Esempio n. 1
def iswrapped(obj): #{{{
    if _ism(obj) or _isf(obj):
        return False
    elif hasattr(obj, '__call__') and _ism(obj.__call__):
        return False
        return True
Esempio n. 2
def subscribe(iobj, target, msgobj=Message, argsobj=Arguments, ftype=None, choosefunc=None): #{{{
    _validate_subscribekw(iobj, target, msgobj, argsobj, ftype, choosefunc)
    i = issue(iobj, msgobj, argsobj)
    if i is None:
        if ftype:
            raise TypeError('Please subscribe an issue first.')
        i = Signal(target)
        cobj = callableobj(target)
        numargs = i.func.numargs
        if _isf(cobj) and numargs != 1:
            raise ValueError("'target' argument is a function: it must accept exactly 1 argument; instead got %i" %numargs)
        elif _ism(cobj) and numargs != 2:
            raise ValueError("'target' argument is a method: it must accept exactly 2 arguments; instead got %i" %numargs)
        smsg = _siglist.get(iobj, {})
        sargs = smsg.get(msgobj, {})
        sargs.update({argsobj: i})
        smsg.update({msgobj: sargs})
        _siglist.update({iobj: smsg})
    elif not ftype or ftype == 'after':
    elif ftype == 'before':
    elif ftype == 'around':
    elif ftype == 'onreturn':
    elif ftype == 'choose':
        i.connect(choose=[(choosefunc, target)])
    return i
Esempio n. 3
def callableobj(obj): #{{{
    if not iscallable(obj):
        return None
    if _ism(obj) or _isf(obj):
        return obj
    elif hasattr(obj, '__call__') and _ism(obj.__call__):
        return obj.__call__
        obj = callable_wrapper(obj)
    return obj
Esempio n. 4
def iscallable(obj): #{{{
    if not callable(obj):
        return False
    elif _ism(obj) or _isf(obj):
        return True
    elif isinstance(obj, type(str.__call__)):
        return False
    elif hasattr(obj, '__call__'):
        return iscallable(obj.__call__)
    return False
Esempio n. 5
def num_static_args(obj): #{{{
    if not iscallable(obj):
        return -1
    if _ism(obj):
        obj = obj.im_func
    if isinstance(obj, CallableWrapper):
        return obj._numargs
    if not _isf(obj):
        obj = obj.__call__
    argspec = getargspec(obj)
    l, d = len(argspec[0]), argspec[3]
    if d:
        l -= len(d)
    return l
Esempio n. 6
def num_static_args(obj): #{{{
    if not iscallable(obj):
        return -1, None
    if _ism(obj):
        obj = obj.im_func
    if isinstance(obj, _CallableWrapper):
        return obj._numargs, obj._maxargs
    isc = isclass(obj)
    if not _isf(obj) and not isc:
        obj = obj.__call__
        if not _ism(obj):
            return -1, None
    argspec = cgetargspec(obj)
    l, d = len(argspec[0]), argspec[3]
    max = l
    if argspec[1]:
        max = None
    if d:
        l -= len(d)
        if isc:
            l -= 1
    return l, max