def test_data_augentation():
    shape = (128,128,3)
    X = np.zeros(shape)
    data_gen_args = {"save_augmented_images": False,
                    "resample_images": True,
                    "std_normalization": True,
                    "feature_scaling": True,
                    "horizontal_flip": True,
                    "vertical_flip": True,
                    "poission_noise": 0.2,
                    "rotation_range": 10,
                    "zoom_range": 2,
                    "contrast_range": 2,
                    "brightness_range": 2,
                    "gamma_shift": 1,
                    "threshold_background_image": True,
                    "threshold_background_groundtruth": True,
                    "binarize_mask": True
    data_path_file_name = "Random"
    assert np.shape(data_augentation(X, X, data_gen_args, data_path_file_name)[0]) == shape
    assert np.max(data_augentation(X, X, data_gen_args, data_path_file_name)[0]) == 0.
    assert np.min(data_augentation(X, X, data_gen_args, data_path_file_name)[0]) == 0.0
    X[10:50, 10:50, :] = 255.
    data_gen_args = {"save_augmented_images": False,
                     "resample_images": False,
                     "std_normalization": False,
                     "feature_scaling": False,
                     "horizontal_flip": True,
                     "vertical_flip": True,
                     "poission_noise": False,
                     "rotation_range": False,
                     "zoom_range": 1.5,
                     "contrast_range": False,
                     "brightness_range": False,
                     "gamma_shift": False,
                     "threshold_background_image": False,
                     "threshold_background_groundtruth": False,
                     "binarize_mask": False
    assert np.shape(data_augentation(X, X, data_gen_args, data_path_file_name)[0]) == shape
    assert np.max(data_augentation(X, X, data_gen_args, data_path_file_name)[0]) == 255.
    assert np.min(data_augentation(X, X, data_gen_args, data_path_file_name)[0]) == 0.
Esempio n. 2
def training_data_generator_classification(Training_Input_shape, batchsize,
                                           num_channels, num_classes,
                                           train_image_files, data_gen_args,
                                           data_path, use_algorithm):
    Generate the data for training and return images and groundtruth for classification

        Training_Input_shape: The dimensions of one image used for training. Can be set in the config.json file
        batchsize: the batchsize used for training
        num_channels: the number of channels of one image. Typically 1 (grayscale) or 3 (rgb)
        num_classes: the number of classes of the dataset, set in the config.json
        train_image_files: list of filenames in the training dataset
        data_gen_args: augmentation arguments
        data_path: path to the project directory
        use_algorithm: the selected network (UNet, ResNet50 or MRCNN)
        X: batched training data
        Y: groundtruth labels
    csvfilepath = os.path.join(data_path + '/groundtruth/', 'groundtruth.csv')
    Folder_Names = [
        "/image/", "/image1/", "/image2/", "/image3/", "/image4/", "/image5/",
        "/image6/", "/image7/"
    X_min = np.zeros((len(Folder_Names)))
    X_max = np.zeros((len(Folder_Names)))
    for i, folder_name in enumerate(Folder_Names):
        if os.path.isdir(data_path + folder_name) == True:
            X_min[i], X_max[i] = get_min_max(data_path, folder_name,
                                             train_image_files)"array of min values: %s" % X_min)"array of max values: %s" % X_max)
    while True:

        def grouped(train_image_files, batchsize):
            return zip(*[iter(train_image_files)] * batchsize)

        for train_image_file in grouped(train_image_files, batchsize):
            for index, folder_name in enumerate(Folder_Names):
                if os.path.isdir(data_path + folder_name) == True:
                    if "image" in folder_name and index > 0:
                        imp = image_generator(Training_Input_shape, batchsize,
                                              num_channels, train_image_file,
                                              folder_name, data_path,
                                              X_min[index], X_max[index],

                        X = np.concatenate([X, imp], axis=-1)
                    if "image" in folder_name and index == 0:
                        X = image_generator(Training_Input_shape, batchsize,
                                            num_channels, train_image_file,
                                            folder_name, data_path,
                                            X_min[index], X_max[index],

            X, Trash = data_augentation(X, X, data_gen_args,
                                        data_path + str(train_image_file))
            label = np.zeros((batchsize))
            for j in range(0, batchsize):
                img_file = train_image_file[j]
                with open(csvfilepath) as csvfile:
                    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
                    for row in reader:
                        if row['filename'] == img_file:
                            label[j] = row['groundtruth']
            label = to_categorical(label, num_classes)
            yield (X, label)
Esempio n. 3
def training_data_generator(Training_Input_shape, batchsize, num_channels,
                            num_channels_label, train_image_files,
                            data_gen_args, data_dimensions, data_path,
    Generate the data for training and return images and groundtruth 
    for regression and segmentation

        Training_Input_shape: The dimensions of one image used for training. Can be set in the config.json file
        batchsize: the batchsize used for training
        num_channels: the number of channels of one image. Typically 1 (grayscale) or 3 (rgb)
        num_channels_label: the number of channels of one groundtruth image. Typically 1 (grayscale) or 3 (rgb)
        train_image_files: list of files in the training dataset
        data_gen_args: augmentation arguments
        data_dimensions: the dimensions of one image or the dimension to which the image should be resized
        data_path: path to the project directory
        use_algorithm: the selected network (UNet, ResNet50 or MRCNN)
        X_train: batched training data
        Y: label or ground truth
    Folder_Names = [
        "/groundtruth/", "/image/", "/image1/", "/image2/", "/image3/",
        "/image4/", "/image5/", "/image6/", "/image7/"
    X_min = np.zeros((len(Folder_Names)))
    X_max = np.zeros((len(Folder_Names)))
    for i, folder_name in enumerate(Folder_Names):
        if os.path.isdir(data_path + folder_name) == True:
            X_min[i], X_max[i] = get_min_max(data_path, folder_name,
                                             train_image_files)"array of min values: %s" % X_min)"array of max values:%s" % X_max)
    while True:

        def grouped(train_image_files, batchsize):
            return zip(*[iter(train_image_files)] * batchsize)

        for train_image_file in grouped(train_image_files, batchsize):
            for index, folder_name in enumerate(Folder_Names):
                if os.path.isdir(data_path + folder_name) == True:
                    if "groundtruth" in folder_name:
                        GT_Input_image_shape = np.array(
                        GT_Input_image_shape[-1] = num_channels_label
                        GT_Input_image_shape = tuple(GT_Input_image_shape)
                        if GT_Input_image_shape[-1] == 0:
                            GT_Input_image_shape = GT_Input_image_shape[0:-1]
                        Y = image_generator(GT_Input_image_shape, batchsize,
                                            train_image_file, folder_name,
                                            data_path, X_min[index],
                                            X_max[index], use_algorithm)
                    if "image" in folder_name and index > 1:
                        imp = image_generator(Training_Input_shape, batchsize,
                                              num_channels, train_image_file,
                                              folder_name, data_path,
                                              X_min[index], X_max[index],
                        X = np.concatenate([X, imp], axis=-1)
                    if "image" in folder_name and index == 1:
                        X = image_generator(Training_Input_shape, batchsize,
                                            num_channels, train_image_file,
                                            folder_name, data_path,
                                            X_min[index], X_max[index],
            X_train, Y = data_augentation(X, Y, data_gen_args,
                                          data_path + str(train_image_file))
            X_train = np.nan_to_num(X_train)
            Y = np.nan_to_num(Y)
            yield (X_train, Y)