def update_tree(GP_prog): import initGlobal as init import update_state as us anten = init.AnT() Sub = init.Sub() L = init.L() U = init.U() low = init.lowlevel() GP = init.GP() #path = us.load_temporary_path() us.update_all_saved_parameters(anten, Sub, L, U, GP, low) # calculate all of edge of substrate. GP_prog.childs[0].childs[0].valueofnode = [] for i in range(3): GP_prog.childs[0].childs[0].valueofnode.append( GP_prog.childs[0].childs[0].childs[i].valueofnode) temp = GP_prog.childs[0].childs[0].valueofnode GP_prog.childs[0].valueofnode = [] for i in range(3): # calculate all of the real substrate's parameters. if i == 0: temp2 = round(((temp[i] + 1) / 2) * (Sub.rangeOx[1] - Sub.rangeOx[0]) + Sub.rangeOx[0], 4) # Ox edge elif i == 1: temp2 = round(((temp[i] + 1) / 2) * (Sub.rangeOy[1] - Sub.rangeOy[0]) + Sub.rangeOy[0], 4) # Oy edge. else: temp2 = round(((temp[i] + 1) / 2) * (Sub.rangeOz[1] - Sub.rangeOz[0]) + Sub.rangeOz[0], 4) # Oz edge. GP_prog.childs[0].valueofnode.append(temp2) # Secondly create patterns. MaxX = GP_prog.childs[0].valueofnode[ 0] - Sub.decrease ### real MaxX,Y are decreased 1mm before to create # any pattern unit(like L1,U1,U2,...). MaxY = GP_prog.childs[0].valueofnode[1] - Sub.decrease Zsize = GP_prog.childs[0].valueofnode[2] GP_prog.substrate_size = [MaxX + Sub.decrease, MaxY + Sub.decrease, Zsize] GP_prog.childs[1].childs[0].childs[0] = gp.updateFullBlueTree( GP_prog.childs[1].childs[0].childs[0], [MaxX, MaxY], 5) GP_prog.childs[1].childs[0].valueofnode = gp.get_val_frombluetree( copy.deepcopy(GP_prog.childs[1].childs[0].childs[0])) GP_prog.childs[1].valueofnode = GP_prog.childs[1].childs[0].valueofnode return GP_prog
def lowlevel_optimizer(ind, state, pop_num): # the inputs: - IND individual # - STATE # - POP_NUM the specified ID of current individual which be optimized in here. import initGlobal as init import update_state as us lowinit = init.lowlevel() ant = init.AnT() inGP = init.GP( ) # get the essential parameters of GP process from file. note: this's global parameter. if init.Re_trainning: ant = init.AnT() Sub = init.Sub() L = init.L() U = init.U() lowinit = init.lowlevel() GP = init.GP() #path = us.load_temporary_path() us.update_all_saved_parameters(ant, Sub, L, U, GP, lowinit) else: us.update_path_low(ant, lowinit) anpha = lowinit.anpha saved_tree = [ ] # save all of the current tree generated by all of the directions for i in range(lowinit.number_direction): saved_tree.append([]) state.lowlevel = True global_name = lowinit.tmpDir + ant.Antenna_Name + 'lowlevel_gen_' global_tabname = lowinit.tmpTab + ant.Antenna_Name + '_gen_' print('running low-level optimizer for generation ', state.gen, 'population ', pop_num) chromosome, subtree_chrom, IDlist = hp.getChrom( ind) # get chromosome from tree and other atributes. num = len(chromosome) # number of values will be optimized. # create randomly the trainning data for ANN. y = [] # to save all of the fitness of each direction. for i in range(lowinit.number_direction): y.append([]) state.current_low_fitness = y fitness = # save original chromosome fitness. return_loss = [] return_loss.append(ind.ReturnLoss) # save original return loss variable. for i in range(lowinit.number_direction): return_loss.append([]) X_training = np.zeros( (lowinit.number_direction, num)) # X_training in this case used for direct search method. d = X_training # init the matrix of the directions. current_chromosome = np.zeros(num) for i in range( num ): # save original chromosome, where this point is the start point as well as the x0 point. current_chromosome[i] = chromosome[i] for i in range( lowinit.number_direction): # create the matrix of the direction. for ii in range(num): d[i][ii] = round(random.uniform( -1, 1), 4) # X_training in this case is the matrix direction. #print(X_training) ######################################################################################################################## ######################################################################################################################## for k in range(lowinit.number_search_step): state.lowlevel_k = k # now update the x_k follow each of direction. for i in range(lowinit.number_direction): for ii in range(num): X_training[i][ii] = current_chromosome[ii] + anpha * d[i][ii] if X_training[i][ii] > 1: X_training[i][ii] = 1 if X_training[i][ii] < -1: X_training[i][ii] == -1 # generate all of the scripts. print('generating ', lowinit.number_direction, ' scripts in low lelvel optimizer in generation ', state.gen) ''' # before run the next generation, all of the tab file need be deleted. filelist = [ f for f in os.listdir(lowinit.tmpTab) if f.endswith(".tab") ] for f in filelist: os.remove(os.path.join(lowinit.tmpTab, f)) # be fore run the next gen, all of the hfss file in temp need be deleted. filelist = [ f for f in os.listdir(lowinit.tmpDir) if (f.endswith(".hfss") or f.endswith(".vbs") or f.endswith(".txt"))] for f in filelist: # delete all before files. os.remove(os.path.join(lowinit.tmpDir, f))''' ######################################################## ############## insert chromosome. # create temporary population to save current new individual. #pop = [] #for i in range(lowinit.number_direction): # tree = hp.insert_chrom(ind.tree,X_training[i,:],subtree_chrom, IDlist) #tree_temp = hp.insert_chrom(ind.tree,X_training[2,:],subtree_chrom, IDlist) for i in range(lowinit.number_direction): tree = hp.insert_chrom(ind.tree, X_training[i, :], subtree_chrom, IDlist) #if i != 2: # if tree == tree_temp: # raise #pop[i].tree.childs[1].valueofnode.plot() [Substrate, polygons, centroid, poly_list, poly_list_type] = hp.get_all_para_for_hfss( tree) # get necessary parameters for genscript function. name = global_name + str(state.gen) + '_pop_' + str( state.population_num) + '_step_k' + str(k) + '_d_' + str( i) # name of directory would # be used to save .vbs and .hfss file. tabname = global_tabname + str(state.gen) + '_pop_' + str( state.population_num) + '_step_k' + str(k) + '_d_' + str( i) # name of directory # would be used to save .tab file. temppp.tree = tree temppp.nodelist = ind.nodelist temp, _, _ = hp.getChrom(temppp) print(X_training[i, :]) print(".....") print(temp) for iiii in range(len(X_training[i, :])): if not ( X_training[i, iiii] == temp[iiii] ): # this part is to test the insert and getchrom function. raise genscript(Substrate, polygons, centroid, name + '.vbs', tabname, name + '.hfss', poly_list, poly_list_type) f = open(name + '.txt', 'w') f.write(hp.tree2str(tree)) f.close() saved_tree[i] = tree del tree del Substrate del polygons del centroid #raise ValueError("Finished testing") ####### # running all of the scripts. nameDir = global_name + str(state.gen) + '_pop_' + str( state.population_num) + '_step_k' + str( k) + '_d_' # file name direction of the vbs file. hrun.RunPopScript(lowinit.number_direction, nameDir, 0, len(init.PCnames), state) # getting the fitness of each for i in range(lowinit.number_direction): spec_nameDir_tab = global_tabname + str(state.gen) + '_pop_' + str( state.population_num) + '_step_k' + str(k) + '_d_' + str( i) + '.tab' [m, n, p, q] = hrun.assignFitness(spec_nameDir_tab, state.gen) print('i ', i, '___', m) [y[i], return_loss[i]] = [m, n] if m < inGP.desired_fitness: shutil.copy2( global_name + str(state.gen) + '_pop_' + str(state.population_num) + '_step_k' + str(k) + '_d_' + str(i) + '.vbs', ant.resultsDir) shutil.copy2(spec_nameDir_tab, ant.resultsDir) shutil.copy2( global_name + str(state.gen) + '_pop_' + str(state.population_num) + '_step_k' + str(k) + '_d_' + str(i) + '.txt', ant.resultsDir) #hp.drawtree(pop[i].tree,ant.resultsDir + '_gen_' + str(gen) + '_pop_' + str(i)) f = open( ant.resultsDir + 'lowlevel_gen_' + str(state.gen) + '_pop_' + str(state.population_num) + '_step_k' + str(k) + '_d_' + str(i) + '.txt', 'w') #f.write(hp.tree2str(saved_tree[i])) #f.write('#') f.write('fitness: ' + str(m)) f.write('#') if p: f.write("_____exist best fitness") if q: f.write("___ that is better than overcome_desired") #f.write('time: ' + str((time.time() - first_time)/60)) f.close() ### fitness_k = min(y) index = y.index(fitness_k) if fitness_k < fitness: for i in range(num): current_chromosome[i] = X_training[index][i] fitness = fitness_k else: anpha = anpha * lowinit.shrink # shrink the anpha maybe because the stepsize is a little big. # np.savetxt('C:\\Opt_files\\lowlevel\\y.txt',y,delimiter = ',') # np.savetxt('C:\\Opt_files\\lowlevel\\X.txt',X_training,delimiter = ',') = fitness ind.tree = hp.insert_chrom(ind.tree, current_chromosome, subtree_chrom, IDlist) state.lowlevel = False #del saved_tree return ind
def makeGP_prog(maxSub, maxPat, maxBlue, ismaxdep): # makeGP_prog makes a entire GP tree. # whre maxSub: the maximum depth of the genSub sub-tree. # maxPat: the maximum depth of the genPat sub-tree. # maxBlue: the maximum depth of the Blue sub-tree. # ismaxdep: specify whether GP tree will be created with maxdepth of all branch or not. GP_prog = gp.node() Sub = init.Sub() if init.Re_trainning: import update_state as us anten = init.AnT() Sub = init.Sub() L = init.L() U = init.U() low = init.lowlevel() GP = init.GP() #path = us.load_temporary_path() us.update_all_saved_parameters(anten, sub, L, U, GP, low) GP_prog.strname = 'GP_prog' GP_prog.childs = [] GP_prog.funcORter = 'func' # firstly need to create the substrate tree. if maxSub == 1: # create addsub3 tree. gensub1 = gp.node() gensub1.strname = 'gensub1' gensub1.type = 4 gensub1.childs = [] gensub1.childs.append(gp.addsub3()) gensub1.funcORter = 'func' GP_prog.childs.append(gensub1) else: # when maxSub != 1. pass # calculate all of edge of substrate. GP_prog.childs[0].childs[0].valueofnode = [] for i in range(3): GP_prog.childs[0].childs[0].valueofnode.append( GP_prog.childs[0].childs[0].childs[i].valueofnode) temp = GP_prog.childs[0].childs[0].valueofnode GP_prog.childs[0].valueofnode = [] for i in range(3): # calculate all of the real substrate's parameters. if i == 0: temp2 = round(((temp[i] + 1) / 2) * (Sub.rangeOx[1] - Sub.rangeOx[0]) + Sub.rangeOx[0], 4) # Ox edge elif i == 1: temp2 = round(((temp[i] + 1) / 2) * (Sub.rangeOy[1] - Sub.rangeOy[0]) + Sub.rangeOy[0], 4) # Oy edge. else: temp2 = round(((temp[i] + 1) / 2) * (Sub.rangeOz[1] - Sub.rangeOz[0]) + Sub.rangeOz[0], 4) # Oz edge. GP_prog.childs[0].valueofnode.append(temp2) # Secondly create patterns. MaxX = GP_prog.childs[0].valueofnode[ 0] - Sub.decrease ### real MaxX,Y are decreased 1mm before to create # any pattern unit(like L1,U1,U2,...). MaxY = GP_prog.childs[0].valueofnode[1] - Sub.decrease Zsize = GP_prog.childs[0].valueofnode[2] GP_prog.substrate_size = [MaxX + Sub.decrease, MaxY + Sub.decrease, Zsize] [tree, lastnode] = gp.makeBlueTree(maxBlue, ismaxdep, 0, MaxX, MaxY) fullbluetree = gp.genFullBlueTree(tree) fullbluetree = gp.updateFullBlueTree(fullbluetree, [MaxX, MaxY], 1) if maxPat == 1: # create genpat1 = gp.node() genpat1.strname = 'genpat1' genpat1.type = 5 genpat1.childs = [] bluetree1 = gp.node() bluetree1.strname = 'bluetree1' bluetree1.type = 2 bluetree1.funcORter == 'func' bluetree1.childs = [] bluetree1.childs.append(fullbluetree) genpat1.childs.append(bluetree1) genpat1.funcORter = 'func' GP_prog.childs.append(genpat1) GP_prog.childs[1].childs[0].valueofnode = gp.get_val_frombluetree( copy.deepcopy(fullbluetree)) GP_prog.childs[1].valueofnode = GP_prog.childs[1].childs[0].valueofnode return GP_prog
import GPoperators as op import initGlobal as init import InitPopMethods as initpop import Helper as hp from genscript import genscript import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # from testFunctionFitness import fitness import os import time import shutil import DS_lowOptimize as dslow import ANN_lowOptimize as anlow import helpRunning as hpr ######################################################### MAIN ####################################################33 lowlevel = init.lowlevel() first_time = time.time() inAnT = init.AnT( ) # get the essential parameters of antenna from mydir = inAnT.tmpTab mydir_hfss = inAnT.tmpDir filelist = [f for f in os.listdir(mydir) if f.endswith(".tab")] for f in filelist: # delete all before files. os.remove(os.path.join(mydir, f)) filelist = [ f for f in os.listdir(mydir_hfss) if (f.endswith(".hfss") or f.endswith(".vbs") or f.endswith(".txt")) ] for f in filelist: # delete all before files. os.remove(os.path.join(mydir_hfss, f))
def genscript(Substrate,polygons,centroid,tmpScriptFile,outFile,hfssFile,poly_list,poly_list_type): import initGlobal as init anten = init.AnT() sub = init.Sub() # this function create the vbs file. # input arguments: # - Substrate: the list of edges of the substrate. # - polygons: the list of all coordinates to help draw the patch. Got from the second output of # Helper.get_all_para_for_hfss() function. if init.Re_trainning: import update_state as us anten = init.AnT() sub = init.Sub() L = init.L() U = init.U() low = init.lowlevel() GP = init.GP() us.update_all_saved_parameters(anten, sub, L, U, GP, low) addition_number = sub.addition # increase the range of substrate. # frequency c = anten.c fC = anten.fC fStart = anten.fStart fStop = anten.fStop npoints = anten.npoints Lambda = (c/fC)*1000 # radiation boundaries. #AirX = Nx*dAnt + Lambda/2 #AirY = Ny*dAnt + Lambda/2 AirZ = Lambda + Substrate[2] + 5 # 5 is the length of the coaxial cable. # solution parameters (GHz) # define some attributes of substrate. startX = centroid[0] - ((Substrate[0]+addition_number)/2) # the X original coordinate helps to draw the substrate. startY = centroid[1] - ((Substrate[1]+addition_number)/2) # the Y original coordinate helps to draw the substrate. length_W = Substrate[0] + addition_number # imply that it is the width_ox length_L = Substrate[1] + addition_number # imply that it is the length_oy centroidX_substrate = startX + length_W/2 # is the ox centroid coordinate of the substrate. centroidY_substrate = startY + length_L/2 # is the oy centroid coordinate of the substrate. #### x_coaxial_cable_coordinate = centroidX_substrate + (length_W/2)/3.5 y_coaxial_cable_coordinate = centroidY_substrate coaxial_check = geose.Point(x_coaxial_cable_coordinate,y_coaxial_cable_coordinate) checking = 0 for i in range(len(polygons)): if poly_list[i].intersects(coaxial_check)[0]: checking = checking + 1 if checking == 0: if poly_list_type[0] == 'L1' or poly_list_type[0] == 'L3' or poly_list_type[0] == 'L4' or poly_list_type[0] == 'U2' or poly_list_type[0] == 'U4': x_coaxial_cable_coordinate = (polygons[0][0,0] + polygons[0][2,0])/2 y_coaxial_cable_coordinate = (polygons[0][0,1] + polygons[0][2,1])/2 elif poly_list_type[0] == 'L2': x_coaxial_cable_coordinate = (polygons[0][5,0] + polygons[0][1,0])/2 y_coaxial_cable_coordinate = (polygons[0][5,1] + polygons[0][1,1])/2 elif poly_list_type[0] == 'U1': x_coaxial_cable_coordinate = (polygons[0][1,0] + polygons[0][3,0])/2 y_coaxial_cable_coordinate = (polygons[0][1,1] + polygons[0][3,1])/2 elif poly_list_type[0] == 'U3': x_coaxial_cable_coordinate = (polygons[0][7,0] + polygons[0][1,0])/2 y_coaxial_cable_coordinate = (polygons[0][7,1] + polygons[0][1,1])/2 ''' #### check wheather the feed point is in range of patch. polygon_boundary = hp.getBoundary(polygons) # get the boundary of the patch. try: range_edges = hp.get2_suitable_edges_for_coaxial_cable(polygon_boundary,(centroidX_substrate,centroidY_substrate)) except: pass #print(x_coaxial_cable_coordinate) #print(range_edges[1][1][1]) # fix the coaxial point. if range_edges != []: if len(range_edges) == 2: if (x_coaxial_cable_coordinate > range_edges[1][1][0]): # NOTE: this needs to revise because it does not include all of the case. #print(outFile) #print('__________') #x_coaxial_cable_coordinate = x_coaxial_cable_coordinate - (x_coaxial_cable_coordinate - range_edges[1][1][1]) - 2 x_coaxial_cable_coordinate = (range_edges[1][1][0] - range_edges[0][1][0])/2 else: if (x_coaxial_cable_coordinate > range_edges[-1][1][0]) or (x_coaxial_cable_coordinate > range_edges[-3][1][0] and x_coaxial_cable_coordinate < range_edges[-2][1][0]): x_coaxial_cable_coordinate = (range_edges[-1][1][0] - range_edges[-2][1][0])/2 ''' # open a temporary script file. # tmpScriptFile = 'tempPatch.vbs' fid = open(tmpScriptFile, 'w') # create a new HFSS project. hfss.hfssNewProject(fid) hfss.hfssInsertDesign(fid, 'NxN_uStrip_Patch') # Create substrate. hfss.hfssBox(fid, 'Substrate', [startX , startY , 0], [length_W, length_L, -Substrate[2]], 'mm') hfss.hfssAssignMaterial(fid,'Substrate',anten.substrate_material) name_all_polys = [] for i in range(len(polygons)): # draw each polygon. hfss.hfssPolyline1(fid,'polygon'+str(i+1),polygons[i],'mm') name_all_polys.append('polygon' + str(i+1)) if len(name_all_polys) != 1: hfss.hfssUnite(fid,name_all_polys) hfss.hfssRename(fid,'polygon1','patch') hfss.hfssAssignPE(fid, 'Perf1', ['patch'], False) # draw a ground plane. hfss.hfssRectangle(fid, 'GroundPlane', 'Z', [startX,startY,-Substrate[2]], Substrate[0] + addition_number, Substrate[1]\ + addition_number, 'mm'); #hfss.hfssAssignPE(fid, 'GND', ['GroundPlane']); # get the suitable coordinate of the coaxial cable. # draw the coaxial cable. hfss.hfssCircle(fid, 'Groundcir', 'Z', [x_coaxial_cable_coordinate, y_coaxial_cable_coordinate, -Substrate[2]], 1, 'mm') hfss.hfssSubtract(fid,['GroundPlane'],['Groundcir']) hfss.hfssAssignPE(fid, 'GND', ['GroundPlane'],False); hfss.hfssCylinder(fid, 'Cyl1', 'Z', [x_coaxial_cable_coordinate, y_coaxial_cable_coordinate,\ -Substrate[2]], 0.3, Substrate[2], 'mm') hfss.hfssAssignMaterial(fid,'Cyl1','copper') hfss.hfssCoaxialCable(fid, ['Cyl1_In', 'Cyl1_Er','Cyl1_Out'], 'Z', [x_coaxial_cable_coordinate, y_coaxial_cable_coordinate,\ -Substrate[2]-5], [0.3, 0.7, 1], 5, 'mm') hfss.hfssAssignMaterial(fid,'Cyl1_In','copper') hfss.hfssAssignMaterial(fid,'Cyl1_Er','air') hfss.hfssAssignMaterial(fid,'Cyl1_Out','copper') # feed. hfss.hfssCircle(fid,'feed','Z',[x_coaxial_cable_coordinate, y_coaxial_cable_coordinate, -Substrate[2]-5],0.7,'mm') hfss.hfssAssignLumpedPort(fid, 'Port1','feed', [x_coaxial_cable_coordinate, y_coaxial_cable_coordinate+0.7,\ -Substrate[2]-5], [x_coaxial_cable_coordinate, y_coaxial_cable_coordinate+0.3, -Substrate[2]-5], 'mm') # draw radiation boundaries. hfss.hfssBox(fid, 'AirBox', [startX - Lambda/4, startY - Lambda/4, -5 - Lambda/2 - Substrate[2]], [length_W + Lambda/2,\ length_L + Lambda/2, AirZ], 'mm'); hfss.hfssAssignRadiation(fid, 'ABC', 'AirBox'); hfss.hfssSetTransparency(fid, ['AirBox'], 0.95); ############################ insert solution. hfss.hfssInsertSolution(fid, 'Solution1', fC/1e9) hfss.hfssInterpolatingSweep(fid, 'Sweep1', 'Solution1',fStart, fStop, npoints) # Create return loss report (new HFSS-API) hfss.hfssCreateReport1(fid,'ReturnLoss',1,1,'Solution1',\ ['Freq'],['Freq','db(S(Port1,Port1))'],'Sweep1','NULL','Sweep') # Save the project to a temporary file and solve it. #hfss.hfssSolveSetup(fid, 'Solution1'); #Export the S11 report to .tab file # solve. hfss.hfssSolveSetup(fid, 'Solution1') #hfss.hfssSaveProject(fid, hfssFile, anten.hfss_save); hfss.hfssExportToFile(fid, 'ReturnLoss', outFile, 'tab') fid.close()
import Helper as hp import initGlobal as init lowinit = init.lowlevel() def lowlevel_optimizer(ind,state,pop_num ): print('running low-level optimizer for generation ',state.gen,'population ', pop_num) chromosome, subtree_chrom, IDlist = hp.getChrom() # get chromosome from tree and other atributes. num = len(chromosome) # number of values will be optimize. list_chrom =
# - mutaion(pop,proRed,prosubBlue,proBlue,proSubstrate,proGensub,proGenpat) # - update_tree_after_GP_operation(GP_prog,nodeID,typeChange) # to help two above functions. # [email protected] - 2018 import Helper as hp import copy import initGlobal as init import GP as gp import random inGP = init.GP() if init.Re_trainning: import update_state as us AnT = init.AnT() Sub = init.Sub() L = init.L() U = init.U() low = init.lowlevel() inGP = init.GP() #path = us.load_temporary_path() us.update_all_saved_parameters(AnT, Sub, L, U, inGP, low) def crossover(pop, state, proRed, prosubBlue, proBlue, proSubstrate, proGensub, proGenpat): # input arguments: # POP - the population need be applied GP operators. # PRORED - the probality whether the red node is picked to apply GP operators. # PROSUBBLUE - _____________________ subblue node ______________________________. # PROBLUE - ________________________ bluetree node______________________________. # ............................................................................... # Generate a child tree using crossover and previous generation of program.
def insert_chrom(or_tree, chromosome, subtree_chrom_, IDlist): # insert_chrom function is used to insert the red nodes into suitable tree. # tree: is the tree need be inserted after the red nodes extracted. # chromosome: is the list that saves all extracted values of red nodes. # subtree_chrom: is the list that save all extracted red nodes. # IDlist: is the list that save all ID of the extracted node. # Note: The tree is used as the input of this function need be deepcopy before. import initGlobal as init Sub = init.Sub() if init.Re_trainning: import update_state as us AnT = init.AnT() #Sub = init.Sub() L = init.L() U = init.U() low = init.lowlevel() GP = init.GP() #path = us.load_temporary_path() us.update_all_saved_parameters(AnT, Sub, L, U, GP, low) tree = copy.deepcopy(or_tree) subtree_chrom = copy.deepcopy(subtree_chrom_) #drawtree(tree) length = len(chromosome) for i in range(length): subtree_chrom[i].valueofnode = chromosome[ i] # insert all values into subtree_chrom before insert to GP_tree(tree). for i in range(len(chromosome)): tree = replaceSubtree(tree, subtree_chrom[i], IDlist[i]) #drawNodeIDs(tree) ## update tree (substrate layer). UpdateNodeIDs(tree, 0) #drawtree(tree) tree.childs[0].childs[0].valueofnode = [] for i in range(len(tree.childs[0].childs[0].childs) ): # resave the sizes of substrate layer into addsub3 node. tree.childs[0].childs[0].valueofnode.append( tree.childs[0].childs[0].childs[i].valueofnode) temp = tree.childs[0].childs[ 0].valueofnode # save the sizes of substrate layer into TEMP variable. tree.childs[0].valueofnode = [] for i in range(3): # calculate all of the real substrate's parameters. if i == 0: temp2 = round(((temp[i] + 1) / 2) * (Sub.rangeOx[1] - Sub.rangeOx[0]) + Sub.rangeOx[0], 4) # Ox edge elif i == 1: temp2 = round(((temp[i] + 1) / 2) * (Sub.rangeOy[1] - Sub.rangeOy[0]) + Sub.rangeOy[0], 4) # Oy edge. else: temp2 = round(((temp[i] + 1) / 2) * (Sub.rangeOz[1] - Sub.rangeOz[0]) + Sub.rangeOz[0], 4) # Oz edge. tree.childs[0].valueofnode.append(temp2) # Secondly create patterns. MaxX = tree.childs[0].valueofnode[ 0] - Sub.decrease ### real MaxX,Y are decreased 1mm before to create # any pattern unit(like L1,U1,U2,...). MaxY = tree.childs[0].valueofnode[1] - Sub.decrease Zsize = tree.childs[0].valueofnode[2] tree.substrate_size = [MaxX + Sub.decrease, MaxY + Sub.decrease, Zsize] MaxXY = [MaxX - Sub.decrease, MaxY - Sub.decrease] ResetSynthesischeck(tree.childs[1].childs[0].childs[0], tree.childs[1].childs[0].childs[0].nodeID) tree.childs[1].childs[0].childs[0] = gp.updateFullBlueTree( tree.childs[1].childs[0].childs[0], MaxXY, 4) tree.childs[1].childs[0].valueofnode = gp.get_val_frombluetree( copy.deepcopy(tree.childs[1].childs[0].childs[0])) tree.childs[1].valueofnode = tree.childs[1].childs[0].valueofnode del subtree_chrom del temp del temp2 return tree