Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, translationScale=0.1, rotationScale=.2):
     self.scalingFactorRotation = rotationScale
     self.scalingFactorTranslation = translationScale
     self.rotationMatrix = InteractionMatrix()
     self.translationMatrix = InteractionMatrix()
     self.mouseButtonPressed = None
     self.oldMousePos = [0, 0]
	def __init__(self, translationScale=0.1, rotationScale=.2):
		self.scalingFactorRotation = rotationScale
		self.scalingFactorTranslation = translationScale
		self.rotationMatrix = InteractionMatrix()
		self.translationMatrix = InteractionMatrix()
		self.mouseButtonPressed = None
		self.oldMousePos = [ 0, 0 ]
class MouseInteractor (object):
	"""Connection between mouse motion and transformation matrix"""
	def __init__(self, translationScale=0.1, rotationScale=.2):
		self.scalingFactorRotation = rotationScale
		self.scalingFactorTranslation = translationScale
		self.rotationMatrix = InteractionMatrix()
		self.translationMatrix = InteractionMatrix()
		self.mouseButtonPressed = None
		self.oldMousePos = [ 0, 0 ]

	def mouseButton(self, button, mode, x, y):
		"""Callback function for mouse button."""
		if mode == GLUT_DOWN:
			self.mouseButtonPressed = button
			self.mouseButtonPressed = None
		self.oldMousePos[0], self.oldMousePos[1] = x, y

	def mouseMotion(self, x, y):
		"""Callback function for mouse motion.

		Depending on the button pressed, the displacement of the
		mouse pointer is either converted into a translation vector
		or a rotation matrix."""

		deltaX = x - self.oldMousePos[ 0 ]
		deltaY = y - self.oldMousePos[ 1 ]
		if self.mouseButtonPressed == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON:
			tX = deltaX * self.scalingFactorTranslation
			tY = deltaY * self.scalingFactorTranslation
			self.translationMatrix.addTranslation(tX, -tY, 0)
		elif self.mouseButtonPressed == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON:
			rY = deltaX * self.scalingFactorRotation
			self.rotationMatrix.addRotation(rY, 0, 1, 0)
			rX = deltaY * self.scalingFactorRotation
			self.rotationMatrix.addRotation(rX, 1, 0, 0)
			tZ = deltaY * self.scalingFactorTranslation
			self.translationMatrix.addTranslation(0, 0, tZ)
		self.oldMousePos[0], self.oldMousePos[1] = x, y

	def applyTransformation(self):
		"""Concatenation of the current translation and rotation
		matrices with the current OpenGL transformation matrix"""


	def registerCallbacks(self):
		"""Initialise glut callback functions."""
Esempio n. 4
class MouseInteractor(object):
    """Connection between mouse motion and transformation matrix"""
    def __init__(self, translationScale=0.1, rotationScale=.2):
        self.scalingFactorRotation = rotationScale
        self.scalingFactorTranslation = translationScale
        self.rotationMatrix = InteractionMatrix()
        self.translationMatrix = InteractionMatrix()
        self.mouseButtonPressed = None
        self.oldMousePos = [0, 0]

    def mouseButton(self, button, mode, x, y):
        """Callback function for mouse button."""
        if mode == GLUT_DOWN:
            self.mouseButtonPressed = button
            self.mouseButtonPressed = None
        self.oldMousePos[0], self.oldMousePos[1] = x, y

    def mouseMotion(self, x, y):
        """Callback function for mouse motion.

		Depending on the button pressed, the displacement of the
		mouse pointer is either converted into a translation vector
		or a rotation matrix."""

        deltaX = x - self.oldMousePos[0]
        deltaY = y - self.oldMousePos[1]
        if self.mouseButtonPressed == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON:
            tX = deltaX * self.scalingFactorTranslation
            tY = deltaY * self.scalingFactorTranslation
            self.translationMatrix.addTranslation(tX, -tY, 0)
        elif self.mouseButtonPressed == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON:
            rY = deltaX * self.scalingFactorRotation
            self.rotationMatrix.addRotation(rY, 0, 1, 0)
            rX = deltaY * self.scalingFactorRotation
            self.rotationMatrix.addRotation(rX, 1, 0, 0)
            tZ = deltaY * self.scalingFactorTranslation
            self.translationMatrix.addTranslation(0, 0, tZ)
        self.oldMousePos[0], self.oldMousePos[1] = x, y

    def applyTransformation(self):
        """Concatenation of the current translation and rotation
		matrices with the current OpenGL transformation matrix"""


    def registerCallbacks(self):
        """Initialise glut callback functions."""
Esempio n. 5
 def __init__( self, translationScale=0.1, rotationScale=.2, interface=[]):
     self.scalingFactorRotation = rotationScale
     self.scalingFactorTranslation = translationScale
     self.rotationMatrix = InteractionMatrix( )
     self.translationMatrix = InteractionMatrix( )
     self.mouseButtonPressed = None
     self.oldMousePos = [ 0, 0 ]
     self.interface = interface
     self.zoomSlider = False
Esempio n. 6
class MouseInteractor ( object ):
    """Connection between mouse motion and transformation matrix"""
    def __init__( self, translationScale=0.1, rotationScale=.2, interface=[]):
        self.scalingFactorRotation = rotationScale
        self.scalingFactorTranslation = translationScale
        self.rotationMatrix = InteractionMatrix( )
        self.translationMatrix = InteractionMatrix( )
        self.mouseButtonPressed = None
        self.oldMousePos = [ 0, 0 ]
        self.interface = interface
        self.zoomSlider = False

    def mouseButton( self, button, mode, x, y ):
        """Callback function for mouse button."""
        if mode == GLUT_DOWN:
            guiPressed, bPressed = self.checkGUI(x, y, True)
            if (not guiPressed):
                self.mouseButtonPressed = button
                self.zoomSlider = False
                #Some button of the GUI was pressed (saved in bPressed)
                #Don't register the button click as a simple mouse action (to disable model re-rendering)
                self.mouseButtonPressed = None
                if (bPressed.enableCallback and bPressed.disabled == False):
                    print 'button pressed'
                    bPressed.disabled = True
                    global thread, buttonThread
                    thread = threading.Thread(target=bPressed.callback)
                    #Saving in a global variable, so other methods know what button to enable when the thread is done
                    buttonThread = bPressed
                    print "Thread status: " + str(thread.is_alive())
                    print "Doing other stuff blah blah blah"
                if (bPressed.type == "Slider"):
                    print "Interaction with slider"
                    self.zoomSlider = True
            self.mouseButtonPressed = None
            self.zoomSlider = False
        self.oldMousePos[0], self.oldMousePos[1] = x, y
        if (not self.checkGUI(x, y, True)[0]):
            glutPostRedisplay( )

    def mouseMotion( self, x, y ):
        """Callback function for mouse motion.
        Depending on the button pressed, the displacement of the
        mouse pointer is either converted into a translation vector
        or a rotation matrix."""
        deltaX = x - self.oldMousePos[ 0 ]
        deltaY = y - self.oldMousePos[ 1 ]
        if self.mouseButtonPressed == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON:
            tX = deltaX * self.scalingFactorTranslation
            tY = deltaY * self.scalingFactorTranslation
            self.translationMatrix.addTranslation(tX, -tY, 0)
        elif self.mouseButtonPressed == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON:
            rY = deltaX * self.scalingFactorRotation
            self.rotationMatrix.addRotation(rY, 0, 1, 0)
            rX = deltaY * self.scalingFactorRotation
            self.rotationMatrix.addRotation(rX, 1, 0, 0)
        elif self.mouseButtonPressed == 1:
            if (not self.checkGUI(x, y, True)[0]):
                tZ = deltaY * self.scalingFactorTranslation
                self.translationMatrix.addTranslation(0, 0, tZ)
        self.oldMousePos[0], self.oldMousePos[1] = x, y
        glutPostRedisplay( )

    def mousePassiveMotion(self, x, y):
        for b in self.interface:
            if (b.enableHighlighting):
                if (b.checkHit(x, y, False)):
                    b.highlighted = True
                    b.highlighted = False
    def applyTransformation( self ):
        global thread, buttonThread
        if(not(thread == None)):
            if (not thread.is_alive()):
                print "Thread is done!"
                buttonThread.disabled = False
                thread = None
        if self.zoomSlider:
            sl = None
            for b in self.interface:
                if b.type == "Slider":
                    sl = b
            if (sl.checkHit(self.oldMousePos[0], self.oldMousePos[1], True)):
                tZ = sl.offset * 0.001
                self.translationMatrix.addTranslation(0, 0, tZ)          
            for b in self.interface:
        """Concatenation of the current translation and rotation
          matrices with the current OpenGL transformation matrix"""

        glMultMatrixf( self.translationMatrix.getCurrentMatrix() )
        glMultMatrixf( self.rotationMatrix.getCurrentMatrix() )

    def registerCallbacks( self ):
        """Initialise glut callback functions."""
        glutMouseFunc( self.mouseButton )
        glutMotionFunc( self.mouseMotion )
        glutPassiveMotionFunc( self.mousePassiveMotion );

    def checkGUI(self, x, y, click):
        somethingPressed = False
        buttonPressed = None
        for b in self.interface:
            if (b.checkHit(x, y, click)):
                somethingPressed = True
                buttonPressed = b
        return (somethingPressed, buttonPressed)
Esempio n. 7
class MouseInteractor(object):
    """Connection between mouse motion and transformation matrix"""
    def __init__(self, translationScale=0.1, rotationScale=.2):
        self.scalingFactorRotation = rotationScale
        self.scalingFactorTranslation = translationScale
        self.rotationMatrix = InteractionMatrix()
        self.translationMatrix = InteractionMatrix()
        self.mouseButtonPressed = 'rot'
        self.oldMousePos = [0, 0]

    def mouseButton(self, button, mode, x, y):
        """Callback function for mouse button."""
        self.oldMousePos[0], self.oldMousePos[1] = x, y

    def mouseMotion(self, x, y):
        """Callback function for mouse motion.

        Depending on the button pressed, the displacement of the
        mouse pointer is either converted into a translation vector
        or a rotation matrix."""

        deltaX = x - self.oldMousePos[0]
        deltaY = y - self.oldMousePos[1]
        if self.mouseButtonPressed == 'scale':
            tX = deltaX * self.scalingFactorTranslation
            tY = deltaY * self.scalingFactorTranslation
            self.translationMatrix.addTranslation(tX, -tY, 0)
        elif self.mouseButtonPressed == 'rot':
            rY = deltaX * self.scalingFactorRotation
            self.rotationMatrix.addRotation(rY, 0, 1, 0)
            rX = deltaY * self.scalingFactorRotation
            self.rotationMatrix.addRotation(rX, 1, 0, 0)
        if self.mouseButtonPressed == 'zoom':
            tZ = deltaY * self.scalingFactorTranslation
            self.translationMatrix.addTranslation(0, 0, tZ)
        self.oldMousePos[0], self.oldMousePos[1] = x, y

    # change view angle, exit upon ESC
    def keyFunc(self, k, x, y):
        if k == 's':
            self.mouseButtonPressed = 'scale'
        elif k == 'a':
            self.mouseButtonPressed = 'rot'
        elif k == 'z':
            self.mouseButtonPressed = 'zoom'
        elif k == 'x':
            self.mouseButtonPressed = None
        elif ord(k) == 27 or k == 'q':  # Escape

    def applyTransformation(self):
        """Concatenation of the current translation and rotation
        matrices with the current OpenGL transformation matrix"""


    def registerCallbacks(self):
        """Initialise glut callback functions."""
Esempio n. 8
class MouseInteractor ( object ):
    """Connection between mouse motion and transformation matrix"""
    def __init__( self, translationScale=0.1, rotationScale=.2):
        self.scalingFactorRotation = rotationScale
        self.scalingFactorTranslation = translationScale
        self.rotationMatrix = InteractionMatrix( )
        self.translationMatrix = InteractionMatrix( )
        self.mouseButtonPressed = 'rot'
        self.oldMousePos = [ 0, 0 ]

    def mouseButton( self, button, mode, x, y ):
        """Callback function for mouse button."""
        self.oldMousePos[0], self.oldMousePos[1] = x, y
        glutPostRedisplay( )

    def mouseMotion( self, x, y ):
        """Callback function for mouse motion.

        Depending on the button pressed, the displacement of the
        mouse pointer is either converted into a translation vector
        or a rotation matrix."""

        deltaX = x - self.oldMousePos[ 0 ]
        deltaY = y - self.oldMousePos[ 1 ]
        if self.mouseButtonPressed == 'scale':
            tX = deltaX * self.scalingFactorTranslation
            tY = deltaY * self.scalingFactorTranslation
            self.translationMatrix.addTranslation(tX, -tY, 0)
        elif self.mouseButtonPressed == 'rot':
            rY = deltaX * self.scalingFactorRotation
            self.rotationMatrix.addRotation(rY, 0, 1, 0)
            rX = deltaY * self.scalingFactorRotation
            self.rotationMatrix.addRotation(rX, 1, 0, 0)
        if self.mouseButtonPressed == 'zoom':
            tZ = deltaY * self.scalingFactorTranslation
            self.translationMatrix.addTranslation(0, 0, tZ)
        self.oldMousePos[0], self.oldMousePos[1] = x, y
        glutPostRedisplay( )

    # change view angle, exit upon ESC
    def keyFunc(self, k, x, y):
        if k == 's':
            self.mouseButtonPressed = 'scale'
        elif k == 'a':
            self.mouseButtonPressed = 'rot'
        elif k == 'z':
            self.mouseButtonPressed = 'zoom'
        elif k == 'x':
            self.mouseButtonPressed = None
        elif ord(k) == 27 or k == 'q': # Escape

    def applyTransformation( self ):
        """Concatenation of the current translation and rotation
        matrices with the current OpenGL transformation matrix"""

        glMultMatrixf( self.translationMatrix.getCurrentMatrix() )
        glMultMatrixf( self.rotationMatrix.getCurrentMatrix() )

    def registerCallbacks( self ):
        """Initialise glut callback functions."""
        glutMouseFunc( self.mouseButton )
        glutMotionFunc( self.mouseMotion )
        glutKeyboardFunc( self.keyFunc )