def test_get_overview_date_selector(client: FlaskClient):
    # [1] = year, [2] = month, [3] = day
    # check when no year, month, day has been selected
    html = get_html(client, "/s2_l2a")
    menu = html.find("#product-headers .header-option")
    assert len(menu[1].find(".option-menu ul li")) == 3

    # check only year has been selected
    html = get_html(client, "/s2_l2a/2016")
    menu = html.find("#product-headers .header-option")
    assert len(menu[1].find(".option-menu ul li")) == 3
    assert len(menu[2].find(".option-menu ul li")) == 3

    # check month has been selected
    html = get_html(client, "/s2_l2a/2016/11")
    menu = html.find("#product-headers .header-option")

    assert len(menu[1].find(".option-menu ul li")) == 3
    assert len(menu[2].find(".option-menu ul li")) == 3
    assert len(menu[3].find(".option-menu ul li")) == 3

    # checking when day is selected
    html = get_html(client, "/s2_l2a/2016/11/9")
    menu = html.find("#product-headers .header-option")

    assert len(menu[1].find(".option-menu ul li")) == 3
    assert len(menu[2].find(".option-menu ul li")) == 3
    assert len(menu[3].find(".option-menu ul li")) == 3
def test_search_page(client: FlaskClient):
    html = get_html(client, "/datasets/ls7_nbar_scene")
    search_results = html.find(".search-result a")
    assert len(search_results) == 4

    html = get_html(client, "/datasets/ls7_nbar_scene/2017/05")
    search_results = html.find(".search-result a")
    assert len(search_results) == 3
def test_get_day_overviews(client: FlaskClient):
    # Individual days are computed on-the-fly rather than from summaries, so can
    # have their own issues.

    # With a dataset
    html = get_html(client, "/ls7_nbar_scene/2017/4/20")
    check_dataset_count(html, 1)
    assert "ls7_nbar_scene on 20th April 2017" in _h1_text(html)

    # Empty day
    html = get_html(client, "/ls7_nbar_scene/2017/4/22")
    check_dataset_count(html, 0)
Esempio n. 4
def test_empty_product_page(client: FlaskClient):
    A product page is displayable when summarised, but with 0 datasets.
    html = get_html(client, "/products/ls5_nbar_scene")
    assert "No datasets" in one_element(html, ".header-stat-information").text

    # ... yet a normal product doesn't show the message:
    html = get_html(client, "/products/ls7_nbar_scene")
    assert "No datasets" not in one_element(html,
    assert "4 datasets" in one_element(html, ".header-stat-information").text
def test_product_audit(unpopulated_client: FlaskClient, run_generate):
    client = unpopulated_client

    res = get_html(client, "/product-audit/?timings")
    # print(res.html)

    largest_footprint_size = res.find(".footprint-size .search-result")
    assert len(largest_footprint_size) == 2

    largest_product_footprint = (largest_footprint_size[0].find(
        ".product-name", first=True).text)
    largest_val = largest_footprint_size[0].find(".size-value",
    # They're both the same :/
    assert largest_product_footprint in ("s2a_ard_granule",
    assert largest_val == "181.6B"

    assert len(res.find(".unavailable-metadata .search-result")) == 2

    res: Response = client.get("/audit/day-query-times.txt")
    plain_timing_results ="utf-8")
    assert '"s2a_ard_granule"\t8\t' in plain_timing_results
Esempio n. 6
def test_product_audit(unpopulated_client: FlaskClient, run_generate):
    client = unpopulated_client

    res = get_html(client, '/product-audit/?timings')
    # print(res.html)

    largest_footprint_size = res.find('.footprint-size .search-result')
    assert len(largest_footprint_size) == 2

    largest_product_footprint = largest_footprint_size[0].find('.product-name',
    largest_val = largest_footprint_size[0].find('.size-value',
    # They're both the same :/
    assert largest_product_footprint in ('s2a_ard_granule',
    assert largest_val == '181.6B'

    assert len(res.find('.unavailable-metadata .search-result')) == 2

    res: Response = client.get('/product-audit/day-times.txt')
    plain_timing_results ='utf-8')
    assert '"s2a_ard_granule"\t8\t' in plain_timing_results
def test_search_time_completion(client: FlaskClient):
    # They only specified a begin time, so the end time should be filled in with the product extent.
    html = get_html(client, "/datasets/ls7_nbar_scene?time-begin=1999-05-28")
    assert one_element(html, "#search-time-before").attrs["value"] == "1999-05-28"
    # One day after the product extent end (range is exclusive)
    assert one_element(html, "#search-time-after").attrs["value"] == "2017-05-04"
    search_results = html.find(".search-result a")
    assert len(search_results) == 4
Esempio n. 8
def test_storage_page(client: FlaskClient, populated_index: Index):
    html: HTML = get_html(client, "/audit/storage")

    assert html.find(".product-name", containing="wofs_albers")

    product_count = len(list(populated_index.products.get_all()))
    assert f"{product_count} products" in html.text
    assert len(html.find(".data-table tbody tr")) == product_count
Esempio n. 9
def test_invalid_footprint_wofs_summary_load(client: FlaskClient):
    # This all-time overview has a valid footprint that becomes invalid
    # when reprojected to wgs84 by shapely.
    from .data_wofs_summary import wofs_time_summary

    html = get_html(client, "/wofs_summary")
    check_dataset_count(html, 1244)
def test_uninitialised_overview(unpopulated_client: FlaskClient,
                                summary_store: SummaryStore):
    # Populate one product, so they don't get the usage error message ("run cubedash generate")
    # Then load an unpopulated product.
    html = get_html(unpopulated_client, "/ls7_nbar_scene/2017")
    assert html.find(".coverage-region-count",
                     first=True).text == "0 unique scenes"
def test_search_time_completion(client: FlaskClient):
    # They only specified a begin time, so the end time should be filled in with the product extent.
    html = get_html(client, '/datasets/ls7_nbar_scene?time-begin=1999-05-28')
    assert html.find('#search-time-before', first=True).attrs['value'] == '1999-05-28'
    # One day after the product extent end (range is exclusive)
    assert html.find('#search-time-after', first=True).attrs['value'] == '2017-05-04'
    search_results = html.find('.search-result a')
    assert len(search_results) == 4
def test_view_metadata_type(client: FlaskClient):
    # Does it load without error?
    html: HTML = get_html(client, "/metadata-type/eo")
    assert "eo Metadata Type" in _text(html, "h2")

    # Does the page list products using the type?
    products_using_it = [t.text for t in html.find(".type-usage-item")]
    assert "ls8_nbar_albers" in products_using_it
def test_no_data_pages(client: FlaskClient):
    Fetch products that exist but have no summaries generated.

    (these should load with "empty" messages: not throw exceptions)
    html = get_html(client, "/ls8_nbar_albers/2017")
    assert "No data: not yet generated" in html.text
    assert "Unknown number of datasets" in html.text

    html = get_html(client, "/ls8_nbar_albers/2017/5")
    assert "No data: not yet generated" in html.text
    assert "Unknown number of datasets" in html.text

    # Days are generated on demand: it should query and see that there are no datasets.
    html = get_html(client, "/ls8_nbar_albers/2017/5/2")
    check_dataset_count(html, 0)
def test_get_overview(client: FlaskClient):
    html = get_html(client, '/wofs_albers')
    check_dataset_count(html, 11)
    check_last_processed(html, '2018-05-20T11:25:35')
    assert 'wofs_albers whole collection' in _h1_text(html)
    check_area('61,...km2', html)

    html = get_html(client, '/wofs_albers/2017')

    check_dataset_count(html, 11)
    check_last_processed(html, '2018-05-20T11:25:35')
    assert 'wofs_albers across 2017' in _h1_text(html)

    html = get_html(client, '/wofs_albers/2017/04')
    check_dataset_count(html, 4)
    check_last_processed(html, '2018-05-20T09:36:57')
    assert 'wofs_albers across April 2017' in _h1_text(html)
    check_area('30,...km2', html)
def test_uninitialised_search_page(empty_client: FlaskClient, summary_store: SummaryStore):
    # Populate one product, so they don't get the usage error message ("run cubedash generate")

    # Then load a completely uninitialised product.
    html = get_html(empty_client, '/datasets/ls7_nbar_scene')
    search_results = html.find('.search-result a')
    assert len(search_results) == 4
Esempio n. 16
def test_uninitialised_search_page(empty_client: FlaskClient,
                                   summary_store: SummaryStore):
    # Populate one product, so they don't get the usage error message ("run cubedash generate")

    # Then load a completely uninitialised product.
    html = get_html(empty_client, "/datasets/ls7_nbar_scene")
    search_results = html.find(".search-result a")
    assert len(search_results) == 4
def test_view_metadata_type(client: FlaskClient):
    # Does it load without error?
    html: HTML = get_html(client, "/metadata-type/eo")
    assert html.find("h2", first=True).text == "eo"
    assert html.find(".sub-header", first=True).text == "metadata type of 44 products"

    # Does the page list products using the type?
    products_using_it = [t.text for t in html.find(".type-usage-item")]
    assert "ls8_nbar_albers" in products_using_it
def test_get_overview(client: FlaskClient):
    html = get_html(client, "/wofs_albers")
    check_dataset_count(html, 11)
    check_last_processed(html, "2018-05-20T11:25:35")
    assert "wofs_albers whole collection" in _h1_text(html)
    check_area("61,...km2", html)

    html = get_html(client, "/wofs_albers/2017")

    check_dataset_count(html, 11)
    check_last_processed(html, "2018-05-20T11:25:35")
    assert "wofs_albers across 2017" in _h1_text(html)

    html = get_html(client, "/wofs_albers/2017/04")
    check_dataset_count(html, 4)
    check_last_processed(html, "2018-05-20T09:36:57")
    assert "wofs_albers across April 2017" in _h1_text(html)
    check_area("30,...km2", html)
def test_undisplayable_product(client: FlaskClient):
    Telemetry products have no footprint available at all.
    html = get_html(client, "/ls7_satellite_telemetry_data")
    check_dataset_count(html, 4)
    assert "36.6GiB" in html.find(".coverage-filesize", first=True).text
    assert "(None displayable)" in html.text
    assert "No CRSes defined" in html.text
def test_out_of_date_range(client: FlaskClient):
    We have generated summaries for this product, but the date is out of the product's date range.
    html = get_html(client, "/wofs_albers/2010")

    # The common error here is to say "No data: not yet generated" rather than "0 datasets"
    assert check_dataset_count(html, 0)
    assert b"Historic Flood Mapping Water Observations from Space" in html.text
Esempio n. 21
def test_sentry(sentry_client: FlaskClient):
    """Ensure Sentry Client gets initialized correctly

        sentry_client (FlaskClient): Client for Flask app with Sentry enabled
    html: HTML = get_html(sentry_client, "/ls7_nbar_scene")
    # Ensure rendered page has a SENTRY link
    assert "raven.min.js" in str(_script(html))
def test_loading_high_low_tide_comp(client: FlaskClient):
    html = get_html(client, "/high_tide_comp_20p/2008")

    assert'High Tide 20 percentage composites for entire coastline') is not None

    check_dataset_count(html, 306)
    # Footprint is not exact due to shapely.simplify()
    check_area('2,984,...km2', html)

    assert html.find('.last-processed time', first=True).attrs['datetime'] == '2017-06-08T20:58:07.014314+00:00'
def test_all_products_are_shown(client: FlaskClient):
    After all the complicated grouping logic, there should still be one header link for each product.
    html = get_html(client, '/ls7_nbar_scene')

    # We use a sorted array instead of a Set to detect duplicates too.
    found_product_names = sorted([a.text.strip() for a in html.find('.product-selection-header .option-menu-link')])
    indexed_product_names = sorted( for p in _model.STORE.all_dataset_types())
    assert found_product_names == indexed_product_names, "Product shown in menu don't match the indexed products"
Esempio n. 24
def test_empty_product_overview(client: FlaskClient):
    A page is still displayable without error when it has no datasets.
    html = get_html(client, "/ls5_nbar_scene")
    assert_is_text(html, ".dataset-count", "0 datasets")

    assert_is_text(html, ".query-param.key-platform .value", "LANDSAT_5")
    assert_is_text(html, ".query-param.key-instrument .value", "TM")
    assert_is_text(html, ".query-param.key-product_type .value", "nbar")
def test_invalid_footprint_wofs_summary_load(client: FlaskClient):
    # This all-time overview has a valid footprint that becomes invalid
    # when reprojected to wrs84 by shapely.
    from .data_wofs_summary import wofs_time_summary

    _model.STORE._do_put("wofs_summary", None, None, None, wofs_time_summary)
    html = get_html(client, "/wofs_summary")
    check_dataset_count(html, 1244)

    d = get_geojson(client, "/api/regions/wofs_summary")
    assert len(d["features"]) == 1244
def test_product_audit(unpopulated_client: FlaskClient, run_generate):
    client = unpopulated_client

    res = get_html(client, "/product-audit/")
    # print(res.html)

    assert (res.find(".unavailable-metadata .search-result .product-name",
                     first=True).text == "s2_l2a")
    assert (res.find(".unavailable-metadata .search-result .missing-footprint",
                     first=True).attrs["title"] == "0 of 5 missing footprint")
def test_view_dataset(client: FlaskClient):
    # ls7_level1_scene dataset
    html = get_html(client, "/dataset/57848615-2421-4d25-bfef-73f57de0574d")

    # Label of dataset is header
    assert 'LS7_ETM_OTH_P51_GALPGS01-002_105_074_20170501' in _h1_text(html)

    # wofs_albers dataset (has no label or location)
    rv: Response = client.get("/dataset/20c024b5-6623-4b06-b00c-6b5789f81eeb")
    assert b'-20.502 to -19.6' in
    assert b'132.0 to 132.924' in
Esempio n. 28
def test_view_dataset(client: FlaskClient):
    # ls7_level1_scene dataset
    html = get_html(client, "/dataset/57848615-2421-4d25-bfef-73f57de0574d")

    # Label of dataset is header
    assert ("LS7_ETM_OTH_P51_GALPGS01-002_105_074_20170501"
            in html.find("h2", first=True).text)

    # wofs_albers dataset (has no label or location)
    rv: HTML = get_html(client,
    assert "-20.502 to -19.6" in rv.text
    assert "132.0 to 132.924" in rv.text

    # No dataset found: should return 404, not a server error.
    rv: Response = client.get("/dataset/de071517-af92-4dd7-bf91-12b4e7c9a435",

    assert rv.status_code == 404
    assert b"No dataset found" in,"utf-8")
Esempio n. 29
def test_uninitialised_product(empty_client: FlaskClient,
                               summary_store: SummaryStore):
    An unsummarised product should still be viewable on the product page.

    (but should be described as not summarised)
    # Populate one product, so they don't get the usage error message ("run cubedash generate")
    # Then load an unpopulated product.

    html = get_html(empty_client, "/products/ls7_nbar_scene")

    # The page should load without error, but will mention its lack of information
    assert html.find("h2", first=True).text == "ls7_nbar_scene"
    assert ("Product not summarised"
            in one_element(html, ".header-stat-information").text)

    # ... and a product that we populated does not have the message:
    html = get_html(empty_client, "/products/ls7_nbar_albers")
    assert ("Product not summarised"
            not in one_element(html, ".header-stat-information").text)
Esempio n. 30
def test_loading_high_low_tide_comp(client: FlaskClient):
    html = get_html(client, "/high_tide_comp_20p/2008")

    assert ("High Tide 20 percentage composites for entire coastline")
        is not None)

    check_dataset_count(html, 306)
    # Footprint is not exact due to shapely.simplify()
    check_area("2,984,...km2", html)

    assert (one_element(html, ".last-processed time").attrs["datetime"] ==