Esempio n. 1
def infomap_find_communities(input_file, n_trials):
    Partition network with the Infomap algorithm.
    Annotates nodes with 'community' id and return number of communities found.
    :param input_file: Input file with data
    :param n_trials: Number of trials options for infomap
    :rtype: Total number of communities, python dictionary of detected communities
    options = '--two-level -z' + ' -N ' + n_trials
    print('Number of trials: {}'.format(n_trials), log_type='info')

    # Create Infomap wrapper
    infomap_wrapper = infomap.Infomap(options)

    # print("Building Infomap network from a NetworkX graph.....", log_type='info')
    # for e in graph.edges():
    #     infomap_wrapper.addLink(*e)

    print('Building Infomap network from the input file.....', log_type='info')


    tree = run_algorithm(infomap_wrapper)

    # Find communities
    communities = {}
    for node in tree.leafIter():
        communities[node.originalLeafIndex] = node.moduleIndex()

    # nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='community', values=communities)

    # return number of modules found
    return tree.numTopModules(), communities
def findCommunities(G):
	Partition network with the Infomap algorithm.
	Annotates nodes with 'community' id and return number of communities found.

    infomapWrapper = infomap.Infomap("--two-level")

    print("Building Infomap network from a NetworkX graph...")
    for e in G.edges():

    print("Find communities with Infomap...")

    tree = infomapWrapper.tree

    print("Found %d top modules with codelength: %f" %
          (tree.numTopModules(), tree.codelength()))

    communities = {}
    for node in tree.leafIter():
        communities[node.originalLeafIndex] = node.moduleIndex()

    nx.set_node_attributes(G, name='community', values=communities)
    return tree.numTopModules()
Esempio n. 3
def runInfomapAsLibrary(input, infomapArgs):
    if (noLibrary):
        sys.exit("Infomap library not available")

    infomapWrapper = infomap.Infomap("{} {}".format(input, infomapArgs), True)

    return infomapWrapper.codelength()
Esempio n. 4
id2word = word2vec.wv.index2word[:num_words]
word2id = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(id2word)}

links = {}

# 每个词找与它相似度不小于0.6的词(不超过50个),来作为图上的边
for i in tqdm(range(num_words)):
    sims =, word_vecs[i])
    idxs = sims.argsort()[::-1][1:]
    for j in idxs[:50]:
        if sims[j] >= min_sim:
            links[(i, j)] = float(sims[j])

infomapWrapper = infomap.Infomap("--two-level --directed")
# 如果重叠社区发现,则只需要:
# infomapWrapper = infomap.Infomap("--two-level --directed --overlapping")

for (i, j), sim in tqdm(links.items()):
    _ = infomapWrapper.addLink(i, j, sim)
tree = infomapWrapper.tree

word2class = {}
class2word = {}
for node in tree.leafIter():
    if id2word[node.physIndex] not in word2class:
        word2class[id2word[node.physIndex]] = []
from infomap import infomap

name = "ninetriangles"
filename = "../../{}.net".format(name)

infomapWrapper = infomap.Infomap("-N5 --silent")


tree = infomapWrapper.tree

print("Found %d top modules with codelength: %f" %
      (tree.numTopModules(), tree.codelength()))

print("Writing top level modules to %s_level1.clu..." % name)
tree.writeClu("%s_level1.clu" % name, 1)
print("Writing second level modules to %s_level2.clu..." % name)
tree.writeClu("%s_level2.clu" % name, 2)

print("Writing tree to %s.tree..." % name)
tree.writeHumanReadableTree("%s.tree" % name)

print("\nModules at depth 1:\n#node module")
for node in tree.leafIter(1):
    print("%d %d" % (node.physIndex, node.moduleIndex()))

print("\nModules at depth 2:\n#node module")
for node in tree.leafIter(2):
    print("%d %d" % (node.physIndex, node.moduleIndex()))
Esempio n. 6
# nx.layou

#first compute the best partition
# louvain
partition = community.best_partition(G, resolution=0.2)

# dendogram = community.generate_dendrogram(G, resolution=0.2)
# partition = community.partition_at_level(dendogram, 1)

size = float(len(set(partition.values())))
pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G)

# infomap
infomapWrapper = infomap.Infomap("--two-level")

print("Building Infomap network from a NetworkX graph...")
for e in G.edges():

print("Find communities with Infomap...")

tree = infomapWrapper.tree

print("Found %d top modules with codelength: %f" %
      (tree.numTopModules(), tree.codelength()))

partition = {}
for node in tree.leafIter():