqrtgammaDET,g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD, T4UU):
    global S_tilde_source_termD
    S_tilde_source_termD = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=3)
    for i in range(3):
        for mu in range(4):
            for nu in range(4):
                S_tilde_source_termD[i] += sp.Rational(1,2)*alpha*sqrtgammaDET*T4UU[mu][nu]*g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD[mu][nu][i+1]
Esempio n. 25
def compute_g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, gammaDD_dD,betaU_dD,alpha_dD):
    global g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD
    # Eq. 2.121 in B&S
    betaD = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            betaD[i] += gammaDD[i][j]*betaU[j]

    # gammaDD_dD = ixp.declarerank3("gammaDD_dDD","sym12",DIM=3)
    # betaU_dD   = ixp.declarerank2("betaU_dD"   ,"nosym",DIM=3)
    betaDdD = ixp.zerorank2()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(3):
                # Recall that betaD[i] = gammaDD[i][j]*betaU[j] (Eq. 2.121 in B&S)
                betaDdD[i][k] += gammaDD_dD[i][j][k]*betaU[j] + gammaDD[i][j]*betaU_dD[j][k]

    # Eq. 2.122 in B&S
    g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD = ixp.zerorank3(DIM=4)
    for k in range(3):
        # Recall that g4DD[0][0] = -alpha^2 + betaU[j]*betaD[j]
        g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD[0][0][k+1] += -2*alpha*alpha_dD[k]
        for j in range(3):
            g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD[0][0][k+1] += betaU_dD[j][k]*betaD[j] + betaU[j]*betaDdD[j][k]

    for i in range(3):
        for k in range(3):
            # Recall that g4DD[i][0] = g4DD[0][i] = betaD[i]
            g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD[i+1][0][k+1] = g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD[0][i+1][k+1] = betaDdD[i][k]
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            for k in range(3):
                # Recall that g4DD[i][j] = gammaDD[i][j]
                g4DD_zerotimederiv_dD[i+1][j+1][k+1] = gammaDD_dD[i][j][k]
Esempio n. 26
def u4U_in_terms_of_vU__rescale_vU_by_applying_speed_limit(alpha, betaU, gammaDD, vU):
    ValenciavU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        ValenciavU[i] = (vU[i] + betaU[i]) / alpha
    u4U_in_terms_of_ValenciavU__rescale_ValenciavU_by_applying_speed_limit(alpha, betaU, gammaDD, ValenciavU)
    # Since ValenciavU is written in terms of vU,
    #   u4U_ito_ValenciavU is actually u4U_ito_vU
    global u4U_ito_vU
    u4U_ito_vU = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
    for mu in range(4):
        u4U_ito_vU[mu] = u4U_ito_ValenciavU[mu]
    # Finally compute the rescaled (speed-limited) vU
    global rescaledvU
    rescaledvU = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=3)
    for i in range(3):
        rescaledvU[i] = alpha * rescaledValenciavU[i] - betaU[i]
def ValenciavU_func_FB(**params):
    x = rfm.xx_to_Cart[0]

    BU = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=3)
    BU[0] = sp.sympify(1)
    BU[1] = BU[2] = noif.coord_leq_bound(x,boundL)                                   * sp.sympify(1)\
                   +noif.coord_greater_bound(x,boundL)*noif.coord_leq_bound(x,boundR)* zfunc(x)\
                   +noif.coord_greater_bound(x,boundR)                               * -sp.sympify(1)

    EU = ixp.zerorank1()
    EU[0] = sp.sympify(0)
    EU[1] = sp.Rational(1,2)
    EU[2] = -sp.Rational(1,2)

    # In flat space, ED and EU are identical, so we can still use this function.
    return gfcf.compute_ValenciavU_from_ED_and_BU(EU, BU)
Esempio n. 28
def compute_smallb4U_with_driftvU_for_FFE(gammaDD,betaU,alpha, u4U,B_notildeU, sqrt4pi):
    global smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U
    import BSSN.ADMBSSN_tofrom_4metric as AB4m

    u4D = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)
    for mu in range(4):
        for nu in range(4):
            u4D[mu] += AB4m.g4DD[mu][nu]*u4U[nu]
    smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U = ixp.zerorank1(DIM=4)

    # b^0 = 0
    smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U[0] = 0
    # b^i = B^i / [alpha * u^0 * sqrt(4 pi)]
    for i in range(3):
        smallb4_with_driftv_for_FFE_U[i+1] = B_notildeU[i] / (alpha*u4U[0]*sqrt4pi)
def ADM_to_four_metric(gammaDD,
    # The ADM formulation decomposes Einstein's 4D equations into 3+1 dimensional form, with
    #     the 3 spatial dimensions separated from the 1 temporal dimension. DIM here refers to
    #     the spatial dimension.
    DIM = 3

    # Eq 4.47 in [Gourgoulhon](

    # g_{tt} = -\alpha^2 + \beta^k \beta_k
    # g_{ti} = \beta_i
    # g_{ij} = \gamma_{ij}

    # Eq. 2.121 in B&S
    betaD = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            betaD[i] += gammaDD[i][j] * betaU[j]

    # Now compute the beta contraction.
    beta2 = sp.sympify(0)
    for i in range(DIM):
        beta2 += betaU[i] * betaD[i]

    g4DD = ixp.zerorank2(DIM=4)
    g4DD[0][0] = -alpha**2 + beta2
    for i in range(DIM):
        g4DD[i + 1][0] = g4DD[0][i + 1] = betaD[i]
        for j in range(DIM):
            g4DD[i + 1][j + 1] = gammaDD[i][j]

    if returng4DD == True and returng4UU == False:
        return g4DD

    gammaUU, gammaDET = ixp.symm_matrix_inverter3x3(gammaDD)
    # Eq. 4.49 in [Gourgoulhon](

    # g^{tt} = -1 / alpha^2
    # g^{ti} = beta^i / alpha^2
    # g^{ij} = gamma^{ij} - beta^i beta^j / alpha^2

    g4UU = ixp.zerorank2(DIM=4)
    g4UU[0][0] = -1 / alpha**2
    for i in range(DIM):
        g4UU[i + 1][0] = g4UU[0][i + 1] = betaU[i] / alpha**2
        for j in range(DIM):
            g4UU[i + 1][j + 1] = gammaUU[i][j] - betaU[i] * betaU[j] / alpha**2

    if returng4DD == True and returng4UU == True:
        return g4DD, g4UU
    if returng4DD == False and returng4UU == True:
        return g4UU
        "Error: ADM_to_four_metric() called without requesting anything being returned!"
Esempio n. 30
def f_H_SS_2PN(m1, m2, S1U, S2U, nU, q):
    S0U = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        S0U[i] = (1 + m2 / m1) * S1U[i] + (1 + m1 / m2) * S2U[i]
    global H_SS_2PN
    mu = m1 * m2 / (m1 + m2)
    H_SS_2PN = mu / (m1 + m2) * (3 * dot(S0U, nU)**2 - dot(S0U, S0U)) / (2 *