Esempio n. 1
        # HIGHWAY

        if not runTransitOnly:

            #highway skimming
            #%1%       /0 - initialize split matrices mf131-mf174, 1 - start with the previous set
            #%2%       /MSA factor for averaging matrices 0-1 (0-no update, 1.0 full update)
            #%3%       /0 - skip final assign., 1 - implement final assign. (last global iter.)
            #%4%       /base scenario for assignment (9999 - for skimming)
            #%5%       /number of assignment iterations
            #%6%       /0 - include auto split, 1 - exclude (when applied with CT-RAMP)
                "~< %s %i %f %i %i %i %i" %
                (hwySkimMacro, 0, 1.00, 0, scen, 25, 0), m.emmebank.path, scen)
            #p.run_macro("~< %s %i %f %i %i %i %i" % (hwySkimMacro, 1, 0.75, 0, scen, 50, 0), m.emmebank.path, scen)
                "~< %s %i %f %i %i %i %i" %
                (hwySkimMacro, 1, 0.667, 0, scen, 40, 0), m.emmebank.path,
                "~< %s %i %f %i %i %i %i" %
                (hwySkimMacro, 1, 0.333, 0, scen, 60, 0), m.emmebank.path,

            # Get list of IDs for low & high-income skim matrix pairs
            hwy_skims = []
            mfs_tod = []
            hwy_skims.extend([("mf%i181", "mf%i186"), ("mf%i182", "mf%i187"),
Esempio n. 2
        # HIGHWAY

        if not runTransitOnly:

            #create scenario if needed (scenario 1 created when creating bank)
            if m.emmebank.scenario(scen) == None:

            #modes, functions, highway network
            #%1%       /tod
            p.run_macro("~< %s %i" % (hwySetupMacro, tod), m.emmebank.path, scen)

            #input daily highway matrices 1-99
            #%1%       /previous bank with matrices
            if i==0:
                p.run_macro("~< %s %s" % (hwyMatImportMacro, os.getcwd() + "\\" + previousBank), m.emmebank.path, scen)

            #tod tables, extra attributes, and toll field (which is currently not by tod)
            #%1%       /tod
            p.run_macro("~< %s %i" % (todTablesMacro, tod), m.emmebank.path, scen)
            p.run_macro("~< %s %i" % (extraAttrsMacro, tod), m.emmebank.path, scen)
            p.run_macro("~< %s %i" % (tollAttrMacro, tod), m.emmebank.path, scen)

        # TRANSIT
Esempio n. 3
            mfs_tod.append(aMat % (tod))

        for mf in mfs_tod:
            mat, zoneNames, name = EMXtoZMX.readZMX("outputs\\" + mf + ".zmx")
            EMXtoZMX.setMf(m.emmebank, mat, name)
            print("Load highway matrix into databank %s" % (name))

        if not runTransitOnly:
            #highwy assign and skim with new demand
            #%1%       /0 - initialize split matrices mf131-mf174, 1 - start with the previous set
            #%2%       /MSA factor for averaging matrices 0-1 (0-no update, 1.0 full update)
            #%3%       /0 - skip final assign., 1 - implement final assign. (last global iter.)
            #%4%       /base scenario for assignment (9999 - for skimming)
            #%5%       /number of assignment iterations
            #%6%       /0 - include auto split, 1 - exclude (when applied with CT-RAMP)
            p.run_macro("~< %s %i %f %i %i %i %i" % (hwySkimMacro, 1, 1.00, 0, scen, 25, 1), m.emmebank.path, scen)
            p.run_macro("~< %s %i %f %i %i %i %i" % (hwySkimMacro, 1, 0.75, 0, scen, 50, 1), m.emmebank.path, scen)
            p.run_macro("~< %s %i %f %i %i %i %i" % (hwySkimMacro, 1, 0.50, 0, scen, 75, 1), m.emmebank.path, scen)
            p.run_macro("~< %s %i %f %i %i %i %i" % (hwySkimMacro, 1, 0.25, 1, scen, 100, 1), m.emmebank.path, scen)

        #read taz and tap demand matrices and write to bank
        matNames = ["mf%i359","mf%i360","mf%i361","mf%i362","mf%i363","mf%i364"] #tap
        mfs_tod = []
        for aMat in matNames:
            mfs_tod.append(aMat % (tod))

        for mf in mfs_tod:
            mat, zoneNames, name = EMXtoZMX.readZMX("outputs\\" + mf + ".zmx")
            EMXtoZMX.setMf(m.emmebank, mat, name)
            print("Load transit matrix into databank %s" % (name))
Esempio n. 4
        tranScen = transitScenarios[i]
        tod = tods[i]

        # HIGHWAY

        if not runTransitOnly:

            #delete scenario if it exists so that import is possible
            if m.emmebank.scenario(scen):

            #modes, functions, highway network (directly from trip-based model)
            #%1%       /tod
            p.run_macro("~< %s %i" % (hwySetupMacro, tod), m.emmebank.path, scen)

            #input daily highway matrices 1-99
            #%1%       /previous bank with matrices
            if i==0:
                p.run_macro("~< %s %s" % (hwyMatImportMacro, os.getcwd() + "\\" + previousBank), m.emmebank.path, scen)

            #tod tables and extra attributes
            #%1%       /tod
            p.run_macro("~< %s %i" % (todTablesMacro, tod), m.emmebank.path, scen)
            p.run_macro("~< %s %i" % (extraAttrsMacro, tod), m.emmebank.path, scen)

        # TRANSIT