Esempio n. 1
def test_attachment_acls(dummy_event, dummy_user, create_user):
    from .schemas import ACLSchema

    class TestSchema(ACLSchema, mm.Schema):

    folder = AttachmentFolder(title='Dummy Folder',
                              description='a dummy folder')
    attachment = Attachment(folder=folder,
                            title='Dummy Attachment',
    attachment.folder.object = dummy_event

    def assert_acl(expected_read_acl):
        __tracebackhide__ = True
        data = schema.dump(attachment)
        read_acl = data['_access'].pop('read', None)
        assert data == {
            '_access': {
                'delete': ['IndicoAdmin'],
                'owner': ['IndicoAdmin'],
                'update': ['IndicoAdmin']
        if read_acl is not None:
            read_acl = set(read_acl)
        assert read_acl == expected_read_acl

    schema = TestSchema()
    u1 = create_user(1, email='*****@*****.**')
    u2 = create_user(2, email='*****@*****.**')
    u3 = create_user(3, email='*****@*****.**')

    # event is inheriting public, so no acl

    # event is protected and the acl is empty (nobody has regular access)
    dummy_event.protection_mode = ProtectionMode.protected

    dummy_event.update_principal(u1, read_access=True)
    dummy_event.category.update_principal(u2, read_access=True)
    dummy_event.category.parent.update_principal(u3, read_access=True)

    # self-protected, so no acl inherited
    assert_acl({'IndicoAdmin', 'User:1'})

    # event is inheriting from public categories, so there is no acl
    dummy_event.protection_mode = ProtectionMode.inheriting

    # event it itself public, so no acl here as well
    dummy_event.protection_mode = ProtectionMode.public

    # inheriting, so all parent acl entries
    dummy_event.protection_mode = ProtectionMode.inheriting
    dummy_event.category.parent.protection_mode = ProtectionMode.protected
    assert_acl({'IndicoAdmin', 'User:1', 'User:2', 'User:3'})

    # category protected, so no parent category acl inherited
    dummy_event.category.protection_mode = ProtectionMode.protected
    assert_acl({'IndicoAdmin', 'User:1', 'User:2'})

    # parent category acl entry is a manager, that one is inherited
    dummy_event.category.parent.update_principal(u3, full_access=True)
    assert_acl({'IndicoAdmin', 'User:1', 'User:2', 'User:3'})

    # attachment self-protected, only the category/event manager has access
    folder.update_principal(u2, read_access=True)
    attachment.protection_mode = ProtectionMode.protected
    assert_acl({'IndicoAdmin', 'User:3'})

    # the user in the attachment acl has access as well
    attachment.update_principal(u1, read_access=True)
    attachment.protection_mode = ProtectionMode.protected
    assert_acl({'IndicoAdmin', 'User:3', 'User:1'})

    # attachment inheriting from self-protected folder - only the folder acl is used
    attachment.protection_mode = ProtectionMode.inheriting
    folder.protection_mode = ProtectionMode.protected
    assert_acl({'IndicoAdmin', 'User:3', 'User:2'})