Esempio n. 1
def timeloop():
    global a, a_dump, drift_fac, i_dump, kick_fac, t, Δt
    # Do nothing if no dump times exist
    if len(a_dumps) == 0:
    # Get the output filename patterns
    output_filenames = prepare_output_times()
    # Load initial conditions
    particles = load_particles(IC_file)
    # The number of time steps before Δt is updated
    Δt_update_freq = 10
    # Initial cosmic time t, where a(t) = a_begin
    a = a_begin
    t = cosmic_time(a)
    # The time step size should be a
    # small fraction of the age of the universe.
    Δt = Δt_factor*t
    # Arrays containing the drift and kick factors ∫_t^(t + Δt/2)dt/a
    # and ∫_t^(t + Δt/2)dt/a**2. The two elements in each variable are
    # the first and second half of the factor for the entire time step.
    drift_fac = zeros(2, dtype=C2np['double'])
    kick_fac = zeros(2, dtype=C2np['double'])
    # Scalefactor at next dump and a corresponding index
    i_dump = 0
    a_dump = a_dumps[i_dump]
    # Possible output at a == a_begin
    dump(particles, output_filenames)
    # The main time loop
    masterprint('Begin main time loop')
    timestep = -1
    while i_dump < len(a_dumps):
        timestep += 1
        # Print out message at beginning of each time step
        masterprint(terminal.bold('\nTime step {}'.format(timestep))
                    + '{:<14} {}'    .format('\nScale factor:', significant_figures(a, 4,
                    + '{:<14} {} Gyr'.format('\nCosmic time:', significant_figures(t/units.Gyr, 4,
        # Kick (first time is only half a kick, as kick_fac[1] == 0)
        particles.kick(kick_fac[0] + kick_fac[1])
        if dump(particles, output_filenames, 'drift'):
        # Update Δt every Δt_update_freq time step
        if not (timestep % Δt_update_freq):
            # Let the positions catch up to the momenta
            Δt = Δt_factor*t
            # Reset the second kick factor,
            # making the next operation a half kick.
            kick_fac[1] = 0
        # Drift
        particles.drift(drift_fac[0] + drift_fac[1])
        if dump(particles, output_filenames, 'kick'):
Esempio n. 2
def do_kick_drift_integrals(index):
    global a, a_dump, drift_fac, kick_fac, t, Δt
    # Update the scale factor and the cosmic time. This also
    # tabulates a(t), needed for the kick and drift integrals.
    a_next = expand(a, t, 0.5*Δt)
    t_next = t + 0.5*Δt
    if a_next >= a_dump:
        # Dump time reached. A smaller time step than
        # 0.5*Δt is needed to hit a_dump exactly.
        a_next = a_dump
        t_next = cosmic_time(a_dump, a, t, t_next)
        expand(a, t, t_next - t)
    a = a_next
    t = t_next
    # Do the kick and drift integrals
    # ∫_t^(t + Δt/2)dt/a and ∫_t^(t + Δt/2)dt/a**2.
    kick_fac[index]  = scalefactor_integral(-1)
    drift_fac[index] = scalefactor_integral(-2)
Esempio n. 3
# As this non-compiled code should work regardless of whether
# the main CO𝘕CEPT code is compiled or not, we need to flood
# this name space with names from commons explicitly, as
# 'from commons import *' does not import C level variables.

# Initiate the cosmic time and the scale factor,
# and do the call to CLASS if enable_class is True.

# Array of scale factor values at which to compute the cosmic time
N_points = 50
scale_factors = logspace(log10(a_begin), log10(1), N_points)

# Compute the cosmic time for each value of the scale factor
cosmic_times = [cosmic_time(a) for a in scale_factors]

# Dependent on the mode, save the computed cosmic times
compiled = not user_params['_pure_python']
mode = f'class={enable_class}_compiled={compiled}'
np.savetxt(f'{this_dir}/t_{mode}.dat', cosmic_times)

# If all four data files exist, plot and analyze these
data_filenames = glob(f'{this_dir}/*.dat')
if sum(bool('^{this_dir}/t_class=(True|False)_compiled=(True|False)\.dat$' , fname))
       for fname in data_filenames) == 4:
    masterprint('Analyzing {} data ...'.format(this_test))
    # Load in the data
    all_times = {}
    for filename in data_filenames:
        if'class=True', filename):
Esempio n. 4
# As this non-compiled code should work regardless of whether
# the main CO𝘕CEPT code is compiled or not, we need to flood
# this name space with names from commons explicitly, as
# 'from commons import *' does not import C level variables.

# Initiate the cosmic time and the scale factor,
# and do the call to CLASS if enable_class_background is True.

# Array of scale factor values at which to compute the cosmic time
N_points = 50
scale_factors = logspace(log10(a_begin), log10(1), N_points)

# Compute the cosmic time for each value of the scale factor
cosmic_times = [cosmic_time(a) for a in scale_factors]

# Dependent on the mode, save the computed cosmic times
compiled = not user_params['_pure_python']
mode = f'class={enable_class_background}_compiled={compiled}'
np.savetxt(f'{this_dir}/t_{mode}.dat', cosmic_times)

# If all four data files exist, plot and analyze these
data_filenames = glob(f'{this_dir}/*.dat')
if sum([bool('^{this_dir}/t_class=(True|False)_compiled=(True|False)\.dat$' , fname))
       for fname in data_filenames]) == 4:
    masterprint('Analyzing {} data ...'.format(this_test))
    # Load in the data
    all_times = {}
    for filename in data_filenames:
        if'class=True', filename):