def filter_main(stock_new,state_dt,predict_dt,poz): # 建立数据库连接 ################################################## # 建立数据库连接,设置tushare的token,定义一些初始化参数 env=get_env() db,cursor,pro=env.db,env.cursor, ################################################## #先更新持股天数 sql_update_hold_days = 'update my_stock_pool w set w.hold_days = w.hold_days + 1' cursor.execute(sql_update_hold_days) db.commit() #先卖出 deal = Deal.Deal(state_dt) stock_pool_local = deal.stock_pool for stock in stock_pool_local: sql_predict = "select predict from model_ev_resu a where a.state_dt = '%s' and a.stock_code = '%s'"%(predict_dt,stock) cursor.execute(sql_predict) done_set_predict = cursor.fetchall() predict = 0 if len(done_set_predict) > 0: predict = int(done_set_predict[0][0]) print "predict: %s,predictvalue: %d " % (stock ,predict) ans = Operator.sell(stock,state_dt,predict) print "sell: %s" % stock #后买入 for stock_index in range(len(stock_new)): deal_buy = Deal.Deal(state_dt) # # 如果模型f1分值低于50则不买入 # sql_f1_check = "select * from model_ev_resu a where a.stock_code = '%s' and a.state_dt < '%s' order by a.state_dt desc limit 1"%(stock_new[stock_index],state_dt) # cursor.execute(sql_f1_check) # done_check = cursor.fetchall() # db.commit() # if len(done_check) > 0: # if float(done_check[0][4]) < 0.5: # print('F1 Warning !!') # continue # macd模型,如果预测值为1则买入 # sql_macd_check="select * from model_macd_resu where stock_code= '%s' and state_dt= '%s' " % (stock_new[stock_index],state_dt) # cursor.execute(sql_macd_check) # done_check = cursor.fetchall() # print done_check # db.commit() # if len(done_check) > 0: # if done_check[0][2] <> '1': # 不可买 # print(state_dt,': ',stock_new[stock_index],'macd forbidden !') # continue ans =[stock_index],state_dt,float(poz[stock_index])*deal_buy.cur_money_rest) print "stock_new[stock_index],state_dt,poz[stock_index]*deal_buy.cur_money_rest", stock_new[stock_index],state_dt,poz[stock_index]*deal_buy.cur_money_rest del deal_buy db.close()
def model_eva(stock,state_dt,para_window,para_dc_window): # 建立数据库连接,设置tushare token ################################################## # 建立数据库连接,设置tushare的token,定义一些初始化参数 env=get_env() db,cursor,pro=env.db,env.cursor, ################################################## # print 'into_eva'*10 # 建评估时间序列, para_window参数代表回测窗口长度 model_test_date_start = (datetime.datetime.strptime(state_dt, '%Y-%m-%d') - datetime.timedelta(days=para_window)).strftime( '%Y%m%d') model_test_date_end = datetime.datetime.strptime(state_dt,('%Y-%m-%d')).strftime('%Y%m%d') print "model_test_date_start,model_test_date_end: ",model_test_date_start,model_test_date_end df = pro.trade_cal(exchange_id='', is_open = 1,start_date=model_test_date_start, end_date=model_test_date_end) date_temp = list(df.iloc[:,1]) model_test_date_seq = [(datetime.datetime.strptime(x, "%Y%m%d")).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for x in date_temp] # 清空评估用的中间表model_ev_mid sql_truncate_model_test = 'truncate table model_ev_mid' cursor.execute(sql_truncate_model_test) db.commit() # print 'after_commit_'*10 return_flag = 0 # 开始回测,其中para_dc_window参数代表建模时数据预处理所需的时间窗长度 for d in range(len(model_test_date_seq)): model_test_new_start = (datetime.datetime.strptime(model_test_date_seq[d], '%Y-%m-%d') - datetime.timedelta(days=para_dc_window)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') model_test_new_end = model_test_date_seq[d] print "model_test_new_start,model_test_new_end: ",model_test_new_start,model_test_new_end try: dc = DC.data_collect(stock, model_test_new_start, model_test_new_end) if len(set(dc.data_target)) <= 1: continue except Exception as exp: print("DC Errrrr") return_flag = 1 break train = dc.data_train target = dc.data_target test_case = [dc.test_case] model = svm.SVC() # 建模, target) # 训练 ans2 = model.predict(test_case) # 预测 # 将预测结果插入到中间表 # print 'predict'*10 sql_insert = "insert into model_ev_mid(state_dt,stock_code,resu_predict)values('%s','%s','%.2f')" % (model_test_new_end, stock, float(ans2[0])) # print sql_insert cursor.execute(sql_insert) db.commit() if return_flag == 1: acc = recall = acc_neg = f1 = 0 return -1 else: # 在中间表中刷真实值 for i in range(len(model_test_date_seq)): sql_select = "select * from stock_all a where a.stock_code = '%s' and a.state_dt >= '%s' order by a.state_dt asc limit 2" % (stock, model_test_date_seq[i]) cursor.execute(sql_select) done_set2 = cursor.fetchall() if len(done_set2) <= 1: break resu = 0 if float(done_set2[1][3]) / float(done_set2[0][3]) > 1.00: resu = 1 sql_update = "update model_ev_mid w set w.resu_real = '%.2f' where w.state_dt = '%s' and w.stock_code = '%s'" % (resu, model_test_date_seq[i], stock) cursor.execute(sql_update) db.commit() # 计算查全率 sql_resu_recall_son = "select count(*) from model_ev_mid a where a.resu_real is not null and a.resu_predict = 1 and a.resu_real = 1" cursor.execute(sql_resu_recall_son) recall_son = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] sql_resu_recall_mon = "select count(*) from model_ev_mid a where a.resu_real is not null and a.resu_real = 1" cursor.execute(sql_resu_recall_mon) recall_mon = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] if recall_mon == 0: acc = recall = acc_neg = f1 = 0 else: recall = float(recall_son) / recall_mon # 计算查准率 sql_resu_acc_son = "select count(*) from model_ev_mid a where a.resu_real is not null and a.resu_predict = 1 and a.resu_real = 1" cursor.execute(sql_resu_acc_son) acc_son = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] sql_resu_acc_mon = "select count(*) from model_ev_mid a where a.resu_real is not null and a.resu_predict = 1" cursor.execute(sql_resu_acc_mon) acc_mon = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] if acc_mon == 0: acc = recall = acc_neg = f1 = 0 else: acc = float(acc_son) / acc_mon # 计算查准率(负样本) sql_resu_acc_neg_son = "select count(*) from model_ev_mid a where a.resu_real is not null and a.resu_predict = -1 and a.resu_real = -1" cursor.execute(sql_resu_acc_neg_son) acc_neg_son = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] sql_resu_acc_neg_mon = "select count(*) from model_ev_mid a where a.resu_real is not null and a.resu_predict = -1" cursor.execute(sql_resu_acc_neg_mon) acc_neg_mon = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] if acc_neg_mon == 0: acc_neg_mon = -1 acc_neg = -1 else: acc_neg = float(acc_neg_son) / acc_neg_mon # 计算 F1 分值 if acc + recall == 0: acc = recall = acc_neg = f1 = 0 else: f1 = (2 * acc * recall) / (acc + recall) sql_predict = "select resu_predict from model_ev_mid a where a.state_dt = '%s'" % (model_test_date_seq[-1]) cursor.execute(sql_predict) done_predict = cursor.fetchall() predict = 0 if len(done_predict) != 0: predict = int(done_predict[0][0]) # 将评估结果存入结果表model_ev_resu中 sql_final_insert = "insert into model_ev_resu(state_dt,stock_code,acc,recall,f1,acc_neg,bz,predict)values('%s','%s','%.4f','%.4f','%.4f','%.4f','%s','%s')" % (state_dt, stock, acc, recall, f1, acc_neg, 'svm', str(predict)) cursor.execute(sql_final_insert) db.commit() db.close() print(str(state_dt) + ' Precision : ' + str(acc) + ' Recall : ' + str(recall) + ' F1 : ' + str(f1) + ' Acc_Neg : ' + str(acc_neg)) return 1
#coding:utf8 ''' This module used for back_test parament settings author:michael 2018.12.05 ''' from init_env import get_env # stock_pool_9=['600729.SH', '600733.SH', '600740.SH', '600754.SH', '600755.SH', '600760.SH', '600783.SH', '600790.SH', '600825.SH', '600874.SH','000576.SZ', '000582.SZ', '000592.SZ', '000603.SZ', '000622.SZ', '000638.SZ', '000651.SZ', '000666.SZ', '000722.SZ'] env = get_env() db, cursor, pro = env.db, env.cursor, class back_test(object): def __init__(self, para_window=90, start_time='2018-08-01', end_time='2018-12-01', hold_days=7, strategy='', torlence_profit=0.05, torlence_lost=0.10, operate_days=5, operate_tm=''): self.para_window = para_window self.start_time = start_time self.end_time = end_time self.hold_days = hold_days self.strategy = strategy self.torlence_lost = torlence_lost self.torlence_profit = torlence_profit self.operate_days = operate_days self.operate_tm = operate_tm
def buy(stock_code, opdate, buy_money): ################################################## # 建立数据库连接,设置tushare的token,定义一些初始化参数 env = get_env() db, cursor, pro = env.db, env.cursor, ################################################## deal_buy = Deal.Deal(opdate) print "deal_buy,deal_buy.cur_capital:%s" % (str( deal_buy.cur_money_rest), str(deal_buy.cur_capital)) print 'buy_money: ', buy_money #后买入 if deal_buy.cur_money_rest + 1 >= buy_money: print "deal_buy.cur_money_rest+1 : ", deal_buy.cur_money_rest + 1, " buy_money: ", buy_money sql_buy = "select * from stock_all_plus a where a.state_dt = '%s' and a.stock_code = '%s'" % ( opdate, stock_code) cursor.execute(sql_buy) done_set_buy = cursor.fetchall() print done_set_buy, 'donesetbuy' if len(done_set_buy) == 0: return -1 #剔除涨跌停因素 if done_set_buy[0][10] > 9.9: print "涨停无法买入:%s" % str(done_set_buy) return -1 buy_price = float(done_set_buy[0][3]) print "buy_price", buy_price # if buy_price >= 195: # return 0 vol, rest = divmod(min(deal_buy.cur_money_rest, buy_money), buy_price * 100) print "vol, rest:", vol, rest vol = vol * 100 if vol == 0: return 0 new_capital = deal_buy.cur_capital - vol * buy_price * 0.0005 new_money_lock = deal_buy.cur_money_lock + vol * buy_price new_money_rest = deal_buy.cur_money_rest - vol * buy_price * 1.0005 sql_buy_update2 = "insert into my_capital(capital,money_lock,money_rest,deal_action,stock_code,stock_vol,state_dt,deal_price)VALUES ('%.2f', '%.2f', '%.2f','%s','%s','%i','%s','%.2f')" % ( new_capital, new_money_lock, new_money_rest, 'buy', stock_code, vol, opdate, buy_price) print "sql_buy_update2: ", sql_buy_update2 cursor.execute(sql_buy_update2) db.commit() if stock_code in deal_buy.stock_all: new_buy_price = (deal_buy.stock_map1[stock_code] * deal_buy.stock_map2[stock_code] + vol * buy_price ) / (deal_buy.stock_map2[stock_code] + vol) new_vol = deal_buy.stock_map2[stock_code] + vol sql_buy_update3 = "update my_stock_pool w set w.buy_price = (select '%.2f' from dual) where w.stock_code = '%s'" % ( new_buy_price, stock_code) sql_buy_update3b = "update my_stock_pool w set w.hold_vol = (select '%i' from dual) where w.stock_code = '%s'" % ( new_vol, stock_code) sql_buy_update3c = "update my_stock_pool w set w.hold_days = (select '%i' from dual) where w.stock_code = '%s'" % ( 1, stock_code) cursor.execute(sql_buy_update3) cursor.execute(sql_buy_update3b) cursor.execute(sql_buy_update3c) db.commit() else: sql_buy_update3 = "insert into my_stock_pool(stock_code,buy_price,hold_vol,hold_days) VALUES ('%s','%.2f','%i','%i')" % ( stock_code, buy_price, vol, int(1)) cursor.execute(sql_buy_update3) db.commit() db.close() return 1 db.close() return 0
def sell(stock_code, opdate, predict): ################################################## # 建立数据库连接,设置tushare的token,定义一些初始化参数 env = get_env() db, cursor, pro = env.db, env.cursor, ################################################## deal = Deal.Deal(opdate) init_price = deal.stock_map1[stock_code] hold_vol = deal.stock_map2[stock_code] hold_days = deal.stock_map3[stock_code] sql_sell_select = "select * from stock_all_plus a where a.state_dt = '%s' and a.stock_code = '%s'" % ( opdate, stock_code) cursor.execute(sql_sell_select) done_set_sell_select = cursor.fetchall() if len(done_set_sell_select) == 0: return -1 sell_price = float(done_set_sell_select[0][3]) #跌停无法卖出 if done_set_sell_select[0][10] < -9.9: print "跌停无法卖出:%s" % str(done_set_sell_select) return -1 if sell_price > init_price * (1 + bt.torlence_profit) and hold_vol > 0: new_money_lock = deal.cur_money_lock - sell_price * hold_vol if new_money_lock < 0: print "deal.cur_money_lock:%f,new_money_lock:%f,sell_price:%f,hold_vol:%d" % ( deal.cur_money_lock, new_money_lock, sell_price, hold_vol) x = raw_input('profit error....') new_money_rest = deal.cur_money_rest + sell_price * hold_vol new_capital = deal.cur_capital + (sell_price - init_price) * hold_vol new_profit = (sell_price - init_price) * hold_vol new_profit_rate = sell_price / init_price sql_sell_insert = "insert into my_capital(capital,money_lock,money_rest,deal_action,stock_code,stock_vol,profit,profit_rate,bz,state_dt,deal_price)values('%.2f','%.2f','%.2f','%s','%s','%.2f','%.2f','%.2f','%s','%s','%.2f')" % ( new_capital, new_money_lock, new_money_rest, 'SELL', stock_code, hold_vol, new_profit, new_profit_rate, 'GOODSELL', opdate, sell_price) cursor.execute(sql_sell_insert) db.commit() sql_sell_update = "delete from my_stock_pool where stock_code = '%s'" % ( stock_code) cursor.execute(sql_sell_update) db.commit() db.close() return 1 elif sell_price < init_price * (1 - bt.torlence_lost) and hold_vol > 0: new_money_lock = deal.cur_money_lock - sell_price * hold_vol if new_money_lock < 0: print "deal.cur_money_lock:%f,new_money_lock:%f,sell_price:%f,hold_vol:%d" % ( deal.cur_money_lock, new_money_lock, sell_price, hold_vol) x = raw_input('lost error....') new_money_rest = deal.cur_money_rest + sell_price * hold_vol new_capital = deal.cur_capital + (sell_price - init_price) * hold_vol new_profit = (sell_price - init_price) * hold_vol new_profit_rate = sell_price / init_price sql_sell_insert2 = "insert into my_capital(capital,money_lock,money_rest,deal_action,stock_code,stock_vol,profit,profit_rate,bz,state_dt,deal_price)values('%.2f','%.2f','%.2f','%s','%s','%.2f','%.2f','%.2f','%s','%s','%.2f')" % ( new_capital, new_money_lock, new_money_rest, 'SELL', stock_code, hold_vol, new_profit, new_profit_rate, 'BADSELL', opdate, sell_price) cursor.execute(sql_sell_insert2) db.commit() sql_sell_update2 = "delete from my_stock_pool where stock_code = '%s'" % ( stock_code) cursor.execute(sql_sell_update2) db.commit() # sql_ban_insert = "insert into ban_list(stock_code) values ('%s')" %(stock_code) # cursor.execute(sql_ban_insert) # db.commit() db.close() return 1 elif hold_days >= bt.hold_days and hold_vol > 0: new_money_lock = deal.cur_money_lock - sell_price * hold_vol if new_money_lock < 0: print "deal.cur_money_lock:%f,new_money_lock:%f,sell_price:%f,hold_vol:%d" % ( deal.cur_money_lock, new_money_lock, sell_price, hold_vol) x = raw_input('hold days error....') new_money_rest = deal.cur_money_rest + sell_price * hold_vol new_capital = deal.cur_capital + (sell_price - init_price) * hold_vol new_profit = (sell_price - init_price) * hold_vol new_profit_rate = sell_price / init_price sql_sell_insert3 = "insert into my_capital(capital,money_lock,money_rest,deal_action,stock_code,stock_vol,profit,profit_rate,bz,state_dt,deal_price)values('%.2f','%.2f','%.2f','%s','%s','%.2f','%.2f','%.2f','%s','%s','%.2f')" % ( new_capital, new_money_lock, new_money_rest, 'OVERTIME', stock_code, hold_vol, new_profit, new_profit_rate, 'OVERTIMESELL', opdate, sell_price) cursor.execute(sql_sell_insert3) db.commit() sql_sell_update3 = "delete from my_stock_pool where stock_code = '%s'" % ( stock_code) cursor.execute(sql_sell_update3) db.commit() db.close() return 1 elif predict == -1: new_money_lock = deal.cur_money_lock - sell_price * hold_vol new_money_rest = deal.cur_money_rest + sell_price * hold_vol new_capital = deal.cur_capital + (sell_price - init_price) * hold_vol new_profit = (sell_price - init_price) * hold_vol new_profit_rate = sell_price / init_price sql_sell_insert4 = "insert into my_capital(capital,money_lock,money_rest,deal_action,stock_code,stock_vol,profit,profit_rate,bz,state_dt,deal_price)values('%.2f','%.2f','%.2f','%s','%s','%.2f','%.2f','%.2f','%s','%s','%.2f')" % ( new_capital, new_money_lock, new_money_rest, 'Predict', stock_code, hold_vol, new_profit, new_profit_rate, 'PredictSell', opdate, sell_price) cursor.execute(sql_sell_insert4) db.commit() sql_sell_update3 = "delete from my_stock_pool where stock_code = '%s'" % ( stock_code) cursor.execute(sql_sell_update3) db.commit() db.close() return 1 db.close() return 0
def get_portfolio(stock_list,state_dt,para_window): print "stock_list,state_dt,para_window: ",stock_list,state_dt,para_window # 建数据库连接,设置Tushare的token ################################################## # 建立数据库连接,设置tushare的token,定义一些初始化参数 env=get_env() db,cursor,pro=env.db,env.cursor, ################################################## portfilio = stock_list # 建评估时间序列, para_window参数代表回测窗口长度 model_test_date_start = (datetime.datetime.strptime(state_dt, '%Y-%m-%d') - datetime.timedelta(days=para_window)).strftime( '%Y-%m-%d') model_test_date_end = (datetime.datetime.strptime(state_dt, "%Y-%m-%d")).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # df = pro.trade_cal(exchange_id='', is_open=1, start_date=model_test_date_start, end_date=model_test_date_end) #此处切换为本地获取,防止回测日期天数过多导致调用接口崩溃 2018.12.13 12:06 # print df sql_trade="select * from trade_day where cal_date>='%s' and cal_date<='%s'" % (model_test_date_start,model_test_date_end) cursor.execute(sql_trade) db.commit() df=pd.DataFrame(list(cursor.fetchall())) print (df) date_temp = list(df.iloc[:, 1]) model_test_date_seq = [(datetime.datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%d")).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for x in date_temp] list_return = [] for i in range(len(model_test_date_seq)-4): ti = model_test_date_seq[i] ri = [] for j in range(len(portfilio)): sql_select = "select * from stock_all_plus a where a.stock_code = '%s' and a.state_dt >= '%s' and a.state_dt <= '%s' order by state_dt asc" % (portfilio[j], model_test_date_seq[i], model_test_date_seq[i + 4]) cursor.execute(sql_select) done_set = cursor.fetchall() db.commit() temp = [x[3] for x in done_set] base_price = 0.00 after_mean_price = 0.00 if len(temp) <= 1: r = 0.00 else: base_price = temp[0] after_mean_price = np.array(temp[1:]).mean() r = (float(after_mean_price/base_price)-1.00)*100.00 ri.append(r) del done_set del temp del base_price del after_mean_price list_return.append(ri) # 求协方差矩阵 cov = np.cov(np.array(list_return).T) # 求特征值和其对应的特征向量 ans = np.linalg.eig(cov) # 排序,特征向量中负数置0,非负数归一 ans_index = copy.copy(ans[0]) ans_index.sort() resu = [] # print ans for k in range(len(ans_index)): con_temp = [] con_temp.append(ans_index[k]) content_temp1 = ans[1][np.argwhere(ans[0] == ans_index[k])[0][0]] content_temp2 = [] content_sum = np.array([x for x in content_temp1 if x >= 0.00]).sum() for m in range(len(content_temp1)): if content_temp1[m] >= 0 and content_sum > 0: content_temp2.append(content_temp1[m]/content_sum) else: content_temp2.append(0.00) con_temp.append(content_temp2) # 计算夏普率 sharp_temp = np.array(copy.copy(list_return)) * content_temp2 sharp_exp = sharp_temp.mean() sharp_base = 0.04 sharp_std = np.std(sharp_temp) if sharp_std == 0.00: sharp = 0.00 else: sharp = (sharp_exp - sharp_base) / sharp_std con_temp.append(sharp) resu.append(con_temp) return resu