def __init__(self, _v):
        global refLla
        self.v = _v
        self.accNed = cObj()
        self.velNed = cObj()
        self.lla = cObj()
        self.uvw = cObj()

        #         self.time           = _v['timeMs'] * 0.001
        #         self.accNed.time    = _v['accNed.timeMs'] * 0.001
        #         self.velNed.time    = _v['velNed.timeMs'] * 0.001
        #         self.lla.time       = _v['lla.timeMs'] * 0.001
        #         self.uvw.time       = _v['uvw.timeMs'] * 0.001
        self.time = gpsTimeToUTC(gpsWeek, (_v['timeMs'] * 0.001))
        self.accNed.time = gpsTimeToUTC(gpsWeek, (_v['accNed.timeMs'] * 0.001))
        self.velNed.time = gpsTimeToUTC(gpsWeek, (_v['velNed.timeMs'] * 0.001))
        self.lla.time = gpsTimeToUTC(gpsWeek, (_v['lla.timeMs'] * 0.001))
        self.uvw.time = gpsTimeToUTC(gpsWeek, (_v['uvw.timeMs'] * 0.001))

        self.accNed.refHdg = np.arctan2(self.v['accNed.ref'][:, 1],
                                        self.v['accNed.ref'][:, 0])
        self.accNed.insHdg = np.arctan2(self.v['accNed.ins'][:, 1],
                                        self.v['accNed.ins'][:, 0])

        self.lla.refNed = pose.lla2ned(refLla, _v['lla.ref'])
        self.lla.insNed = pose.lla2ned(refLla, _v['lla.ins'])
Esempio n. 2
def calcRMS(log, directory, subdir):
    file = open("/home/superjax/Documents/inertial_sense/config.yaml", 'r')
    config = yaml.load(file)
    directory = config["directory"]
    serials = config['serials']

    numDev = len(log.devices)
    debug = True
    averageRMS = []
    compassing = False
    navMode = (log.devices[0].data['ins2']['iStatus'] & 0x1000)[-1]
    if numDev > 1:

        print("\nComputing RMS Accuracies: (%d devices)" % (numDev))

        # Build a 3D array of the data.  idx 0 = Device,    idx 1 = t,     idx 2 = [t, lla, uvw, log(q)]
        data = [
            np.hstack((log.devices[i].data['ins2']['tow'][:, None],
            for i in range(numDev)

        # Make sure that the time stamps are realistic
        for dev in range(numDev):
            if (np.diff(data[dev][:, 0]) > 10.0).any():
                print("large gaps in data for dev", dev,
                      "chopping off data before gap".format(dev))
                idx = np.argmax(np.diff(data[dev][:, 0])) + 1
                data[dev] = data[dev][idx:, :]

        min_time = max([np.min(data[i][:, 0]) for i in range(numDev)])
        max_time = min([np.max(data[i][:, 0]) for i in range(numDev)])

        # If we are in compassing mode, then only calculate RMS after all devices have fix
        if log.devices[0].data['flashCfg']['RTKCfgBits'][-1] == 8:
            compassing = True
            time_of_fix_ms = [
          ['gps1RtkCmpRel']['arRatio'] > 3.0)] / 1000.0
                for dev in log.devices
            # print time_of_fix_ms
            min_time = max(time_of_fix_ms)

        # only take the second half of the data
        min_time = max_time - (max_time - min_time) / 2.0

        # Resample at a steady 100 Hz
        dt = 0.01
        t = np.arange(1.0, max_time - min_time - 1.0, dt)
        for i in range(numDev):
            # Chop off extra data at beginning and end
            data[i] = data[i][data[i][:, 0] > min_time]
            data[i] = data[i][data[i][:, 0] < max_time]

            # Chop off the min time so everything is wrt to start
            data[i][:, 0] -= min_time

            # Interpolate data so that it has all the same timestamps
            fi = interp1d(data[i][:, 0],
                          data[i][:, 1:].T,
            data[i] = np.hstack((t[:, None], fi(t).T))

            # Normalize Quaternions
            data[i][:, 7:] /= norm(data[i][:, 7:], axis=1)[:, None]

        # Make a big 3D numpy array we can work with [dev, sample, data]
        data = np.array(data)

        # Convert lla to ned using first device lla at center of data as reference
        refLla = data[0, int(round(len(t) / 2.0)), 1:4].copy()
        for i in range(numDev):
            data[i, :, 1:4] = lla2ned(refLla, data[i, :, 1:4])

        # Find Mean Data
        means = np.empty((len(data[0]), 10))
        means[:, :6] = np.mean(
            data[:, :, 1:7],
            axis=0)  # calculate mean position and velocity across devices
        means[:, 6:] = meanOfQuatArray(data[:, :, 7:].transpose(
            (1, 0,
             2)))  # Calculate mean attitude of all devices at each timestep

        # calculate the attitude error for each device
        att_error = np.array([
            qboxminus(data[dev, :, 7:], means[:, 6:]) for dev in range(numDev)
        # Calculate the Mounting Bias for all devices (assume the mounting bias is the mean of the attitude error)
        mount_bias = np.mean(att_error, axis=1)
        if compassing:
            # When in compassing, assume all units are sharing the same GPS antennas and should therefore have
            # no mounting bias in heading
            mount_bias[:, 2] = 0

        # Adjust all attitude errors to the mean by the mounting bias
        # TODO: Talk to Walt about the mount bias - because this probably includes more biases than just the mount bias
        att_error -= mount_bias[:, None, :]

        if debug:
            colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'm']
            plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)  # Position
            plt.title("position error")
            for m in range(3):
                for n in range(numDev):
                    plt.plot(data[n, :, 0], data[n, :, m + 1], color=colors[m])
                plt.plot(data[0, :, 0],
                         means[:, m],
            plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
            plt.title("velocity error")
            for m in range(3):
                for n in range(numDev):
                    plt.plot(data[n, :, 0], data[n, :, m + 4], color=colors[m])
                plt.plot(data[0, :, 0],
                         means[:, m + 3],
            plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
            for m in range(4):
                for n in range(numDev):
                    plt.plot(data[n, :, 0], data[n, :, m + 7], color=colors[m])
                plt.plot(data[0, :, 0],
                         means[:, m + 6],

            for m in range(3):
                plt.subplot(3, 1, m + 1)
                for n in range(numDev):
                    plt.plot(att_error[n, :, m])

        # RMS = sqrt ( 1/N sum(e^2) )
        RMS = np.empty((numDev, 9))
        # Calculate RMS for position and velocity
        RMS[:, :6] = np.sqrt(
            np.mean(np.square(data[:, :, 1:7] - means[:, 0:6]), axis=1))
        # Calculate RMS for attitude
        RMS[:, 6:] = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(att_error[:, :, :]), axis=1))

        # Average RMS across devices
        averageRMS = np.mean(RMS, axis=0)

        print("average RMS = ", averageRMS)

        # Convert Attitude Error To Euler Angles
        RMS_euler = RMS[:, 6:]  # quat2eulerArray(qexp(RMS[:,6:]))
        averageRMS_euler = averageRMS[
            6:]  #quat2eulerArray(qexp(averageRMS[None,6:]))[0]
        mount_bias_euler = mount_bias  #quat2eulerArray(qexp(mount_bias))

        # Below is creating the RMS report
        thresholds = np.array([
            0.2,  # LLA
            0.2,  # UVW
        ])  # ATT (rpy) - (deg)
        if navMode or compassing:
            thresholds[8] = 0.3  # Higher heading accuracy
            thresholds[:6] = np.inf

        thresholds[6:] *= DEG2RAD  # convert degrees threshold to radians

        specRatio = averageRMS / thresholds

        filename = os.path.join(directory, 'RMS_report_new.txt')
        f = open(filename, 'w')
        f.write('*****   Performance Analysis Report - %s   *****\n' %
        f.write('Directory: %s\n' % (directory))
        mode = "AHRS"
        if navMode: mode = "NAV"
        if compassing: mode = "DUAL GNSS"

        # Print Table of RMS accuracies
        line = 'Device       '
        if navMode:
                '--------------------------------------------------- RMS Accuracy -------------------------------------------\n'
            line = line + 'UVW[  (m/s)   (m/s)   (m/s) ],  NED[    (m)     (m)     (m) ],'
        else:  # AHRS mode
            f.write('-------------- RMS Accuracy --------------\n')
        line = line + ' Att [  (deg)   (deg)   (deg) ]\n'

        for n in range(0, numDev):
            devInfo = itd.cDevInfo(log.devices[n].data['devInfo'])
            line = '%2d SN%d      ' % (n, devInfo.v['serialNumber'][-1])
            if navMode:
                line = line + '[ %6.4f  %6.4f  %6.4f ],     ' % (
                    RMS[n, 3], RMS[n, 4], RMS[n, 5])
                line = line + '[ %6.4f  %6.4f  %6.4f ],     ' % (
                    RMS[n, 0], RMS[n, 1], RMS[n, 2])
            line = line + '[ %6.4f  %6.4f  %6.4f ]\n' % (
                RMS_euler[n, 0] * RAD2DEG, RMS_euler[n, 1] * RAD2DEG,
                RMS_euler[n, 2] * RAD2DEG)

        line = 'AVERAGE:        '
        if navMode:
            line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ],     ' % (
                averageRMS[3], averageRMS[4], averageRMS[5])
            line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ],     ' % (
                averageRMS[0], averageRMS[1], averageRMS[2])
        else:  # AHRS mode
        line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ]\n' % (
            averageRMS_euler[0] * RAD2DEG, averageRMS_euler[1] * RAD2DEG,
            averageRMS_euler[2] * RAD2DEG)

        line = 'THRESHOLD:      '
        if navMode:
            line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ],     ' % (
                thresholds[3], thresholds[4], thresholds[5])
            line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ],     ' % (
                thresholds[0], thresholds[1], thresholds[2])
        line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ]\n' % (thresholds[6] * RAD2DEG,
                                                  thresholds[7] * RAD2DEG,
                                                  thresholds[8] * RAD2DEG)

        line = 'RATIO:          '
        if navMode:
            line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ],     ' % (
                specRatio[3], specRatio[4], specRatio[5])
            line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ],     ' % (
                specRatio[0], specRatio[1], specRatio[2])
        else:  # AHRS mode
        line = line + '[%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f ]\n' % (specRatio[6], specRatio[7],

        def pass_fail(ratio):
            return 'FAIL' if ratio > 1.0 else 'PASS'

        line = 'PASS/FAIL:      '
        if navMode:
            line = line + '[   %s    %s    %s ],     ' % (pass_fail(
                specRatio[3]), pass_fail(specRatio[4]), pass_fail(specRatio[5])
                                                          )  # LLA
            line = line + '[   %s    %s    %s ],     ' % (pass_fail(
                specRatio[0]), pass_fail(specRatio[1]), pass_fail(specRatio[2])
                                                          )  # UVW
        line = line + '[   %s    %s    %s ]\n' % (pass_fail(
            specRatio[6]), pass_fail(specRatio[7]), pass_fail(specRatio[8])
                                                  )  # ATT

        if navMode:
                '                                                                                         '
        else:  # AHRS mode
            f.write('                  ')
        f.write('(' + mode + ' mode)\n\n')

        # Print Mounting Biases
        f.write('--------------- Angular Mounting Biases ----------------\n')
        f.write('Device       Euler Biases[   (deg)     (deg)     (deg) ]\n')
        for n in range(0, numDev):
            devInfo = itd.cDevInfo(log.devices[n].data['devInfo'])
            f.write('%2d SN%d               [ %7.4f   %7.4f   %7.4f ]\n' %
                    (n, devInfo.v['serialNumber'][-1], mount_bias_euler[n, 0] *
                     RAD2DEG, mount_bias_euler[n, 1] * RAD2DEG,
                     mount_bias_euler[n, 2] * RAD2DEG))

        # Print Device Version Information
            '------------------------------------------- Device Info -------------------------------------------------\n'
        for n in range(0, numDev):
            devInfo = itd.cDevInfo(log.devices[n].data['devInfo'])
            hver = devInfo.v['hardwareVer'][-1]
            cver = devInfo.v['commVer'][-1]
            fver = devInfo.v['firmwareVer'][-1]
            buld = devInfo.v['build'][-1]
            repo = devInfo.v['repoRevision'][-1]
            date = devInfo.v['buildDate'][-1]
            time = devInfo.v['buildTime'][-1]
            addi = devInfo.v['addInfo'][-1]
                '%2d SN%d  HW: %d.%d.%d.%d   FW: %d.%d.%d.%d build %d repo %d   Proto: %d.%d.%d.%d  Date: %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d  %s\n'
                % (n, devInfo.v['serialNumber'][-1], hver[3], hver[2], hver[1],
                   hver[0], fver[3], fver[2], fver[1], fver[0], buld, repo,
                   cver[3], cver[2], cver[1], cver[0], 2000 + date[2], date[1],
                   date[0], time[3], time[2], time[1], addi))


        # Automatically open report in Windows
        if 'win' in sys.platform:
            subprocess.Popen(["notepad.exe", filename])  # non-blocking call
        if 'linux' in sys.platform:
            subprocess.Popen(['gedit', filename])


    # TODO: Pass out the union of the test errors
    return averageRMS
 def __init__(self, _v):
     global refLla
     self.v = _v
     #         self.time = _v['timeMs'] * 0.001
     self.time = gpsTimeToUTC(self.v['week'], (_v['timeMs'] * 0.001))
     self.ned = pose.lla2ned(refLla, _v['lla'])
 def ned(self):
     if self.__ned == None:
         self.__ned = pose.lla2ned(refLla, self.v['lla'])
     return self.__ned