Esempio n. 1

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import integrate_utils as inte
e= np.e
sin = np.sin
cos = np.cos

def f(t):
    return 3*(t**2)*(e**(t**3)) 
t= inte.trapezoidal(f, 0, 1, 100)
print t

x= inte.midpoint(f, 0, 1, 100)
print x
print (e**(1**3))-(e**(0**3))
# #2

N= 1000
xmin = 0
xmax_f= np.pi
xmax_g= 1
x_f= np.linspace(xmin, xmax_f, N)
x_g= np.linspace(xmin, xmax_g, N)

a_fx= sin(x_f)
a_gx= 2*(x_g)*(e**((x_g)**2))
Esempio n. 2
fxmax = np.pi

gxmin = 0
gxmax = 1

N = 1000

# =========================3=============================
#                  Numerical Integration
# =======================================================
# exact solution
f_IntExact = fct_F(fxmax) - fct_F(fxmin)
g_IntExact = fct_G(gxmax) - fct_G(gxmin)

# numerical approx
f_IntMid = int_utils.midpoint(fct_f, fxmin, fxmax, N)
g_IntMid = int_utils.midpoint(fct_g, gxmin, gxmax, N)

# compare exact and numerical
print('Exact Integral (f):', f_IntExact)
print('Exact Integral (g):', g_IntExact)
print('Numerical Approximation (Midpoint f):', f_IntMid)
print('Numerical Approximation (Midpoint g):', g_IntMid, '\n')

for curr_n in range(10, 1000, 200):
    f_IntMid = int_utils.midpoint(fct_f, fxmin, fxmax, curr_n)
    g_IntMid = int_utils.midpoint(fct_g, gxmin, gxmax, curr_n)
    print('Increment fdx:', float(fxmax - fxmin) / curr_n)
    print('Increment gdx:', float(gxmax - gxmin) / curr_n)
    print('Exact Integral (f):', f_IntExact)
    print('Exact Integral (g):', g_IntExact)
# imports

import numpy as np
import integrate_utils as iu


# integrate fct_t using trapezoid, midpoint methods
trap_val = iu.trapezoidal(fct_t, 0, 1, 100)
mid_val = iu.midpoint(fct_t, 0, 1, 100)

# the exact integral solution
exact_val = integral_fct_t(1) - integral_fct_t(0)

#print results

print('The integration of f(t) using the trapezoidal method is: ' + str(trap_val))
print('The integration of f(t) using the midpoint method is: ' + str(mid_val))
print('The exact integration of f(t) is: ' + str(exact_val))

import numpy as np
import integrate_utils as IU

#                       Functions
def ft(t):
    return 3*t**2*np.exp(t**3)

def int_ft(t):
    return np.exp(t**3)

#                       Calcs

exact_sol = int_ft(1) - int_ft(0)

trap = IU.trapezoidal(ft, 0, 1, 1000)
mid  = IU.midpoint(ft, 0, 1, 1000)

#                       Results

print 'Exact solution:', exact_sol
print 'Trapezoidal method:', trap
print '     difference', exact_sol-trap
print 'Midpoint method:', mid
print '     difference', exact_sol-mid
1. Compute the integral of the following function within the given domain.
Use both midpoint and trapezoidal methods! Compare your results to the exact 
solution of the definite integral

a.) f(t) = 3t**2*e**t**3 

import numpy as np
import integrate_utils as iu

def ft(t):
    return 3 * (t**2) * np.exp(t**3)

def integration_ft(t):
    return np.exp(t**3)

sol = integration_ft(1) - integration_ft(0)

trapazoidal = iu.trapezoidal(ft, 0, 1, 100)
midpoint = iu.midpoint(ft, 0, 1, 100)

print 'solution: ', sol
print 'Trapezoidal method: ', trapazoidal
print 'Difference', sol - trapazoidal
print 'Midpoint method: ', midpoint
print 'Difference ', (sol - midpoint)
Esempio n. 6
    return 3*(t**2) * (e**(t**3))

a = f_t(1)

def int_f_t(t):
    return (e**(t**3))

b = int_f_t(0)

#============================exact solution====================================
ex_sol = int_f_t(1) - int_f_t(0)

#===================Apply trapezoidal and midpoint methods ====================

trap_result = int_u.trapezoidal(f_t, 0, 1, 10)

midpoint_result = int_u.midpoint(f_t, 0, 1, 10)

#==results(when using %10.2f, 10 is number of spaces, 2 is nuber of decimals)==
print("Trapezoidal rule results: %.20f" %trap_result)
print("Midpoint method results: %.20f" %midpoint_result)

Trapezoidal rule results: 1.75204264178808499786
Midpoint method results: 1.70148276900918782317

Esempio n. 7
import integrate_utils as int_utils

#                                 fct definition
def fct_t(t):  # function defined
    return 3 * t**2 * np.exp(t**3)

def int_f(t):  # integrated function
    return np.exp(t**3)

#                                 paramters
tmin, tmax = 0, 1  # initlal time value and final time value respectively
N = 100  # can increase this value for increased accuracy

#                                 compute integral
f_trapint = int_utils.trapezoidal(fct_t, tmin, tmax, N)  # integrals
f_midint = int_utils.midpoint(fct_t, tmin, tmax, N)
f_exact = int_f(tmax) - int_f(tmin)  # exact solution

print('Trapezoidal Integral:   ', f_trapint)
print('Midpoint Integral:   ', f_midint)
print('Exact solution:    ', f_exact)
# =========================2=============================
#                      Parameters
# =======================================================
xmin = 0
xmax = 1
N = 10

# =========================3=============================
#                  Numerical Integration
# =======================================================
# exact solution
f_IntExact = fct_F(xmax) - fct_F(xmin)

# numerical approx
f_IntTrap = int_utils.trapezoidal(fct_f, xmin, xmax, N)
f_IntMid = int_utils.midpoint(fct_f, xmin, xmax, N)

# compare exact and numerical
print('Exact Integral:', f_IntExact)
print('Numerical Approximation (Trapezoidal):', f_IntTrap)
print('Numerical Approximation (Midpoint):', f_IntMid, '\n')

for curr_n in range(10, 1000, 200):
    f_IntTrap = int_utils.trapezoidal(fct_f, xmin, xmax, curr_n)
    f_IntMid = int_utils.midpoint(fct_f, xmin, xmax, curr_n)
    print('Increment dx:', float(xmax - xmin) / curr_n)
    print('Exact Integral:', f_IntExact)
    print('Numerical Approximation (Trapezoidal):', f_IntTrap)
    print('Numerical Approximation (Midpoint):', f_IntMid, '\n')
Esempio n. 9
# For part c.

r3 = np.linspace(0, 2, N)
theta3 = np.linspace(0, np.pi, N)
sol_exact3a = F3(r3[N - 1], theta3[N - 1]) - F3(r3[0], theta3[0])
x3 = np.linspace(0, 2, N)
y3 = np.linspace(0, 1.5, N)
sol_exact3b = W3(x3[N - 1], y3[N - 1]) - W3(x3[0], y3[0])

# =============================================================================
#                             Integration
# =============================================================================

# For part 1.

num_sol_1_midpoint = int_utils.midpoint(f1, t1[0], t1[N - 1], N)
num_sol_1_trapezoid = int_utils.trapezoidal(f1, t1[0], t1[N - 1], N)

# For part 2.

# For part 3.

num_sol3a = int_utils.monteCarlo(w3, g3, -2, 2, -2, 2, N2)
num_sol3b = int_utils.monteCarlo(f3, g3, -1, 3, -1, 2.5, N2)

# =============================================================================
#                                 Comparisons
# =============================================================================

# For part 1.
def f_t (t):
    return (3*t**2)*np.exp(t**3)

def if_t(t):
    return np.exp(t**3)

#========= Trapezoidal and Midpoint Evaluation ================================

x0 = 0
xn = 1

time_intervals = np.arange(0, 1, 100)

trapf_t = integrate.trapezoidal( f_t, x0, xn, 100)  #trapezoidal method
midf_t = integrate.midpoint( f_t, x0, xn, 100)   #midpoint method

#real value of definite integral
realValue = if_t(xn) - if_t(x0)

print ('Integral using trapezoidal method: ', trapf_t)
print ('Integral using midpoint method: ', midf_t)
print ('Exact value of integral: ', realValue)

#=============== Error calc for both methods ==========

def errorCalc(real, approxValue):
    return (np.absolute(approxValue - real)/real)*100

trapError = np.round_(errorCalc(realValue, trapf_t), 2)
midError = np.round_(errorCalc(realValue, midf_t), 2)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#python 2.7
Extra Credit Problem 1
Compute the integral of 3t^2e^(t^3) from 0 to 1 analytically and then using midpoint and trapezoidal method

import numpy as np
import integrate_utils

#function definitions
def fct(t):
    return 3 * t**2 * np.exp(t**3) 

def antideriv(t):
    return np.exp(t**3)

#using midpoint method
print('The solution, using midpoint method, is ' + str(integrate_utils.midpoint(fct, 0, 1, 1000)))

#using trapezoid method
print('The solution, using trapzeoid method, is ' + str(integrate_utils.trapezoidal(fct, 0, 1, 1000)))

#exact solution
print('The exact solution is ' + str(antideriv(1) - antideriv(0)))
Esempio n. 12
    return func

def fct_gxy( x, y):
    - rectangular domain
     return: -1 for points outside
    f_retVal = -1
    if x >= x0 and x <= xn:
        f_retVal = 1
    return f_retVal
def fct_xexact( x):
#           parameters 
x0, xn = 0, 1
N = 200
# compute integral using midpoint
for n in np.arange( 0, 1000, 100):
    fInt = int_utils.midpoint( fct_x, x0, xn, N)
print( 'number of random points', n, 'num integral', round(fInt, 4), 'exact', 1.7182)

# compute integral using trapezoids  # use N = 700
#for n in np.arange( 0, 1000, 100):
#    fInt = int_utils.trapezoidal( fct_x, x0, xn, N)
#print( 'number of random points', n, 'num integral', round(fInt, 4), 'exact', 1.7182)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import integrate_utils as utils

def fct_t(t):
    return 3 * t**2 * (np.e)**t**3

t_trap = utils.trapezoidal(fct_t, 0, 1, 1000)

t_mid = utils.midpoint(fct_t, 0, 1, 1000)

print('Trapezoidal: ', t_trap)

print('Midpoint: ', t_mid)

#def trapezoidal(  fct_t, t0, tn, N):
#    """
#            Composite Trapezoidal Method, eq. 3.17 page 60 in Linge & Langtangen
#    :param fct_x:  - function whose integral is in question
#    :param x1:     - integration bounds
#    :param x2:     - integration bounds
#    :param N:      - number of trapezoids, chose high number for high accuracy
#    :return:   - integral of fct_x between x0 and xn
#    """
#    t0 = 0
#    tn = 1
#    N = 1000
#    dt = float(tn-t0)/N
#    # compute intergral: eq. 3.17 page 60 in Linge & Langtangen