Esempio n. 1
def user_removes_columns(sheet, schema, request):
    """Deletes user defined columns

    Gather the columns the user wants to delete via the request and
    create a table which will "house" those columns.

    We can then delete the entry in sheets_schema and then have
    sqlalchemy-migrate drop the column via our "housing" table.

    Afterwards, we iterate over all the columns and adjust the sequence numbers
    before we actually delete the column in our schema table.
    col_to_delete_id = request.form.getlist("to_delete")[0]
    col_to_delete = session.query(

    # drop the given column from the given table
        sqlalchemy.Table("table_{}".format(, metadata))

    for col in session.query(
        if col.sequence_number > col_to_delete.sequence_number:
            col.sequence_number -= 1

    col_to_delete = session.query(
Esempio n. 2
def user_deletes_table(sheets, form):
    """Deletes a user generated tabled

    Based on the id of the sheet, remove the corresponding generated table,
    and the entry in 'Sheets' as well. Deletes the column definitions automatically.
    sheet_to_drop_id =
    generate_table = sqlalchemy.Table("table_{}".format(sheet_to_drop_id),
Esempio n. 3
def get(table, response_col, target_col=None, target=None, start=None,
        end=None, sort=False):

    t = tables[table]
    ts = getattr(t, table_cols[table]['timestamp'])
    col = getattr(t, response_col)
    q = session.query(ts, col)
    if start:
        q = q.filter(ts > start)

    if end:
        q = q.filter(ts < end)

    if target_col and target:
        tc = getattr(t, target_col)
        q = q.filter(tc == target)

    if sort:
        q = q.order_by(ts)

    res = q.all()

    return res
Esempio n. 4
def user_alters_column(edit_form, sheet, request):
    """Alters user picked columns

    Currently just queries the database and alters the name
    of the column. More work will be needed to properly adjust
    column types (ensure data correction, leave as-is, delete, etc)
    col_to_alter_id = request.form.getlist("col_to_alter")[0]
    col = session.query(
    col.column_name =
    col.column_type =
Esempio n. 5
def get_comparison_ts(table, target_col, groups, resp, sort=False):
    t = tables[table]
    ts = getattr(t, table_cols[table]['timestamp'])
    group_col = getattr(t, target_col)
    resp_col = getattr(t, resp)

    q = session.query(ts, func.avg(resp_col)).filter(group_col.in_(groups))\

    if sort:
        q = q.order_by(ts)

    return q.all()
Esempio n. 6
def groupdo(table, yn, *aggs, **kwargs):
    Returns result of an aggregation function applied to the entire population.

    table : str
        Tempus table name.
    yn : str
        Response variable to send to the aggregate function.
    aggs : list of strings
        Aggregation function names, from list of valid MySQL aggregation
    tstart : datetime.datetime, optional
        Only include entries after `tstart` (the default is to include
    tend : datetime.datetime, optional
        Only include entries before `tend` (the default is to include

        List of responses to the SQL query. Since most aggregation functions
        only return one value, this is often a list of a single tuple, the
        first entry of which is the result.

    See Also
    groupby: Performs aggregation function within groups.

    Valid agg function strings:
        AVG -- Return the average value of the argument
        BIT_AND -- Return bitwise and
        BIT_OR -- Return bitwise or
        BIT_XOR -- Return bitwise xor
        COUNT(DISTINCT)Return the count of a number of different values
        COUNT -- Return a count of the number of rows returned
        GROUP_CONCAT -- Return a concatenated string
        MAX -- Return the maximum value
        MIN -- Return the minimum value
        STD -- Return the population standard deviation
        STDDEV_POP -- Return the population standard deviation
        STDDEV_SAMP -- Return the sample standard deviation
        STDDEV -- Return the population standard deviation
        SUM -- Return the sum
        VAR_POP -- Return the population standard variance
        VAR_SAMP -- Return the sample variance
        VARIANCE -- Return the population standard variance


    logger.debug('Executing groupdo: kwargs={}'.format(kwargs))
    t = tables[table]

    fs = [getattr(func, agg) for agg in aggs]
    y = getattr(t, yn)

    tstart = kwargs.get('tstart', None)
    tend = kwargs.get('tend', None)

    conds = []
    if tstart and tend:
        ts = getattr(t, table_cols[table]['timestamp'])

        conds = [(ts > tstart), (ts < tend)]

    q = session.query(*[f(y) for f in fs])

    for cond in conds:
        q = q.filter(cond)

    aggs = q.all()

    return aggs
Esempio n. 7
def get_groups(table, group_col):
    t = tables[table]
    col = getattr(t, group_col)
    q = session.query(func.distinct(col)).filter(col != None)

    return q.all()
Esempio n. 8
def groupby(table, xs, ys, agg, **kwargs):
    Returns result of an aggregation function applied to groups.

    table : str
        Tempus table name.
    ss : str or iterable of str
        Variable(s) to group by.
    ys : str or iterable of str
        Response variable(s) to send to the aggregate function.
    agg : str
        Aggregation function name, from list of valid MySQL aggregation
    tstart : datetime.datetime, optional
        Only include entries after `tstart` (the default is to include
    tend : datetime.datetime, optional
        Only include entries before `tend` (the default is to include

        Dictionary mapping group identifiers (column names) to a dictionary of
        aggregated response variables.

    See Also
    groupdo: Performs aggregation function across entire table.

    Valid agg function strings:
        AVG -- Return the average value of the argument
        BIT_AND -- Return bitwise and
        BIT_OR -- Return bitwise or
        BIT_XOR -- Return bitwise xor
        COUNT(DISTINCT)Return the count of a number of different values
        COUNT -- Return a count of the number of rows returned
        GROUP_CONCAT -- Return a concatenated string
        MAX -- Return the maximum value
        MIN -- Return the minimum value
        STD -- Return the population standard deviation
        STDDEV_POP -- Return the population standard deviation
        STDDEV_SAMP -- Return the sample standard deviation
        STDDEV -- Return the population standard deviation
        SUM -- Return the sum
        VAR_POP -- Return the population standard variance
        VAR_SAMP -- Return the sample variance
        VARIANCE -- Return the population standard variance

    logger.debug('Executing groupby: kwargs={}'.format(kwargs))
    if isinstance(xs, basestring):
        xs = [xs]
    if isinstance(ys, basestring):
        ys = [ys]

    t = tables[table]
    columns = [getattr(t, x) for x in xs]

    yvars = [getattr(t, y) for y in ys]
    f = getattr(func, agg)

    tstart = kwargs.get('tstart', None)
    tend = kwargs.get('tend', None)

    conds = []
    if tstart and tend:
        ts = getattr(t, table_cols[table]['timestamp'])

        conds = [(ts > tstart), (ts < tend)]

    funcs = [f(y) for y in yvars]
    q = session.query(*(funcs + columns))
    for col in columns:
        q = q.group_by(col)

    for cond in conds:
        q = q.filter(cond)

    counts = q.all()
    countdict = {}
    for row in counts:
        yval = row[:len(ys)]
        xs = tuple(row[len(ys):])

        countdict[xs] = dict(zip(ys, yval))

    return countdict