def display_info(text, rotate = True): title = "%s %s" % (text, time.strftime('%d/%m %H:%M')) local_IP = "IP loc.: %s" % (read_local_ip()) public_IP = "IP pub.: %s" % (read_public_ip()) info_CPU = "CPU: T. {:2.0f} C, load {:2.0f} %".format(read_CPU_temp(), cpu_percent()) if has_inky: inkyphat.clear() font18 = inkyphat.ImageFont.truetype(inkyphat.fonts.FredokaOne, 18) font20 = inkyphat.ImageFont.truetype(inkyphat.fonts.FredokaOne, 20) font24 = inkyphat.ImageFont.truetype(inkyphat.fonts.FredokaOne, 24) if rotate: inkyphat.set_rotation(180) inkyphat.rectangle((0, 0, 212, 30), red, red) width, height = font20.getsize(title) d, r = divmod(width, 2) inkyphat.text((106-d, 3), title, white, font=font20) inkyphat.rectangle((0, 31, 212, 104), white, white) inkyphat.text((5, 31), local_IP, black, font=font18) inkyphat.text((5, 53), public_IP, black, font=font18) inkyphat.text((5, 78), info_CPU, red, font=font18) else: print(title) print(local_IP) print(public_IP) print(temp_CPU) return local_IP, public_IP, info_CPU
def __init__(self, config): self.config = config # Basic Inky settings inkyphat.set_colour(self.config.inky_color) inkyphat.set_border(self.config.inky_border_color) inkyphat.set_rotation(self.config.inky_rotate) # startup vars self.api_key = self.config.api_key self.coin_id = self.config.coin_id self.currency = self.config.currency self.coin_invest = self.config.coin_invest self.coin_amount = self.config.coin_amount self.show_roi = self.config.show_roi self.font = self.config.font_path
def init_display(rotate): global icons, masks if not has_inky: print("Information for %s:" % (city)) return if rotate: inkyphat.set_rotation(180) #----- Loads icon files and generates masks for icon in glob(PATH_FILENAME + ICON_SOURCE): icon_name = icon.split("icon-")[1].replace(".png", "") icon_image = icons[icon_name] = icon_image masks[icon_name] = inkyphat.create_mask(icon_image) return
def displayStatus(statusString): # Prepare the String into two lines wrapped = textwrap.wrap(statusString, width=20) # Show the backdrop image inkyphat.set_colour(config["inkyphatConfig"]["colour"]) inkyphat.set_border(inkyphat.RED) inkyphat.set_image("background.png") inkyphat.set_rotation(config["inkyphatConfig"]["rotation"]) # Add the text font = ImageFont.truetype(inkyphat.fonts.FredokaOne, 21) # Title Line line_one = config["inkyphatConfig"]["line_one"] w, h = font.getsize(line_one) # Center the text and align it with the name strip x = (inkyphat.WIDTH / 2) - (w / 2) y = 18 - (h / 2) inkyphat.text((x, y), line_one, inkyphat.WHITE, font) if(len(wrapped) >= 1): # Status Line 1 status_one = wrapped[0] w, h = font.getsize(status_one) # Center the text and align it with the name strip x = (inkyphat.WIDTH / 2) - (w / 2) y = 50 - (h / 2) inkyphat.text((x, y), status_one, inkyphat.BLACK, font) if(len(wrapped) >= 2): # Status Line 2 status_two = wrapped[1] w, h = font.getsize(status_two) # Center the text and align it with the name strip x = (inkyphat.WIDTH / 2) - (w / 2) y = 80 - (h / 2) inkyphat.text((x, y), status_two, inkyphat.BLACK, font)
def draw_weather(): weather = get_weather() if weather == None: print 'No weather!' return if ROTATE_180 == True: inkyphat.set_rotation(180) # TODO configurable color inkyphat.set_colour('red') inkyphat.set_border(inkyphat.RED) # background inkyphat.rectangle((0, 0, inkyphat.WIDTH, inkyphat.HEIGHT), inkyphat.RED) # draw columns # (assuming get_weather has returned using NUM_COLS) for i in range(0, NUM_COLS): # draw time label time = weather['hours'][i]['time'] w, h = timeFont.getsize(time) draw_shadowed_text(get_x(w, i), 4, time, timeFont) # draw icon try: # This could be optimized to not load the same file more than once img ='assets/' + weather['hours'][i]['icon'] + '.png') inkyphat.paste(img, (get_x(30, i), 22)) # drawing icons without transparency as it didn't work with whatever gimp was producing except: print 'Error with icon:' + weather['hours'][i]['icon'] # draw temperature label temp = weather['hours'][i]['temperature'] w, h = temperatureFont.getsize(temp) draw_shadowed_text(get_x(w, i), 56, temp, temperatureFont) # TODO multiple lines if too long draw_shadowed_text(5, 84, weather['summary'], summaryFont)
item['online'] = online if online: item['viewers'] = data['stream']['viewers'] STATE.append(item) sys.stdout.write('Done\n') img ='RGBA', IMG_SIZE) fnt = ImageFont.truetype(FONT_PATH, FONT_SIZE) title_text_w, title_text_h = fnt.getsize(TITLE) date_text_w, date_text_h = fnt.getsize(NOW) DATE_POSITION = ((IMG_WIDTH - date_text_w - MARGIN * 2), MARGIN) TITLE_POSITION = (MARGIN * 2, MARGIN) inkyphat.set_rotation(180) inkyphat.set_border(config['FOREGROUND_COLOR']) inkyphat.rectangle((0, 0, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT), fill=config['BACKGROUND_COLOR']) inkyphat.rectangle((0, 0, IMG_WIDTH, MARGIN_TOP - MARGIN), fill=config['FOREGROUND_COLOR']) inkyphat.text(DATE_POSITION, NOW, font=fnt, fill=config['BACKGROUND_COLOR']) inkyphat.text(TITLE_POSITION, TITLE, font=fnt, fill=config['BACKGROUND_COLOR']) index = 0 for stream in STATE: magic = (MARGIN * 2) right_offset = 40 text_x = MARGIN * 3 + FONT_SIZE + right_offset text_y = MARGIN_TOP + (FONT_SIZE + MARGIN) * index + magic
with io.BytesIO() as f: fig.savefig(f, dpi=dpi, cmap="bwr", interpolation="none", origin="lower", pad_inches=0) #bbox_inches='tight') i = #.convert('P', palette=(0,1,2)) d = ImageDraw.Draw(i) ypos = 0 if ymax - last_high > last_low - ymin else h - 6 if not args.output: from inkyphat import RED, BLACK, text, set_image, set_rotation, show set_image(i) if args.flip: set_rotation(180) else: RED = (255, 0, 0) BLACK = (0, 0, 0) text = d.text text((148, ypos), '{:.2f}'.format(last_close), BLACK, font) text((176, ypos), args.pair, RED, font) if args.output: raise SystemExit show()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import inkyphat import PIL from PIL import ImageFont inkyphat.set_rotation(180) font = ImageFont.truetype(inkyphat.fonts.AmaticSC, 12) bulb_width = 64 bulb_space = 5 bulb_fill = bulb_width - (bulb_space * 2) margin_bottom = 5 margin_top = 5 margin_left = (inkyphat.HEIGHT - bulb_width) / 2 margin_right = (inkyphat.HEIGHT - bulb_width) / 2 hi_temp = 50 low_temp = -20 lowpoint = margin_bottom hipoint = inkyphat.WIDTH - margin_top # bulb_open_left = # bulb_open_right = def draw_bulb(): # Main bulb inkyphat.arc((lowpoint, margin_left, lowpoint+bulb_width, margin_left+bulb_width), 30, 330, 1) inkyphat.arc((lowpoint-1, margin_left-1, lowpoint+bulb_width+1, margin_left+bulb_width+1), 30, 330, 1) def draw_tube():
def main(): """Shows basic usage of the Google Calendar API. Creates a Google Calendar API service object and outputs a list of the next 10 events on the user's calendar. """ credentials = get_credentials() http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()) service ='calendar', 'v3', http=http) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat( ) + 'Z' # 'Z' indicates UTC time print('Getting the upcoming 3 events') eventsResult = calendarId= '*****@*****.**', timeMin=now, maxResults=3, singleEvents=True, orderBy='startTime').execute() events = eventsResult.get('items', []) #inkyphat.set_border(inkyphat.BLACK) inkyphat.set_rotation(180) inkyphat.rectangle((0, 0, inkyphat.WIDTH, inkyphat.HEIGHT), fill=inkyphat.WHITE) font = ImageFont.truetype( "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf", 14) fontBold = ImageFont.truetype( "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansBold.ttf", 14) fontBoldBig = ImageFont.truetype( "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansBold.ttf", 15) offset_x, offset_y = 5, 0 hasCurEvent = False if not events: print('No upcoming events found.') text = "No upcoming events found." inkyphat.text((offset_x, offset_y), text, inkyphat.RED, font=font) for event in events: start = parse(event['start'].get('dateTime', event['start'].get('date'))) end = parse(event['end'].get('dateTime', event['end'].get('date'))) print(start, end, event['summary']) colour = inkyphat.BLACK prefix = 'Next ' if start < tzlocal()) and end > hasCurEvent = True colour = inkyphat.RED #text = "{} - {}: {}".format(start.strftime('%a %H:%M'), end.strftime('%H:%M'), event['summary']) text = "{} - {}:".format(start.strftime('%a %H:%M'), end.strftime('%H:%M')) inkyphat.text((offset_x, offset_y), text, colour, font=fontBold) offset_y += fontBold.getsize(text)[1] + 2 text = event['summary'] inkyphat.text((offset_x + 10, offset_y), text, colour, font=font) offset_y += font.getsize(text)[1] + 2 if offset_y >= inkyphat.HEIGHT: break curTime ='%H:%M') timeOffset = fontBoldBig.getsize(curTime) timeBox = [ inkyphat.WIDTH - timeOffset[0] - 8, inkyphat.HEIGHT - timeOffset[1], inkyphat.WIDTH, inkyphat.HEIGHT ] inkyphat.rectangle(timeBox, fill=inkyphat.RED if hasCurEvent else inkyphat.BLACK) inkyphat.text( (inkyphat.WIDTH - timeOffset[0] - 6, inkyphat.HEIGHT - timeOffset[1]), curTime, inkyphat.WHITE, font=fontBoldBig)